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Tucker Carlson about the JFKA

Karl Kinaski

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Matt, we are working on a list of items that were identified by  the ARRB and not collected as well as items we now know about that NARA has every right to designate as JFK records and move to collect.   New collections are a major element of the MFF legal action.....the alternative is to bring enough pressure on Congress and the oversight committee to get action from that direction.

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25 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:


One cannot discuss Dealey Plaza conspiracy theories without taking up an early and persisting specimen, the John Birch Society theory that the assassination cabal originates within the orbits of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the secret Round Tables, the inner power sphere of the Rockefeller-Morgan-Rothschild world system. The JBS would say it was Yankee power that killed JFK, as I would say it was Cowboy power. Yankees are as capable as other types of turning against their own, and it seems self-evident from the problem remaining before us that they were quite capable of abandoning the pursuit of his killers as scion as it was convenient to do so and going along with the Johnson program of progress through war. Kennedy was far to the left within the coalition through which he sought to govern, even in his own base and constituency. By fall of 1963, he had probably "lost the support of his peers," in Indira Gandhi's phrase. But it is naive of the JBS to think Yankee power could have succeeded in covering up such a thing in an important Cowboy capital like Dallas.

I disagree with Oglesby.  I think the assassination of JFK was a Harriman operation.  

W. Averell Harriman: WASP capo di tutti capi.

The partition of Laos was negotiated by Harriman in ‘62.

The overthrow of Diem was pushed hard by Harriman.

25 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Then did the CIA do it? –P. 152


Save your money Ben, it's more of a Niche book. Cliff is presenting it as fact


Those with proficiency in English will note that Oglesby convinced me to look for factions in the ruling elite.  I don’t agree with all his conclusions.

25 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

and Oglesby is discussing power structures in hypothesis form, along with Dorthy Hunt's death as an assassination. If you can find it for $30 or less get it otherwise I recommend passing.  

The observation of schisms in the Deep State invariably escapes those who, for partisan purposes, insist the ruling elite is monolithic.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Well, this gets a little OT, but since the topic of factions within globalist elites has emerged....

Everything in a nutshell---

In the early post-war days, the resource companies were the primary globalists, such as oil outfits, or mineral guys like Freeport Sulphur, or Dole, and ag giants. There were some financial types involved.

The postwar globalists wanted friendly government everywhere, and lobbied (or more) Washington to do their bidding.  They were big...but far bigger was to come.

Fast forward to the present, and the truly huge globalists are outfits like BlackRock $10 trillion (with a "t") under management invested globally, Apple (sources heavily in Asia), Microsoft, WalMart (sources globally), Facebook (global operations), GM/Tesla (factories in China), Disney (sells globally, including China, runs parks and makes goods in China), the NBA---and basically all of Silicon Valley-Tech and Wall Street is globalized.

The modern globalists want good relations and to install commercially friendly governments everywhere, but are 10 times as large and likely 10 times as influential (think media) as the old resource companies. 

The large globalists even have global shareholder bases, and fiduciary obligations to those shareholders that eclipse any sort of allegiance to a mere nation. 

There are some schisms in globalism land...but really, the ol' Cowboy and Indians and Yankees days are dead and gone. 

There may be a schism emerging between the intel-military state, that is very skeptical of CCP-Beijing, and modern commercial globalists who only want good relations with the CCP. 

The modern globalists own both parties, excepting perhaps the populist wing of the GOP.  

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

There are some schisms in globalism land...but really, the ol' Cowboy and Indians and Yankees days are dead and gone. 

Tell it to the cops who got their asses kicked by modern-day Cowboys on 1/6.

You think Thiel and Musk aren’t right wing Cowboys?  

No Christian Nationalist (Cowboy) billionaires in the ruling elites?




1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:


The modern globalists own both parties, excepting perhaps the populist wing of the GOP.  

Hating on immigrants ain’t populism.

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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I do not think the abject, leaderless mob of lulus who occupied the Capitol on 1/6 were influential globalists. 


They were Trump’s Cowboy Army.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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From a letter I just saw that looks real, the CIA is asking Biden for an extension until 2027.

Is that the craziest thing you ever heard?

An ongoing operation for 65 years?

An agent in place for 65 years?

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29 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If you say so. Perhaps the analysis is being stretched, but if it works for you, then fly with it. 

Oglesby identified the John Birch Society as Cowboy.

MAGAs are the ideological progeny of the JBS.

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On 12/17/2022 at 3:34 AM, Chris Barnard said:

I have said many times that the terms left and right now only serve one purpose, so sort us into opposing camps.

The sheer length of this thread and levels of partisan bickering displayed herein prove your point. 

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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

From a letter I just saw that looks real, the CIA is asking Biden for an extension until 2027.

Is that the craziest thing you ever heard?

An ongoing operation for 65 years?

An agent in place for 65 years?

From a letter I just saw that looks real, the CIA is asking Biden for an extension until 2027.--JD


"CIA Director William Burns has told President Biden that an extension will be in place until 2027."  

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22 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Respectfully disagree Chris.

Let us first look at the "fabric" of our society in it's current state and see who is more coherent in their assessment of it, left or right, especially in comparison to JFK times and now. And in comparison to the rest of the world's industrialized nations and societies.

Number one, we are ideologically at war with each other.

We just had a mob of thousands of screaming worked up Americans ( inspired by their leader Donald Trump) violently storm our revered Capital Building !

Yelling "Hang Mike Pence", "Get Nancy Pelosi" "Stop The Steal" while running over and injuring hundreds of Capitol Police ( a few even dying as a result) and causing extreme damage to the building and traumatizing our entire Congress with life and death fear.

This is civil war level violence.

We've got right wing extremists planning kidnapping of governors, physically threatening and intimidating other officials who dare criticize their fearless leader Trump. Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers harrowing tale of this is typical.

I still remember watching a convoy of big tire, Trump sticker and banner adorned pick up trucks driven by cowboy hatted drivers, super loudly rumbling through even my home town area. Honking and shouting out pro-Trump/anti-Democrat cursing slogans. Gun racks in the window, a few Pit Bull dogs tied down in their truck beds. It was all blatant intimidation.

The covid virus knocked our nation down like nothing I have ever seen in my lifetime. I am telling you, we have only recovered 50% since that time. One million lives lost. Hundreds of thousands of businesses lost. Millions have never come back to normal income life styles. Trump mishandled that crisis to devastating degrees. He lied and made exaggerated health claims.

Remember, the help that was finally offered by the government that truly helped millions of job loss Americans through that nightmare was barely passed with the Democrats fighting for it and Trump and the Republicans against it or in the least trying to majorly limit it?

The cost of housing ( rents ) is insane. A problem for the last 30 years is now so bad it has caused millions of Americans to cut out other basic needs. Millions of young Americans can't afford rent. They are not marrying and having children as they simply can't afford to.

Millions are descending into homelessness and living out of their cars?

The world health organization ranks countries in basic living standard health.

America is far from the top ranked countries in almost every category.

We are militarily super rich, and yet extremely societally stressed poor in far too many basic need areas.

Millions of America's kids are stressed by drug problems, job opportunity problems outside of fast food and gas station convenience store ones, housing problems, cost of higher education problems.

America is the last hold out modern society nation that will not allow their citizens national health care.

Illegal immigration ( tens of millions of poor ) is breaking our welfare/social services, schooling, police and jail, state paid hospital and other health care budgets in too many areas with California being hit the hardest.

Just yesterday we heard this sad but true reality statistic that is a great part of our nation's over-all fabric condition.

In baby boomer ( JFK ) times, 90% of American children went into adulthood earning more than their parents.

Now?  That figure is down to 40%!

This is the reality of our nation now. We all know this. There is no room to debate here.

Which side of our traditional political ideological stance is more to blame for this proven decline in our societal fabric? The left? Or the Reagan trickle down inspired right?


Hi Joe, you’re a gentleman as always and many of us could learn from the way you conduct yourself on the forum.

There is much I can say here but, with a red wine hangover, a desk full of work, and needy GF having her time of the month, It’ll have to wait for another time. We’ll disagree until then, on some of the above. I keep meaning to knock out a 5000-10000 word thread but, something always takes its place in the queue: Things quieten for me between Jan and March

Merry Christmas to you and family. 


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