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Destiny Betrayed 2022

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Doug Horne on Oswald's earnings, 1959. 

I asked. him to expand on this and he kindly did.


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Take a look at what happened to Abby Martin.

I said she would soon get to 200,000 views.  You Tube is doing everything they can to stop her from doing that.  She probably would have been there is this had not happened to her.  This is really a disgrace that should sicken everyone except Parnell. 

What the heck is the You Tube Community anyway? And who allows them to restrict like this?


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Does this mean that if enough people on You Tube complain, then this advisory gets slapped on the video?

I mean everyone knows how many Krazy Kid Oswald advocates are out there.

No wonder people are going to Rumble and Bitchute.

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Update on stopping Abby Martin's march to 200,000 views on You Tube of her interview with Oliver Stone.

First, it got flagged around the time that Oliver posted it on Facebook himself.  Which always boosts circulation since he was so many followers.


Second, she is going to appeal the flagging.  Which I think she should. Its so unfair.  I mean considering the junk that gets to be posted with no problem on You Tube.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I am going to have a big announcement about the film pretty soon.

Everyone, except Parnell, will be gratified about it.

We got a good break.

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On 3/23/2022 at 3:31 PM, James DiEugenio said:

ake a look at what happened to Abby Martin.

I said she would soon get to 200,000 views.  You Tube is doing everything they can to stop her from doing that.  She probably would have been there is this had not happened to her.  This is really a disgrace that should sicken everyone except Parnell. 

What the heck is the You Tube Community anyway? And who allows them to restrict like this?

It is sickening and this censorship has gone into hyperspace since 2020, all in accordance with Event 201 where media manipulation was simulation in "lockstep" form. Now, it is painfully obvious to everyone who cares to see that freedom of speech is out the window, even the NY times published an article referencing this. But its worse than that, news outlets are essentially being threatened by governments to stick to the propaganda. Anything that threatens these global psychopaths nutty plans is censored, which includes the truth about the killing of JFK. The second video is a network exec admitting he was basically threatened to tow the government line, straight out of the fascist playbook.


Jim recently said on Black Op Radio that the Democrats do not understand what happened in the 60's well enough. Absolutely true. This same failure is repeating itself with censorship today. Many of leftist persuasion have failed to defend freedom of speech because they have been entrapped into the Trump psy-op where nothing but Trump smearing matters and the ends justifies the means at America's expense. It seems like 80% of the Democratic party agrees with the agenda of the World Economic Forum by how they act, then you ask them if they agree with the WEF agenda and they say "Who is that?". Amazing ignorance and extremely effective propaganda. It reminds me of when I used to debate people on the JFK case, we would go back and forth a bit, usually on obvious things that everyone had heard before, then I would ask them who Allen Dulles was and if it was a good idea to put him on the Warren Commission, "Who is that?" was the average response.


If you know what Cyber Polygon is, the internet is now the main target of these globalists. They use the "misinformation" tag for anything that disagrees with them or make them look bad. Just look at the Ukraine hysteria. No wonder Russia banned so called BigTech, its just an extension of the military intelligence propaganda/data collection networks.






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Thanks for that Dennis.

Rumble is becoming a popular place for people trying to escape You Tube censorship.


Ron, I think with help from Bob and Jeremy we found out what roeconsluting is, its just a front he bought on the cheap to smear JFK Revisited.

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12 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

I appreciate the efforts here to keep researchers honest.  There has been PLENTY of BS from people who believe or push anything conspiracy oriented, no matter how flimsy, on the public.  So bring on the defense of the WC and LN position and question every conspiracy idea.

But be honest and objective.  Critically  look at everyone’s statements.  

Look what LeMay’s does in his oral history:  when asked directly about where he was when Kennedy was assassinated at first he tries to imply that he was in Washington because his post was chief of staff the Air Force.  Then when pressed just a little he says he was “off someplace….”

I’m sorry, but LeMay’s responses to a simple direct question, one that he UNDOUBTEDLY knows the specific and direct answer to, are vague and evasive.  

What need would General LeMay have to be evasive about that?  An HONEST person would have just given a DIRECT ANSWER.

LeMay had something to hide…..wonder what that would be…..







Edited by Al Fordiani
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I agree Al.

1. LeMay misrepresented where he was that day.

2. He would not reply to his aide de camp, Dorman, as he was coming in to Washington.

3. And he broke orders and flew into National instead of Andrews.

Why, why and why?

Concerning the second, if you recall, this was cut out of the original AF 1 tape.

Concerning the last, I can think of two reasons.  There would be no cameras at National since the media was all at Andrews, and as John Newman pointed out to me, its closer to Bethesda.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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