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17 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

“The crew of space shuttle “Atlantis” contacts mission control to report that an unidentified “structure” can be seen moving around outside the spacecraft.

“The last view we had was through binoculars. The best way I can describe it , it is some kind of reflective cloth or a metallic looking type of cloth. A structure  that  is not definitely not rigid., or it’s not a solid metal structure. “

Perhaps NASA could tell us what they saw..


Edited by Pamela Brown
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On 6/16/2020 at 3:37 PM, Paul Brancato said:

Ray - is this current news?

Don't think so, Paul. I transcribed the conversation of the shuttle captain, from a Youtube video, and unfortunately have lost the source.


Just as a matter of interest, have a listen to Robert Dean US NATO Intelligence Analyst United States Military, in this interview.






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Mark Stevens said: My apologies, this is actually STS-115.



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No offense meant, but if you think Trump has saving anyone but himself (or possibly some members of his family) in mind, you are seriously deluded.  Push come to shove, I think he'd throw just about anyone under the bus.  ***The foregoing is a personal opinion and not an attack on anyone else's opinion.  I am open to being proven incorrect.

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12 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Donald Trump Jr. interviewed his father on a podcast last night.

The final question from Don Jr. was.

DJT jr: are there aliens? Will you declassify aliens and Roswell ?

POTUS: millions want to know. It’s very interesting. I’ll have to think about it. 



To hear Trump talk about about Roswell and Aliens, start listening at minute 18.



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Was it actually filmed today, or just dug out of an archive? It is curious. Doug, I couldn’t get your longer link to work.

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 On February 23, 2020 I wrote above in this Watergate topic:

Daniel Estulin, described in the article as a  24-year veteran of Russian military counterintelligence , explains in the Power Hour interview in the link below how Putin, Trump and Xi after Trump's re-election will meet in a Yalta-like setting to impose world-wide rule, in other words a world-wide dictatorship. I have always believed ever since Trump was elected that this was the ultimate goal. Now it is confirmed.

     How does this relate to the topic here? Let’s go back to the beginning where I posted:

“Who in 1972 when Watergate broke could have foreseen that the scandal eventually would lead back to President Trump’s uncle John G. Trump, an eminent scientist at MIT in the 1940’s who was delegated by the government among other classified tasks with reading Tesla’s secret files after his death and investigating the UFO phenomenon and then into the next century to Donald Trump inside the White House in a titanic struggle for control of the universe? Only one person foresaw this: President Richard Nixon who 47 years ago predicted that next year, 2020, would be cataclysmic not only for America but for the whole planet and who 32 years ago predicted that Trump one day would be president.”

     I believe that President Trump is in possession of Nixon’s general “Message to the American People” concerning the Alien Presence about which he told Robert Merritt at their third and final meeting around the second week of July 1972 that was held after the Watergate case broke on June 17, 1972.  Nixon hid the Message in a small box embedded in the wall behind Volume II of American History in the White House Library. It was found by a CIA team using a thermal imaging machine a short time after Daniel Liszt interviewed Merritt on Dark Journalist on February 14, 2018. The interview, which I arranged, is posted early on in this topic. Indeed I have concluded that there is the distinct possibility that Merritt, a Trump supporter and chairman of Bronx for Trump during the 2016 campaign, may have clandestinely informed Trump through his contact person in the White House about the location of the Message shortly after his Dark Journalist interview.

     What Trump, Putin and Xi are striving now is to gain possession of the formula for control of the universe that Nixon passed on to Henry Kissinger in the letter that Nixon asked Merritt to deliver to Kissinger as recounted in their third and final meeting described in the February 2018 Dark Journalist interview  cited early on in this topic. Kissinger today knows of the status of Nixon’s letter to him.

     The question arises now:

      If indeed Putin, Trump and Xi are planning to impose a world-wide dictatorship, how would the Alien Presence react to this especially so if these three world leaders are in possession or close to obtaining possession of the formula for control of the universe that was contained in Nixon’s July 1972 letter to Kissinger?

          Nixon’s July 1972 prediction about a cataclysmic event occurring in 2020 took place in the midst of his describing the Alien Presence in his final meeting with Merritt. It can only be assumed that Nixon’s was inferring that the Alien Presence has a relationship to the cataclysmic event, as Nixon was not more specific in what he told Merritt.




President Trump yesterday, June 18, 2020, when interviewed by his son, Donald, Jr. said the following:

The final question from Don Jr. was.

DJT jr: are there aliens? Will you declassify aliens and Roswell ?

POTUS: millions want to know. It’s very interesting. I’ll have to think about it. 


I believe that President Trump before the election in November may disclose Nixon's 1972 Message to the American People and Nixon's 1972 letter to Henry Kissinger as his ace in the hole to win the election. He may have another strategy that if he loses the election only then he will disclose the Message and the letter to Kissinger before the inauguration of the new election president in January 2021.  After doing this he will impose a dictatorship on the nation claiming that only he can deal with the Alien Presence.

The Alien Presence is aware of all of this as was Nixon in 1972 who told Robert Merritt that he "took his order from above and followed it to a T."

The Alien Presence will view Donald Trump not only a threat to the peoples of Planet Earth and to the universe but also a threat to the Alien Presence's offer to the peoples of Earth of "A New World if you will take it" (in the words of Colonel Philip Corso.)

Who will prevail if such a situation arises: Donald Trump or the Alien Presence?


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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Here is my February 9, 2018, letter to the Archivist of the United States that first announced Nixon's conversations with Robert Merritt in 1972 about the Alien Presence and the Message to the American People that Nixon had hidden in the White House: The Dark Journalist interview with Merritt that I arranged followed shortly thereafter:



Letter to The Archivist of the United States.docx

                                           DOUGLAS CADDY


                                             7941 Katy Freeway

                                                    Suite 296

                                          Houston, Texas 77024


                                 Email: douglascaddy@justice.com



February 9, 2018                              


Mr. David S. Ferriero

The Archivist of the United States

The National Archives and Records Administration

8601 Adelphi Road

College Park, MD 20740-6001


                             Re: Secret “Message to the American People” written by President Richard M.                                   

                             Nixon for posterity that he left hidden inside the White House


Dear Mr. Fieriero:


      I am attorney admitted to the District of Columbia and Tcxas Bars and author of my forthcoming autobiography, “Being There: Eyewitness to History,” that Trine Day Publishers will release on March 28, 2018. I am also co-author with Confidential Government Informant Robert Merritt of the book, “Watergate Exposed: How the President of the United States and the Watergate Burglars Were Set Up” that Trine Day published in 2011. A number of documents from the Watergate Special Prosecutor that the National Archives released to Mr. Merritt in 2010 are reproduced in this book, a copy of which is enclosed. Those documents are concerned with Mr. Merritt and with me as the original attorney for the Watergate seven burglars.


     In my forthcoming autobiography I disclose new information revealed this year to me by Robert Merritt, information that he has been withholding for over four decades that deals with his role as the sole employee of the secret Huston Plan that was run out of President Nixon’s White House. When White House Counsel John Dean was fired by President Nixon in April 1973 he took the only 31-page written copy of the Huston Plan with him and delivered it to Chief Judge John Sirica. This explosive document has been under court seal since that time, immune from being subpoenaed by any outside source.


      In 1972 President Nixon summoned Mr. Merritt to three meetings that were held in a secure room far beneath the White House in the early morning hours after midnight. The first was held two days after J. Edgar Hoover died on May 2, 1972, the second about five days before the Watergate case broke with the arrests of five burglars on June 17, 1972, and the third in the second week of  July 1972.


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      At the third and final meeting in July 1972 Mr. Merritt found the President distraught and near tears over an article on Watergate in the Washington Post that he said could destroy his presidency. Because of this unexpected turn of events he assigned Mr. Merritt to deliver clandestinely a three page letter handwritten by him and two tapes to Henry Kissinger at his home. The President described the letter, which he read aloud to Merritt, as the most important document he had ever written because its content dealt with the security of Planet Earth. In essence, Nixon talked about “life as we do not know it.” The President said there was no one in the White House whom he could trust to deliver the letter to Mr. Kissinger; only Mr. Merritt.


     President Nixon also disclosed to Mr. Merritt that he had written a “Message to the American People” that he had hidden at a location inside the White House for accidental discovery by someone in the future. He disclosed the location to Mr. Merritt with the stipulation that Mr. Merritt could reveal it at some future time if he deemed circumstances merited it.


      Both Mr. Merritt and I know of its location. We believe the time has come for its disclosure and for it to be placed in the National Archives of the United States. To achieve this goal your cooperation and assistance are needed if in your judgment the existence of such a document is possible. There is no assurance that the document is still there. It may have been retrieved by President Nixon himself or discovered and not disclosed by some unknown person in the past.


     We would like to request that you to arrange an unpublicized appointment with the White House in the near future at which time you or someone designated by you would meet with a small group of persons selected by Mr. Merritt and me when all of us would then proceed to the location of President Nixon’s secret document. The only conditions that we impose if the document is discovered is that it immediately be read aloud to those present and that copies be made of it and distributed immediately to the public media and to those present after which the National Archives would take permanent possession of President Nixon’s document.


     To assist you in making a decision on our request for an appointment with the White House I encourage you to watch interviews of Mr. Merritt and me conducted by Daniel Liszt in a Dark Journalist video titled “Nixon’s Secret Time Capsule” scheduled to be posted on YouTube on Thursday, February 15 of this month. Also Linda Mouton Howe will discuss this subject in her three hour segment scheduled for the radio show coasttocoastam on Thursday, Feb. 22.


     Your attention to this public letter is appreciated.


Sincerely yours,




Douglas Caddy


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Supplementary Information

Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Michael Powell authorized Attorney Douglas Caddy to use this character reference for Robert Merritt:

"I am a New York Times columnist and writer and I've worked on and off with Robert Merritt for many years. He can be excitable and passionate, but in my experience he is also remarkably level-headed and his work has benefited many federal and city investigations. He has worked everything from city investigations to the Watergate and the undermining of a president. He now appears to be the victim of a concerted attempt to undermine his credibility and it is taking a grievous and unfair toll on his health and safety."

Contact information:

Robert Merritt in the Bronx: 646-670-9518

Daniel Liszt in Boston: DJ@DarkJournalist.com and 339-368-8337

Linda Mouton Howe in Albuquerque: earthfiles@earthfiles.com

Trine Day Publisher Kris Millegan in Walterville, Oregon: 1-800-556-2012


Attorney Douglas Caddy in his autobiography, “Being There: Eyewitness to History,” takes the reader through some of the greatest historical events of the past seventy years. In the 1950s while still in high school in New Orleans he worked with former FBI agent Gay Banister in combating organized crime in the Big Easy while Lee Harvey Oswald attended high school within walking distance. At Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. he formed the National Student Committee for the Loyalty Oath and Youth for Goldwater for Vice President. This led to the creation Young Americans for Freedom in 1960 at William F. Buckley’s family estate and marked the founding of the modern Conservative Movement. He worked in the New York City office of Governor Nelson Rockefeller for Lt.-Gov. Malcolm Wilson while attending New York University Law School. In the late 1960s General Foods Corporation sent him to the nation’s capital to be its Washington Representative. Soon thereafter he met “retired” CIA agent E. Howard Hunt and became Hunt’s personal attorney. Hunt called him within hours after the arrests of the burglars at Watergate to retain him as the original attorney for the Watergate Seven. Hunt was also a major figure in the Kennedy assassination and confided in him why JFK was murdered. Koreagate followed Watergate and he was summoned by the House committee investigating that scandal that involved a large number of Congressmen.  In the 1980s after he moved to Texas he represented notorious criminal Billie Sol Estes in Estes’ attempt to get immunity to come clean about the murders and other crimes that he and his business partner, President Lyndon Johnson, had committed. His participation in more historical events continued right up to the publication of his autobiography and included submission to Special Counsel Robert Mueller of pertinent evidence of Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election. 



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If you were to consider an alternative to 'aliens' per se, and look at the possibility that the truth about what happened to Wolfgang Mozart, which has been a closely-guarded secret, is coming to light, you might see him as 'different'...

And, in that light, if you were to consider the possibility that because of the way he was treated his last major opera, Die Zauberflote, has come to life in the 21st century, you might see things a bit differently.  Then, if you place Werner Von Braun in the role of Sarastro, and follow through the opera, you might have a deeper understanding of what is taking place. Just a thought...

This photo of WVB was taken at Edwards Air Force base in Lancaster, CA.  I happen to have connections to that base as well as to WVB....


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