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Oliver and Jim On Fox

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Oliver Stone and Jim DiEugenio will be appearing on Fox TV in the series “JFK: The Conspiracy Continues,” running August 9-12 on Fox Nation. After being broadcast, it will revert to the Network platform and you can see it there. Oliver and Jim will be featured in the last two segments.

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Suspicious. Fox News?

Unless they plan on sabotaging Stone and you with no win answer questions designed to hurt your personal and film credibility?

Like Johnny Carson did ( tried to do ) to Jim Garrison when he had Garrison on his national late night talk show.

Just don't trust the right wing wag the dog propaganda machine that is Fox News.

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50 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

This is kind of weird to me.  The exposure in US media is great.  But, Fox News is taking up the cause?

New Fox Nation series attempts to answer who really killed JFK | Fox News Video

This clip of Oliver Does seem legit in it's intent.  What is their point to their fading base? 

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If they sabotage us, it will be in the editing. 

The producer, Jason Kopp, asked us decent questions and gave them to us in advance.

He even let me show declassified documents on camera from the ARRB.

We will see.

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I have to give Oliver a lot of credit.  He is going about this sideways but pretty effectively.

If you add up the online, paper and read through factor of Paris Match, plus the amazing 680,000 views on RT, plus the 87,000 views of the trailer, plus the others he has done, plus the upcoming Fox appearance, you are at an audience of about six million, and that is conservative.

It has been a long time since anyone on our side has done something like that.  Or even close to it.

And the thing is, the longer those are on You Tube, the faster the views increase. 

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Compared to the other cable news outlets, Fox has done more to cover a possible conspiracy than the others.

I have found that liberals (of which I consider myself one) tend to be more hostile regarding a JFKA conspiracy than conservatives. And liberals tend to misrepresent and discount JFK’s progressive leadership as well.  

Looking forward to seeing the interview.



Edited by Michaleen Kilroy
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Yay for Stone and DiEugenio! 

The world and US media has changed. 

Many times, Fox presently is often more skeptical of the national security state and related globalism than others in mainstream media, such as CNN, MSNBC, NYT and WaPo. 

It is what it is. 

Sheesh, CNN-MSNBC feature a roll-call of former intel and CIA officials providing "analysis." 

20 years ago, I would not have believed it. 


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9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

If they sabotage us, it will be in the editing. 

The producer, Jason Kopp, asked us decent questions and gave them to us in advance.

He even let me show declassified documents on camera from the ARRB.

We will see.

Yes, I should have mentioned slanted editing.

Sorry, but I am not at all sensing or trusting that Fox news is not the same old wag the dog truth distorting, divisive and inflaming propaganda machine they have always been.

They have been crazy and corrupt Trump's main defending and promoting mouthpiece nonpareil for the last 4 and 1/2 years.

Fox News has for decades now been the most powerful and successful divide, confuse, inflame and conquer propaganda machine America has ever seen.

The fact that they occasionally report on stories of a conspiratorial nature that more liberal news media would not, does little to counter the damage to our society they have done in their decades of dividing, distorting and inflaming.  I can't give them any trust, respect and credibility quarter at all.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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11 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

This is kind of weird to me.  The exposure in US media is great.  But, Fox News is taking up the cause?

New Fox Nation series attempts to answer who really killed JFK | Fox News Video

When I think of Fox News and the JFK assassination, the story that comes to mind is Bill O'Reilly blathering a few years ago about being present when George De Mohrenschildt allegedly committed suicide.

But here's wishing for the best from Fox, while expecting the worst.

Congratulations to Oliver and Jim!

Where is the rest of the U.S. mainstream media?

Edited by W. Niederhut
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11 hours ago, Michaleen Kilroy said:

Compared to the other cable news outlets, Fox has done more to cover a possible conspiracy than the others.

I have found that liberals (of which I consider myself one) tend to be more hostile regarding a JFKA conspiracy than conservatives. And liberals tend to misrepresent and discount JFK’s progressive leadership as well.  

Looking forward to seeing the interview.



There is actually some truth to this.  Many years ago, I think at the anniversary, Fox did a show in which I think they had on Dave Mantik.  It was a short 15 minute segment that got lost in the sea of crapola that was engulfing America at the time.

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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

There is actually some truth to this.  Many years ago, I think at the anniversary, Fox did a show in which I think they had on Dave Mantik.  It was a short 15 minute segment that got lost in the sea of crapola that was engulfing America at the time.

Yes even a broken clock is right twice a day. They were the only major cable network I’ve seen cover Jefferson Morley’s damning revelations on Joannides, for instance.

Doesn’t excuse their irresponsible programming on other fronts, but they seem to present JFKA in a more open way than CNN. 

When you look at JFKA media history, it was really the bastions of ‘liberal media’ in their day - NY Times and CBS - that immediately shutdown any speculation the official story could be wrong.

As an aside, Oliver is really doing one helluva job out there regarding JFKA. He’s on fire. And the great/sad part is, I suspect he’s absolutely correct. 

Edited by Michaleen Kilroy
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That is so true.  It was the so called "liberal media" that shut he door on the case even before the WR came out. Which means it is not so liberal and the reporters are not allowed to stray too far from their Power Elite owners.

In the long version of the documentary we go into that for awhile.  

I agree, Oliver is really doing some overtime work on this.  I had a look at his Cannes schedule.  He must have done nine interviews in about four days.

The one for RT has got close to 700,000 views.  And the trailer has about 90,000.  

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What I said would happen is happening.

The trailer for the film is now over 100,000 views.

The RT interview is over 730,000 views.

In a little over 24 hours, the former went up 13,000 and the latter went up 50,000.

I think people want to see this film.

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