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Tucker Carlson did it again

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Davos 2023: China reopens its doors with investment pitch to global elite

China received with open arms. 

It turns out, the multinationalist-globalists were never against authoritarian communist governments.

There were against communist government that wouldn't do business with them. 

The spooky part: You see how the globalists regard citizens. Dispensable, unimportant. A leader from China is a worthwhile speaker. 

A citizen from China, perhaps a refugee, was not invited to speak. That would be considered "activist" or bad form. 

You see how polluted the news environment is? 


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5 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

This can't be anything but good for America.

Steve Thomas

Yes, good for the delusion of continued US global dominance.

Edited by John Cotter
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On 1/19/2023 at 8:23 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Then he goes to how Woodward was not really a journalist but a naval intel officer.

He brought down Nixon so that Ford, the Warren Commissioner, could come in and keep the lid on both Watergate and the JFK case.

Man, I do not like Tucker very much at all, but no one else is doing this stuff.  

Carlson's big reveal derailed by the bigger reveal.

The bigger reveal that he and Fox New's inner core was/is nothing more than a truth corrupted, false news Wag-The-Dog corporate/1% propaganda machine.

The weight of all that inner core corruption collapsed upon it's weak integrity foundation.

Fox News was always a weaponized political propaganda creation. Never a real news organization in the literal sense of 4th estate ethics and integrity.

A cheap trick. 

Hire attractive blond TV hosts instead of a more representative cross-section of true American ethnicity.

And show some leg! As well as lower neck and shoulder hemlines.

Only hire people who side with the right political views. Aggressive types who (like right wing talk radio the last 40 years ) mostly report only white fear and anger issues. Demonize liberals and Democrats as much as possible. 

An organization that was highly corrupted to it's highest levels regards permissive sexual demand pressure upon it's female staff.

Roger Ailes himself demanding oral sex for position promotion?

And eventually, of course, it was Fox News own internal staff members who were victims of this corrupt charade who finally exposed it's rotten core to the world truth stage.

Fox news, like it's sister entity right wing talk radio, has damaged our society so much in their decades of divisive anger broadcasting.

24/7 feeding all the worst aspects of national liberal fear and divisiveness with manipulated and super hyped up news stories. 

It was all so cynical it was sick.

Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham et alia got off easy with the Dominion settlement.

If they had to sit under oath and admit to their years of saying the opposite political and personal beliefs versus what they were saying to their millions of viewers their careers would have ended right there.

I posted that I didn't trust Carlson's JFKA reveal story. I felt nothing would come of it. Mostly by sensing his personal character wasn't of the kind of integrity that would actually follow through with it.

Seeing so many here jumping on the Tucker Carlson JFKA truth crusader bandwagon gave me an uncomfortable forewarning feeling.

Even with this easy out Dominion settlement Fox News will never be looked at again with anything resembling genuine news ethics trust and respect.

Same with Carlson. 

IMO anyways.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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