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Stop the Presses: RFK Jr on Tucker Carlson

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2 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Jim - i think people misinterpreted your headline when you used the word "on". many thought-including me- that he made an appearance. perhaps a different verb would have been better (e.g., praises), 

Ok, well that explains it then.

Sorry to be ambiguous.

But you know, Henry james.

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8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

This is not the point.

The point is that someone actually said what the majority of the critical community thinks really happened that day.  And he has an audience of about 3.4 million people. What is the size of our audience on the EF?  Can we really afford to be insufferable snobs at this late date and put up our noses and say Carlson works for Fox.  To me it does not matter who he works for.  What matters is if what he said gets out there, and if it has an impact. At this late date, I don't think it is wise to say, well MSNBC is more politically correct.  When, in fact, MSNBC is not going nearly as far as Carlson did. Please, Caputo and Beshcloss?  Beschloss has had something like 30 years to say something strong and he has not.  He was actually attacking Oliver Stone for saying LBJ reversed Kennedy's policy in Vietnam--which LBJ did and the documents prove that.

So maybe you guys want to be simon pure and wait for Chomsky? 

Amen and in spades. 

In seven minutes, Tucker Carlson spoke more truth, and took a much tougher stance, than the M$M, Donk-centric or 'Phant-centric, has in 60 years.

Carlson, by name, challenged the 'Phant-appointed  CIA director Pompeo come on his show, and prove Carlson wrong. Carlson identified Pompeo as complicit in the cover-up. This was raw, strong stuff. 

Has anyone in the Donk-centric media even mentioned the name of William Burns, the present CIA director, who must have prevailed upon Biden to keep documents secret and to worse, engage in a shell game of re-releasing old documents with a redaction or two? 

Oh, that. 

Donk-appointed CIA chief Burns is also complicit in the cover-up. In the M$M, he could be Commissioner of MLB for all the coverage he is getting. 

Railing against Carlson? Have people lost their minds? 

The people who should be in hot seat are Biden, and Burns, and their Mockingbirded operatives in the M$M.


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22 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

"Everyone should look at Tucker Carlson's program yesterday on the JFK files releases. I do not think anyone with that big an audience has ever said what he did. Its a milestone in broadcast history I think."

The above tweet of mine has gotten over 31,000 impressions in one day on twitter.

I am trying to fight a guerilla war on Facebook and Twitter. 

Do we have people on Instagram and Tik Tok?  Who will volunteer?

Who is fighting a guerilla war on FB and Twitter? You need volunteer on Instagram?

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12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

The point is that someone actually said what the majority of the critical community thinks really happened that day.  And he has an audience of about 3.4 million people. [...]

So maybe you guys want to be simon pure and wait for Chomsky? 

When I talk to people about assassinations and 9/11 lately, I try to subtly distinguish my studies, conclusions and beliefs from views held by the 4Chan crowd.  Researchers may want to consider establishing this distinction if accepting Tucker Carlson as a cultural ally.

In my case, I don't care to be misrepresented as arriviste, alongside dangerous, ignorant or misinformed.  It's also critical for researchers to appear to have constructed their view of politics well before today's mob accumulated their own.

Edited by David Andrews
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On 12/18/2022 at 11:29 PM, David Andrews said:

When I talk to people about assassinations and 9/11 lately, I try to subtly distinguish my studies, conclusions and beliefs from views held by the 4Chan crowd.  Researchers may want to consider establishing this distinction if accepting Tucker Carlson as a cultural ally.

In my case, I don't care to be misrepresented as arriviste, alongside dangerous, ignorant or misinformed.  It's also critical for researchers to appear to have constructed their view of politics well before today's mob accumulated their own.

That's an awfully long way of saying you don't think Israel killed JFK. Funny seems like the only misrepresenting going on is Cliche Lefties like yourself misrepresenting Tucker Carlson.. 

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On 12/18/2022 at 9:08 PM, Calvin Ye said:

Who is fighting a guerilla war on FB and Twitter? You need volunteer on Instagram?

Yes I am and yes I do.

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I think Matt posted RFK Jr.’s 2018 appearance on Tucker earlier in the thread. Just want to point out that is an edited version the network released on their official YouTube channel — but they cut some very important parts of the conversation. (In fact they cut more than half of it!)

The full interview is here. 


As you can see Tucker didn’t censor Bobby, but the network did by omitting key parts of the interview later and sending it down the memory hole — fortunately a random YouTuber recorded the full show live and saved this for posterity. 

Edited by Lori Spencer
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That was good, thanks so much Lori.👋

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2 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

That was good, thanks so much Lori.👋

I felt for Bobby watching that.

Far as I’m aware, this was the first time he ever talked about his uncle’s murder in a major TV interview at any length — he was struggling to stay above his emotions here. It’s uncomfortable at times. Took incredible courage to say what he said. 

And then Fox cut half of it — notably the juicy stuff about the CIA. 

Bobby did speak of his belief in a conspiracy for the first time at that 2013 Charlie Rose taping in Dallas, but since it never actually aired we may never hear his full remarks. 

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The most moving interview Oliver did was with RFK Jr.

The interview was done and then I tapped Oliver on the back and said, "Ask him if he thinks his father's assassination was related to his uncle's assassination."

When he answered that, you could see that he was feeling the full gravity of what happened to the USA as a result of those two conspiracies.  He said that neither one had ever been fully investigated and there were places where he thought they connected.  Even Bob Richardson the DP said after, "Wow that was some powerful stuff."  I said, "How did he not cry when he was saying that?"  Bob said he did tear up but I was too far away to see it.  Our editor did show it to me but its cut out of the film.

Can you imagine carrying that around with you? 

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I should add, the upcoming LIbby Handros film is going to be really good.

Its called Four Who Tried and its about all four assassinations of the sixties: JFK, Malcolm, MLK and RFK.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Can you imagine carrying that around with you? 

This is where those of us with empathy and compassion feel this pain or burden that he and JFK Jr would have carried every single day. How can a person ever be at peace or at rest.

I do love how full of caring, passion and dedication that RFK Jr is. He has has his own crosses to bear and embraces his own responsibilities and burdens, which have him attacked persistently. He takes on almost insurmountable foes. He is another guy who doesn’t really need to work but, he chooses the hard path and we’re better off because he does. I believe he does it because of who is father and uncle were. 

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2 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

I think Matt posted RFK Jr.’s 2018 appearance on Tucker earlier in the thread. Just want to point out that is an edited version the network released on their official YouTube channel — but they cut some very important parts of the conversation. (In fact they cut more than half of it!)

The full interview is here. 


As you can see Tucker didn’t censor Bobby, but the network did by omitting key parts of the interview later and sending it down the memory hole — fortunately a random YouTuber recorded the full show live and saved this for posterity. 

Great interview. 

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

The most moving interview Oliver did was with RFK Jr.

The interview was done and then I tapped Oliver on the back and said, "Ask him if he thinks his father's assassination was related to his uncle's assassination."

When he answered that, you could see that he was feeling the full gravity of what happened to the USA as a result of those two conspiracies.  He said that neither one had ever been fully investigated and there were places where he thought they connected.  Even Bob Richardson the DP said after, "Wow that was some powerful stuff."  I said, "How did he not cry when he was saying that?"  Bob said he did tear up but I was too far away to see it.  Our editor did show it to me but its cut out of the film.

Can you imagine carrying that around with you? 

Is that full Oliver/RFK Jr interview available as a DVD extra? I don’t have the DVD version in my collection yet. 

I do have an interesting story to tell you sometime about a conversation I had with Bobby in Dallas back in 2008 about “the weight” on his big shoulders.

We were meeting about another project altogether — an interview on his environmental work — in a hotel room. I wasn’t about to bring up the Assassinations in that interview because it’s always been a no-no with the Kennedys  — BUT! — some idiot hotel desk clerk decided, for reasons I’ll never understand, to put Bobby in a room directly overlooking Dealey Plaza FFS 🤦🏼‍♀️

So yeah, the subject came up, whether we wanted it to or not. Awkward and strange. he was willing to discuss it (to my surprise) but not on tape. So we went off the record for about 2 hours! What he said was astonishing. Unfortunately not a word of it can ever be printed. 

I will share more with you privately offline sometime, Jim. It’s not for a public forum… 


There are some things he knows that he couldn’t say in his American Values book, or on Tucker Carlson, or anywhere else… yet. Perhaps with a lot of luck that will change in years to come. 

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