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Tipping Point now on Amazon

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For reference, Wayne January's experiences (based on Matthew's original work with January and my follow on research on the aircraft once we had the tail number) is discussed in more detail in SWHT 2010 if you have that.  David Boyan and I also revisited it at length in the Wheaton leads paper, giving a likely identification of the American officer at the airport with the Cuban to pick up the aircraft the week of JFK's visit.  In that paper we proposed and examined several possible Cuban pilots as possibilities for the individual who made the remarks to January since that is a key lead.

That lead is revisited in Tipping Point and at the moment David and I are working on what may be the final and most likely identification of the Cuban pilot - which if correct will go further to independently lead us directly to the set of individuals involved in the Dallas conspiracy.

In all of this its important to recall that January himself approached the FBI,  but when interviewed he began with the information about the visit of suspicious people wanting to charter an aircraft, found the FBI only wanted to talk about January's own possible connection to Jack Ruby and like others (Bowers included) shut up when he saw the FBI had its own agenda.

It was Matthew Smith's original work with January which gave us the Cuban lead from Red Bird, and when he shared the aircraft tail number with me (made available to him only after January's death by his widow)  help from Alan Kent and an FAA employee who asked to remain anonymous that allowed us to trace the aircraft to Houston Air Center and to its final sale to a Mexican airline two years later.

Hopefully David and I may be able to close the circle, identify both the American officer and the Cuban pilot to a great deal of certainty and fully develop the lead from January - after something like 30 years of working on it.


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13 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

For reference, Wayne January's experiences (based on Matthew's original work with January and my follow on research on the aircraft once we had the tail number) is discussed in more detail in SWHT 2010 if you have that.


many thanks for reminding me your 2010 book. Of course, I read it, but it was some three years ago and I could not remember that January's stody was also mentioned in your previous JFKA book. I will consult it immediately.

It is a sheer pleasure to read your and other researchers' posts in this thread that reveal both deep research and in-person investigations. Tipping Point is on myreading list. Will a Kindle version of your book be also available and is it reasonable to wait for it?

Would you know or be able to guess who was the woman that came to negotiate with Wayne January on Wednesday, November 20? There were not many women associated with the case as potential co-conspirators and her identity could tell a lot about who were Lee's handlers in Dallas during this very sentitive period of the assassination plot.


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Rex is working on a Kindle version of Tipping Point but Amazon has moved to a new EBook platform and it has been a real challenge for him, he started with an earlier version of their publishing program for EBooks and it turns out they no longer really support it - the Kindle version has been ready for weeks but actually getting it publishing on Amazon has been more than challenging so its hard to estimate the timing at present.  I'll try to get an update.

As to a guess at the girl (and her brother), yes I could make a guess and both a name and a photo a long time researcher floated several years ago.  But I've found no way to truly connect her to Dallas or our key persons of interest. The two would however point back to Miami connections rather than Dallas.  At this point the Cuban talking to January is a much more solid prospect for connecting Red Bird to them.


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There has been some interest in preparing a more in depth and expanded index for the print version of Tipping Point and one volunteer is already at work on that - but needs help, especially from folks who may already be preparing their own focused lists of persons or places of interest.  We would be able to post the expanded index on the MFF site - but of course it would only relate to the book not the serialization. 

If anyone is interested and would like to volunteer for some work on it just drop me a note at larryjoe@westok.net

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Larry.  I've been distracted otherwise the last few months and still not quite finished Tipping Point.  But in conjunction with another thread I have a question.  About the Rodriguez family in New Orleans in 1963, Oswald, the DRE and Joannides.

Jim DiEugenio in a current thread discusses Jeff Morley's work regarding the Joannides files.

It seems from what I've read of this from Jeff's work Joannidies was involved with the DRE in the summer of 1963, with a residence in N O at the time.  Being from JMWAVE in Miami he had to be affiliated with Morales, potentially among several others.  

Bannister and 544 Camp Street seem to be the tip of the iceberg so to speak.

Given the CIA connections/roles of Alfonso Sr, Jr and Emilio and the role in the Oswald debate recording I have to wonder.  Was Oswald sent to Alfonso Jr seeking instruction in Spanish by Someone Else?  Before Alfonso Jr referred him to Carlos Birunger and the DRE (for vetting?)?

Curious about your thoughts, David's or Bill's in this respect.

It seems New Orleans might be an even bigger witches brew than has already been exposed.   

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Ron, I had a hard disc crash and had to move to a new computer, just now coming back online after two weeks.

Actually it was not just Joannidies, there were other DRE case officers over time and Morales himself had been a DRE military case officer.  Tipping Point starts with Jeff's great work and expands the focus to other CIA officers including Emilio Rodriquez and even DCS Moore at JMWAVE.  Actually expanding that particular contact into Emilo's counter intelligence and CIA's project targeting Lechuga and Sylvia Duran - which involved Emilio with both the UN in NYC and Mexico City - is one of the major new elements in Tipping Point and really helps give a much fuller picture of what SAS / WAVE was doing in and around Oswald.  Not to mention what the DRE itself was doing - which is a real revelation.  

It all begins to show how visible Oswald was in Miami and how easy it was to piggyback a frame onto sanctioned CIA propaganda and counter intelligence projects going on as of October and November. 


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On 7/8/2021 at 2:29 PM, Larry Hancock said:

Ron, I had a hard disc crash and had to move to a new computer, just now coming back online after two weeks.

Actually it was not just Joannidies, there were other DRE case officers over time and Morales himself had been a DRE military case officer.  Tipping Point starts with Jeff's great work and expands the focus to other CIA officers including Emilio Rodriquez and even DCS Moore at JMWAVE.  Actually expanding that particular contact into Emilo's counter intelligence and CIA's project targeting Lechuga and Sylvia Duran - which involved Emilio with both the UN in NYC and Mexico City - is one of the major new elements in Tipping Point and really helps give a much fuller picture of what SAS / WAVE was doing in and around Oswald.  Not to mention what the DRE itself was doing - which is a real revelation.  

It all begins to show how visible Oswald was in Miami and how easy it was to piggyback a frame onto sanctioned CIA propaganda and counter intelligence projects going on as of October and November. 


Sorry to hear about your HD.  My laptop is getting old, has been knocked off the desk twice by grandkids, cracked.  I dread the day it goes down.  I should back up everything but I'm not proficient at that.

When I made the post at the end of June it all kind of hit me in a way as never before.  The importance and role of New Orleans.  While the assassination was in Dallas, and it may have been orchestrated from afar through JMWAVE/Miami, New Orleans was the staging area, launching pad if you will.  Such would not be near by the target.  But 500 miles in a day in a car, or a almost "short hop" on a Ferrie piloted plane seems reasonable.

Your part in Tipping Point on Alfonso, Jr., and Emilio along with a refocusing on Joannides and his role in N. O. in 1963 as well as long term in the cover up, in conjunction with Jim's work in Destiny Betrayed, in turn Garrison, Ferrie, the Shaw trial, On the Trail of the Assassins.  I'd already read a lot of it but Boom: New Orleans, again.  Even deeper. 

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Matt and Ron, I did try replying to your posts for several days but for some reason the messages would not register nor could I message either of you direct.  I'll be looking forward to your comments during and after reading Matt and Ron, yes I see the events in New Orleans as being key to bringing Oswald into a position where his image could be used in a number of SAS and DRE activities - activities which would have been standard practice and sanctioned.

But that made him an obvious candidate for a frame when the Dallas action jelled in October and beyond that allowed some of the same folks who had been using him in sanctioned activities to piggyback him into the conspiracy.  Hopefully I spell that out well enough to follow in the book. 

Which as it turns out is not exactly the end of the research for me that I thought it was (books yes, research no)...turns out there are a couple of leads back from Dallas to Miami that still have some interesting potential. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had several people tell me they enjoyed the recent dialog with Doug Campbell on Tipping Point.  Doug took things in some different directions that had not really been part of the previous dialog on the book and I had a good time in our conversations...which extended over two hours.  If you are interested you can find the show archived here:


Beyond that, for those who have the book and who decide they really want to dig into some focused research around the figures in it,  I can say that thanks to a lot of volunteer work and considerable eye strain, we hope to have a much expanded index available by the end of summer.  If anyone things that is a simple thing I can assure you its not;  I realize not that many people will use it but the whole goal is to further research so if only a few people find it helpful, so bit it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I thoroughly enjoyed Tipping Point, Larry. IMO, it's as good a book as any ever written on the assassination. As the preponderance of evidence indicates, the assassination was likely instigated by the debacle at the Bay of Pigs and everything JFK/Cuba related that resulted after it.

I wanted to get your opinion on a few things:

Why do you think the DRE plan presented to Shackley in October 1963 was “rejected in harsh terms” if JM/WAVE and DRE were sympatico with each other only a few months earlier?
With regard to Martino’s late October trip to Dallas, isn’t it also possible he was carrying confidential instructions to either Felipe Vidal or someone in the Dallas exile community instead of Ruby?
Is Helms’ assessment of Lisa Howard’s debriefing available online anywhere?
If the public announcement of Kennedy’s Texas trip was released on September 13, 1963, at what point would tangible planning for this trip have begun inside the administration?
The section on Hal Hendrix reminds me that I've always wondered if the Gilberto Policarpo Lopez event was a setup, planned before the assassination, to also point the finger at Castro. Something I need to read up on more.
Fantastic job, thank you for your hard work.
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