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Press Conference To Be Held Upcoming Biden Order On JFK Records

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"The Archivist of the United States (Archivist), however, has reported that “unfortunately, the pandemic has had a significant impact on the agencies” and NARA and that NARA “require[s] additional time to engage with the agencies and to conduct research within the larger collection to maximize the amount of information released.” Quote off


This part of the statement is the crux for me. The Archivist is having problems with the agencies. These will be of three types: 1. A valid reason is held for redaction. 2. The Archivist knows the evidence exists but the agencies are not supplying it. 3. The evidence is 'lost' but the evidence trail makes this an embarrassment (Its been clear from previous information from the Archivist that they don't hold all the unredacted evidence)


The Archivist needs to make clear what categories are pertinent. I think, if your following the charade, then the list is something like:


1. Valid redactions - Nil

2. Agency breaking the law and not supplying clearly documented evidence - More than nil.

3. Supposedly 'lost' evidence, that certainly existed ( I think researchers have recorded this effect on some documents) - More than Nil.


The Archivist is being abused in the weasel words above.

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Of all the fragile flowers on the planet, national security is the most precious, and the merest zephyr will rip all the petals off. 

The JFKA docs, some from the 1950s, still must hidden due to immediate and identifiable harm to national security.

Carter Page is a threat to national security. Julian Assange is a threat to national security. 

Hillbillies in Afghanistan are a threat to national security.  

600 lulus who occupy the Capitol for a couple of hours are a threat the national security. 

Facebook posts are a threat to national security. 

The US spends $1 trillion a year on the DoD and VA, but national security is ever on the precipice....

(However, multinationals doing hundreds of billions of dollars of business with communist China and kowtowing and transferring technology to the CCP is not a threat to national security.)


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The documents will now be released in two batches, one later this year and a larger one late next year, Biden said in a White House memo.

"One later this year"? , There's only 2 months left! They make it sound  like Biden is going to release the first batch within 2 months. Which at least indicates an intention to release. But somehow I suspect this is a quote from Biden earlier in the year.

Though ridiculous, at least he hasn't tried to weasel out of this yet.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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I don’t believe Biden, or Trump before him, have been briefed on any actual details of the redacted or unreleased documents, and rather are accepting an argument of grave “identifiable harm” at face value. Reading between the lines of the WH statement, it is easy to suppose that the agencies responsible for the remaining documents have essentially stonewalled the process and have not in fact conducted the reviews called for in 2017. They are being given another year to do what should have been completed at that time (2017). It appears the requirement of identifying or specifying the presumed grave harms to NARA has not yet begun let alone be completed.  Blaming the pandemic is a version of “the dog ate my homework”.

It is quite possible that the involved agencies - one might presume CIA foremost - do not in fact understand or realize what exactly in the withheld documents may serve as “smoking gun” information, as they have no one with the knowledge base of the research community (I.e. no Blount, Hancock, Simpich, or Newman). Otherwise they could have simply complied by redacting everything they wished to remain secret.

I agree that any confirmation that Oswald had an official or even non-official relationship with US agencies will be devastating to the credibility of the government and the establishment in general - but this is the problem they are stuck with. At the time of the 50th anniversary, on the CBS “Face The Nation” program, Peggy Noonan and Bob Woodward first acknowledged a “deep state” and then praised the Warren Commission as the work of “patriots”. This seemed like the initiation of the fall-back justification for the cover-up, but obviously this thinking has not, yet, coalesced with confidence.

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I agree Jeff, I don't think either President has been briefed on details of the unreleased documents.


Jeff: At the time of the 50th anniversary, on the CBS “Face The Nation” program, Peggy Noonan and Bob Woodward first acknowledged a “deep state” and then praised the Warren Commission as the work of “patriots”. This seemed like the initiation of the fall-back justification for the cover-up, but obviously this thinking has not, yet, coalesced with confidence.

I also remember this, but you're right. It is rather vague. Was it about the WC or was it some justification involving something so commonplace knowledge to any JFK researchers  as Hoover's," It's important that the public is satisfied that LHO was the lone assassin", then further justified by an alleged  complete uncertainty of the facts about Oswald's true connections, that It was decided to forego any specific detail investigation about Oswald being from either the right or the left earlier on, so as to quell any baloney notion that Oswald may have been a Russian agent, so as to avert a possible WW3 scenario.?

I may be wrong about that, but it did raise more questions than it answered.

I don't remember any specific "deep state" comment from Woodward, but I do remember Noonan gushily praising them as great "Patriots"!

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Peggy Noonan will always be in the Hall of Shame

for writing two of the worst speeches ever given

by an American president, the one by Reagan

calling the Contras the moral equivalent of the Founding

Fathers and the other by Reagan gushing in maudlin tones over

the Challenger astronauts after they died so he could

do a live cutaway to the "Teacher in Space" on his State of the Union address that night.

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My interpretation of Noonan’s commentary Nov 2013 is as a tacit acknowledgement of an official cover-up of the true circumstances of JFK’s death. Her claim that the persons responsible for the cover-up were in fact “patriots” reflects a further tacit acknowledgment that the assassins were acting for and cultivated by persons on the domestic right. The argument would be that a true accounting would have split the country wide open and dangerously weaken if not fatally undermine national security in the midst of an ongoing existential Cold War. Therefore the cover-up was necessary and appropriate and saved the union. I wonder if persons such as Earl Warren, or others of the liberal establishment, thought the same at the time. LBJ’s supposed WW3 scenario may have been more about the above than any purported Russian sponsorship of the JFKA. Noonan’s comments, then,  were a trial run for the ultimate fallback exonerating the Warren Commission, but apparently 2013 was still too early in the game to acknowledge fault, so her comments were a bit of an outlier at that time.

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On 10/21/2021 at 8:37 PM, Jon Pickering said:

Thanks, I'll be listening. I predict though, we'll hear something along the lines of 'due to national security concerns, at this time I cannot authorize blah blah blah, yada yada yada, the (duly authorized) release of remaining JFKA files'.

The assassins own Presidents to the point that they're interchangeable, while their policies remain the same, throughout, always glaringly, and, dangerously similar to our Pentagon 'planners', and the sociopathic wish lists of their mentally unbalanced Chiefs.

This was the late great Bill Hicks' take on that very subject.

I have this feeling man, 'cause you know, it's just a handful of people who run everything, you know … that's true, it's provable. It's not … I'm not a ****ing conspiracy nut, it's provable. A handful, a very small elite, run and own these corporations, which include the mainstream media. I have this feeling that whoever is elected president, like Clinton was, no matter what you promise on the campaign trail – blah, blah, blah – when you win, you go into this smoke-filled room with the twelve industrialist capitalist scum-***ks who got you in there. And you're in this smoky room, and this little film screen comes down … and a big guy with a cigar goes, "Roll the film." And it's a shot of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you've never seen before … that looks suspiciously like it's from the grassy knoll. And then the screen goes up and the lights come up, and they go to the new president, "Any questions?" "Er, just what my agenda is." "First we bomb Baghdad." "You got it …"

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