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Video: Evidence of Revision

Gil Jesus

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  • Gil Jesus changed the title to Video: Evidence of Revision

I have always thought this was an exceptional production.

There are parts of films in it that are simply not available in the MSM, or at least I have never seen before. 

Whether that is by design or accident is another question.

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Wait until you get to the murder of Oswald.

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Stephanie and others:

If you have not seen this before, you really should watch it.

Considering the guy had little or no money, it is well done, music and editing wise.

The footage is really exceptional.  Its a long story how he got it.

The section on the murder of Oswald is remarkable.  Although I had read about it in Kantor, I  had never actually seen the film of Ruby hiding behind, I think, Harrison.  

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Reporter: The performer at Mr. Ruby's club said that he thought he saw Oswald there some days ago.

White Hat Guy: I think he was mistaken.

Reporter: This is a memory expert.

White Hat Guy: hmm

While I had a chuckle at that exchange, the serious question is why would White Hat Guy instantly dismiss the possibility of Oswald visiting a night club? Even though I don't believe it was Oswald at the club, its apparent to me that White Hat Guy was composed to quash any impression of a Ruby/Oswald connection as early as days after the event. The reporter was thinking the same with his "memory expert" retort. White Hat Guy went on to attack the performer saying he only thinks he's a memory expert. Job done.



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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

If you have not seen this [Evidence Of Revision] before, you really should watch it.

And remember to keep a large grain of salt by your side when viewing it (at least for Part 1 anyway). Here's why:



Edited by David Von Pein
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I think you can watch it all online can't you?

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Speaking of good documentaries, I just watched

the six-part series WHO KILLED MALCOLM X? on Netflix. Superb

and eye-opening account of the dogged

research by Abdur-Rahman Muhammad that led to the exoneration

of two innocent men, Muhammad Aziz (previously

Norman 3X Butler) and Khalil Islam (Thomas 15x Johnson), unjustly convicted as assassins. And

the film identifies and shows footage of the

man who fired the shotgun that caused the

fatal wounds, William Bradley, who changed

his name to Al-Mustafa Shabazz. The series

deals extensively with the collusion of the

FBI and the NYPB with Elijah Muhammad's Nation of Islam

in the killing.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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