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JFK Assassination Debate on Infowars

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Some people are just not worth associating with for the newest conspiracy fix.

We really have to draw the line somewhere, or you'll bring us down with you..

Take your absolutist free speech and go to a website that loves Alex Jones, and after a few months, let us know where it is. So we can drop in  and see the marvelous level of conspiracy exchange you can  create. My guess is you know that level already.


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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Oh, so I'm responsible for the Republicans gaining only a handful of House seats last November? Yeah... sure.

(Another example of MAGA thinking, folks.)



Edited by Matthew Koch
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12 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

I was at the east end of Dealey Plaza on the 50th anniversary of the assassination, and saw first-hand the monster at work. Despite the fact there were children around, he and his minions tried to start a riot. He was screaming into a bullhorn to get his minions all riled up, and then made repeated attempts at breaking through the line of security along the east end. His people had their cameras out the whole time. They would start screaming out a war whoop and then run right up to the police officers, who, amazingly, showed incredible restraint. I saw this happen a number of times. When I returned home a few days later, I told what had happened to a relative, who was under the sway of Jones. And he said he thought I was mistaken, and showed me a video Jones had put online. This video showed Jones and his groupies in a scuffle with the police. Apparently, he and his groupies continued to harass the poilce for hours, and eventually got what they'd been praying for--a little push back from the men who'd been screamed at and run up on and into for hours. He had then edited this footage into making it look like the police were the instigators. 

The man is a menace. Freedom of speech does not extend to yelling out "Fire!" in a crowded theater. Nor does it extend to verbally assaulting police through a bullhorn in hopes they will respond...so one can get oneself a propaganda video. Nor does it extend to calling grieving parents fakers and part of. a plot to steal your gun rights...


I was in Dealey Plaza for the 50th, as well.  I saw Jones and his clan basically take over Dealey Plaza on Thursday the 21st.  Jones was on his bullhorn spouting his typical nonsense and they would eventually fall into a chant of "1776" over and over.


It was a clown show.


On a positive note, I got the chance to talk to Lee Ann McAdoo for about 15 minutes.  


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I think its unwise not to watch things like this.

Tyler Nixon is fairly well informed, but even at that he makes some errors.

For instance, the paraffin test was not infallible, it had about a 75 per cent accuracy rate.  And he should have said that.

Its really something how Austen relies on the BS Mitrokhin archive, something I was just pointing out with Ben.  The whole Dear Mr. Hunt  note being forged by the KGB is wrong.  That was,  in all probability, a real note, the majority of experts said it was by Oswald. And Jerry Korth found that the real Oswald spelled a word in the note in the exact  wrong way back in 1961.  The defecting Russians, as I said, knew how to curry favor for cash with the CIA.

The whole thing about lasers and the Single Bullet Fantasy can be easily parried by asking: since when does an entrance wound make a larger hole than the exit wound?  And Perry said it was an entrance wound three times on 11/22/63.  He was then subject to witness intimidation twice in about 12 hours, after he did.  


And for Austen to say it was an easy shot, that is just bonkers. No on has ever done what Oswald did without cheating. Both the Pentagon guys cheated and CBS cheated..

Edited by James DiEugenio
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3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I think its unwise not to watch things like this.

Tyler Nixon is fairly well informed, but even at that he makes some errors.

For instance, the paraffin test was not infallible, it had about a 75 per cent accuracy rate.  And he should have said that.

Its really something how Austen relies on the BS Mitrokhin archive, something I was just pointing out with Ben.  The whole Dear Mr. Hunt  note being forged by the KGB is wrong.  That was,  in all probability, a real note, the majority of experts said it was by Oswald. And Jerry Korth found that the real Oswald spelled a word in the note in the exact  wrong way back in 1961.  The defecting Russians, as I said, knew how to curry favor for cash with the CIA.

The whole thing about lasers and the Single Bullet Fantasy can be easily parried by asking: since when does an entrance wound make a larger hole than the exit wound?  And Perry said it was an entrance wound three times on 11/22/63.  He was then subject to witness intimidation twice in about 12 hours, after he did.  


And for Austen to say it was an easy shot, that is just bonkers. No on has ever done what Oswald did without cheating. Both the Pentagon guys cheated and CBS cheated..

If people are averse at Alex Jones, fine by me. 

But...what people who do not like Alex Jones should be asking is: "Where the hell is Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, the WaPo or the NYT on the JFKA?" 

Has the WaPo or NYT even mentioned the Tucker Carlson broadcast and the issues raised? The WaPo recently inked up Carlson as a conspiracy nut. 


This is embarrassing, shameful, inexplicable. 


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5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If people are averse at Alex Jones, fine by me. 

But...what people who do not like Alex Jones should be asking is: "Where the hell is Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, the WaPo or the NYT on the JFKA?" 

Has the WaPo or NYT even mentioned the Tucker Carlson broadcast and the issues raised? The WaPo recently inked up Carlson as a conspiracy nut. 


This is embarrassing, shameful, inexplicable. 


Yes it is embarrassing. But just because these ‘liberals’ avoid the subject doesn’t mean we should be uncritically commending the right wing conspiracy mongers for engaging in JFK debates. The more I see this the more worried I am that it is doing us a disservice. If pressure from this fringe is bought to bear on Biden to release the remaining documents it will backfire. It does, inevitably, cast serious JFK researchers as conspiracy mongers rather than truth tellers. No good. For the sake of history we should stay true to the facts. We have few actual friends in the media, but I prefer that to strange bedfellows. I’m not interested in giving Alex Jones a listen, because I saw personally the effect of his Sandy Hook garbage (btw which as far as I can tell was initiated by James Fetzer) on a friend of mine. He still hasn’t recovered. Fake conspiracy theories hurt our cause, because ours is not fake. 
What I find ironic in the taking up of this mantle by right wing kooks is that the facts of the JFK case point us directly at the fringe right of 1963. They can say what they want and use their bully pulpits, but they don’t really want this truth to come out. Blaming the CIA, or the FBI as institutions misses the point, but it’s very useful for Tucker Carlson or Alex Jones politically. 

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6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

what people who do not like Alex Jones should be asking is: "Where the hell is Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, the WaPo or the NYT on the JFKA?" 


All those outlets reported on the files issue, Ben. 

If there's a break in the JFKA case, all those outlets will report it, as well.

7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Has the WaPo or NYT even mentioned the Tucker Carlson broadcast

Why would they? Tucker Carlson lies all the time, and had to admit to exactly that in court. He hasn't provided squat since that broadcast. All indications are that he simply used the issue to take potshots at the CIA, who he hates because, 1. they work to keep the U.S. from becoming a dictatorship, and, 2. they won't allow Russia to invade the rest of Europe.


7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The WaPo recently inked up Carlson as a conspiracy nut. 

Because that's exactly what he is. He's just a bad American, period.

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I wholly agree that we should not cite right-wing extremists such as Alex Jones. As I've said, I won't go within 10 miles of anything associated with Alex Jones. To be consistent, however, we should also not cite left-wing extremists such as Noam Chomsky and especially James Fetzer. Yes, it is most certainly offensive and ludicrous to claim that the Sandy Hook massacre was faked, but it is equally offensive and ludicrous to claim that 9/11 was an inside job, that the WTC towers were destroyed by controlled demolitions, that an airliner did not hit the Pentagon but that a missile did, etc., etc.

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20 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

I wholly agree that we should not cite right-wing extremists such as Alex Jones. As I've said, I won't go within 10 miles of anything associated with Alex Jones. To be consistent, however, we should also not cite left-wing extremists such as Noam Chomsky and especially James Fetzer. Yes, it is most certainly offensive and ludicrous to claim that the Sandy Hook massacre was faked, but it is equally offensive and ludicrous to claim that 9/11 was an inside job, that the WTC towers were destroyed by controlled demolitions, that an airliner did not hit the Pentagon but that a missile did, etc., etc.

It's ludicrous to claim 911 wasn't an inside job...

I did research for this documentary maybe watch it and stop wallowing in ignorance..


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28 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

I wholly agree that we should not cite right-wing extremists such as Alex Jones. As I've said, I won't go within 10 miles of anything associated with Alex Jones. To be consistent, however, we should also not cite left-wing extremists such as Noam Chomsky and especially James Fetzer. Yes, it is most certainly offensive and ludicrous to claim that the Sandy Hook massacre was faked, but it is equally offensive and ludicrous to claim that 9/11 was an inside job, that the WTC towers were destroyed by controlled demolitions, that an airliner did not hit the Pentagon but that a missile did, etc., etc.

So Michael, are you saying Noam Chomsky claims 911 was an inside job? I hadn't heard that.

As i think maybe, you've just seen. Do you associate the "911 inside job" theory with just the left wing?

There's really no comparison Michael, you have half the Republican believing some of this nonsense. And the crazy theories that the right attributes to the left, represents is maybe 6-10% of the of the left. Hence the phrase "false equivalency".

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1 minute ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

So Michael, are you saying Noam Chomsky claims 911 was an inside job? I hadn't heard that.

As i think maybe, you've just seen. Do you associate the "911 inside job" theory with just the left wing?

There's really no comparison Michael, you have half the Republican believing some of this nonsense. And the crazy theories that the right attributes to the left, represents is maybe 6-10% of the of the left. Hence the phrase "false equivalency".

He didn't say that Kirk, could you be honest for just one day.. 

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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

it is equally offensive and ludicrous to claim that 9/11 was an inside job, that the WTC towers were destroyed by controlled demolitions, that an airliner did not hit the Pentagon but that a missile did, etc., etc.

That's three different claims cited there. Ignoring the last of them, Peter Dale Scott, Jim Marrs,  Joan Mellen and a number of other decent JFK researchers have shared similar views. Scott even appeared on Alex Jones' show a couple of times way back in the day. 

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

It's ludicrous to claim 911 wasn't an inside job...

I did research for this documentary maybe watch it and stop wallowing in ignorance..


Matthew - I was in touch with Jon for two or three years while he was initially making these movies, and last heard from him just over a month ago. I regret the sequel (which he revamped a few times) never came out, but he obviously had his reasons. I owe Jon a return email with a few bits and pieces.

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13 minutes ago, Anthony Thorne said:

Matthew - I was in touch with Jon for two or three years while he was initially making these movies, and last heard from him just over a month ago. I regret the sequel (which he revamped a few times) never came out, but he obviously had his reasons. I owe Jon a return email with a few bits and pieces.

What a small world! That's how I got into researching the JFK Assassination, the series was supposed to go from 911 back to BCCI bank and Iran Contra, back to Watergate and JFK Assassination and show how the same people keep showing up in major events in history. It was a shame the whole series was never made, but people couldn't get along.. I was working on a Kennedy film with him before we parted ways after he got me involved with the Pat Sullivan scandal story he and Tom Martino broke. (When ex sheriff of the year Pat Sullivan got arrested and booked into the Arapahoe county detention center named after him.) 

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