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James Moore, JFK, and QAnon

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1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

To get the thread back on track, I'd like to interject that I just saw the tail end of a CNN special on QAnon, and it showed Kennedy in a quick montage of QAnon crazies.

So, yikes, it appears that CNN has jumped on the bandwagon of linking the JFK research community with QAnon.

Did anyone see the whole program? Did it, in fact, trace QAnon back to the JFK research community?

Thanks for the relief, Pat Speer. Yes, and recently Fox's Tucker Carlson, out of left field (right field?) suddenly ranted about leftists defending Oswald in a conspiracy theory....as of James DiEugenio a few days back in this forum, even at this late date, with the Woolsey book, and CNN/Fox shows, is someone is again muddying the JFK story? 

Jeff Morley on his blog has noted President Biden again has the opportunity to open up the remaining 15,834 still-secret JFK files. Morley thinks Biden will not. Morley quotes a friend---

Looking at Biden’s appointments to his cabinet, all of whom have close connections with the Washington Establishment, as well as Biden’s own past ties with the National Security State, the chance of these files becoming public are minimal. 


1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

What does Hunter Biden have to do with RussiaGate?

In 2016?  Hell yes!


CBS Chief Les Moonves Says Trump’s ‘Damn Good’ For Business

Cable news gave Trump several billion dollars in free advertising, only occasionally corrected Trump or his surrogates when he lied about supporting the ‘03 Iraq War, and made the last 11 days of the campaign a 24-hour bash-Hillary fest.

Which comes right around to my question — why did the Deep State install Trump?

The fight is over voting rights, which the GQP opposes.

Cliff--We just disagree.

The Deep State is a blob, and not a monolith, but as much as it can be quantified the Deep State (aka the Shadow Government, The Double State, the multinational-globalist, national-security-intel blob) obviously backs the modern-day Donk Party, and is deeply apprehensive of the Trump wing of the 'Phants. 

But have it....


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1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

To get the thread back on track, I'd like to interject that I just saw the tail end of a CNN special on QAnon, and it showed Kennedy in a quick montage of QAnon crazies.

So, yikes, it appears that CNN has jumped on the bandwagon of linking the JFK research community with QAnon.

Did anyone see the whole program? Did it, in fact, trace QAnon back to the JFK research community?

Thanks for the relief, Pat Speer.

Fox's Tucker Carlson, entirely out of the blue, recently decided to again rehash the "lefties invented the JFK assassination conspiracy stories to protect their fellow leftie Oswald" version of events. As I asked James DiEugenio recently, at this late date is there another effort to undercut the JFKA community? 

The Woolsey book also...it may be because President Biden again has the opportunity to open the the 15,834 remaining JFK files. See Jeff Morley---


Morley, quoting a friend, says Biden will squash the opening: 

Looking at Biden’s appointments to his cabinet, all of whom have close connections with the Washington Establishment, as well as Biden’s own past ties with the National Security State, the chance of these files becoming public are minimal.

So it goes....

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1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

To get the thread back on track, I'd like to interject that I just saw the tail end of a CNN special on QAnon, and it showed Kennedy in a quick montage of QAnon crazies.

So, yikes, it appears that CNN has jumped on the bandwagon of linking the JFK research community with QAnon.

Did anyone see the whole program? Did it, in fact, trace QAnon back to the JFK research community?

I saw the middle half of that. I didn't see one reference to the JFKA. But I suppose all of them believe in the JFKA Conspiracy. We're like the originals, dude!  They a see you Pat, and you tell them your work on the JFKA, they'd probably rip your clothes off!

But inevitably if they talk with you they will end up feeling betrayed and disappointed that you're not down the wacko wabbit hole they've gone down, much as Wheeler was with his visit here.

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Thanks for the relief, Pat Speer. Yes, and recently Fox's Tucker Carlson, out of left field (right field?) suddenly ranted about leftists defending Oswald in a conspiracy theory....as of James DiEugenio a few days back in this forum, even at this late date, with the Woolsey book, and CNN/Fox shows, is someone is again muddying the JFK story? 

Jeff Morley on his blog has noted President Biden again has the opportunity to open up the remaining 15,834 still-secret JFK files. Morley thinks Biden will not. Morley quotes a friend---

Looking at Biden’s appointments to his cabinet, all of whom have close connections with the Washington Establishment, as well as Biden’s own past ties with the National Security State, the chance of these files becoming public are minimal. 


Cliff--We just disagree.

The Deep State is a blob, and not a monolith, but as much as it can be quantified the Deep State (aka the Shadow Government, The Double State, the multinational-globalist, national-security-intel blob) obviously backs the modern-day Donk Party, and is deeply apprehensive of the Trump wing of the 'Phants. 

But have it....


Isn’t the vast majority of the human race deeply apprehensive of Trump?

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"Two wrongs make a right" has been standard operating procedure for the Grand Old Party for a long time. They feel Q Anon is a public relations problem. Instead of defending Q Anon, they point to the "left's" own conspiracy theory; the unspoken inference being that we wouldn't have off-the-wall conspiracy theories at all if it weren't for the JFK assassination precedent set by liberals. So in their minds Q Anon can essentially be blamed on the left wing, similar to the way many Trump supporters tried to blame the January 6th 2021 Trump-led capitol insurrection violence on anti-fascist agitators.

I personally wouldn't worry about it too much. Associating the JFK assassination with the most absurd theories has been media shorthand for decades. If Hollywood wants to depict a typical "conspiracy type", they just put a nerdy looking actor in a tin-foil hat and in front of a short-wave radio, and have them rant about UFO's, the Bermuda Triangle, and how Elvis shot JFK. So, this is nothing new.

There are also a litany of differences. There's little evidence for Q Anon, but almost too much evidence in the JFK case. Q Anon is inspiring recent and ongoing threats of violence against the government. The threats posed by Q Anon supporters are current. Crowds aren't out there starting protests or riots or making bomb threats motivated by the Kennedy assassination. For most people today, the JFK assassination is beyond old news. And, of course, the official position of the US Government is that JFK was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. That's been their position for decades now. There's no equivalent official proclamation for Q Anon.

If the right wing thinks that they can distract everyone from their Q Anon conspiracy theory by drawing a false equivalence with a "left-wing" conspiracy theory over half-a-century old, I suppose no one can stop them. I believe the effectiveness of that strategy will be limited at best, but I certainly understand how it would be vastly preferable to defending Q Anon.

As Q Anon motivated cases continue to work their way through the legal system over the next few months, I suspect it will be rather difficult to deflect attention from each and every one by shouting "But, but, but... whatabout the JFK assassination?!"

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DZ: If the right wing thinks that they can distract everyone from their Q Anon conspiracy theory by drawing a false equivalence with a "left-wing" conspiracy theory over half-a-century old, I suppose no one can stop them. I believe the effectiveness of that strategy will be limited at best, but I certainly understand how it would be vastly preferable to defending Q Anon.


I think this may be a part of it.  As the GOP has drifted to the extremes of the right, with Boebert and Greene, and Trump's rallies attended by people with Q shirts, its much easier to just lump all political conspiracies together across the board, than try and explain the nuttiness of QAnon. Or Pizzagate.

Dennis:  I lean toward that idea.  That it was actually planted in the first place.

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On 2/26/2021 at 12:47 PM, W. Niederhut said:

My question.   Is the CIA paying Alexander Lebedev's UK newspaper, The Independent,  to publish this crap?

Why else would a billionaire Russian oligarch, and former KGB officer, promote this kind of disinformation about JFK's assassination?

Getting back to James Moore, for a moment, has anyone published anything about CIA involvement in the British media that is comparable to Udo Ulfkotte's expose about CIA involvement in the German media?

(And, BTW, Ulfkotte's book -- which sold 1.5 million copies in Germany--has never been available in English on Kindle, and costs $30 at Amazon for the October 2019 English translation, in paperback.)

Confession from the profession: ‘Presstitutes’ in the service of the CIA

Confession from the profession: ‘Presstitutes’ in the service of the CIA – People's World

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Thanks for that William.

What an important book.  Brings us up to date on Mockingbird--into Europe.

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Ulfkotte's book is $25 at Progressive Press. The same publisher has Donald Gibson's two JFK's books available at a decent price as well.

If you Google 'Progressive Press', btw, the publisher doesn't come up anywhere in the first five pages of links. Whereas if you use DuckDuckGo, they're right at the top. Another reason not to use Google.

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I think this is a key point.  I mean today I use BIng and Safari as much as I use Google.

And I am really thinking of just disposing of Google and going with Duck Duck GO GO.  Except i would have to start over with my settings and bookmarks.

But that is how poor Google has become.

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BTW, from what I understand.  They did an installment of this on NPR this morning. 

With Catherine Olmstead.  Olmstead flipped.  She once wrote a good book on the Church Committee called Challenging the Secret Government.

She has gradually moved to the other side.  THis morning, on cue, she groups QAnon with JFK.

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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, from what I understand.  They did an installment of this on NPR this morning. 

With Catherine Olmstead.  Olmstead flipped.  She once wrote a good book on the Church Committee called Challenging the Secret Government.

She has gradually moved to the other side.  THis morning, on cue, she groups QAnon with JFK.

It's especially upsetting to hear about this happening on NPR-- somewhat like hearing Warren Commission Report propaganda being promoted on the McNeil/Lehrer News Hour at PBS over the years.

(I've noticed that NPR has also promoted government disinformation about the U.S./NATO/Saudi proxy war in Syria during the past decade.)

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