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Stanley Marks: Forgotten hero

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On 6/16/2020 at 7:43 PM, W. Niederhut said:

As a black-listed observer

Thanks William. You might be interested to know that his foster parents lived in a Russian Jewish neighborhood in Chicago, and I strongly suspect his biological parents were also from Russia. Irony of ironies that he is then subject to the Stalinesque blacklist in our own country. 




Edited by Rob Couteau
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Helms wanting to show the NBC Garrison interview, for training purposes against such in the future is telling.  In conjunction with the famous CIA memo of 1967 (?) under his watch instructing agents how to deal with the media regarding conspiracy "theories"...  And his ordering an agent to smear the Kennedy's...  And more, he seems a little fishy.  I've read some of the "more" but not any biography or criticism of him, I don't know what's out there.  That said I wonder if an impartial analysis of all available information by some young intrepid graduate assistant might make an interesting read, from a fresh perspective.

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Nagell called Helms, "Dirty Dick".

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This is now the number one article at K and K.

Welcome Rob.  My pleasure.

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I thought someone posted this in the last year or so here.  Is it the part missing from the theatrical cut, it's been too long since I saw whichever version.


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Helms has been my No. 1 suspect in this case for some time.  The evidence is clear he was up to his eyeballs in secretly directing the DRE during the time of LHO and lying his ass off to WC and HSCA about it after:



For me, this evidence is more compelling and fruitful than debating murky photos from Dealey Plaza:  a top intel official directed a key CIA front group involved with the presidential assassin and is willing to lie to anyone about it to keep that a secret.  That to me is evidence of conspiracy.

And he's not very convincing at denying the agency's role in the assassination either:



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On 6/19/2020 at 12:30 PM, Rob Couteau said:

Where would we be without Jim Di, and without K&K? Nowhere else does there exist a venue like that. Thanks, Anthony.

I’ll second that. And thank you Rob for your insightful essay. The research into contemporaneous accounts is prodigious. Bravo. Someday I’ll find one or two of these rare out of print treasures and read them. Way ahead of his time but right on the money. Things haven’t changed all that much since.

I can imagine how wonderful this makes Roberta feel. 

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Yes Rob , nice work!  I'd love to read it, I like the idea of a Q&A format. It's good for a son or daughter to learn about the legacy of a parent. He seems like a person who overcame adversity, followed his own path and became a great man.

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