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Tucker Carlson did it again

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54 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Even with this easy out Dominion settlement Fox News will never be looked at again with anything resembling genuine news ethics trust and respect.

Same with Carlson.

One can only hope. He also seemed clueless about the JFKA.

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7 minutes ago, Mark Ulrik said:

One can only hope. He also seemed clueless about the JFKA.

Wherever Carlson lands "they" who would hire and pay him will not want him going off on a JFKA/CIA reveal tangent to start his new gig.

That project is history.

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Not so sure.

Carlson likely has a lot of money due him unless they can prove they fired him for cause.

He can just collect that money and do his own shows on Sirius until it runs out.

My contacts told me that Carlson is really interested in the subject.  It was not done for ratings.

PS I. just read in another thread that Fox is going to claim it was for cause to get out of paying Carlson. Interesting to see if he sues them.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Not so sure.

Carlson likely has a lot of money due him unless they can prove they fired him for cause.

He can just collect that money and do his own shows on Sirius until it runs out.

My contacts told me that Carlson is really interested in the subject.  It was not done for ratings.

PS I. just read in another thread that Fox is going to claim it was for cause to get out of paying Carlson. Interesting to see if he sues them.

Yes, and I'm still curious about Tucker's mysterious "source" in the JFKA case.

I never doubted his story about having such a "source."

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Carlson gets offer from Russia state media.


Certainly no surprise there. What is a surprise is that they'd say that out in the open. I would have thought they'd approach him behind the scenes because there are a few Tucker enthusiasts that don't like his connection to the Russians.

But could they pay him enough?




Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Not so sure.

Carlson likely has a lot of money due him unless they can prove they fired him for cause.

He can just collect that money and do his own shows on Sirius until it runs out.

My contacts told me that Carlson is really interested in the subject.  It was not done for ratings.

PS I. just read in another thread that Fox is going to claim it was for cause to get out of paying Carlson. Interesting to see if he sues them.

I think Fox is expecting a suit and I believe they canned him without severance. That's why Fox isn't laying their cards on the table. They expect him to sue and aren't going to telegraph their defense. I doubt they'll have a very easy time getting insurance with these people on board. They have no choice.

And I doubt he'll prevail.

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Since we were talking Presidential politics, Regarding Biden's declaring for 2024. I'm in the camp that Joe Biden shouldn't have run for re election. He is too old. He served a great transition for the Nation away from Trump, and for that historically, he will be seen as a great hero.

It's too bad he's not discouraged by his low polls numbers and doesn't make what I think would be a reasonable decision for his health, but he's been around politics a long time, and knows if he stays alive, he can win.

And he's actually right! A lot of his minority groups who are not happy in the polls with him now, will eventually come back. People vote their pocket books. And super low unemployment with the current trend of decreasing inflation bode well for him. I'd just like to see some new younger blood. But I don't think Newsome is going to challenge him, but 2028 could be a very good year for him. But again, who wants to wait?


I look upon Carlson getting canned and Lemon also getting canned as a 2fer. Lemon is closer to my political philosophy and I guess he is good for LGBT rights.  But I never really liked him, and his evening show to me was boringly repetitive.

I think both moves will create a better dialog between America's feuding factions. As far as the JFKA, I agree  with Bob Ness's statement that " hitching your horse to a septic truck isn't the best strategy." Though I'm sure younger souls won't understand. There is matter of quality over eyeballs and quantity, and holding on to that absurd faction will just create problems, and the issues facing the nation have a much greater priority. Also, IMO, concerning the files,  Tucker's whet everybody's appetite when after all this time, there's really no "there there" to use a phrase they'd understand.




Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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I think a consideration is that Tucker has been ushered out for taking increasingly risqué positions that diverge from the bi-partisan system in the USA. One of those is the JFKA. 



Admitting he is wrong, is rare amongst newscasters, whether left or right. 

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13 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Also, IMO, concerning the files,  Tucker's whet everybody's appetite when after all this time, there's really no "there there" to use a phrase they'd understand.

What I have been posting from the get-go.

Have any of you seen that news clip of Tucker Carlson hamming it up with Trump at Trump's New Jersey golf course event months ago?

Nothing but back slapping, fake smiles and exaggerated laughter at Trump's quips?

All while we now know that in private Carlson can't stand the guy?

Carlson can't risk losing his Trump cult viewer base by being honest about his true feelings about the guy.

A Dominion lawsuit trial would have produced all those internal communications where Carlson's true feelings about Trump would have been exposed to the entire world.

As well as his shameless hypocrisy true character.




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21 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

What I have been posting from the get-go.

Have any of you seen that news clip of Tucker Carlson hamming it up with Trump at Trump's New Jersey golf course event months ago?

Nothing but back slapping, fake smiles and exaggerated laughter at Trump's quips?

All while we now know that in private Carlson can't stand the guy?

Carlson can't risk losing his Trump cult viewer base by being honest about his true feelings about the guy.

A Dominion lawsuit trial would have produced all those internal communications where Carlson's true feelings about Trump would have been exposed to the entire world.

As well as his shameless hypocrisy true character.




You are right, Joe. Carlson has retained a lawyer to sue Fox but any jury hearing the case will be shocked at Carlson's internal documents that Fox will produce. There will be no sympathy for Carlson once his viciousness is exposed.

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Front page headline from today's New York Times:

On Eve of Trial, Discovery of Carlson Texts Set Off Crisis Atop Fox

Private messages sent by Tucker Carlson that had been redacted in legal filings showed him making highly offensive remarks that went beyond the comments of his prime-time show.

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My experience observing TV and radio talk media over 40 years is that when those in the top rungs of that realm are involved in major controversies regards integrity and l**** and perhaps charges by the opposite sex, no matter the outcomes...their star status always takes a big negative hit.

And they never really come back from them to anything close to their previous top gun status.

It's like "any" major scandal involvement taints them too much.

Once their ratings drop their employers move on.  Looking for cleaner background talent.

Alex Jones will never come close to his previous massive money making large audience place in talk radio.

Bill O'Reilly same thing.

I remember Dan Rather being knocked off his perch due to his reporting of George Bush Jr.s  awol record.

Geraldo Rivera turned into a national joke when his Al Capone Vaults turned up empty and one of his TV specials turned into a massive chair throwing brawl.

Peter Jennings faded away.

Many others.

Limbaugh somehow survived his many scandals. Pill addiction, weird Caribbean escapades, Hillary primary cross-over vote promotion, etc.

The guy's listening audience was just too addicted to his style I guess.

Carlson can only lose with all this negative publicity controversy.

He is now tainted with it.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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David Talbot wrote on Facebook today:

The Fall of Tucker Carlson -- I want to share with you a group email from someone for whom I have great respect. (I'm not naming him because he didn't give me permission to use his name.) Like him, I've long been dismissive of Tucker Carlson -- even before his Fox News gig -- because of his racism, sexism, anti-immigrant views and preppie conservatism. But, unlike AOC, who just called for his banning from TV, I thought there was a story behind his sudden expulsion as the top-rated host at Fox News.
I suspect that Carlson was not jettisoned by the Murdochs because of a few offensive emails. What bigwig at Fox News is innocent of that charge? (Rupert and Lachlan would have to let go most of the company, starting with themselves.) I think the real reason that Carlson was fired was because he was evolving into a more independent voice on everything from the dominance of the war state -- which goes unchallenged by our media and political elites - to the assassination of President Kennedy. Carlson believes that the CIA was involved in the assassination, the reason that the spy agency has repeatedly flouted the 1992 JFK Records Act and blocked the full release of Kennedy-related documents.
Recently, I was approached by another Fox News host, who declared himself an avid fan of my book "The Devil's Chessboard" -- a dark history of the Cold War-era CIA, including the JFK assassination. Let's see if I'm still invited on the network now that Carlson has been unceremoniously dumped.
Anyway, as my learned friend points out in his email, many left-wing pundits have come to similar conclusions about Carlson's firing. Here's what he wrote:
Lest the following confuse you, I detest Tucker.
Nevertheless ...
Jacob Hornberger (Future of Freedom Foundation) offers the possibility it was Tucker's JFK stuff that was behind his ouster:
"Let me weigh in on another possibility (re Carlson's firing) — that the Pentagon and the CIA may have been the ones who put the quietus on Tucker and possibly signaled to Fox executives that he had to go...
"Last December, Carlson broadcast a program on the assassination of President Kennedy in which he accused the CIA of having participated in the assassination. In doing so, Carlson violated a taboo that has existed within the mainstream media since November 22, 1963, the day that Kennedy was assassinated ... ." https://www.fff.org/.../did-the-cia-and-the-pentagon-put.../
Jonathan Cook at consortiumnews.com offers other possibilities that may have played a role in Tucker's ouster. Inter alia, Cook notes that:
Here is just a taste of some of the highlights of his time with Fox News:
While the rest of the U.S. media ignored a major investigation by the legendary journalist Seymour Hersh, or deflected attention to a crazed, semi-official conspiracy theory involving a rogue crew on a yacht, Carlson dared present evidence that the U.S. blew up the Nord Stream pipelines — an act of unprecedented industrial and environmental terrorism...
Uniquely among corporate journalists, Carlson gave airtime to the testimony of whistleblowers from the OPCW, the U.N. body monitoring chemical weapons. The testimony confirmed that, under U.S. pressure, the OPCW rigged an investigation into a gas attack in Douma, Syria, to blame Syrian President Bashar Assad and retrospectively provide the pretext for illegal U.S., U.K. and French air strikes...
Carlson recently broke with the corporate media consensus by highlighting the substance of the Pentagon leaks, not least that U.S. soldiers are covertly fighting in Ukraine. He went further, berating fellow journalists for colluding with the White House in helping to track down the leaker and cover up the most significant revelations:
As (Jimmy) Dore (a hard left agitator) tweeted after Carlson’s sacking: “No one else in all of corporate news ever brings on anti-war voices, [and] the one that did just got axed. Doesn’t matter that he’s the most watched show in all of news – much like when MSNBC fired Phil Donohue for his anti-Iraq War coverage when he had #1 show on network.”
Cook follows with:
"But if Carlson’s firing by Murdoch suggests anything, it is that the corporate media had grown increasingly fearful of the extent to which Carlson was becoming a loose cannon and that the kind of independent journalism he hosted and amplified was gaining traction.
"Through a rapid rise in his ratings, Carlson proved that there is an appetite, a big one, for stories that question the consensual narrative imposed by the rest of the corporate media, for stories that actually hold the powerful to account — rather simply claiming to — and for stories that refuse to assume Western meddling around the globe is necessarily a good thing.
"If it was only white fearmongering that drew audiences and propelled network news hosts to the top slot, then Sean Hannity would surely be king of the ratings, not Carlson.
"The reality, the one Carlson confirms, is that there is an audience ready to listen to critical, independent journalism — when it can be found. The job of the corporate media is precisely to stop viewers hearing dissident views, a rule that Carlson played fast and loose with for too long. Now, it seems, he has paid the price."
Let me suggest you click the link to Cook's piece and watch the videos he links to. They're sooo far from what is elsewhere "allowed," it's enormously instructive.
Given Carlson did ask important questions no one else in the MSM asked, and that he featured radical journalists the "legacy" media abjured, it's a tragedy he was a borderline Christofascist-racist.
All reactions:
45Bob Leposki, Dr. Gregg Wager and 43 others
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34 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:


Given Carlson did ask important questions no one else in the MSM asked, and that he featured radical journalists the "legacy" media abjured, it's a tragedy he was a borderline Christofascist-racist.
was the summation, LMFAO 
SO a "Chirsto-Fascist racist" does better reporting than the left media and gets fired for it
All reactions:
45Bob Leposki, Dr. Gregg Wager and 43 others

SO a "Chirsto-Fascist racist" does better reporting than the left media and gets fired for it was David Talbot's summation? LMFAO What does that say about the left?

Edited by Matthew Koch
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