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Robert Kennedy jr. about to run for president

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5 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

But Trump's voice is not weak or impaired. His speaking style is annoying because he phrases his sentences in a disjointed manner, but his voice is strong and clear. 

I admire RFK Jr.'s willingness to think outside the box, even on issues such as vaccination. It shows guts. I'd like to know more about his political views. I've only heard him talk about three or four issues.

I just think that his voice defect would be a major problem if he ran for office.  

Re. Trump's voice .. in the ear of the beholder.  

Practically speaking, a campaign could do great damage to RFK Jr., but to imply he should shy from running because of his voice seems "off" somehow.

Jr.'s outspoken defense of our environment should get him elected, but alas we know there are millions in the US who deny the global crisis. {1 gal. of clean water = $2.79 in many NM stores.)  

His recognition that vaccines are a necessary evil around the world could balance the insanity of the anti-vax movement.  It's unfortunate he's associated with those extremists.


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32 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Re. Trump's voice .. in the ear of the beholder.  

Practically speaking, a campaign could do great damage to RFK Jr., but to imply he should shy from running because of his voice seems "off" somehow.

Jr.'s outspoken defense of our environment should get him elected, but alas we know there are millions in the US who deny the global crisis. {1 gal. of clean water = $2.79 in many NM stores.)  

His recognition that vaccines are a necessary evil around the world could balance the insanity of the anti-vax movement.  It's unfortunate he's associated with those extremists.


RFK Jr makes his vaccine position more clear in the speech at the top of this thread. The press labels him anti-vax and everyone turns off. But is that the reason they marginalize him? I don’t think so. His children’s defense fund gave voice to the sizable numbers of parents who concluded that vaccines were causing autism. What he explains is that he doesn’t know what’s causing the epidemic among youth, but something is. I suggest everyone actually listen to what he says instead of buying into the media representation of it. 

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15 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

RFK Jr makes his vaccine position more clear in the speech at the top of this thread. The press labels him anti-vax and everyone turns off. But is that the reason they marginalize him? I don’t think so. His children’s defense fund gave voice to the sizable numbers of parents who concluded that vaccines were causing autism. What he explains is that he doesn’t know what’s causing the epidemic among youth, but something is. I suggest everyone actually listen to what he says instead of buying into the media representation of it. 

I agree, Paul.  His initial foray was prompted by the question of autism.  Our publisher, Skyhorse, shared the concerns and launched his latest book on the issue. Our editor was tasked with editing Coup simultaneously with The Real Anthony Fauci  .. an irony lost on none of us. The books share a pub birthday, Nov 16, 2021.

It's my understanding that Jr. moved from autism specifically to the general issue that vaccines have not been regulated for decades — rush to profit has trumped safety. (pun intended.)

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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5 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

t's my understanding that Jr. moved from autism specifically to the general issue that vaccines have not been regulated for decades — rush to profit has trumped safety. (pun intended.)

I think because he had good reason to move from autism to the general vaccine safety as the world was coerced to take them for C19. The autism / MMR argument stands from RFK Jr and people like Del Bigtree. The US government has data on those who have  had zero vaccines (pre C19 pandemic), around 30% of the US population and the other 70% that have had vaccines for all manner of things. He says; just show us the data that our (Americans) taxes paid for. It will either prove his case, or prove their safety. The US government will not release the data. My conclusion is that the data either shows they do cause higher rates of autism, or they show something else that is equally egregious. 

“The Real Antony Fauci” did really well but, if he runs for the presidency he’ll have exactly the same issue that he did during the pandemic, that MSM will be weaponised against him. The reason for this is that is that he attacks big business and institutional corruption. He’s an idealist and committed to that. 

He is exactly what America and the world needs IMO. I just think the system is setup to make sure he doesn’t get near the presidency, and if he does, something will happen. I think if something happens, it may be the straw that breaks the camels back.  

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His voice might not be a hindrance for some.  If might force those attracted by his name or stance on say the environment to actually listen to the words of a candidate.  As opposed to the snippets of policy and sound bites we get from most candidates.

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46 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:

I think because he had good reason to move from autism to the general vaccine safety as the world was coerced to take them for C19. The autism / MMR argument stands from RFK Jr and people like Del Bigtree. The US government has data on those who have  had zero vaccines (pre C19 pandemic), around 30% of the US population and the other 70% that have had vaccines for all manner of things. He says; just show us the data that our (Americans) taxes paid for. It will either prove his case, or prove their safety. The US government will not release the data. My conclusion is that the data either shows they do cause higher rates of autism, or they show something else that is equally egregious. 

“The Real Antony Fauci” did really well but, if he runs for the presidency he’ll have exactly the same issue that he did during the pandemic, that MSM will be weaponised against him. The reason for this is that is that he attacks big business and institutional corruption. He’s an idealist and committed to that. 

He is exactly what America and the world needs IMO. I just think the system is setup to make sure he doesn’t get near the presidency, and if he does, something will happen. I think if something happens, it may be the straw that breaks the camels back.  

I tend to agree, Chris.

He will have my vote should he decide to challenge Joe Biden.  We need another generation of rational Democrats to take up the mantle.  No doubt this will be controversial, and likely inconsequential for most, but I would like to understand his wife's suicide more than I currently do. I believe Trump will be an attack dog should he and RFK Jr. end up in a race to the finish.  There is so much irony in this, considering how we close Coup in Dallas. 

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16 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Re. Trump's voice .. in the ear of the beholder.  

Practically speaking, a campaign could do great damage to RFK Jr., but to imply he should shy from running because of his voice seems "off" somehow.

Jr.'s outspoken defense of our environment should get him elected, but alas we know there are millions in the US who deny the global crisis. {1 gal. of clean water = $2.79 in many NM stores.)  

His recognition that vaccines are a necessary evil around the world could balance the insanity of the anti-vax movement.  It's unfortunate he's associated with those extremists.

Oh, I'm not saying he should not run. I'm saying I don't think he's a viable candidate because of his voice defect. Trump's voice is somewhat coarse but it's not defective or hard to hear/understand. RFK Jr.'s voice is both defective and often hard to hear/understand (even when he is speaking in a studio with a mic near his mouth). 

I think you're soft-peddling RFK Jr.'s record on vaccines. He has made a number of statements that put him squarely among the anti-vaxxers and that have drawn the wrath of medical scientists. 

As for those who "deny the global crisis," i.e., man-made climate change, have you read a single scholarly work that challenges the doom-and-gloom espoused by liberal environmentalists? Here's one good site that presents scholarly responses to climate-change hysteria:

Watts Up With That? – The world's most viewed site on global warming and climate change

Alarmist climate-change scientists and their political spokespersons have a long history of making dire predictions that failed to come true. Look how many predictions made in the first several IPCC reports failed to materialize. Look at the predictions in Al Gore's 2006 presentation An Inconvenient Truth that failed to occur. 

However, when it comes combating pollution, I believe that every reasonable action should be taken to keep our air and water clean. Heck, I have an electric lawn mower, an electric power saw, and a solar-powered house!


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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

Oh, I'm not saying he should not run. I'm saying I don't think he's a viable candidate because of his voice defect. Trump's voice is somewhat coarse but it's not defective or hard to hear/understand. RFK Jr.'s voice is both defective and often hard to hear/understand (even when he is speaking in a studio with a mic near his mouth). 

I think you're soft-peddling RFK Jr.'s record on vaccines. He has made a number of statements that put him squarely among the anti-vaxxers and that have drawn the wrath of medical scientists. 

As for those who "deny the global crisis," i.e., man-made climate change, have you read a single scholarly work that challenges the doom-and-gloom espoused by liberal environmentalists? Here's one good site that presents scholarly responses to climate-change hysteria:

Watts Up With That? – The world's most viewed site on global warming and climate change

Alarmist climate-change scientists and their political spokespersons have a long history of making dire predictions that failed to come true. Look how many predictions made in the first several IPCC reports failed to materialize. Look at the predictions in Al Gore's 2006 presentation An Inconvenient Truth that failed to occur. 

However, when it comes combating pollution, I believe that every reasonable action should be taken to keep our air and water clean. Heck, I have an electric lawn mower, an electric power saw, and a solar-powered house!


You’re last paragraph resonates with me. If scientists disagree on that one they are out of their minds. Would you add to that reasonable action taking care of our forests, our wildlife, our oceans? Another one that I think should be added is sustainable agriculture. I don’t buy the idea that feeding the world requires chemical fertilizers, or genetically modified seeds. I’m actually in favor of phasing out ocean fishing and replacing that with farmed fish. Surely we can make that work better. Feed lots, cooped up chickens, indoor hog farms all seem cruel to me. I’m not vegetarian, I just think we can do these things a lot better. 
The main point is that discussions around climate change or global warming have become politicized, but pollution is not. And as George Carlin was fond of saying, the planet doesn’t need saving, we do. The earth will be fine. It’s denizens will suffer.

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 The 2024 US presidential election will be the most exciting ever. Involving a Kennedy for the fourth time. RFK jr starts where his uncle and his father were stopped by bullets ... IMO  there are too many fires in 2024 to put out for "Permanent Washington" and it's deep state zombies. 

In the course of this upheaval there is IMO a good chance that  the true circumstances of the JFKA will also come to light.


Article of Jeffrey A. Tucker, EPOCH TIMES.


Article Jeffry A. Tucker THE EPOCH TIMES, March 6th 2023 






Before you reject my speculation that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can run and win against Joe Biden for the Democratic Party, consider this. The lockdowns and mandates of the last three years were the political, cultural, and economic crisis of this generation. There is no question that ignoring them is fruitless. Biden owns them. RFK Jr. is their most famed critic. Maybe he is the one who can finally break the silence within the party.

In early 2020, Democratic Party leaders and venues were mostly united against an authoritarian response to the virus, especially travel restrictions, which they condemned. Today, they are the ones preventing Novak Djokovic from playing in the U.S. Open because he is unvaccinated. In mid 2020, they were publicly distrustful of the vaccine. Today, they want jabs for kids who don’t need them even if the shots were safe and effective

How can we make sense of such policy chaos? The Biden administration has performed like a lawless junta, pushing policies not for the good of the country but for revenge against Trump and his supporters. This approach to government is beneath the dignity of any leaders in a civilized society.

Courts are striking down their actions daily. The mask mandates, the rent moratorium, their censorship of doctors via social media, and on and on—it’s all going down. The war in Ukraine hardly anyone understands or supports. The Biden laptop cover-ups are too much even for Democrats.

All in all, Biden has been responsible for betraying every value that Democrats claimed to favor until very recently, from civil liberties to peace to good government to genuine inclusion. The fashion for woke ideology might even have alienated the base more than is obvious to the eye. The sheer exotica and authoritarianism—like a dystopian movie—of this regime is beyond belief.

And to top it off, many of the Biden administration’s edicts have been scripted by pharmaceutical companies, which this government has allowed to buy and control the FDA and CDC and probably the FBI and CIA too. This is no longer a secret. The base gets this even if people do not understand how or why this has happened.

The mainstream news is filled with evidence that Democrats are fleeing the party in droves, especially white working class, Asians, blacks, and moms. What’s more, the migration out of Blue states is draining the party of intellectual capital. Party elites are aware that there is a serious problem.

No one understands the problem like RFK Jr. His book “The Real Anthony Fauci” came out two years ago. It is about much more than the title suggests. The first chapter alone is a classic of exposition that identifies nearly every problem of the lockdowns and mandates that actually began under a Republican administration, which were then made much worse by Biden. If you are going to read one book on the issue, this is an excellent one.

He has also written a deeply moving “A Letter to Liberals” that pleads with them to come back to the core values as represented by the presidency of his uncle John F. Kennedy and his father Robert. They both stood up to the military-industrial complex and paid the most terrible price for doing so. RFK now carries forth not only the name but also the intellectual and philosophical legacy.

He has high standing among the base for his view against corporate and government corruption. And I doubt anyone understands the issue of pharmaceutical power as well as he does. Certainly no one has fought against this more bravely than he. The national media will undoubtedly attack him as nothing but an anti-vaxxer, which is a ridiculous way to sum up an illustrious career. That propaganda line will be deployed but it can also wear thin very quickly.

As a candidate, he has every sign of being presidential in the way that people mean that term. He is fearless, has a high command of issues and facts, and carries himself in person as one might expect: as part of a mighty lineage and with a high degree of star quality. It is readily apparent when you are in the room with him that he possesses that hard-to-describe magic aura of a great leader.

To be clear, I’m not at all saying I agree with all his political values but to listen to him certainly takes you back to a time before the Democratic Party became the part of Big Tech, Big Media, and the Deep State. He has a broad outlook that focuses on rooting out corruption, cleaning up quid pro quo arrangements between government and private oligarchs, and restoring basic constitutional rights and liberties. His speeches are passionate and principled but also strike a broad chord of truth that could call back many toward foundational principles again.

Perhaps people reading are rejecting this possibility out of hand. Let me remind you of 2016 and the Trump win in the primaries and the general. Almost no one believed it was possible but it happened anyway. The times turned out to be much different than anyone believed. The Republicans were ready for dramatic change and Trump benefited from that.

Who is to say for sure that the Democrats are not ready for a similarly radical rejection of their party’s establishment in favor of a credible candidate? A candidate with name recognition and a proven record outside of politics? It could happen. RFK Jr. in fact is perfectly well positioned to completely upset the apple cart and call the entire party back to its historical roots.

When you consider all that Biden has done to betray the party’s core values, it boggles the mind. Consider vaccine segregation alone. It shut down major cities to half or more of the minority population who could not go to restaurants, libraries, or theaters. This is a total reversal of the civil rights movement, to say the least. And what of the shutdown of the public schools, which were the crown jewel of progressivism, and the masking and vaccination of kids? Whatever happened to defending the children and promoting education?

The party has been captured by the ruling class in the worst way but the base could change this if they line up behind a truly disruptive candidate. It would not at all surprise me to see 2024’s contest between two candidates competing for who can overthrow the deep state fastest. The match between Kennedy and someone like Ron DeSantis would be a good sign that the country is determined not to enter into a permanent state of decline.

In American politics today, with the country in such shambles, and especially Blue states entering into a crisis of corruption and crime from which multitudes are fleeing, it should not surprise us to see the party enter into an upheaval that compares with what happened to the Republicans in 2016. The old guard was rejected for something completely new and different.

There remains the question of whether Robert Kennedy Jr. will enter the ring. Those who have heard him speak recently sense that something is brewing in his mind. He seems actually poised to do something dramatic like this.

People have always underestimated his acumen and they will again. But that very doubt could fuel a grassroots movement of moms and the working class that is fed up with the corruption and compulsion from the top and the bizarre cover-ups to which we’ve been subjected. The Biden administration has presided over a failed state that cries out for dramatic change. Kennedy could be the one.

His candidacy would also draw massive numbers of Republicans who have appreciated his bravery over the last few years and his heroic role as a truth teller. The anger and loss of trust in elites is extremely broad in the American public today, more so than ever.

Prepare yourself!

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


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Edited by Karl Kinaski
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1 hour ago, Karl Kinaski said:

 The 2024 US presidential election will be the most exciting ever. Involving a Kennedy for the third time. RFK jr starts where his uncle and his father were stopped by bullets ... IMO  there are too many fires in 2024 to put out for "Permanent Washington" and it's deep state zombies. 

In the course of this upheaval there is IMO a good chance that  the true circumstances of the JFKA will also come to light.


Article of Jeffrey A. Tucker, EPOCH TIMES.


Article Jeffry A. Tucker THE EPOCH TIMES, March 6th 2023 



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The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement


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Having RFK Jr. enter the primaries and draw enough backing and votes to stay in the debates for at least a few months would definitely breathe new Main Stream Media life into the JFKA and RFKA stories.

Yes, for me it is hard to listen to RFK Jr. speak.

Not sure how this impaired vocal condition of his would play out in a primary debate realm.


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On 3/31/2023 at 10:41 AM, Paul Brancato said:

Your last paragraph resonates with me. If scientists disagree on that one they are out of their minds. Would you add to that reasonable action taking care of our forests, our wildlife, our oceans?

Forests and oceans, absolutely, yes. Wildlife? In most cases, yes. I was very disappointed that Trump refused to include the U.S. in the agreement to cut plastic waste in our oceans. 

I am especially concerned about the safety of our water. I was very disappointed with the performance of Trump's EPA when it decreed that pollution discharges into protected waters via groundwater were excluded from the regulations of the Clean Water Act. Some Republicans seriously don't seem to care about or understand the dangers posed by water pollution. 


Another one that I think should be added is sustainable agriculture. I don’t buy the idea that feeding the world requires chemical fertilizers, or genetically modified seeds. I’m actually in favor of phasing out ocean fishing and replacing that with farmed fish. Surely we can make that work better. Feed lots, cooped up chickens, indoor hog farms all seem cruel to me. I’m not vegetarian, I just think we can do these things a lot better. 

I don't know about fish farming. It would depend on how it were done and what the fish were fed. Some fish farms sell unhealthy fish. I'm all for natural, healthy food. Our family drinks raw milk and eats pasture-raised, hormone-free, antibiotics-free meat, even though it is rather expensive.  


The main point is that discussions around climate change or global warming have become politicized, but pollution is not. And as George Carlin was fond of saying, the planet doesn’t need saving, we do. The earth will be fine. Its denizens will suffer.

Literally thousands of scientists reject man-made climate change, but you never hear about them. They get no exposure on "mainstream" news outlets, especially in the U.S.

We are not losing massive amounts of polar ice--in fact, in some recent years, we actually had a net increase in polar ice (with gains in Antarctic ice more than offsetting losses in Arctic ice). About 97% of CO2 is produced by nature. Plants needs CO2 to perform photosynthesis. The climate has not markedly warmed over the last 20 years--and the questionable temperature-measurement methods used by some scientists to support "global warming" have justifiably come under severe criticism. The New England region and New York state had record-breaking amounts of snow in 2022, and the Northwest experienced record-breaking low temperatures in 2022, but very few news outlets have covered these facts. 

To watch NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC, you'd never know that a growing number of scientists are saying there is evidence that suggests we are entering a moderate cooling period in Earth's history.

Remember all the dire predictions that climate-change alarmist scientists made in the early 2000s that we would see a significant increase in the number of hurricanes in North America and worldwide because of "global warming"? Another failed prediction. The number of hurricanes making landfall in North America per year has remained relatively steady since 1900--yes, since 1900, or over the last 120 years. Speaking globally, the total number of hurricanes worldwide since 1990, i.e., over the last 23 years, has averaged 47 per year, with 2022 seeing 40 hurricanes worldwide. 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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Quote RFK jr / Twitter:

"The Fed just announced it will introduce its “FedNow” Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in July. CBDCs grease the slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny. While cash transactions are anonymous, a #CBDC will allow the government to surveil all our private financial affairs. The central bank will have the power to enforce dollar limits on our transactions restricting where you can send money, where you can spend it, and when money expires. A CBDC tied to digital ID and social credit score will allow the government to freeze your assets or limit your spending to approved vendors if you fail to comply with arbitrary diktats, i.e. vaccine mandates. The Fed will initially limit its CBDC to interbank transactions but we should not be blind to the obvious danger that this is the first step in banning and seizing bitcoin as the Treasury did with gold 90 years ago today in 1933. Watch as governments, which never let a good crisis go to waste, use Covid-19 and the banking crisis to usher in a new wave of CBDCs as a safe haven from germ-laden paper currencies or as protection against bank runs."


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On 3/31/2023 at 3:41 PM, Paul Brancato said:

You’re last paragraph resonates with me. If scientists disagree on that one they are out of their minds. Would you add to that reasonable action taking care of our forests, our wildlife, our oceans? Another one that I think should be added is sustainable agriculture. I don’t buy the idea that feeding the world requires chemical fertilizers, or genetically modified seeds. I’m actually in favor of phasing out ocean fishing and replacing that with farmed fish. Surely we can make that work better. Feed lots, cooped up chickens, indoor hog farms all seem cruel to me. I’m not vegetarian, I just think we can do these things a lot better. 
The main point is that discussions around climate change or global warming have become politicized, but pollution is not. And as George Carlin was fond of saying, the planet doesn’t need saving, we do. The earth will be fine. It’s denizens will suffer.

I’m 69 years old, unjabbed and vegan. I became a vegetarian 36 years ago and a vegan 10 years ago.

I regret not being vegan all my life, but like most people I was brainwashed by the carnist religious cult.

For anyone not so brainwashed, the case for veganism is irrefutable. A vegan diet entails the use of a fraction – between a quarter and a tenth – of the land and water resources needed for a carnist diet.

The biomagnification effect whereby environmental and veterinarian toxins are more concentrated higher in the food chain means a vegan diet is healthier – especially of course if it’s organic.

The infliction of unnecessary terror, pain and death on sentient non-human animals is morally indefensible. As Schopenhauer said, the true basis of morality is compassion.

“In 2015, it was estimated that the average animal-eating U.S. citizen would consume 7,000 animals during their lifetime.” How can anyone justify that?

https://sentientmedia.org/how-many-animals-are-killed-for-food-every-day/#:~:text=This equated to 11 cows,flesh in the United States.

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1 hour ago, John Cotter said:

I’m 69 years old, unjabbed and vegan. I became a vegetarian 36 years ago and a vegan 10 years ago.

I regret not being vegan all my life, but like most people I was brainwashed by the carnist religious cult.

For anyone not so brainwashed, the case for veganism is irrefutable. A vegan diet entails the use of a fraction – between a quarter and a tenth – of the land and water resources needed for a carnist diet.

The biomagnification effect whereby environmental and veterinarian toxins are more concentrated higher in the food chain means a vegan diet is healthier – especially of course if it’s organic.

The infliction of unnecessary terror, pain and death on sentient non-human animals is morally indefensible. As Schopenhauer said, the true basis of morality is compassion.

“In 2015, it was estimated that the average animal-eating U.S. citizen would consume 7,000 animals during their lifetime.” How can anyone justify that?

https://sentientmedia.org/how-many-animals-are-killed-for-food-every-day/#:~:text=This equated to 11 cows,flesh in the United States.

I get it John. I eat organic, and animal products minimally, and if it’s meat only from sustainable farm agriculture. 

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