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Dave Emory's 27 Pt. Series on JFK Revisited

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This was a salute to Oliver Stone's two milestone documentaries JFK Revisited and JFK Destiny Betrayed.

It was me, John Newman, Gary Aguilar, Dave Talbot, Lisa Pease and Paul Bleau.  I thought it turned out well, but there may be some sound problems in the early interviews.  Dave was somehow not able to get into his main studio.  I think it was due to CV 19.  But stay with it, its quite rewarding. Where do you get a line up like that.

BTW, JFK Revisited is still in the top ten on Amazon, and this is 8 months past its release date.  One definition of a classic is if  it stays in and around the top ten for year.  Let us keep our fingers crossed.



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Thanks to you both.

I think the ones with three people on are the best.

I cannot give Dave Emory too much credit for what he did.

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23 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks to you both.

I think the ones with three people on are the best.

I cannot give Dave Emory too much credit for what he did.

Yeah, this was really good. I listened to it while going to sleep for quite a bit. Had to re-listen a few times hahaha!

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I thought the one with John Newman was especially good.

I think his revised issue of his JFK and VIetnam book is still probably the best

This Selverstone guy barely even mentions that book at all.  Incredible.  We will be reviewing that one soon.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 3/31/2023 at 12:17 AM, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, JFK Revisited is still in the top ten on Amazon, and this is 8 months past its release date.  One definition of a classic is if  it stays in and around the top ten for year.  Let us keep our fingers crossed.

It's interesting to think back to the 90s when I'd rent documentaries on the JFKA at the neighborhood Blockbuster Video; the pickens were slim... I think the 1966 Rush To Judgement doc was probably the best.

Things have certainly improved; it sure would've been great to have JFK Revisited back then! Sincere congratulations to you, Jim.

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I cheated and started listening to the last chapter first.  Just in the first 30 minutes it get's deep in a hurry.  The CIA vs Onassis over the Suez Canal.  Poison chocolates for Nassar.  That had to have involved Gottlieb.  Worth listening more tomorrow.  

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Thanks Matt.  The thing about JFK Revisited, on top of its cast of experts, is that its so well made.  Sylvia Meagher complained to Lane about that aspect of his film.

The whole Nasser thing is really fascinating Ron. Kennedy was so visionary about that.

BTW, I am reading a book called The War Within by Tom Wells.  I was unaware, or forgot, how fast the reaction was to Johnson's Vietnam escalations in early 1965. (BTW, Wells says this happened since LBJ thought Saigon would fall that summer if he did not.)

 Once Rolling Thunder began in February, then the first troops landed at DaNang in March and LBJ secretly changed their orders quickly and it leaked and Johnson went nuts; something that was going to recur a lot. The SDS and SWP both voted to have a demonstration in April.  They thought a thousand people would show up.  Twenty thousand showed up.  They gathered at the Washington Monument, and then they marched to the Capitol. Then at the University of Michigan, the professors scheduled a teach in.  They thought a few hundred would show, but three thousand gathered.

This inspired one at UCB, where 12,000 showed up.  Now when LBJ went to his ranch, 400 students stood outside the gates. LBJ needed 22 Secret Service guys to guard him. At a gathering of writers and artists Dwight MacDonald circulated a petition against the war. LBJ went bonkers again.  This is the first time his assistants begin to think that LBJ was really losing it over Vietnam.  Goodwin called these "irrational outbursts", and Moyers said it was like I was talking to a different person. This is the spring and early summer of 1965!

LBJ knew that his support for the war was wide but thin.  The longer the war dragged on, and the more vocal the opposition, he would end up losing everything.  Which is what happened.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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BTW, this series ended up being so good for Dave, he is now going to do a series about Lisa Pease's A Lie too Big to Fail.

Thanks Dave.

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On 3/31/2023 at 6:17 AM, James DiEugenio said:

This was a salute to Oliver Stone's two milestone documentaries JFK Revisited and JFK Destiny Betrayed.

It was me, John Newman, Gary Aguilar, Dave Talbot, Lisa Pease and Paul Bleau.  I thought it turned out well, but there may be some sound problems in the early interviews.  Dave was somehow not able to get into his main studio.  I think it was due to CV 19.  But stay with it, its quite rewarding. Where do you get a line up like that.

BTW, JFK Revisited is still in the top ten on Amazon, and this is 8 months past its release date.  One definition of a classic is if  it stays in and around the top ten for year.  Let us keep our fingers crossed.



Nice selection of guests on there but the audio player is so small it makes it difficult to use on a smart phone and even a desktop computer. If you miss something and want to rewind back 10 seconds, the player is so small that you click the knob and are taken back 3 or 4 minutes. I'd imagine this has turned off alot of people from listening to those interviews.

Are they available elsewhere like on youtube or spotify?

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