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CIA Chief Says Oswald Was Soviet Agent

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5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Chopped in the head with a machete, shot in the heart and mouth in a remote parking lot in his white Cadillac with the red seats , at a meet up (?) in Florida.  The same night David Ferrie committed "suicide" in New Orleans.   Strange coincidence.  A CIA infiltrator of Garrison's office was looking for him at the time.

See the source image   

That's the guy. Yes, same day as David Ferrie. And as James DiEugenio has documented, Garrison had more spies than ernest investigators on his staff....


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4 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

what a bunch of crap! just more disinformation. 

On the otherhand, Eladio del Valle  and Herminio Diaz Garcia were both in Dallas on 11/20. and yes- the strange co-incidence of Del Valle and Ferrie dying under strange circumstances on the same day............  

Thanks for your comment.  Even Robert Blakely has moved away from his "Mafia did it," and now points fingers at Del Valle. 

It may be the Mob was called in to put LOH down....

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Do these guys ever get tired of this?  No they do not.

I mean this is pretty much what Epstein was selling back in 1978.  With all the might of Readers' Digest behind him.

To anyone who knows the case, it makes no sense. Period.  The KGB had suspected Oswald was a false defector from the start.  That is why he was in that hotel that was wired and had infrared photography. They knew all the BS he was spewing.

That is why they shipped him to Minsk.  They then put a ring of humint and electronic surveillance around him. Titovets says they fished a listening device out of his sink. 

These guys.  The whole idea is to confuse the public with all these nutty stories.  Meanwhile, the ARRB proved Oswald could not have killed Kennedy.  But that story does not get told or broadcast.

Thanks for your comment. 

The intel-military-globalists may be going for a "twofer" with this one. It muddies the JFKA again, and then dirties Russia again. My own view is Putin is a thug....but Beijing is unabashedly run by Xi Jinping and the CCP, and about 100 times an influential as Russia, which is saddled with its one-trick pony economy (oil). 

But Russia is everywhere....and China not a polite topic of discussion. 

The globalists do business in China. 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Thanks Chris. I do not claim my article is the definitive explanation, but it explains a lot. For example, if someone wanted to make Oswald the unknowing patsy, were they not afraid he might go down to the parade route and watch JFK from the street? And be photographed? 

Have you read all of the Tosh Plumlee threads on here? Some dismiss its credibility but, there was a whole bunch of stuff about an abort team which may well fit with your false-flag narrative in some way or another. 

I think they would have felt very confident in controlling the crime scene, confiscating any cameras or rolls of film, coercing those interviewed, as well as having a louder voice than any witnesses in the public domain. Oswald may not have been the only patsy, or person who would have taken the fall should Dallas have gone differently. They would have acted quickly based on what was plausible to the public and then started to propagate that version of events. Certainly the Oswald information him domestic and foreign press at warp speed. Faster than it perhaps would in a natural situation (as opposed to pre-planned).  

I guess it's a very complex thing for people to write about. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the CIA plan was to have layers of blame that could be attributed to other factions if the LHO / Soviet narrative wasn't bought. ie having Mafia or Cuban exile people present, which muddies the waters. I did notice my own journey reading, just using google, it certainly leads a person toward the Mafia and Cubans initially, until you realise the symbiotic relationship at the time between the security apparatus and these factions. 

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2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

Have you read all of the Tosh Plumlee threads on here? Some dismiss its credibility but, there was a whole bunch of stuff about an abort team which may well fit with your false-flag narrative in some way or another. 

I think they would have felt very confident in controlling the crime scene, confiscating any cameras or rolls of film, coercing those interviewed, as well as having a louder voice than any witnesses in the public domain. Oswald may not have been the only patsy, or person who would have taken the fall should Dallas have gone differently. They would have acted quickly based on what was plausible to the public and then started to propagate that version of events. Certainly the Oswald information him domestic and foreign press at warp speed. Faster than it perhaps would in a natural situation (as opposed to pre-planned).  

I guess it's a very complex thing for people to write about. I'd bet my bottom dollar that the CIA plan was to have layers of blame that could be attributed to other factions if the LHO / Soviet narrative wasn't bought. ie having Mafia or Cuban exile people present, which muddies the waters. I did notice my own journey reading, just using google, it certainly leads a person toward the Mafia and Cubans initially, until you realise the symbiotic relationship at the time between the security apparatus and these factions. 

Chris---Some say LOH could have still been framed even if he was on the Elm Street waving at the President, as the CIA had the Mannlicher-Carcano-Mauser rifle planted. So, the plan was to arrest Oswald, and ask him about the rifle, LOH says he knows nothing, and LOH spends his life in prison (same deal with Sirhan Sirhan). 

But that gets back to, "Why frame a loyal asset like Oswald?" Framing your own assets into a presidential assassination...not a good idea. Sirhan is the right kind of patsy. 

In general, I am iffy on more-complicated plots involving multiple teams and many moving parts, before the event. 

I see David Phillips putting LOH up to a long-planned, false-flag but unsuccessful JFK assassination, and then a couple CIA assets, probably Cubans, piggybacking on the operation. Phillips wrote a near-confessional novel in this regard. 

Well, speculation...if it were not for the horrendous gravity of the act, the JFKA would be the greatest detective novel ever written....






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19 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’ve thought along these lines for quite a while. If plotters wanted to influence Cuba policy and gain JFK’s support for taking Castro out, an attempted assassination blamed on Cuban or Russian agents would have been enough. Killing the President was not necessary. As you point out, Oswald was a perfect choice in that scenario, but a lousy one for an actual assassination. 

Thanks Paul, for your comments. 

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19 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’ve thought along these lines for quite a while. If plotters wanted to influence Cuba policy and gain JFK’s support for taking Castro out, an attempted assassination blamed on Cuban or Russian agents would have been enough. Killing the President was not necessary. As you point out, Oswald was a perfect choice in that scenario, but a lousy one for an actual assassination. 

There was also the option of just media-smearing JFK into oblivion. His love affairs, and made-up corruption charges etc.  I am NOT (NOT!) comparing Trump to JFK, but what the globalist-intel guys did to Trump is worth noting....

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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47 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Chris---Some say LOH could have still been framed even if he was on the Elm Street waving at the President, as the CIA had the Mannlicher-Carcano-Mauser rifle planted. So, the plan was to arrest Oswald, and ask him about the rifle, LOH says he knows nothing, and LOH spends his life in prison (same deal with Sirhan Sirhan). 

But that gets back to, "Why frame a loyal asset like Oswald?" Framing your own assets into a presidential assassination...not a good idea. Sirhan is the right kind of patsy. 

In general, I am iffy on more-complicated plots involving multiple teams and many moving parts, before the event. 

I see David Phillips putting LOH up to a long-planned, false-flag but unsuccessful JFK assassination, and then a couple CIA assets, probably Cubans, piggybacking on the operation. Phillips wrote a near-confessional novel in this regard. 

Well, speculation...if it were not for the horrendous gravity of the act, the JFKA would be the greatest detective novel ever written....






Was it not a Mauser that was found first and then the story was all about the Manlicker Carcarno, a separate weapon. 

It would only be a guess but, I think the plan was to kill Oswald resisting arrest or make it look that way. I don’t think he was meant to make it to the station, as the Ruby killing him just all made it look very suspicious. It would be much more logical to have killed Oswald before arrest. Did Oswald go to the theatre as it being very public meant they couldn’t just “off him”. With all those witnesses. It does seem a waste of an asset. Some have suggested he may have been informing on the plot to kill JFK, in which case he’d have to be killed no matter what if the president was killed. 

I suspect any intelligence assets writing novels would be deflection, as the cost of betrayal is a bullet or an accident. Its too high risk and little gain. My first instinct would be to romanticise and assume a novel is a veiled confession or gloating etc. It does seem more logical given the CIA’s history of deflection and retelling history that it would be another diversion. i would assume that the agency had read and pre-screened any book from a current or former asset. Do these guys ever really leave? 
I haven’t read the book, so i’ll sit on the fence until I do with an open mind. Hunts books have been talked about on here, plenty. What is the name of the DAP book? 


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Benjamin Cole:

" I see David Phillips putting LOH up to a long-planned, false-flag but unsuccessful JFK assassination, and then a couple CIA assets, probably Cubans, piggybacking on the operation. Phillips wrote a near-confessional novel in this regard. "

BC, what book was that? When did Phillips write this? Could you give a brief summary?

"Well, speculation...if it were not for the horrendous gravity of the act, the JFKA would be the greatest detective novel ever written...."

It IS the greatest detective novel ever written!  When you combine all 2000 JFK assassination tomes together.

With half their physical weight being Vincent Bugliosi's "Reclaiming History" book alone!






Edited by Joe Bauer
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Despite the fact that LHO did not kill JFK, wasn't it Kruschev who boasted "we will bury you?"

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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So, the plan was to arrest Oswald, and ask him about the rifle, LOH says he knows nothing, and LOH spends his life in prison (same deal with Sirhan Sirhan). 

A better plan: kill Oswald within an hour, claim his confederates were still at large, blame Castro, then knock off additional patsies when convenient.

The capture of Oswald scrambled those plans.

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5 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

A better plan: kill Oswald within an hour, claim his confederates were still at large, blame Castro, then knock off additional patsies when convenient.

The capture of Oswald scrambled those plans.

Yes, I agree. I conjecture Oswald figured out he was the patsy almost immediately, and did not get into a CIA-provided escape car.  Lacking any options, he took a bus, then taxi, and got his gun. 

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