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JFK Researcher Found Murdered

Gerry Down

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I think it's another variation on the theme of the "Secret Service men firing from the follow-up car".   Below is an excerpt from the book (from his website).

Of course, if those tapes/records exist (I have my doubts...) they do have historical value.  But I don't think his book will add anything IMO



Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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23 minutes ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

I think it's another variation on the theme of the "Secret Service men firing from the follow-up car".   Below is an excerpt from the book (from his website).

Of course, if those tapes/records exist (I have my doubts...) they do have historical value.  But I don't think his book will add anything IMO



Interesting detail in that page from the book that Johnsons car, and presumably also the Secret Service car behind Johnsons car, slowed down and stayed slowed down to the point that the car behind them had to go around them in order to catch up to the JFK car. Its interesting in how it connects to the account of Secret Service agent Thomas Johns who left the follow up car behind Johnsons car in an effort to run to Johnsons car but then the motorcade sped up and Johns got stranded in the street as the motorcade sped off: https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/m_j_russ/Sa-johns.htm

Here is a 1991 interview of Malcolm Kilduff. He seems to support the idea that there might have been a conspiracy though I don't think he provides any actual proof to back that assertion up:


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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

Interesting detail in that page from the book that Johnsons car, and presumably also the Secret Service car behind Johnsons car, slowed down and stayed slowed down to the point that the car behind them had to go around them in order to catch up to the JFK car. Its interesting in how it connects to the account of Secret Service agent Thomas Johns who left the follow up car behind Johnsons car in an effort to run to Johnsons car but then the motorcade sped up and Johns got stranded in the street as the motorcade sped off: https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/m_j_russ/Sa-johns.htm

Here is a 1991 interview of Malcolm Kilduff. He seems to support the idea that there might have been a conspiracy though I don't think he provides any actual proof to back that assertion up:


I must have missed something, Gerry.

In that interview Kilduff says it was Oswald alone who killed JFK. He says it was Connally, not JFK, who Oswald intended to kill, because Connally as Secretary of the Navy had signed Oswald's less than honourable discharge from the marines.

It's hard to know what to make of that.

PS. There are some interesting comments beneath this YouTube video of the same interview:


Edited by John Cotter
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Its been a while since I watched that interview. I remember there was something in it that was significantly out of line with the Warren Commissions version of events. I had thought he had suggested there might have been a conspiracy but as you point out, perhaps the item I remembered which was out of line with the official version of events was actually that he was suggesting that Connolly was LHOs intended target and not JFK. My memory seems to have failed me. 

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2 hours ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

I think it's another variation on the theme of the "Secret Service men firing from the follow-up car".   Below is an excerpt from the book (from his website).

Of course, if those tapes/records exist (I have my doubts...) they do have historical value.  But I don't think his book will add anything IMO



Well it looks like the book is just his transcripts of the tapes. If the book has complete transcripts and the audio isn’t available anywhere it’d definitely be worth a read IMO. 

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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

Its been a while since I watched that interview. I remember there was something in it that was significantly out of line with the Warren Commissions version of events. I had thought he had suggested there might have been a conspiracy but as you point out, perhaps the item I remembered which was out of line with the official version of events was actually that he was suggesting that Connolly was LHOs intended target and not JFK. My memory seems to have failed me. 


TS Eliot’s verse drama Murder in the Cathedral is about the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral during the reign of Henry II in 1170, because Becket had challenged Henry’s encroachment on the authority of the church.

The play depicts four Tempters trying in vain to persuade Becket to abandon his principles, the First Tempter telling Becket that “the easy man lives to eat the best dinners”.

In that video Malcolm Kilduff has the girth of a man who has eaten a lot of good dinners. Perhaps that’s why he changed his story about what happened on the day of the JFKA.


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11 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:



Skin color has nothing to do with it. It's dangerous to live in a poor community regardless of its location.


And as living standards decline for 90% of Americans, more neighborhoods become dangerous...stresses elevated, people forced to see fellow citizens as "others," competitors or enemies, not neighbors....

But Americans are curiously violent...poor neighborhoods in Thailand are not dangerous, for example....in the US it may because the M$M is constantly pushing various ID groups to been seen as "against" each other....


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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

And as living standards decline for 90% of Americans, more neighborhoods become dangerous...stresses elevated, people forced to see fellow citizens as "others," competitors or enemies, not neighbors....

But Americans are curiously violent...poor neighborhoods in Thailand are not dangerous, for example....in the US it may because the M$M is constantly pushing various ID groups to been seen as "against" each other....


Kids violent video games, violence  in rap music, non-stop violence in Super Hero films with both male and female super heroes kicking A$$ non-stop, and countless Seagal, Jason Borne, Liam Neeson vigilante action like films, kids raised in gun loving households, gangs glorifying violence in their earning stripes manhood edicts, violent Mexican drug activity, inner city crime and chaos, homeless and drug addict crime and violence, ultimate fighting glorification, encouraged political violence ( Capital building attack Jan. 6th 2021 ) vicious violent dangerous breed dog proliferation ( pit bulls, etc ) cops reacting violently much quicker than before ...

Our nation and young people are being subjected to violent images and words and guns 100X more than our generations before 1990 or so.



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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Kids violent video games, violence  in rap music, non-stop violence in Super Hero films with both male and female super heroes kicking A$$ non-stop, and countless Seagal, Jason Borne, Liam Neeson vigilante action like films, kids raised in gun loving households, gangs glorifying violence in their earning stripes manhood edicts, violent Mexican drug activity, inner city crime and chaos, homeless and drug addict crime and violence, ultimate fighting glorification, encouraged political violence ( Capital building attack Jan. 6th 2021 ) vicious violent dangerous breed dog proliferation ( pit bulls, etc ) cops reacting violently much quicker than before ...

Our nation and young people are being subjected to violent images and words and guns 100X more than our generations before 1990 or so.



Not to mention the a$$ kicking militaristic “full spectrum dominance” US foreign policy (though not so evident with Trump) such as was commented on by Martin Luther King when he said the US was “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today”.

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5 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Not to mention the a$$ kicking militaristic “full spectrum dominance” US foreign policy (though not so evident with Trump) such as was commented on by Martin Luther King when he said the US was “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today”.

Glad you mentioned this. Trump did seem to buck this trend in American foreign policy, but got no credit for it. 

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8 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Glad you mentioned this. Trump did seem to buck this trend in American foreign policy, but got no credit for it. 

He also fired John Bolton 


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On 11/11/2022 at 7:10 AM, Gerry Down said:

Myron Dukes, a JFK assassination researcher and published author from New York was found murdered on Wednesday. Sounds like a good guy that had been trying to turn his life around from previous criminality.



Interesting that he was originally from Bridgeport, CT. I happened to be from Fairfield, which is adjacent to it...

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13 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Glad you mentioned this. Trump did seem to buck this trend in American foreign policy, but got no credit for it. 

Don't give this guy an inch of praise. He'll milk this for years at every turn.

The damage Trump has done to this country and our Democracy is the most in our modern presidential history...by a mile!

You could find a few good things about Stalin, Hitler  ( improved Germany's crushed economic post 1929 WWI situation ), Capone ( donations to charities)., Mao, etc.

Trump's bad things outweigh any good ones 1,000 to 1.



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5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Hitler  ( improved Germany's crushed economic post 1929 WWI situation )

I don't really agree on that, what (and how) they did it was only good for more trouble.

Schacht's Mefo Bills to finance the huge military buildup (infrastructure served the same cause).

From the very beginning they were stealing whatever they could get their hands on (and Hitler simply stopped paying off his debts).

The only reason he got support in other countries was that he owed a lot of people a lot of money.

When the "system" was going to crash completely, they started steeling funds/resources from other countries.

(I know the above is a terrible short-cut, but... it's pretty much how I see it)



Edited by Jean Paul Ceulemans
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