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No one asks this question of Paine or Marina

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I had to look up the game show name.  It's called the FAMILY FEUD!

The question:

Ruth and Marina were 60's housewives and mothers of 4 young children. Why couldn't they attend attend the JFK parade ...........our survey said

2.........They were taking killer drugs and partying

98........They were taking care of their 4 children!

Yay!, sounds like we have a lot of confirmed bachelor JFK researchers  here. Joe will tell you.

The great majority of people in the Dallas Fort Worth area didn't actually attend the  parade.

The   reason for Ruth and Marina not being at the parade is  the most common reason for 60's stay at home housewives mothers of 4 children or for that matter,  mothers with any children in any time period.! They were at home taking care of  the kids.

A much more definitive line of questioning is to ask people why they were at the scene of a crime.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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31 minutes ago, John Deignan said:

However Ruth testified that Marina  “desired to get out of the house” and would bring both children along. 

Thank you John.   You are using relevant facts not speculation.  

Edited by Cory Santos
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10 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Joe your speculating.   Again, the question has not been asked nor answered.   

Corey's question:Why did Ruth Paine and Marina not go down to watch the motorcade?

Corey, You asked the question. You're alluding to having an answer here. What is it?


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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8 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Corey's question:Why did Ruth Paine and Marina not go down to watch the motorcade?

Corey, You asked the question. You're alluding to having an answer here. What is it?


Based on the facts they did not act in accordance with the facts.  Thus, the question is why?  The answer is no one knows because no one has asked.   This question has been ignored.   Hopefully someone will ask them both.     They should also be asked if LHO said whether he did or did not want them to watch the motorcade.  If the answer is yes neither mentioned this in their testimonies.   Someone should ask exactly what did he say.   You do agree right?

ps no “e” in my name.    I am more than enough without it.   

Edited by Cory Santos
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It's hard to believe this thread has survived this long given its premise.  Michel and Ruth were old money east coast establishment.  Family.  This gets so deep.  Cabot, Lodge, Forbes.  JFK defeats incumbent Lodge for Senator.  Appoints him Ambassador to Vietnam.  Lodge ignores JFK communique, Diem killed.  Ruth, dad and brother-in-law AID/CIA, sis CIA.  Much more.  I don't think Ruth had any desire to see JFK in a parade.

If you believe Marina didn't understand English, and was dependent on Ruth for translation . . . 

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Mary Ferrell was downtown that day and

didn't bother going to see the motorcade

because she was not a fan of JFK. But her

car was in the motorcade.

And Hosty's book claims he thought

Marina was his primary target of

concern as a likely agent. 

Edited by Joseph McBride
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18 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

In contrast, there are tremendous amounts of meaning in Ruby not attending. We're supposed to believe he was willing to take a chance at the electric chair for Jackie Kennedy's convenience, yet just days before he wasn't willing to cross the street to see her in person.  

Denny, the Jack Ruby illogical actions conundrum question you state above is so rationally thought provoking I edited my previous post to include it ( with credit given ) in my own comments. Hope you don't mind.

And thank you for your personal compliments. Very kind and generous of you,

Imo however, I am a freshman level student ( with freshman level posting contributions ) who barely got into this JFK truth seeking mission research and debate university forum compared to 200 more qualified members including several I rate at professorship level.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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Cory, without asking Ruth Paine or Marina, no one else can possibly answer your question without reverting to speculation.

I can look at this from several sides. After a kid goes to the dentist, they can be very cranky. So taking the kids downtown for a parade might not be something Ruth wanted to do.

As far as Marina and the baby, my experience dealing with very small children was that we always had a "diaper bag" packed and ready to go at a moment's notice, except for fresh formula for the baby. So if Marina was doing the "suburban mom" thing, the bag would have been set to add a bottle for the baby and go.

There are several plausible scenarios on both sides of why Ruth and Marina might have chosen to go, or might have chosen not to go. UNTIL one or both get asked, the answer is "blowin' in the wind."


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The TSBD on Houston. I tried to locate Frazier's car in this McIntire photo taken about 15 minutes after the shooting. Frazier was probably still standing on the stairs. I think I hear in the HSCA interview with him that Shelly ordered him to stay right where he was, probably so he does not attract police's attention. Shelly must have suspected early on that Lee did the shooting.

Frazier parked car.jpg

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1 hour ago, Denis Morissette said:

The TSBD on Houston. ....

Frazier parked car.jpg

Excellent, Denis!

I have never been able to find a picture of the Houston Street TSBD warehouse. But there it is in your photo. And, sure enough, that building (just like the Elm St. building) has the words "Texas School Book Depository" written right on it. It doesn't, however, say the word "Warehouse" as Ruth Paine said it did.

EDIT --- Or is the word "Warehouse" there after all? I just noticed --- Does it say "Warehouse" above the word "Book" in the picture of the Houston St. building? What do you think, Denis? Can that area be enhanced somewhat? It looks like a word might be printed there, and it could be the word "warehouse" I suppose.


Denis, does that photo of the Houston St. building actually face Stemmons Freeway? Would the words "TSBD" have, indeed, been visible to anyone driving on the Stemmons highway? If so, that means that BOTH of the Depository buildings would have been visible from Stemmons, and BOTH buildings would have had their names ("TSBD") easily visible to anyone who was looking in that direction from Stemmons Freeway. And therefore it's really not possible to say for sure which of the two buildings Mrs. Paine was referring to when she said this to the Warren Commission in 1964 (unless we can verify that the word "Warehouse" is, in fact, there at the top of the building located on Houston Street):

"I had seen a sign on a building as I went along one of the limited access highways that leads into Dallas, saying "Texas School Book Depository Warehouse" and there was the only building that had registered on my consciousness as being Texas School Book Depository."

Edited by David Von Pein
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