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"All went as planned, until..."

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It's a puzzler.

I will say this: If LHO suspected he had been made the patsy...the last place he would go is somewhere he had been expected. As in a planned theater meeting. That would be a meeting with sure death. 

IMHO, after the JFKA, LHO was simply a man on the run without a plan, justifiably fearful he could gunned down at any moment. 

IMHO, the Dallas Police Department arrested LHO legitimately (as a suspect in the Tippit shooting, whether LHO did it or not), and frontline officers deserve credit for not killing LHO then and there. 

Just IMHO....




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12 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

It's a puzzler.

I will say this: If LHO suspected he had been made the patsy...the last place he would go is somewhere he had been expected. As in a planned theater meeting. That would be a meeting with sure death. 

IMHO, after the JFKA, LHO was simply a man on the run without a plan, justifiably fearful he could gunned down at any moment. 

IMHO, the Dallas Police Department arrested LHO legitimately (as a suspect in the Tippit shooting, whether LHO did it or not), and frontline officers deserve credit for not killing LHO then and there. 

Just IMHO....




Benjamin, thanks.

I don't disagree that LHO may have a guy on the run without a plan.  And a theatre would be a good place to "lay low", allowing time for him to figure out his next move.

What puzzles me and only if the reports were true - that with hundreds of seats available and maybe 20 odd people in attendance, Oswald allegedly sat down right next to two or three patrons, moving one to the next - before finally sitting alone in the seat where he was arrested.

Over the years, have those reports been discounted?  Anyone?








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22 hours ago, Charles Blackmon said:

"..the scheme to kill the patsy in the movie theater fell through."

-Jack Myers

Why did the cops fail to dispose of Oswald in the theater as per the 'plan'?

Why Officer Tippit Stopped His Killer (kennedysandking.com)

It has not been established that there was a "scheme to kill the patsy in the movie theater."

Whatever scheme was supposed to be in effect fell through when Oswald quit the Marsalis bus and made his way to TT while Tippit got gunned down elsewhere.

A mad scramble was on to locate him, but this occurred with such suddenness there was not enough time to arrange a rubout.

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I'd say that in the pile-on scrum to seize Oswald, nobody could get in a clear point-blank shot without hitting another cop.  Nor Westbrook, from the balcony.  If Oswald really had his pistol out, there may have been concerns about getting hit.

Edited by David Andrews
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If Oswald shot Officer J.D. Tippit he instantly knew his life was toast.

Oswald also knew there were witnesses to the shooting and that some had seen him up close enough in his run away from the scene to give a general description of him.

Oswald's mind set from the murder scene to the theater must have been one of absolute desperate life and death fearing and even expecting confusion.

When he saw the movie stop and the theater lights come on and high energy armed officers rushing in he knew he might even be shot to death right there.

If Oswald said as officers were closing in on him just feet away...
"Well, it's all over now" 

It would reveal his resignation to the worst case ending to his situation.

Oswald's actions after leaving his North Beckley Avenue room, shooting Tippit, running to a downtown public area and struggle in the theater...were desperate to a suicidal degree.

I always have a curious gnawing about Oswald throwing "everything" to the wind like that.

He purposely put his two daughter's future into a probable curse of continuous sadness and pain...doing what he reportedly did on 11,22,1963.

He put his personal rage expressing over his love for his babies?

And then has the gall to ask his wife Marina to make sure baby June got a new pair of sneakers during her visit to him at the jail?

The contradictions of Oswald's actions and words make your head spin.






Edited by Joe Bauer
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9 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


Oswald's actions after leaving his North Beckley Avenue room, shooting Tippit, running to a downtown public area and struggle in the theater...were desperate to a suicidal degree.







I haven't been convinced Oswald shot Tippit. Too many contradictions. The murder should have been properly investigated but it wasn't. Whats with the Oswald/Hidell wallet that Westbrook claimed an 'unknown' person handed him at the murder scene?

And speaking of running, LHO would have had to fly to get to everywhere he was alleged to be during the assassination aftermath.

Edited by Charles Blackmon
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If LHO shot Tippit - a big if. Sure, if he did he was scared. But what if he didn’t?  Maybe just taking an afternoon off at a movie theater? I don’t think him changing seats is a clue that he was looking to meet someone. It would be very stupid way of finding his contact. I’ve been known to change seats at a movie theater.

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9 hours ago, Ron Ege said:

Benjamin, thanks.

I don't disagree that LHO may have a guy on the run without a plan.  And a theatre would be a good place to "lay low", allowing time for him to figure out his next move.

What puzzles me and only if the reports were true - that with hundreds of seats available and maybe 20 odd people in attendance, Oswald allegedly sat down right next to two or three patrons, moving one to the next - before finally sitting alone in the seat where he was arrested.

Over the years, have those reports been discounted?  Anyone?








Yes, LHO's behavior inside the TT is odd. 

LHO's wallet at the Tippit murder scene is really odd.

DPD'er Gerald Hill saying he looked at the bottom of shells, or hulls, at the Tippit murder and read the word "auto" is really odd. In fact, the initial DPD radio broadcast after the Tippit murder was for a man armed with an automatic. 

I will say this: Every defendant, no matter how high or low, of any political stripe, accused of any crime, is entitled to be regarded as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, in which he/she has adequate legal counsel. 

Had I sat on a jury on the Tippit case, I might have said, "I am uncomfortable, I may suspect certain things, but I have reasonable doubt." 


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In the first hour and a half of the biggest manhunt in America's modern history, why would a federal agent, FBI SA Bardwell Odum who had been on a first name basis with the Paines long before Oswald and Marina came on the scene, rush to the theatre to witness the arrest of a suspect in a local copy killing?  His Commander in Chief had just been murdered in broad daylight in Dallas, yet his attention turns to the Tippit shooting? 

According to Raymond Gallagher who was the first to recognize the high strangeness of FBI SA Odum's actions in the early hours and days of the investigation,

It was between 1:45 and 2:00 pm. that Odum and Day made the
delivery [of a rifle] to Lt. Day's office at Main and Harwood Streets in downtown
Dallas. At the very same time, according to Hosty, Bardwell was at the
Texas Theater witnessing the arrest of LHO. Odum, himself made a
statement (HSCA document #01431) describing his observing the arrest.
His statement begins:
"At approximately 2 p.m., November 22, 1963, I was informed by an
unidentified policeman of the DPD that a suspect had been seen
entering the back door of the Texas Theater. I immediately proceeded
to the Texas Theater...."


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