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"The Assassination & Mrs. Paine" comes out this month

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1 hour ago, Joseph McBride said:

I posted on the RFK section of this site a new podcast

interview I did with the rarely interviewed Scott Enyart,

the only person taking pictures during the shooting. He

discusses what happened, what he saw, and his Kafkaesque

ordeal after the LAPD, to which he lent the photos, failed

to return the ones he took during the shooting, only those

he took during RFK's speech and in the ballroom after

the shooting. This podcast is Bob Wilson's I'M LOOKING

THROUGH YOU. https://ochelli.com/rfk-assassination-witness-54-years-after/?fbclid=IwAR1U9eJGgaKdZbr01Yobf7KFgr2SdULQiqE-7Acw5emN8jJTpHmNTsCT9tA

I guess I should go to the RFK section to reply and not distract from this thread but I'm only 12 minutes in and this is fascinating already.  After eating at the Brown Derby you and your brother went over to the Ambassador Hotel into the pantry where RFK was shot.  You and Mr. Enyart went to an auction separately, not knowing each other and you could have bought the tray stacker Sirhan (and polka dot dress girl) stood on for $1000, he could have bought the steam table he stood on for $75.  Small world sometimes.

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Again, the popular success of Max Good 's film I think is really unexpected.

Even to him.

And it underlines the fact that people  are still interested in the subject to  a degree that the power elite does not want to acknowledge.

The other point is that Max decided to focus on a narrow subject which had not been presented in this format previously.  The Paines are a  fertile area for exploration, which had more or less, just been waiting to be examined.  And Max was up to the task.

I really hope he gets that cable sale.

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👏 Nice going Max. 

Maybe Ruth will be there also.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/9/2022 at 11:52 PM, Max Good said:

Thanks, Jim!

More exciting news: the film will be playing at the San Antonio Film Festival next month.  The festival is August 2-7 and I'm planning to be there.



I don't know where you're from Max but bring you swim trunks.  A dip in the hotel pool will feel really good.

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Max deserves so much credit for doing this.

I mean, the guy had almost no money, no crew to speak of, and it took him several years to complete it.

But he finished the film.  And its getting a lot of attention, more than I thought it would.  I actually think it has given him a name in the independent world of film.  For sheer perseverance, he deserves kudos.  He is making the film festival rounds and the streamers.

This caps off a two year run for our side that has been kind of unprecedented since 1993.  If you recall, that is when Bob Loomis and Harry Evans decided to dump a ton of money into an American tour for Jerry Posner and his flatulent book Case Closed. This was done to close down the ripples from Oliver Stone's JFK and turn the 30th into a mindless and mendacious Warren Report orgy.  Capped off by Gus Russo and Dale Myers and the late MIke Sullivan's horrible belittling of Sebastian La Tona. And, as I have argued, this could not have been a mistake. (And let us not forget Myers and OMG, Tatum.)

That piece of rubbish set the tone for every network and cable show for decades to come.

But in the last two years we have had the Thompson ABC O and O special, with Gary Aguilar, Tink and Doug DeSalles, JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed, both national and worldwide successes which attracted the attention of tens of millions; and now Max Good, opening up a whole new angle to the public that was all but hidden before.

That shows you, this case will not go away.  How could it with what the Warren Report did.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I need to see the Thompson documentary. I don't think I've heard the details of that one.

Yes, we're fortunate to have so many new, high quality documentaries on the subject. Here's hoping the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences are taking notice! 😁 I'm sure next November will attract a lot of attention as well.

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This was done by producer Dan Noyes for the ABC owned and operation stations.



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Looking at the schedule I noticed the film is scheduled for prime time.  7:00 PM Saturday evening.  Someone there is aware, paying attention.

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The problem I see though Denny is this is going to be smothered by:

1.Mamet's Giancana BS, a feature

2. Summers' probable special: maybe, maybe there was not a plot

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Here's the link to the screening in San Antonio.  It's Saturday, August 6th @7pm at:

Radius Center
106 Auditorium Circle #120
San Antonio, TX


I just did a little interview with someone from the San Antonio Express-News yesterday.  Hopefully we can drum up some press for this screening.

Big thanks to Joe Green for helping to make this happen!

Thanks, Ron.  I'm coming from the Bay Area where 75 degrees is a hot day.  I might have to find some water to jump into down there.

Hope to see anyone in that region of TX at the screening in two weeks...

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