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Oliver and Jim On Fox

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It's supposedly available to stream now.  Oliver and Jeff Morley seen in this clip.  Listen to the three shots.  Bam, Bam, Bam.  Not Bam, Bam-Bam.


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Has anyone watched the whole thing yet?

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I am really surprised.

Someone just emailed me and said that in Part 4 they actually showed the documents I brought and let me explain them to the audience. I really did not think they were going to do that.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

I am really surprised.

Someone just emailed me and said that in Part 4 they actually showed the documents I brought and let me explain them to the audience. I really did not think they were going to do that.

Somehow ended up watching Part 4 and then Part 1. Very well done. You and Oliver are heavily featured in Part 4. Pretty damning stuff with no real attempt by Fox to sugarcoat or downplay it.

Jefferson Morley was the most prominent in the two episodes I watched. I’m amazed they gave him that much airtime. His take is also extremely damning against the government.


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From James Norwood:

Hello, Jim

I watched the series which started airing today on Fox Nation.  There were four 30-minute segments.  The best program was #4 in which you and Oliver discussed new evidence in the case.  You did a great job.

The producers of this series sought balanced commentary with Warren Commission apologists and those who recognize conspiracy.  The most irritating of the apologists was Howard P. Willens, assistant counsel to J. Lee Rankin.  Willens worked overtime to try to defend the Commission's methods and conclusions. 

The most bizarre commentary was that of Gerald Posner, who has now backtracked on some of the views expressed in his book Case Closed.  He now acknowledges malfeasance on the part of the FBI and CIA, yet remains wedded to the Oswald-did-it-alone scenario.

In program #1, Clint Hill recalls how he witnessed a gaping hole in the back on JFK's head when he clambered onto the limousine from the rear.  The producers should have stopped and explored that bit of testimony, which corroborates a shot from the front, not from behind the limo.

For the open-minded viewer, the most compelling moments are those where you read from documents that demonstrate Oswald's ties to intelligence and the top brass at the Pentagon being aware of JFK's intention to pull the plug on Vietnam.

Thanks for the great work
I replied to Mr. Norwood, since I was surprised they showed that part and he replied as such

Yes, it is fine is you wish to share my comments.

Your reading from the documents was a great moment.  The camera even zoomed in on one of the docs that revealed that the top brass at the Pentagon knew explicitly about JFK's exit plan from Vietnam.  This moment in the documentary is so important because it demonstrates the connection of Oliver's film to the JFK Records Act to the release of the documents to the incontrovertible realization that JFK would have never taken us into the war in Vietnam.

The early episodes were perfunctory.  But the producers missed a golden opportunity not to follow up on Clint Hill's testimony about a gaping wound to the back of JFK's end.  He used almost the same words in his Warren Commission testimony ("one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head") which also have been ignored.  In episode #1 of the documentary, he went further to describe the head wound as an open cavity in the skull with most the brain missing. 

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15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Man, oh, man. 

James DiEugenio, one of the America's foremost true and real historians, finally gets a day in the sun. 

It is only 58 years after the JFKA. 





Yes. Quite an accomplishment.  Congratulations to him and Oliver Stone.  Thanks to Jim for Destiny Betrayed in particular, we wouldn't be here without it.  Just curious, I guess you've read it?  

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On 8/9/2021 at 12:14 AM, James DiEugenio said:

I Now think it will be streamed.

Funny, because when they came out for the interviews, they had three camera guys with HD cameras.

That is pretty high tech for streaming.

2 would be normal, 3 well, they'll be one on Oliver covering every breath he takes. they'll be looking for more than streaming. Stone is not your average JFK researcher doing something for the upcoming Dallas charade... He sells, and now, so do you... I suspect they have additional plans....

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Yes. Quite an accomplishment.  Congratulations to him and Oliver Stone.  Thanks to Jim for Destiny Betrayed in particular, we wouldn't be here without it.  Just curious, I guess you've read it?  

Yes, of course. Read his website, kennedysandking.com regularly.

When I could get hands on the material, read John Newman, Larry Hancock, Doug Horne, Jeff Morley, Tink Thompson. A lot of Pat Speer's work. Mark Lane. Gary Aguilar is a gem. Cyril Wecht another jewel. Who am I leaving out? Many researchers who contributed valuable one-off monographs and such. 

Think about the collective intelligence of the above group of people. 

I read Bugliosi's tome. The paperback version of the WC. Much of HSCA stuff. 



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I finally had a chance to see this in all four parts.

I have to say that when one compares it with Jennings and Brokaw, its not bad.

They  let Wecht, Morley, Oliver and myself speak freely without the awful surgical editing of people like Forest Sawyer.  

They actually let me show documents that were declassified by the CIA about VIetnam, about Oswald not being in Mexico City and documents still having redactions on 2017.  And also about how the CIA admitted they had no presidential approval for the plots to kill Castro.  Whew. take a breath.

Willens was shameeless.


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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I finally had a chance to see this in all four parts.

I have to say that when one compares it with Jennings and Brokaw, its not bad.

They  let Wecht, Morley, Oliver and myself speak freely without the awful surgical editing of people like Forest Sawyer.  

They actually let me show documents that were declassified by the CIA about VIetnam, about Oswald not being in Mexico City and documents still having redactions on 2017.  And also about how the CIA admitted they had no presidential approval for the plots to kill Castro.  Whew. take a breath.

Willens was shameless.


This is great news, many more have been exposed to the search for Truth.  Do you, or anyone else know if there is a way see it without subscribing to fox nation?  I'd really like to see it but still have a problem becoming a testament to their database. 

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You can use someone else's info, but that would be cheating. 🙃

BTW, they even let me and Oliver talk about Adams, Styles and Garner. 

And they let me call JFK, the most impactful movie in the history of cinema.

As Ric Flair would say Woo Woo!

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