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Tucker Carlson about the JFKA

Karl Kinaski

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15 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

So you're just starting to consider that Ben?

If anybody  without a following here said that he's seen the remaining  files and there is indeed a smoking gun there and he now "believes" the CIA is behind the death of JFK, and said nothing else, as Carlson has said of his source, we'd laugh at him!
It does sound like novice BS,  doesn't it?

I checked out his show last night, nothing!, " gay dancers in drag affecting kids" .Didn't he get that story from you Ben? heh heh

He doesn't followup  stories all the time. But this is a whopper!

Ok, all speculation, but nothing matters except what he can produce in the future.




We agree for once. Carlson could have been gamed, though unlikely in his case. He is not a novice. 

Carlson, like the entire M$M, has terrible follow-through and tenacity. 

And like all TV guys, if the ratings are there Carlson will pursue, if not he will put the JFKA on the back-burner....

Still, an amazing show he put on. 

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19 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Some of my fellow liberals around here seem to be blinded by their understandable contempt for Tucker Carlson and Fox News.

Not blinded so much as very wary and mistrusting.

And could this story be a purposeful ( and typical Fox News ) distraction ploy from all the huge Trump bad news filling the MSM airways?

And if this story goes nowhere ... will those who are defending and even praising TC here still continue to do so?

I thought the majority of our members here shared my take on Fox News as a shameless extreme right wing propaganda machine and nothing more.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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30 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Not blinded so much as very wary and mistrusting.

And could this story be a purposeful ( and typical Fox News ) distraction ploy from all the huge Trump bad news filling the MSM airways?

And if this story goes nowhere ... will those who are defending and even praising TC here still continue to do so?

I thought the majority of our members here shared my take on Fox News as a shameless extreme right wing propaganda machine and nothing more.


     I have noticed that many people on the forum are going around and around on this issue without really hearing, or processing, what others have actually said.  There is too much all-or-nothing thinking, and multiple threads and redundant arguments-- people talking past each other.

    As I have said, since last week, I have always despised Tucker Carlson and Fox News, but I was impressed, in this particular instance, by Tucker Carlson's shocking, historic take down of the CIA in the JFKA case-- including his accurate commentary about Dr. Jolyon West, Jack Ruby, and the CIA's longstanding propaganda ruse of disparaging "conspiracy theorists."

    And I'm still waiting for Kirk, and others, to tell us if they sincerely believe that Tucker Carlson does NOT have a credible CIA source, as he claimed.

     Do Tucker critics think he was just making that "CIA source" story up?

     Again, I don't know what his motives are-- e.g., embarrassing Biden, fomenting distrust of the "Deep State," etc.-- but his comments about the CIA and JFKA were historic, and valuable.


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Well I'll just be repetitive and say this one more time.....assuming that Tucker does have a source and if Tucker is ethical and committed then he should be making Congressional contacts to gain an offer of immunity for his source to go on record with his information.  The same with an outreach to Congress to involve appropriate committees including oversight committees.   Given that his source may now be at risk, and that he is morally complicit for not revealing this information himself, he should be willing to cooperate and provide directions on where to find the document he saw including details to vet his story as to date, time, location, source etc.

There are legal channels which exist to actually introduce and leverage this sensational claim......will they work, maybe, maybe not but sensational evidence demands a meaningful response. 

Bottom line, he reported it, he has a responsibility legally, ethically and morally to try and do something with it to move matters forward....its a claim which if supportable could well lead to a new Congressional inquiry at a minimum and for that matter his Congressional and political supporters claim to want truth in the matter so they need to step up too.

This is no game, the assassination was a murder, it was sedition, it was treason and he needs to treat it in that light.

Edited by Larry Hancock
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The bloody January 6th insurrection is the biggest and most important American democracy threatening event in my lifetime.

A sedition minded, death threat screaming mob of thousands ( hundreds armed or using stolen items as weapons ) violently storming our "very own Capital building" full of our Congress members, their aides and Capital police and causing unprecedented injury ( with related deaths) to 100+ police, lifetime traumatizing of them and our Congress members with life and death siege concern for 3 hours and rampaging through the building, shattering windows, vandalizing offices, even defecating throughout the halls and elsewhere.

Imagine, our entire Congress fearing for their lives for 3 hours? In their own house?

Think home invasion level fear. Or a bank robbery hostage situation?

Only in exaggerated U.S. government takeover Hollywood films did we ever imagine such highest level violent insurrection events like this happening.

No one here can come up with anything more seriously threatening to our entire Congress in our lifetimes.

No other political protest event ( Black Lives Matter ) in Trump times comes close to the seriousness and democracy threatening impact and importance of the huge mob Capital building attack on January 6th, 2001.

This organized and Trump incited marauding attacking mob's goal was to stop the peaceful transfer of our duly elected new officers into office. A direct attack upon our constitution itself. An unprecedented violent action one.

Our very own President during this event sat back and watched the violent mob attack against his own Congress, in their own sacred place of government business and purposely allowed it to continue for "3 hours" knowing of the great injury and trauma and physical damage to the building itself that was taking place right before his own eyes ... and did nothing to stop it?

Who doesn't understand why we had a highest level congressional investigation into this unprecedented insurgency event and why Trump has just been recommended for felony criminal indictment ( 4 ) in their final concluding report?

To me, the downplaying of this large mob physical injury and democracy threatening attack right inside of our revered Capital building full of our Congress members is as much a threat against our constitutional democracy as the event itself.

Media giant Fox News has led this downplaying and with it's massive audience influence deserves justified condemnation for doing so.

This is just one main reason I don't give that extreme right wing propaganda machine and their main propaganda commentators any quarter of respect including any for some diversionary news story like this JFK one.

You give Fox News an inch of respect and they will milk it for a mile.

Judge Littig said this to the Amercian people on national TV:

"Trump is a clear and present danger to our democracy." 

With his blindly obedient, rage inflamed followers doing his bidding, even if it means violent attacks against our own government resulting in great injury, lifelong fear trauma and even death.

Trump has brought us all to a precipice of unprecedented constitutional threat danger.

IMO Fox News has been his main MSM enabler in doing so...and they are still doing so.

If my take on Fox News and their main propagandist commentators ( Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham and their great moral ethics Fox News birth father Roger Ailes included ) seems over-the-top emotion driven and irrational to a degree...well, I'll live with that take and trust that in the end it will be revealed as more rational than not.






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31 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Well I'll just be repetitive and say this one more time.....assuming that Tucker does have a source and if Tucker is ethical and committed then he should be making Congressional contacts to gain an offer of immunity for his source to go on record with his information.  The same with an outreach to Congress to involve appropriate committees including oversight committees.   Given that his source may now be at risk, and that he is morally complicit for not revealing this information himself, he should be willing to cooperate and provide directions on where to find the document he saw including details to vet his story as to date, time, location, source etc.

There are legal channels which exist to actually introduce and leverage this sensational claim......will they work, maybe, maybe not but sensational evidence demands a meaningful response. 

Bottom line, he reported it, he has a responsibility legally, ethically and morally to try and do something with it to move matters forward....its a claim which if supportable could well lead to a new Congressional inquiry at a minimum and for that matter his Congressional and political supporters claim to want truth in the matter so they need to step up too.

This is no game, the assassination was a murder, it was sedition, it was treason and he needs to treat it in that light.

My prediction:

The story will go away. Carlson will come up with some flimsy excuse why it did.

The man is not going to risk his career sticking with this.

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1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

Well I'll just be repetitive and say this one more time.....assuming that Tucker does have a source and if Tucker is ethical and committed then he should be making Congressional contacts to gain an offer of immunity for his source to go on record with his information.  The same with an outreach to Congress to involve appropriate committees including oversight committees.   Given that his source may now be at risk, and that he is morally complicit for not revealing this information himself, he should be willing to cooperate and provide directions on where to find the document he saw including details to vet his story as to date, time, location, source etc.

There are legal channels which exist to actually introduce and leverage this sensational claim......will they work, maybe, maybe not but sensational evidence demands a meaningful response. 

Bottom line, he reported it, he has a responsibility legally, ethically and morally to try and do something with it to move matters forward....its a claim which if supportable could well lead to a new Congressional inquiry at a minimum and for that matter his Congressional and political supporters claim to want truth in the matter so they need to step up too.

This is no game, the assassination was a murder, it was sedition, it was treason and he needs to treat it in that light.

 Larry Schnapf has said he talked to Tucker's producer about it, third comment from the bottom. 


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The think is I see no reason why his supporters should not be pressuring him for action and that includes a good number of those who are going to be in the new Republican led House. 

He has garnered a good bit of support on this forum for speaking out and I assume everyone praising his action would also chime in to encourage that he treat his own story seriously.  If he does not act it raises serious questions about his own credibility.


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Thanks Matthew, yes I encouraged Larry S to do that since he now had some meaningful contacts at the show...we hope.   And Larry and others on board with he concept can provide Tucker with concrete advice on exactly how to move forward with agencies and Congress.  

Beyond simply being the right thing to do it would no doubt expand his image so it seems like it would be a double win for him to move forward with his story.

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1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

Well I'll just be repetitive and say this one more time.....assuming that Tucker does have a source and if Tucker is ethical and committed then he should be making Congressional contacts to gain an offer of immunity for his source to go on record with his information.  The same with an outreach to Congress to involve appropriate committees including oversight committees.   Given that his source may now be at risk, and that he is morally complicit for not revealing this information himself, he should be willing to cooperate and provide directions on where to find the document he saw including details to vet his story as to date, time, location, source etc.

There are legal channels which exist to actually introduce and leverage this sensational claim......will they work, maybe, maybe not but sensational evidence demands a meaningful response. 

Bottom line, he reported it, he has a responsibility legally, ethically and morally to try and do something with it to move matters forward....its a claim which if supportable could well lead to a new Congressional inquiry at a minimum and for that matter his Congressional and political supporters claim to want truth in the matter so they need to step up too.

This is no game, the assassination was a murder, it was sedition, it was treason and he needs to treat it in that light.

I agree, if this is actionable, why isn't it?

Nice to hear a sobering author Larry,


43 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

My prediction:

The story will go away. Carlson will come up with some flimsy excuse why it did.

The man is not going to risk his career sticking with this.

Yeah As I say, the story sounds novice. I suppose he might not say another word about it, but when related news comes up, say something like"Of course we have an inside source who says he believes the CIA was behind the assassination!"

I'm not familiar enough with his show to know what he routinely can get way with.

But it doesn't matter what we think. All that matters is if this story goes somewhere, and Carlson doesn't end up damaging us.


1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

And I'm still waiting for Kirk, and others, to tell us if they sincerely believe that Tucker Carlson does NOT have a credible CIA source, as he claimed.

W. He never really claimed to have a CIA source, did he? It could be an archivist. You're running with the story that Tucker got Pompeo drunk one night and is now trying to out him. Ok

It's me who kept asking you  until I gave up W.  You've said many times, you've got your hopes up. But what tangibly, are you hoping for? Or what events do you look to have happen?. Be specific.



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30 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Thanks Matthew, yes I encouraged Larry S to do that since he now had some meaningful contacts at the show...we hope.   And Larry and others on board with he concept can provide Tucker with concrete advice on exactly how to move forward with agencies and Congress.  

Beyond simply being the right thing to do it would no doubt expand his image so it seems like it would be a double win for him to move forward with his story.

You make an excellent point, and I hope something comes of it. 

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On 12/20/2022 at 9:32 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

W. He never really claimed to have a CIA source, did he? It could be an archivist. You're running with the story that Tucker got Pompeo drunk one night and is now trying to out him. Ok


Edited by Lance Payette
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38 minutes ago, Lance Payette said:

Apparently, no one was nonplussed by my two posts – quoting NPR, no less – to the effect that Fox’s successful defense in Tucker’s slander case was “You can’t take anything he says seriously. No reasonable person would. He makes stuff up.”

No, I don’t believe he has a credible source for two rather obvious reasons:

1. This is Tucker Carlson. He makes stuff up.

2. Anyone who has seen all the documents would have to be a deep insider at the CIA. No such individual would take anything to Tucker Carlson or Fox News.

The fact that Tucker is getting the publicity he’s getting on this forum, of all places, speaks volumes about the conspiracy community’s desperation to be taken seriously – does it not?

Well, I'm shocked, shocked to hear our itinerant Warren Commission Report salesman, Lance Payette, claim that Tucker Carlson is just making stuff up about having a CIA source for his claims about the JFK assassination.

Yo, Lance, what about former CIA Director Mike Pompeo?

Isn't Mike Pompeo in the habit of "taking things" to Tucker Carlson and Fox News?

Do you doubt that Pompeo was involved in reviewing the classified CIA documents that Trump declined to de-classify in October of 2017 and April of 2018?

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On 12/20/2022 at 3:41 PM, W. Niederhut said:

Well, I'm shocked, shocked to hear our itinerant Warren Commission Report salesman, Lance Payette, claim that Tucker Carlson is just making stuff up about having a CIA source for his claims about the JFK assassination.

Yo, Lance, what about former CIA Director Mike Pompeo?

Isn't Mike Pompeo in the habit of "taking things" to Tucker Carlson and Fox News?

Do you doubt that Pompeo was involved in reviewing the classified CIA documents that Trump declined to de-classify in October of 2017 and April of 2018?


Edited by Lance Payette
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