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Mockingbird Lives!!

W. Niederhut

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Thanks David. After perusing the editorial reviews and readers as well as your recommendation it's ordered.  A used copy for $7.09 including shipping.   Wenners got enough of my money.  Just cancelled my subscription a couple of weeks ago.  They wanted $139 a year on auto renewal for not much reading material for me, rapp, tayor swift newer stuff I can't relate to.  The article on Charlie Watts and jazz was interesting last month.

I guarantee the Hogan book is, as they used to say, "a page turner."  And Jane Wenner was a hot, stoned mess.

The current best classic rock/new music magazine is Mojo, from England.  Puts all of post-1979 Rolling Stone to shame, plus a free CD with every issue:



Edited by David Andrews
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CIA types view JFK conspiracy theories as an easy way to take shots at the Russians, but they also still feel the need to protect their image; at least the old guard does. Due to the sheer math of youth, current agency employees are likely more open and liberal than the AFIO types that still populate Twitter and message boards. My money is on them being the ones that probably arranged that Rolling Stone hit piece.

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On 11/22/2021 at 11:57 AM, W. Niederhut said:

       Two inaccurate, bogus reviews of JFK Revisited in the M$M today-- one at the Washington Post by LSU Professor Alecia P. Long, and the other at the Rolling Stone by Tim Weiner.


Behind Americans’ continued fascination with John F. Kennedy’s assassination

We can ask new, illuminating questions about the tragic loss of a president, rather than engaging in conspiracy-mongering


This Is Where Oliver Stone Got His Loony JFK Conspiracies From

The origin story for the CIA-killed-Kennedy myth is twistier than a magic bullet



Reader Rant: The Mainstream Media and the Push for Endless War


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3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

There aren't really  people paid specifically to propagate  against the JFKAC. That topic is far way and long ago. They simply disagree, as astonishing as that may seem to some. There's was once planned resistance , but now it's been institutionalized through so many generations, it's not even recognized..

And yet… two new books this year (Litwin, Long) and the Wiener Rolling Stone hatchet job can be said to have been written anticipating the JFK Revisited documentary would be largely concerned with the Garrison-Shaw case in New Orleans, based on the doc’s working title “Destiny Betrayed” and DiEugenio’s role as writer. And then a self-referential universe of Facebook pages, op-eds, and Twitter comments appear promoting these views. The attempts to associate JFKA research with Q-Anon, Russian trolls, covid deniers, Trump supporters, etc etc echo similar items from five years ago penned by Alexandra Zapruder and Joyce Carol Oates. A common thread amongst all the above is the presence of Max Holland - as a mentor, author of cited works, and promoter of the dated sponsored book on the Garrison trial “American Grotesque”, with its homophobia plot line.

It’s fairly obvious the American establishment remains deeply concerned this genie gets out of the bottle,  and the damage control remains equal parts ignoring the topic, promoting ridiculous counter-theories, and smearing the critics. Yet at the end of the day all they have is the insistence that Oswald really did hit that “million in one shot”, as Wiener put it, which is the supposition which JFK Revisited, and all the work which preceded and informed it, destroys.

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1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

And yet… two new books this year (Litwin, Long) and the Wiener Rolling Stone hatchet job can be said to have been written anticipating the JFK Revisited documentary would be largely concerned with the Garrison-Shaw case in New Orleans, based on the doc’s working title “Destiny Betrayed” and DiEugenio’s role as writer. And then a self-referential universe of Facebook pages, op-eds, and Twitter comments appear promoting these views. The attempts to associate JFKA research with Q-Anon, Russian trolls, covid deniers, Trump supporters, etc etc echo similar items from five years ago penned by Alexandra Zapruder and Joyce Carol Oates. A common thread amongst all the above is the presence of Max Holland - as a mentor, author of cited works, and promoter of the dated sponsored book on the Garrison trial “American Grotesque”, with its homophobia plot line.

It’s fairly obvious the American establishment remains deeply concerned this genie gets out of the bottle,  and the damage control remains equal parts ignoring the topic, promoting ridiculous counter-theories, and smearing the critics. Yet at the end of the day all they have is the insistence that Oswald really did hit that “million in one shot”, as Wiener put it, which is the supposition which JFK Revisited, and all the work which preceded and informed it, destroys.

I suspect one reason there were so many national-security-state planted books and articles this year was the Stone-DiEugenio film and the Biden Administration decision on the JFK Records act---both events in one year, this year.  

Surely, the lesson of the 1991 Stone film JFK, which led to the JFK Records Act, has not been lost on the national security state. 








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From Rolling Stone:

"Oliver Stone once made brilliant movies like Platoon, which won Oscars for best picture and best director. These days, he’s a tinfoil-hatted fabricator. His new documentary — JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, premiering on Showtime on, you guessed it, Nov. 22 — is rooted in a big lie. It comes 30 years after the premiere of JFK, a film unrivaled in the annals of American cinematic propaganda. Both are based on the undying delusion that President Kennedy was murdered by the Deep State: The Central Intelligence Agency, backed by the military-industrial complex.

Do you believe that the CIA killed JFK? Millions of Americans suspect so. Let me ask you, then: Why do they believe it?

The tale can be traced to a Russian disinformation operation. It came from the same arsenal of political warfare that convinced half the world that the U.S. Army created AIDS. The one that monkey-wrenched the 2016 election for Donald Trump. "


Boy, where to start? The rest of the article gets worse.

One clue that this is a CIA plant---the reference to "Russian disinformation" and Trump. 

Trump won the 2016 election due to Moscow disinformation, so says Rolling Stone's Weiner.  A recurring theme from the CIA is the role of "Russian disinformation" in US life and politics---you know, like the Hunter Biden's laptop story was the result of "Russian disinformation." 

Rolling Stone "liberal" readers must be eating this up---and that is the target audience.  So, if you are a good smart liberal and detest Trump then you should think the Warren Commission's explanation of the JFKA is all you need. 

Case closed. 

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Jeff  (opening line):And yet… two new books this year (Litwin, Long) and the Wiener Rolling Stone hatchet job can be said to have been written anticipating the JFK Revisited

Of course they are. They capitalize on the  controversy of the current conspiracy climate, they capitalize on any new releases such as "Looking glass"., they capitalize on the date of Nov.22nd. Jeff Again I'll tell you , it's called capitalism!

Ben:I suspect one reason there were so many national-security-state planted books and articles this year was the Stone-   

Oh you suspect, (hedging) Ben??? i know you're the self appointed "shaking in his boots" NSS forum town crier. But give me one specific example. 

 Ben: Case Closed!

Ben again, you don't understand basic American Capitalism.

In the 60's we use to say "hippies (or protestors) create police" and "police create hippies". Just substitute JFK researches and LN writers.

Neither of you guys have showed a shread of evidence that any institution is paying any authors to write this stuff. Whether you agree with them about Russia Gate, there are millions of people who disagree  with you who are not being paid off by some totalitarian bureaucracy, but they can site a lot more circumstantial evidence about that,  then you're about to produce to me now  that these writers are being paid off by some totalitarian bureaucracy. So let's hear your proof! That is the implied title of this thread. Operation Mockingbird was a government sponsored effort to effect media coverage. Don't try to bs me with no specifics..

Jeff: It’s fairly obvious the American establishment remains deeply concerned this genie gets out of the bottle, 

Maybe fairly obvious to you, a guy only a few years back who would actually believe one person (curiously a woman) would actually want to go down in history as being the person to push the button to destroy Russia and China with nuclear annihilation, and actually would be applauded for taking such action??!! Any person who would entertain such an idea would reflect to me a certain depravity. Certainly your statements in recent years Jeff, have been more moderate. But why in the remaining world would I trust your judgment about "what is fairly obvious."?

Show me some meetings , like the Russia Gate people do. Try to prove to me that this situation isn't any different than what I said earlier. People writing books to get their message across and /or bluster their opinions to make some money!


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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

From Rolling Stone:

"Oliver Stone once made brilliant movies like Platoon, which won Oscars for best picture and best director. These days, he’s a tinfoil-hatted fabricator. His new documentary — JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, premiering on Showtime on, you guessed it, Nov. 22 — is rooted in a big lie. It comes 30 years after the premiere of JFK, a film unrivaled in the annals of American cinematic propaganda. Both are based on the undying delusion that President Kennedy was murdered by the Deep State: The Central Intelligence Agency, backed by the military-industrial complex.

Do you believe that the CIA killed JFK? Millions of Americans suspect so. Let me ask you, then: Why do they believe it?

The tale can be traced to a Russian disinformation operation. It came from the same arsenal of political warfare that convinced half the world that the U.S. Army created AIDS. The one that monkey-wrenched the 2016 election for Donald Trump. "


Boy, where to start? The rest of the article gets worse.

One clue that this is a CIA plant---the reference to "Russian disinformation" and Trump. 

Trump won the 2016 election due to Moscow disinformation, so says Rolling Stone's Weiner.  A recurring theme from the CIA is the role of "Russian disinformation" in US life and politics---you know, like the Hunter Biden's laptop story was the result of "Russian disinformation." 

Rolling Stone "liberal" readers must be eating this up---and that is the target audience.  So, if you are a good smart liberal and detest Trump then you should think the Warren Commission's explanation of the JFKA is all you need. 

Case closed. 

"Rolling Stone "liberal" readers must be eating this up---and that is the target audience.  So, if you are a good smart liberal and detest Trump then you should think the Warren Commission's explanation of the JFKA is all you need."

That's right, Benjamin - Mockingbird's targets are not you and I.

No, their targets are the "good-thinking" liberals and conservatives who don't know anything about the JFK assassination. After reading Rolling Stone articles like this one, then "good" liberals and conservatives don't need to bother to examine the actual evidence in the case.

And that is precisely what the Powers That Be want: a citizenry that believes that there is nothing to these "conspiracy theories" - because they like to read Rolling Stone, or watch CNN (or any other major network), and trust anything in the mainstream press. 


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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Jeff  (opening line):And yet… two new books this year (Litwin, Long) and the Wiener Rolling Stone hatchet job can be said to have been written anticipating the JFK Revisited

Of course they are. They capitalize on the  controversy of the current conspiracy climate, they capitalize on any new releases such as "Looking glass"., they capitalize on the date of Nov.22nd. Jeff Again I'll tell you , it's called capitalism!

Ben:I suspect one reason there were so many national-security-state planted books and articles this year was the Stone-   

Oh you suspect, (hedging) Ben??? i know you're the self appointed "shaking in his boots" NSS forum town crier. But give me one specific example. 

 Ben: Case Closed!

Ben again, you don't understand basic American Capitalism.

In the 60's we use to say "hippies (or protestors) create police" and "police create hippies". Just substitute JFK researches and LN writers.

Neither of you guys have showed a shread of evidence that any institution is paying any authors to write this stuff. Whether you agree with them about Russia Gate, there are millions of people who disagree  with you who are not being paid off by some totalitarian bureaucracy, but they can site a lot more circumstantial evidence about that,  then you're about to produce to me now  that these writers are being paid off by some totalitarian bureaucracy. So let's hear your proof! That is the implied title of this thread. Operation Mockingbird was a government sponsored effort to effect media coverage. Don't try to bs me with no specifics..

Jeff: It’s fairly obvious the American establishment remains deeply concerned this genie gets out of the bottle, 

Maybe fairly obvious to you, a guy only a few years back who would actually believe one person (curiously a woman) would actually want to go down in history as being the person to push the button to destroy Russia and China with nuclear annihilation, and actually would be applauded for taking such action??!! Any person who would entertain such an idea would reflect to me a certain depravity. Certainly your statements in recent years Jeff, have been more moderate. But why in the remaining world would I trust your judgment about "what is fairly obvious."?

Show me some meetings , like the Russia Gate people do. Try to prove to me that this situation isn't any different than what I said earlier. People writing books to get their message across and /or bluster their opinions to make some money!


Come on, Kirk. You should be able to present your dismissals without resorting to wild hyperbole or yet again dredging up the Clinton / Fluornoy matter (to which I offered at the time to present a dozen sources which informed my offhand statement). Who said “writers are being paid off by some totalitarian bureaucracy”? I suggested there appears to be some orchestration without then theorizing about deep-state paymasters. Orchestration has been a hallmark of support for the official story and attacks on the critics since the WR was released. Or do you propose that three separate writers got out of bed one recent day and decided to write about the Garrison-Shaw trial, homophobia, and the new Oliver Stone documentary which was at the time (quietly) said to be in production?

It’s a nominally free society, so critics of the critics are fully part of the story here, and if they can get their work published or lauded in the MSM then that is simply their advantage. That they feel their points are best supported with shrill insults and dire association… that’s been the style since 1964. You saw it too - the fallback limited hangout acknowledging at least cover-up in JFKA was field-tested on “Face The Nation” back in 2013, but evidently is not yet ready for prime time so out come the QAnon slurs.

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Getting into a "Russian human garbage" is allowable because "American human garbage" exists, is a dumb defense for bad behavior, especially when one of these two countries doesn't even believe in basic democracy.

There are clearly turds on both sides, but there is not an equivalence between the two. Russia is objectively a worse country, on numerous levels.

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3 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

"Rolling Stone "liberal" readers must be eating this up---and that is the target audience.  So, if you are a good smart liberal and detest Trump then you should think the Warren Commission's explanation of the JFKA is all you need."

That's right, Benjamin - Mockingbird's targets are not you and I.

No, their targets are the "good-thinking" liberals and conservatives who don't know anything about the JFK assassination. After reading Rolling Stone articles like this one, then "good" liberals and conservatives don't need to bother to examine the actual evidence in the case.

And that is precisely what the Powers That Be want: a citizenry that believes that there is nothing to these "conspiracy theories" - because they like to read Rolling Stone, or watch CNN (or any other major network), and trust anything in the mainstream press. 



Let's not forget that Rolling Stone published Carl Bernstein's famous October 1977 article about CIA Operation Mockingbird (which conveniently omitted any references to Phillip Graham and Bernstein's Washington Post.)



So, needless to say, I was disappointed to see Rolling Stone publish Tim Weiner's bogus "review" of JFK Revisited this week.  Shame on them!

Obviously, Mockingbird's targets include everyone on the political spectrum.

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