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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

So much for Ben's confidence in due process.  

Ben has been refusing to watch the Congressional J6 hearings all year on the grounds that he will only trust a court verdict.

(Ben is unfamiliar with the sworn testimony of Trump's own staff about J6.)

Now Ben is already posting MAGA-verse spam attacking Special Counsel Jack Smith before his DOJ investigation has even commenced.

Wikipedia entries are MAGA? Who knew? Maybe they are....

BTW, how was it in 18 months of investigating, the 1/6 Cheneycrat Committee never found out the No. 2 man of Oath Boys was a federal  asset (among many others), as well as a reported eight members of the Proud Boys?

Do you call that a balanced presentation of events leading up to 1/6? 

A little like not reporting LHO had extensive ties to US intel services and Jack Ruby was mobbed up to his eyebrows.

1/6 committee=WC?

If you don't look, you won't find.

Show trials? Maybe....


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Wikipedia entries are MAGA? Who knew? Maybe they are....

BTW, how was it in 18 months of investigating, the 1/6 Cheneycrat Committee never found out the No. 2 man of Oath Boys was a federal  asset (among many others), as well as a reported eight members of the Proud Boys?

Do you call that a balanced presentation of events leading up to 1/6? 

A little like not reporting LHO had extensive ties to US intel services and Jack Ruby was mobbed up to his eyebrows.

1/6 committee=WC?

If you don't look, you won't find.

Show trials? Maybe....



     Most of your nightly posts here are usually based on the MAGA-verse media-- Daily Caller, etc.

     Are they busy attacking Jack Smith in the MAGA-verse this week?

     As for the Congressional J6 investigation this year, they were mainly focusing on the Big Orange Kahuna who was the driving force behind the Big Lie, Stop the Steal, the False Elector slates, and the J6 attack on Congress.

    They left the small fry who physically attacked Congress for the DOJ to prosecute.

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18 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Explain how in 18 months of "investigating"....the 1/6 committee never found out that the No. 2 guy at the Oath Keepers...is an FBI asset? 

Ben, why do you assume an FBI asset couldn't be a Trump supporter?


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5 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Ben, why do you assume an FBI asset couldn't be a Trump supporter?



Exactly why we need an investigation, and not a show trial on the 1/6 event.

1. 1/6 may have been more-or-less spontaneous.

2. Or instigated by Proud Boys and Oath Keepers (Oath Keeper Ray Epps is copiously captured on video as a provocateur). However, both groups were heavily infiltrated by FBI. 

3 Or instigated by Donk-affiliated federal assets to both dramatize domestic dangers and get bigger surveillance budgets, and to damage the populist movement. 

4. Or, was provoked by pro-Trump elements within the Secret Service, FBI and Capitol Police in the hope that a bona fide insurrection would follow, toppling the federal government and re-installing Trump. 


So far, no evidence at all has emerged connecting the White House to the actual 1/6 scrum. The Trump inner circle appeared to be promoting dubious constitutional scheme (concocted by lawyer John Eastman, at one time considered a top constitutional scholar) to re-do elections in some states. Not a violent takeover of government. They were within their legal rights to promote such a constitutional theory, but ultimately the Trumpers abandoned the effort without dong much. BTW, thought crimes are not crimes (yet). 

The 1/6 committee...didn't even tell the public the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were heavily infiltrated by federal assets, but wanted to promote an opaque, unproven, and all but debunked theory the White House triggered the scrum. 

Why "debunked"?

Not one of the many, many federal assets within the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers has said they saw orders from the White House. In fact, the VP of the Oath Keepers (also a federal asset) was prepared to testify in court there were no plans at all to invade the Capitol. 

Notice, none of the embedded federal assets has been called to testify in public in front of the 1/6 committee. McWhirter, the Oath Keepers VP, would testify before the 1/6 committee that were no plans to invade the Capitol. 

You won't see him on TV.


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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Most of your nightly posts here are usually based on the MAGA-verse media-- Daily Caller, etc.

     Are they busy attacking Jack Smith in the MAGA-verse this week?

     As for the Congressional J6 investigation this year, they were mainly focusing on the Big Orange Kahuna who was the driving force behind the Big Lie, Stop the Steal, the False Elector slates, and the J6 attack on Congress.

    They left the small fry who physically attacked Congress for the DOJ to prosecute.

I read the Daily Caller one time, a day that will live in infamy. 

Truth is, if you google search for certain topics, only the alt-R press is even covering some topics. 

Bad juju? No sure---what about the Wuhan lab leak? That story was kept alive by the alt-right after being dismissed as a "debunked conspiracy theory" by the M$M-Donk-borg. 

The Hunter Biden laptop? 

Read widely, keep an open mind. 

And ask yourself: Now, why would the Cheneycrat committee not reveal there was heavy, heavy FBI infiltration of Proud Boys and Oath Keepers in 18 months of "investigation?" 

Do you expect the Cheneycrats to subpoena McWhirter and other federal assets and have them testify?

Why not? 

You seem to think the Secret Service was behind a putsch. But the Cheneycrats are totally absolving the SS of any role whatsoever in the 1/6 scrum or Trump's unimplemented plan to (constitutionally) re-do elections in certain states.

New Donk Hero Liz Cheney has ruled that national security agencies are above reproach. 

Interesting ground rules for an "investigation." 


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9 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Ben, why do you assume an FBI asset couldn't be a Trump supporter?


8+22=30 people, and that's what we know about !

Cliff you can do alot with 30 people! 


That's a bigger secret team than Dealey Plaza... 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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      Honestly, it's hard to believe that some denizens of the MAGA-verse are still pushing Tucker Carlson's deflective "Patriot Purge" narrative about Trump's January 6th coup attempt.  It's a desperate attempt to blame other people for Trump's criminal conduct.

      This is what happens when guys like Ben and Mathew Koch refuse to listen to the detailed, sworn Congressional testimony of Trump's own staffers about Trump's multi-faceted efforts to overturn the 2020 election and remain in power.

     How do Ben and Mathew interpret these two Trump quotes?

"Big protest in D.C. on January 6th.  Be there, will be wild!"

-- Donald Trump/December 19, 2020

"Take down the magnetometers.  They're not here to harm me."

--Donald Trump/January 6, 2021

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Cliff: Ben, why do you assume an FBI asset couldn't be a Trump supporter?
No Cliff, that's why he's "binary Ben." There is no nuance from Ben, it's pretty simple.. The Globalists, the "deep state" the NSS, the MSM, the Democrats,all law enforcement on 1/6, Silicon Valley, and HC, Cheney Pelosi, Biden to name a few individuals are in lockstep with each other and are completely interchangeable.
How do I know? The Donald told me so!
In this clip you can see where Pence has transferred his all knowing faith in God onto  Trump. I was trying to think of a good animal to depict Mike Pence. From this actions in this clip, I might call him Donald Trump's "falcon." But the falcon has a lot of personal dignity and I want to emphasize  his more pathetic, sycophant, self serving  kiss ass view of service.
Still I think Ben's story might be invaluable to Mike as a recovering Trump addict. It's one day at a time , right Ben?




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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Cliff: Ben, why do you assume an FBI asset couldn't be a Trump supporter?
No Cliff, that's why he's "binary Ben." There is no nuance from Ben, it's pretty simple.. The Globalists, the "deep state" the NSS, the MSM, the Democrats,all law enforcement on 1/6, Silicon Valley, and HC, Cheney Pelosi, Biden to name a few individuals are in lockstep with each other and are completely interchangeable.
How do I know? The Donald told me so!
In this clip you can see where Pence has transferred his all knowing faith in God onto  Trump. I was trying to think of a good animal to depict Mike Pence. From this actions in this clip, I might call him Donald Trump's "falcon." But the falcon has a lot of personal dignity and I want to emphasize  his more pathetic, sycophant, self serving  kiss ass view of service.
Still I think Ben's story might be invaluable to Mike as a recovering Trump addict. It's one day at a time , right Ben?




I saw a male mannequin in Macy's yesterday that was exactly identical to Mike Pence! 

I mean exactly! Even with the facial expression above!

Could Pence be a manufactured cyborg?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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6 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

      Honestly, it's hard to believe that some denizens of the MAGA-verse are still pushing Tucker Carlson's deflective "Patriot Purge" narrative about Trump's January 6th coup attempt.  It's a desperate attempt to blame other people for Trump's criminal conduct.

      This is what happens when guys like Ben and Mathew Koch refuse to listen to the detailed, sworn Congressional testimony of Trump's own staffers about Trump's multi-faceted efforts to overturn the 2020 election and remain in power.

     How do Ben and Mathew interpret these two Trump quotes?

"Big protest in D.C. on January 6th.  Be there, will be wild!"

-- Donald Trump/December 19, 2020

"Take down the magnetometers.  They're not here to harm me."

--Donald Trump/January 6, 2021

Hey William, what is the citation on your cherry picked quotes?

I mean they're from someone else right? Who's hear say is this from the Cheney Commission?  I Think you are citing the hearsay from Hutchison... yet again 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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Try to set aside partisan sentiments for a moment...and ponder why the intel agencies always escape scot-free from all big-time "investigations."

From the WC, to Watergate, to 9/11 to the 1/6 committee.

1. On the WC, we still do not know the LHO was an intel-state asset...or the role of intel agencies in the JFKA. 

2. Belatedly we have learned the Watergate burglars were mostly "former" and active CIA assets. (BTW, I think Nixon should have been impeached for war crimes) 

3. On 9/11, FBI Chief Robert Mueller shut down the investigation after several weeks, and said the 23-odd perps had acted on their own, hermitically sealed off from outside influences. 

4. And on 1/6, we see now Liz Cheney is cutting off investigation again into intel services. 

Intel agency involvement?....Don't even go there. 

From Jonathan Turley:

"Yet, the focus on a single approved narrative gave the (1/6) hearings the feel of an infomercial selling a product that most of us bought two years earlier.

Now, staffers are turning on Cheney who appears to have objected to parts of the final report and wants the report to focus on Trump. Cheney’s spokesman Jeremy Adler said that the staffers in the other teams produced “subpar material” full of “liberal biases.”

Tim Mulvey, the spokesperson for the committee, criticized the staffers speaking to the media as “disgruntled” and added that “they’ve forgotten their duties as public servants and their cowardice is helping Donald Trump and others responsible for the violence of January 6th.”


So, the liberal 1/6 staffers are cowards, as they want to look into intel  agencies. 

"Liberals are cowards"---the message from Cheney. 

WC, Watergate, 9/11, 1/6....can a government investigate itself? Can any investigation stand up to the intel agencies? 

It appears the 1/6 committee was prepared to issue a report that did not even mention the heavy embedding of federal assets in and around the Capitol that day---or that the assets say there was no plan to storm the Capitol. 

Is that an "investigation"----or a politically expedient report? 


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