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So, What about this Conspiracy Business Anyway?

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Interesting article. 

My best guess is the actual number participants in the JFKA was rather small, perhaps a handful. 

Did the actual gunners have help from higher-ups? Who knows? 

A lot of JFKA complicity afterwards, to "get on board."  For the good of the country, etc. Avoid WWIII, and only commie-lefties or whackos were trying to exonerate LHO. 

Interesting today: People are very willing to believe conspiracies---but only involving the other political party. 





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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Interesting today: People are very willing to believe conspiracies---but only involving the other political party

There is that much corruption going on that people can’t just ignore it all. It's easier for them to believe the party they cheerlead is not involved. The alternative is accepting that the system doesn’t serve them and that they can’t change anything via a vote. The latter is becoming more common, apathy is out there and is building. A people seeking any distractions to take their minds off reality, like addicts seeking out dopaminergic fixes. Trump coverage provides that, the mob love to throw rotten fruit and cheer for a man to be hung drawn and quartered. It provides some satisfaction, even if the next man is doing the same to them. When society is prepared to abandon the idea that a man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, then you set the scene for unthinkable things to happen. Just in general we are seeing a real rise in trial by media or public opinion. We’re setting the scene of witch hunts and mass psychosis. 

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1 hour ago, Chris Barnard said:

There is that much corruption going on that people can’t just ignore it all. It's easier for them to believe the party they cheerlead is not involved. The alternative is accepting that the system doesn’t serve them and that they can’t change anything via a vote. The latter is becoming more common, apathy is out there and is building. A people seeking any distractions to take their minds off reality, like addicts seeking out dopaminergic fixes. Trump coverage provides that, the mob love to throw rotten fruit and cheer for a man to be hung drawn and quartered. It provides some satisfaction, even if the next man is doing the same to them. When society is prepared to abandon the idea that a man is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, then you set the scene for unthinkable things to happen. Just in general we are seeing a real rise in trial by media or public opinion. We’re setting the scene of witch hunts and mass psychosis. 

You do not want to be caught with a broomstick today! 

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Conspiracies are a real part of everyday life and for almost every person alive.

Two or more people conspiring to hide truths such as extramarital affairs, birth certificate alterations ( fathers not as listed ) and other hidden family secrets and on and on.

Tens and even hundreds of thousands of criminal conspiracies involving people cheating in every area of life including officials in every level of government from small to mid-sized town and county affairs to larger ones and on up to state and federal government affairs.

Criminal organizations such as the Mafia corrupting everything in their sight. Police, judges, business owners.

To deny this wide spread conspiracy reality is a childish notion.

The cultivated image of conspiracy believers as largely mentally unstable is something that has come about only with the highest level of importance proposed conspiracies in the last 60 years.

It's a well honed disinformation, discrediting and dissipating tactic used by those who are usually suspected as being the perpetrators of these highest level conspiracies and it works.

IMO it's reasonable, logical and even healthy to keep an open mind regards any major event perhaps not always being truthfully reported.

Corruption in America is one of our nation's top 5 legacies in it's history.

Corruption worldwide the same. 

It's just part of everyday life.

Hasn't everybody watched the TV show "American Greed" from time to time?

Content for a book " History's Top One Thousand Conspiracies" would be a challenge to assemble only because there's so much to choose from.

Living through the Nixon years where our entire federal executive branch was taken over by a huge group of law breaking crooks ( all the way to the top ) who not only violated " conspiratorially" our most major constitution laws time after time but actually bragged about it ( who will ever forget whacky G.Gordon Liddy?) taught me to keep a vigilant and rational awareness that such conspiratorial things can and have happened in the highest levels of our government.

And when former presidents admit "publicly!" that there are real and important areas of secrets and activities that even they are prevented from knowing about...isn't it rational to believe that there may very well be more conspiracies that are meant to keep such majorly important truths hidden?





Edited by Joe Bauer
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It's obvious there are conspiracies.

Curiously, All the  conspiracies he mentions are 50 years ago!, (with the exception of the tobacco companies  not their releasing studies on smoking and health, which everyone knew for certain by the 80's anyway!) and to our approval, he uses the JFKA a sort of template. But concerning all the suppression of evidence to these various government crimes in the middle of last century and the JFKA itself, people have no concept now what the news media was all about in 1963. There were 3 networks with largely the same newscasts. That sort of repression can't really exist today with online news and social media. When any event happens now, there's endless twisting of the story to accommodate any conspiracy taste.

I agree with Ben in that I've always thought  the JFKA was a small conspiracy or we wouldn't still be making wild speculations, and still have so much controversy about it 60 years later. Personally I agree less with some of the so called research I accepted say 5 years ago.

Jim alludes to the huge Trump conspiracy. That's quite a bit different, in that part of it is in the open. That is the grass roots movement to occupy critical state offices to the throw the elections in 2024 to address a lie that the  2020 elections were stolen. As for the more hidden, insidious charges Trump conspiracy charges involving 1/6 and you can pick em', any one of a number of charges that people can site as a reason for the FBI warrant and search of Mar a Lago that Fox News is now being duped into calling into question when all the specifics about that search warrant  could be revealed right now by Trump himself.

Anyway, yes that is a huge conspiracy and as a huge conspiracy,  it's unraveling before your eyes!

For a few years we we went through a sort "conspiracy PC" issue on the forum. People were up in arms that the MSM was using the term"conspiracy theory "to degrade the JFKA conspiracy. But what other phrase is there?  No one here  denies there's  conspiracies. This very thread is for the purpose of justifying that there are in fact conspiracies. And there are theories of conspiracies that have not been proven. Period!

And now we're in an age where conspiracy theories are so ubiquitous about every conceivable thing. I've been warning the forum about that many years now. Why wouldn't the JFKAC not to one degree, just be thrown in the MSM trash bin like a q-anon conspiracy theory? Whether you like i that or not, it was inevitable. But it's not because there's a huge "Deep state" or a sinister group on high, who knows who killed JFK and desperately cares and is forever monitoring  and mindfully upset about any progress that the JFKAC Community  makes in finding out who killed JFK. I've asked this question many times here, and I've never got an answer. What have they really got to lose? Do you really think the worlds greatest superpower in the history of mankind is going to gut their intelligence agencies?

You're dreaming! If you sense there are overlords trying to protect everyone from finding out who killed JFK. What would the worst of their fears be?

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     I beg to differ.  If I recall correctly, the CIA issued an Orwellian executive order in (?) 1964 ordering all agency personnel to do whatever was necessary to promote public acceptance of the Warren Commission Report.  Was the order ever rescinded?

    And we all know, since the Church Committee/William Colby revelations, that the CIA has had a very powerful, pervasive influence on the U.S. mainstream media.

    Your point about the expansion and diversification of social media sources is a good one but, at the same time, there has been a major consolidation in ownership of mainstream media syndicates.  And it, certainly, looks like the mega media corps are still suppressing the truth about the JFK assassination.

    The absurd Washington Post "coverage" of JFK Revisited during the past year is an obvious example.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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W. Just like the author, Colby , 1964. All your examples are 50-60 years old. What's going on now?

Honestly W. I know you probably won't believe, but none of the Washington Post coverage is done out of any fear 3 generations later, of the JFKA for conspiracy movement. Tell me what specifically what they would fear , Again, what's the worse that could happen?

About the heaviest response you'd see among the editors about the JFKAC community is just an eye rolling. They've been processed through their teachers and their miieu and their career placement, to regard it as a "fringe." They honestly believe that.


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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16 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

Thanks for the info, Mark.

Now I know where Shenon got all the Odio quotes. They're from that 1976 interview with Fonzi.


You should keep in mind as well that Shenon's main sources were Liebeler's former colleagues. Evidently, Liebeler was a bit of a horndog, and liked to brag about it. 

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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

You're dreaming! If you sense there are overlords trying to protect everyone from finding out who killed JFK. What would the worst of their fears be?

Is it a bit more simple than that, Kirk? If I think about what the JFKA represents; imho a coup d’etat in America.
Your politicians need public consent to carry out their policies which may or may not be good for American people. One of the biggest if not the biggest instruments of public trust is the belief that America is a democracy, that endeavours to spread democracy around the world. If the public become aware of what happened to JFK and others, trust in government will be badly damaged, perhaps irreparably. So, its not that elites or corporations now are concerned with covering up a 59 year lie to protect the dead people who did it. They’ve been focussed on maintaining public trust in the institution of government and its security establishment. 

If you accept that fascists took over when JFK was murdered, which is the view of some, when did they fall out of power? When did the corruption or evil stop? I personally think this is like a thread, if you pull on the JFKA, the whole thing unravels, starting with LBJ, then Nixon and we quickly get to Bushes and so on until today.

I am certain you’ll disagree but, that’s expected, as it would mean giving up on some things that you’ve been conditioned to hold dear. I get why people don’t want to, it’s hard.  

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As for the potency of the secrets behind the JFK hit, one only has to think of what happened to Oliver Stone in 1991.

Has there ever been a film that was attacked 7 months before it was ever seen in theaters?

I can tell you right now, I am pretty familiar with cinema history, and I have never seen such a thing.  Let alone with the intensity and the frequency that this film was.

If that is not good enough for you, then what about after?

Has anyone ever recalled an Oswald did it book as poor as Posner's get the massive attention it did?  Again, not that I can recall.  That Posner tour was a preemptive strike on the 30th anniversary.  

I guess you could say these are simply cosmic coincidences, which happened within a two year span of each other.  I think you would have a hard time convincing people on this forum--except for Parnell and DVP--that such was the case.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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8 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     I beg to differ.  If I recall correctly, the CIA issued an Orwellian executive order in (?) 1964 ordering all agency personnel to do whatever was necessary to promote public acceptance of the Warren Commission Report.  Was the order ever rescinded?

    And we all know, since the Church Committee/William Colby revelations, that the CIA has had a very powerful, pervasive influence on the U.S. mainstream media.

    Your point about the expansion and diversification of social media sources is a good one but, at the same time, there has been a major consolidation in ownership of mainstream media syndicates.  And it, certainly, looks like the mega media corps are still suppressing the truth about the JFK assassination.

    The absurd Washington Post "coverage" of JFK Revisited during the past year is an obvious example.

I am happy to say I agree with W on this one. 

The strange treatment of the JFKA in the M$M, and now also "left-wing" alternative media, is not explicable, except that there is still an effort, and a financed effort, to make JFKA researchers seem nutty. 

Richard Russell has authored a few pieces recently about US intel infiltration and financing of new media. 

Oddly enough, it is often right-wing media, and right-wingers, who are more open to JFKA research than left-wingers. 

This is not a defense of Mr. Orange, who also did not release the JFK records.

But it is interesting how intel-state and party alliances have shifted in the last 60 years. 


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22 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

here is that much corruption going on that people can’t just ignore it all. It's easier for them to believe the party they cheerlead is not involved. The alternative is accepting that the system doesn’t serve them and that they can’t change anything via a vote.

Yeah, that's me Chris....never voted in any local or general election in the U.K. in my life, that's fifty odd years and counting.  + on the topic of conspiracies, haven't the U.K. government just lost its Prime Minister as a result of a conspiracy of silence over a Downing St., party held at a time of Covid lockdown.  Not on the scale of the many examples on this thread, but one none the less.

'Don't vote, it only encourages them' is the old sixties mantra that I still hold dear.

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1 hour ago, Pete Mellor said:

Yeah, that's me Chris....never voted in any local or general election in the U.K. in my life, that's fifty odd years and counting.  + on the topic of conspiracies, haven't the U.K. government just lost its Prime Minister as a result of a conspiracy of silence over a Downing St., party held at a time of Covid lockdown.  Not on the scale of the many examples on this thread, but one none the less.

'Don't vote, it only encourages them' is the old sixties mantra that I still hold dear.

Other questions spring to mind. At the very time they were telling the UK voters to be terrified and to stay home, they were mingling maskless, throwing a big party. Obviously they knew the virus wasn’t anywhere near as much of a risk as they made out, Sir Patrick Vallance knew this in May of 20. To me the deceit has been massive, and it wasn’t just Boris, many heads should have been accountable and heads should have rolled. 

Like you, I have not voted (perhaps once at 18), I now live somewhere that has its own independent government, comprised of mostly ordinary folk who work normal jobs. There is a lot more transparency. 


The fuel situation and coming food crisis might be an even bigger scandal concerning the decisions being made. 


I digress. Yes, voting is subscribing to a system that doesn’t serve you. There is a reason why we have effectively a 2 party system, it makes people choose the lesser of two evils. And give continuity to one class of people. 

What was the single event that made you realise it was a fix? Or, did it come from your parents experiences? 

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10 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

You should keep in mind as well that Shenon's main sources were Liebeler's former colleagues. Evidently, Liebeler was a bit of a horndog, and liked to brag about it. 

Apparently, Liebeler wasn't shy about his womanizing ways, but according to Shenon, he "said nothing to the other lawyers about an awkward encounter with Odio" upon his return from Dallas.

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2 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:

What was the single event that made you realise it was a fix? Or, did it come from your parents experiences? 

It's in my genes. A rebel without a pause. I fought the law & the law won when I was just 10yo, so I wasn't allowed to sit the 11 plus.  At 15 I dropped out, hippie, anti-war, slept rough on the streets of London, lived in a commune, didn't have a proper job till I was 24.  Today, at 70yo, I'm still anti.  Too old to continue being a Greenpeace activist, but still a member, also with Amnesty Int.  No, not from my folks, they were true blue & my sister is married to a multi-millionaire, I'm the black sheep.  But it's not real.


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