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From the start, UFO's considered for psywar operations:

Now, Walter Bedell-Smith is viewed as being the first person to envisage the CIA using UFOs as potential PSYOPs via this message he sent to Raymond Allen, head of the PSB (Psychological Strategy Board) in 1952:

I am today transmitting to the national security council a proposal in which it is concluded that the problems connected with the UFOs appear to have implications for psychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations… I suggest that we discuss at an early board meeting the possible offensive and defensive utilization of these phenomena for psychological warfare purposes.

The reality is that the decision to utilize UFOs for psychological purposes likely happened sometime earlier than even Davidson suggested, and well before Bedell Smith ever cottoned on to the idea. It likely started in the bowels of the OSS immediately during the war with an increase in sightings of unidentifiable aircraft. C.D. Jackson of Time-Life was a man with an extensive PSYOPs background and had a major role in the formation of that organisation, not to mention that of it’s follow up group, the Operations Coordinating Board (OSB), in 1953. He was also involved with the dubious NICAP organisation that interviewed Betty and Barney Hill about their alien abduction story in 1961. (See the book The Interrupted Journey, which was adapted into the 1975 TV film The UFO Incident.)

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The beginning:

As reported, the most notorious hoax in the history of UFO hoaxes was carried out by the late Fred L Crisman (who) told investigative writer Ray Palmers that he had actual physical evidence of a flying saucer. Palmer then passed the story on to Kenneth Arnold, a fellow writer of 'The Coming of the Saucers', who was also investigating reports of alien sightings in the Pacific Northwest

In their interview with Crisman and his associate, Harold Dahl, both lied claiming they were harbor patrolmen. Crisman claimed that Dahl had seen the doughnut-shaped craft hovering overhead as it went about dumping piles of slag on the beach of Maury Island in Puget Sound. The very next day after their sighting, Crisman added that a mysterious man dressed in black had threatened Dahl, saying: "I know a great deal more about this experience of yours than you will want to believe."

When an excited Arnold informed an Army Air Force intelligence officer of this development, Lt Frank M Brown flew in with an associate and to everyone's disappointment, the debris turned out to be just plain old aluminum. But shockingly enough, while returning, Brown and his associate's flight caught fire and crashed, killing both officers on board, and even though Crisman subsequently confessed to making this whole story up, the legend of Maury Island is still a much talked about incident in the UFO history.

The reason is probably the incident's direct link with the concept of Men in Black, which according to the History show was originated by a former CIA agent who was part of a secret intelligence program, MK-Ultra. Following the atomic bombings of the World War II, the officer had left the program with a few others to seek out the truth behind these UFO sightings on their own and thus came to be the famous Men in Black, a staple in the aliens and UFOs genre of pop culture today.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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It seems to me that the only practical attitude is to keep an open mind.  I find it hard to believe that there would be such a passion to go into outer space if there was not reason to think there were other life forms out there with whom to communicate.

This is, in fact, what Wernher von Braun did.  

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From Wheeler's link:

Watergate Lawyer Doug Caddy said E. Howard Hunt told him that JFK was killed because MJ-12 did not want JFK to expose the Alien Presence.


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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

The beginning:

As reported, the most notorious hoax in the history of UFO hoaxes was carried out by the late Fred L Crisman told investigative writer Ray Palmers that he had actual physical evidence of a flying saucer. Palmer then passed the story on to Kenneth Arnold, a fellow writer of 'The Coming of the Saucers', who was also investigating reports of alien sightings in the Pacific Northwest

In their interview with Crisman and his associate, Harold Dahl both lied claiming they are harbor patrolmen. Crisman claimed that Dahl had seen the doughnut-shaped craft hovering overhead as it went about dumping piles of slag on the beach of Maury Islan in Puget Sound. The very next day after their sighting, Crisman added that a mysterious man dressed in black had threatened Dahl, saying: "I know a great deal more about this experience of yours than you will want to believe."

When an excited Arnold informed an Army Air Force intelligence officer of this development, Lt Frank M Brown flew in with an associate and to everyone's disappointment, the debris turned out to be just plain old aluminum. But shockingly enough, while returning, Brown and his associate's flight caught fire and crashed, killing both officers on board, and even though Crisman subsequently confessed to making this whole story up, the legend of Maury Island is still a much talked about incident in the UFO history.

The reason is probably the incident's direct link with the concept of Men in Black, which according to the History show was originated by a former CIA agent who was part of a secret intelligence program, MK-Ultra. Following the atomic bombings of the World War II, the officer had left the program with a few others to seek out the truth behind these UFO sightings on their own and thus came to be the famous Men in Black, a staple in the aliens and UFOs genre of pop culture today.

Jim - your posts showing disinformation efforts in the UFO field, and use of UFO as psychological warfare, is exactly what I gleaned years ago when I gave the subject a serious look. It’s a minefield. I guess we came to different conclusion. For me the considerable efforts by intelligence agents to deceive and confuse didn’t in any way convince me there was no alien visitation. Quite the opposite. So I focus on unimpeachable witnesses and legitimate photo and radar evidence. The sensationalist stories of alien abduction, cattle mutilation and the like, promoted by people like John Lear (whose stories are absurd - sorry Cory Santos) are clues, evidence of serious deception operations. You know - look over here, not over there - deliberate misdirection. 

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Just now, James DiEugenio said:

From Wheeler's link:

Watergate Lawyer Doug Caddy said E. Howard Hunt told him that JFK was killed because MJ-12 did not want JFK to expose the Alien Presence.


Thanks - that’s what I was referring to.

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Greer also promotes the MJ 12 hoax. 

That article I linked about him was from 2014.  He has now become a millionaire because of that and that Inca corpse.

What do you call a guy who promotes phony stories for money?

I call him a con man.

Where we disagree Paul is that I think this was a disinfo effort from the start. You think there is something to it.  I do not.  I mean it started with Maury Island. 

Larry has done a lot of research in that field.  I wonder what his take is on that episode. 

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11 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Jim - your posts showing disinformation efforts in the UFO field, and use of UFO as psychological warfare, is exactly what I gleaned years ago when I gave the subject a serious look. It’s a minefield. I guess we came to different conclusion. For me the considerable efforts by intelligence agents to deceive and confuse didn’t in any way convince me there was no alien visitation. Quite the opposite. So I focus on unimpeachable witnesses and legitimate photo and radar evidence. The sensationalist stories of alien abduction, cattle mutilation and the like, promoted by people like John Lear (whose stories are absurd - sorry Cory Santos) are clues, evidence of serious deception operations. You know - look over here, not over there - deliberate misdirection. 

No offense taken Paul.  Everyone has his/her own opinion.  John's are his. Yours are yours.  I generally keep mine very quiet. 

Just watched one of my favorites films, They Live.

Thank you Mr.  Tony Montana.

"I lie even when I tell the truth."

Back to the Future had a lot of truth.

Good lessons to be learned from pirates of the Caribbean.

You choose your pill Neo.

Btw, I was on the X-Files.  It was fun filming at the Monte Carlo.

Edited by Cory Santos
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15 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

No offense taken Paul.  Everyone has his/her own opinion.  John's are his. Yours are yours.  I generally keep mine very quiet. 

Just watched one of my favorites films, They Live.

Thank you Mr.  Tony Montana.

"I lie even when I tell the truth."

Back to the Future had a lot of truth.

Good lessons to be learned from pirates of the Caribbean.

You choose your pill Neo.

Btw, I was on the X-Files.  It was fun filming at the Monte Carlo.


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I was a fan of the X-Files. I still have the cigarette smoking alien limited edition sculpture, or whatever they call them. 
jim - I slogged through the long but excellent article by Seamus, which is not really about the sightings themselves but about the Psychological operations surrounding the mystery. Seamus seems to take the position that terrestrial technology is much more advanced than we know, and goes back before WW2 to radio controlled craft. I was always struck by the Tesla story, and concluded that the fire which burned his studio was deliberately set to cover up a theft of his research by JP Morgan. But do you think Seamus is agnostic on ET’s? In any case, the article busted the hoaxers, but not the sightings. 

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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I call him a con man.

Well said, Mr. DiEugenio, Steven M. Greer is a snake...

However, the one thing I can get behind on the "Unacknowledged" documentary is the mentioning of "...False I&W or Deceptive Indication and Warnings Special Access Programs..." by US Air Force Office of Special Investigations Counterintelligence Special Agent Richard Doty (himself a major snake in the grass). False Indication and Warnings is something that NORAD does all the time to either remove or place vector blips on radar screens to throw off ground control or cover-up testing of covert defense platforms. Just examine the "war-games" that took place on 11 September 2001, like "Vigilant Guardian" and "Vigilant Warrior" were upon, false radar indications were placed on FAA radar screens. Of course the Associate Administrator for Civil Aviation Security and chief of hijack coordinator at the Federal Aviation Administration during the 9-11 attacks was Lt. Gen. Michael A. Canavan, former commander of 1st Battalion (A-401), 5th Special Forces Group, the overall commander of both Special Operations Command Europe and the Joint Special Operations Command.


I have been busy lately, hence why I have not been posting about the "Stay-behind" elements surrounding the murder of JFK.

However, as I have been trained as an aircraft repair technician in the United States Army Air National Guard (I was an avionics mechanic for four years, specializing on the electronic warfare, flight control, guidance, radar and communications systems of the Sikorsky UH-60 "Black Hawk"), having been trained to identify military drones while in combat operations (I was briefed on covert UAVs by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations while in Afghanistan), and, as strange as it may sound, I have seen, shall I say, "unidentified aerial phenomena" over military bases, I thought I should weigh in on this topic (I'm talking about UFOs with full-grown men, lord give me strength).

If one truly wants to know what Kenneth Albert Arnold saw in 1947, flying near Mount Rainier, I strongly suggest you research Nazi scientists Walter Horten and Reimar Horten and a craft they built (once again, captured and reverse-engineered by the United States Army) called the "Horten H.IX." It was a revolutionary stealth attack bomber, the first of its kind and a true ancestor to the modern "Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider."

If one really, truly wants to know what William A. Rhodes photographed in 1947, flying overhead in the Arizona skies, I strongly suggest you research a vertical take-off and landing jet fighter, developed jointly by the US Army, the US Air Force and Avro Canada called "Project Y-2." 

And finally, if one truly wants to know what crashed in the New Mexico desert in 1947, near the 509th Bomb group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, I strongly suggest you research a captured "OPERATION Paperclip" scientist named Alexander Martin Lippisch and a craft he invented and produced for Nazi German "Reichsluftfahrtministerium" called the "Lippisch P.13b." That, or a more advanced version of it, manufactured by the United States Army and the newly founded United States Air Force, is what crashed in the desert of New Mexico some seven decades ago.

No extraterrestrials, just disinformation from psychological warfare experts like Lt. Col. Philip James Corso.

As for the supposed "alien" technology found in the Roswell crash site, I suggest one should look up the following technology, all readily available in 1947:

  • Nickel titanium AKA "Nitinol" (the supposed "memory metal" found in the Roswell crash site, was invented in 1932 by Swedish chemist Arne Ölander)
  • Aerogel AKA "Blue Smoke" (the supposed "ultra-lightweight honeycombed material" found in the Roswell crash site, was invented by American chemical engineer Samuel Stephens Kistler in 1931)

As for President Kennedy's proximity to any of the above strangeness, I suggest that all serious researchers look up Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (NERVA)Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP), and Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft (NEPA), and the fact that President Kennedy cancelled all formal budgeting for these projects, on the grounds that a nuclear-powered engine would dump tons of radioactive material into the atmosphere.

Hence why these projects became a covert effort, behind President Kennedy's back.

Look up a craft called the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle, a covert, nuclear powered, sub-orbital, first-strike, hydrogen-bomb equipped space-based attack platform, developed by North American Aviation and the Convair/Pomona division of General Dynamics. The initial designs were based off of Schutzstaffel Obersturmbannführer Eugen Sänger's and Wehrmacht Generalmajor Dr. Walter Robert Dornberger's "Silbervogel" antipodal bomber.

Other "saucer" craft configurations of the post-WWII era include the following:

  • Convair-General Dynamics "Pye Wacket" WS-740A Lenticular Defense Missile
  • NASA Space Task Group New Projects Panel "Kehlet Lenticular Vehicle"
  • General Electric "Apollo R-3"
  • Douglas Aircraft "Bono Saucer"
  • Convair Astronautics "Apollo Lenticular"

Of course, if one wants to see just how far the "saucer" craft have evolved over the past seventy years, one only need to research the Air Force Office of Scientific Research's Wingless Electromagnetic Air Vehicle (WEAV).

Or exotic forms of propulsion like the radio frequency resonant cavity thruster AKA EmDrive.

You see, no need for extraterrestrials, just good ol' bloodthirsty Nazi, human guinea pig-based technology, trillions of dollars in covert assets and eyes-only, need-to-know classifications.

And you have no need to know.

Just work 8 hours, play 8 hours, sleep 8 hours and repeat.

Edited by Robert Montenegro
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7 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

This article is pretty interesting. Rockefeller Foundation Psyop Broadcast of WAR OF THE WORLDS Creates ‘Accidental’ Hysteria Throughout the U.S.

Posted on October 30, 1938 by LeeF

A classic early example of a psyop was the 1938 “War of the Worlds” broadcast which created “accidental” and “unfortunate” panic and hysteria throughout the United States. Listeners tuned in to what they thought was a real invasion by Martians. It was funded indirectly by the Rockefeller Foundation through the  The Princeton Radio Project, and guided at every stage by members of theCouncil on Foreign Relations.

I'm not sure that Orson Welles would have knowingly participated in a Rockefeller Foundation psyop. As far as I know, the format of the show was developed by Welles, simply transposing the fictional scenario by using reporting and news gathering techniques then common to radio broadcasting. Few of the freaked-out listeners bothered to check other stations to confirm the scale of the unprecedented alien attack. I have no doubt that the response to Welles' program attracted the interest of numerous elite organizations interested in manipulating the masses, just as Hitler's effective broadcasting did.

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8 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Oswald visited Sarasota, Florida. If true, is there a link to the source?


I am aware via the H&L work of Armstrong that LEE was in Florida while Harvey was in Russia....

The link below the excerpt is to the FBI report.... 

Google maps shows Sarasota and Stock Island appear to be 150-200 miles by water...  
Sarasota is not mentioned in H&L... only Key West.


Sheriff Thompson, of Monroe County (Key West), Florida, recalled that "Lee
Harvey Oswald" fueled up his boat in Key West shortly after the Bay of Pigs. Oswald didn't have the funds to pay for the fuel and telephoned someone in Dallas, Texas. Within two hours a man named "Ruben" arrived and paid for the fuel.  William Huffman was the attendant on duty when Lee Oswald, accompanied by 4 or 5 Cubans, docked at the Sands Marine Fueling Station at Stock Island, Key West, Florida in a 43-foot Chris Craft diesel boat.




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