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DALLAS — the Scene of the Crime

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"Ah, Dallas, the LAY OF THE LAND" . . . "Oil smooths the way for silent, and sometimes deadly, change" — Rene Lafitte

3707 Rawlins, Oak Lawn neighbors, Dallas [— two blocks from Lucas B&B, Ruby's Vegas Club, and a short walk to the Stoneleight Hotel]
Previews Inc., global real estate firm co-founded in the late '30s by Archbold van Beuren, OSS chief Wild Bill Donovan's future chief of security, employed Ilse Skorzeny —wife of Hitler's favorite Commando, the infamous Ott Skorzeny — throughout the Cold War and into 1963, allowing her unfettered global travel in pursuit of the couple's interests both business and political. Previews opened a Dallas office in the spring of that year in spite of having a regional office in Fort Worth. Among the tenants at 3707 Rawlins in the Oak Lawn neighborhood were several independent oilmen, among them Weslie Rogers demonstrates a network that "smoothed" the way, witting or not ...

Weslie G. Rogers Oil Companies Oklahoma oilman Weslie G. Rogers was the other primary tenant at 3707 Rawlins when the professional office building opened its doors. Rogers listed six oil and gas related businesses on the building marquis compared with Barron Kidd’s seven. Although Rogers maintained a large spread near Holdenville, OK, the family spent most of its time in an exclusive residential enclave in North Dallas. Their close neighbors included: Buck Wynne Jr., of the Wynne family dynasty, whose real estate investments involved Clint Murchison, TRAMMELL CROW [emphasis added], and Leo Corrigan among others; Jack Ruby’s banker, Michaux Nash, who did business with one of the principals in the Algur Meadows 1963 petrochemical scheme in Longview, TX, that caught Otto Skorzeny’s keen interest; and Jake Hamon, the notorious independent oilman involved with the Skorzeny-Meadows scheme since 1952, president of the American Petroleum Institute and a close friend of—among others in the industry both national and international—Paul Raigorodsky and Clint Murchison. . . . 


Robert G. “Bob” Storey, Jr.

Career highlights of Robert Gerald Storey, Jr., known to close friends as “Bob,” were achieved through the legal profession, but particularly significant to this saga was his role in the development of modern Dallas that included inspiration for an international merchandise mart, not unlike the New Orleans International Trade Mart envisioned by Clay LaVerne Shaw. Bob Storey’s concept came to fruition when developer Trammell Crow built the Dallas Trade Mart, Kennedy’s ultimate destination as the limo turned onto Elm. Crow is notorious as having been involved with Clint Murchison and attorney/ real estate developer Angus Wynne in their Great Southwest Corporation and the Six Flags project where, in another masterful move, Marina and Marguerite Oswald were secreted away and interrogated in the days following the assassination. 

Storey also established the Southwestern Legal Foundation on the campus of his beloved Southern Methodist University, where he served as the Dean of the Law School for many years. But it’s Storey’s position among the elite of the oil industry, both national and international that confirms Rene Lafitte’s astute observation that “oil soothes the way.” His idea for an International Oil & Gas Education Center under the aegis of his Southwest Legal Foundation housed on the Campus of Southern Methodist University, placed him in the cat bird’s seat of the petroleum industry . . . — Coup in Dallas ... by H. P. Albarelli Jr. with Sharp and Kent.

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I remember Tramell Crow real estate mentioned in various deals over the years.

The main thing I remembered about Robert G Story was him being the top assistant attorney at the Nuremberg trials (to Supreme Court chief justice . . . ?).

Edited by Ron Bulman
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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

I'd just posted this in the water coolers thread, before I saw your thread here.  I remember Tramell Crow real estate mentioned in various deals over the years.

Clarence Thomas reportedly received years of gifts from GOP donor, stirring scandal (msn.com)

The main thing I remembered about Robert G Story was him being the top assistant attorney at the Nuremberg trials (to Supreme Court chief justice . . . ?).

Yes, Judge Robert A. Jackson.

Storey appears in the Lafitte datebook, November 20, just two days before Kennedy is assassinated: " . . . ‘Call Storey’ followed by the name ‘Duvall,’ and the initials ‘DeM’ penned by the project manager of the plot to murder Kennedy, reveals a darker side to the esteemed jurist. There can be little doubt that the Duvall mentioned is Judge Jesse C. Duvall of Fort Worth, TX. Judge Duvall had served as prosecutor during the Dachau trials at the conclusion of WWII. Among the defendants was SS Otto Skorzeny. . . "


Other relevant excerpts.  

. . . Following the assassination in Dallas, Robert Storey and Leon Jaworski found themselves reunited at the formation of the Warren Commission investigation, Jaworski working directly with the federal commission’s legal team on behalf of the interests of the State of Texas, and Storey as direct liaison between the authorities of the City of Dallas and Allen Dulles, recently “retired” Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and de facto head of the commission. 


. . . Without a shadow of doubt, Bill Harvey was among those most prominent on the mind of the project manager for the assassination throughout 1963, as evidenced by notes made on twelve dates. As with a number of characters named by Lafitte in this record, the notes are cryptic but studied in full, they leave clear indication that Harvey was critical to whatever Pierre was working on. Some may challenge the fact that William King Harvey does not dominate these pages; however, it is the opinion of these authors that a voluminous record now in the public domain in support of his role in the assassination stands on its own. The notes of Lafitte merely serve as confirmation, and for that reason, we choose to provide the dates and text of all twelve entries in the Endnotes and let the reader and researcher take it from there.

 Involved in the OPC’s “Free Jurist” program, overseen by Harvey was Colonel Robert Storey, who at the very least was already “acquainted” with Skorzeny from his stint as head of the Nuremberg Trials documents division. Storey, along with his close friend, Houston attorney and lead counsel for Schlumberger Oil Services, Leon Jaworski, would play an important part in the investigation of the assassination of President Kennedy, heading up an independent Texas investigation. Both Storey and Jaworski subsequently played a role authorized by Earl Warren in investigating Texas aspects of the assassination. The two men also had a Texas attorney present during all Warren Commission sessions to monitor the proceedings. Banker and oil industry expert Robert Storey was among the contact who Pierre Lafitte made note to call as planning for the assassination of President Kennedy neared the final stages. Storey is considered at length in the chapter, “Lay of the Land.”


. . . For the purpose of this investigation, also serving the US prosecution team under Jackson, were attorneys Robert G. Storey and Leon Jaworski. It is significant to note that both men became esteemed Texas attorneys and advanced lucrative practices with special emphasis on their oil industry expertise. Later, the two Texans not only served as assisting lawyers to the Warren Commission investigating JFK’s assassination, but they were appointed to the formal group created by Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr that produced its own report on the assassination, essentially a “ringing endorsement” of the Warren Commission Report. Readers shall encounter the significance of Jaworski and Storey in a later chapter.

. . . The official address of the Remington Arms Co. was the Hawley’s Connecticut National Bank building, 888 Main St., Bridgeport, CT. A similar pattern of interlocking interests emerged in Houston. Schlumberger Ltd., and the Bank of the Southwest, along with the oil firm’s counsel, Leon Jaworski, shared the bank’s office building in the posh area of Post Oak. It will be remembered, Jaworski (also on the bank board) was a member of the legal team at the Nuremberg Trials alongside fellow Texan and good friend, Robert G. Storey, both of whom feature in the Dallas chapter of this book. As will be revealed, Pierre Lafitte was familiar enough to reference Storey in his datebook at a critical juncture in the lead up to the assassination. 

. . . A little-known fact is that Dallas real estate magnate, Mattie Caruth Byrd, married to David Harold Byrd who owned 411 Elm that housed the Texas School Book Depository, officed next door to Remington Arms in the Meadows Building. Mattie was the daughter of W. W. Caruth Sr. whose homestead provided the land for Southern Methodist University where Nuremberg trial attorney Robert G. Storey built his reputation as a legal expert for the oil and gas industry. Other names ceremoniously inscribed on the buildings at SMU include oilmen Algur Meadows, Buddy Fogelson, and Jake Hamon (president of the National Petroleum Institute in ’63), each with their own stake in Skorzeny’s scheme in Spain. Caruth Sr. was on the small board of Ralph Rogers’ Texas Industries, a cement and gravel business with operations in Chico, Texas where Thomas Eli Davis died. 


Edited by Leslie Sharp
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6 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Moved to Mainstream vs MAGA

@Charles Blackmon @Benjamin Cole @Kathy BeckettThis is directly related to the assassination in Dallas. The word "MAGA" does not surface nor does Donald Trump.  Yes, Ginni Thomas contributed to events that culminated on January 6, but that is tangential to Harlan Crow's family dynasty linked directly to the "scene of the crime" that was Dallas. 

Trammell Crow was business partners with Dallas oilmen, several of whom have been identified as having close association with Otto Skorzeny who worked with Angleton to affect the coup in Dallas.

Why is this being categorized other than assassination related? If I remove reference to Ginni and Clarence, would you be willing to leave the thread as titled, and my original content in tact?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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15 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:
21 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

Moved to Mainstream vs MAGA

15 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Charles Blackmon @Benjamin Cole @Kathy BeckettThis is directly related to the assassination in Dallas. The word "MAGA" does not surface nor does Donald Trump.  Yes, Ginni Thomas contributed to events that culminated on January 6, but that is tangential to Harlan Crow's family dynasty linked directly to the "scene of the crime" that was Dallas. 

Trammell Crow was business partners with Dallas oilmen, several of whom have been identified as having close association with Otto Skorzeny who worked with Angleton to affect the coup in Dallas.

Why is this being categorized other than assassination related? If I remove reference to Ginni and Clarence, would you be willing to leave the thread as titled, and my original content in tact?



When Kathy said that she moved the offending content to the MAGA-vs-Mainstream Water Cooler,  she wasn't referring to the entire thread. She was referring only to what you wrote about Justice Thomas and his wife, and to Michael Griffith's response. If you look at that cooler you will see it is there.

Unfortunately something went wrong and the entire thread also ended up in the Water Cooler area, as a separate thread.

We regret that that happened.


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Lay of the land indeed.  I'm still in Chapter 1 of Coup In Dallas.  Well short of Chapter 9, Lay of the Land.  The book has a unique feature, previewing each chapter very briefly in the Roadmap.  In this case it mentions the TSBD, more, including Republic National Bank, where there was an important essential branch of the CIA.  Oil merchants and military contractors moving in. A Russian born petroleum expert, Dulles, and H. L. Hunt.  I look forward to the details.

But I know it get's much deeper than this.  I probably shouldn't post until I've finished reading the book, but the thread is current and I have limited personal familiarity with some of the related aspects.  The majority of my youth growing up 20 miles away from Dealy Plaza, reading local papers, D magazine, etc. 

Mayor Earle Cabell in 1963 was a CIA informant.  It was his brother General Charles Cabell's home as well, fired from the CIA  after the BOP by JFK along with Dulles.

Then there is General Walker, also fired by JFK.  Then there were the oil men of the Dallas Petroleum Club among other organizations.  George de Mohrenschildt, George Herbert Walker Bush, Harold Dry Hole Byrd, owner of the TSBD and LTV.  So many more details.  Chicago and Tampa were false flags meant to dull  the senses before  the real thing in the perfect setting imho.  More on those details in a day or two.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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I've always believed that in order to find any conspiracy that existed, one need to look no further than Dallas.

There's a reason why other attempts in other cities were not successful.

There's a reason why the President was warned not to go to Dallas.

Dallas is the key. 

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Revelations that Harlan Crow — the son of Trammell Crow, business partner of Clint Murchison and Angus Wynne and developer of Kennedy’s final destination, the Dallas Trade Mart — has been collecting N-azi memorabilia for quite some time take on exceptional meaning in light of what we now know about the assassination in Dallas.  
I was aware that Coldwell Banker ended up with global real estate firm Previews Inc., but I wasn’t aware until a researcher pointed out, The Trammell Crow Company was privately held until 1997 when it went public on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TCC. In 2006, the firm was sold to Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis group for approximately $2.2 billion. That buys a lot of National Socialist memorabilia." — @Kirk Gallaway

High strangeness and circular serendipity . .  a kind of rolling coup. 

Coldwell Banker Previews International Turns 80! — [1983]
It was the height of the Great Depression and stately million dollar properties were languishing on the market and sales professionals had limited funds and resources to market them properly. Enter entrepreneur Henderson Talbot, who leaned on his work experience with Time and Forbes to create a marketing program for prominent properties; showcasing them in all their grandeur in an elaborate magazine named Previews . . . 


CB Richard Ellis Announces Acquisition of Trammell Crow Co.

The $2.2 billion transaction is expected to close in late 2006 or early 2007
@Coup in Dallas —
' . . . For now, in light of the Ellen Rometsch scandal, which was first widely exposed by Mollenhoff who was first to compare the pending scandal to the Profumo Affair, and the possibility that more than blackmail was in play, it is important to draw attention to several Lafitte entries:

NYC Rest guide ad.
Talk of Ella R. photographs
. . . in NY at Previews
—Lafitte datebook, September 17, 1963

Meet with Willoughby at
(Ella R) others at
49 East 53rd St. [Previews NY address]
—Lafitte datebook, October 15, 1963

As the reader will learn in a later chapter, Manhattan based real estate firm Previews Inc. provided Ilse Skorzeny “employment,” whether as an independent contractor, a salaried agent, or perhaps nothing but a cover for her travel in and out of the US. Among the founders of Previews were those behind the popular weekly magazine, CUE which at the time covered theatre and arts and New York’s social scene. . . .

Founded in 1932, Cue (the precursor to New York magazine) cemented itself almost overnight as the go-to theatre, arts and entertainment magazine for New York society, from “Bohemia” to Park Ave. Reading between the lines, Talbot of Previews, Inc., along with Oliver Keep and Archbold van Beuren, both of whom were on the ground floor of Cue AND of Previews, saw the potential for a quid pro quo arrangement . . . use the slick magazine, Cue to promote exclusive real estate to the target markets of Previews, and in turn, Cue would benefit from the advertising revenue and the panache of being associated with those who could afford the unique national and international properties that Previews represented.

A portion of the van Beuren family fortune had been derived from land that was developed into Union Square in Manhattan in the 19th century. Archbold’s biography, including his role in the founding of Previews and Cue before WWII, may not seem relevant to our story, that is until one considers that at the close of WWII and before the OSS was circumvented by the Central Intelligence Agency, Archbold van Beuren had served as Chief of Security for William “Wild Bill” Donovan’s Office of Strategic Services.’ [co-founder with Allen Dulles and Wm Stephenson of World Commerce Corporation.]
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On 4/8/2023 at 11:14 PM, Ron Bulman said:

including Republic National Bank, where there was an important essential branch of the CIA. 

I think I've read who owned or originated RNB but I can't remember who for sure at the moment.  But, regarding the lay of the land in this respect we now know there was an essential branch of the CIA in RNB, that the mayor of Dallas at the time Earle Cabell was a CIA informant, that his brother General Charles Cabell was Deputy Director of the CIA when fired by JFK after the Bay of Pigs.  Which brings us to another related aspect of the lay of the land.

The Dallas Police Department.  As a whole they did not like JFK.  I've read a majority of them were members of the KKK, thus they would not have been fond of JFK's civil rights policies.  Some maybe amenable to a quick conclusion of the investigation, and elimination of the suspect?  Then we have the famous DA Henry Wade.  Who fawned over his friend LBJ, letters from the LBJ library prove this.  Last here we have the head of the personnel department at the DPD.  Officer W R "Pinky" Westbrook.  Walked to the TSBD to investigate after sending his men in his car.  At the Tippit murder scene.  Helped arrest Oswald.  More.  Pretty impressive day for the non operations personnel guy.  A couple of years later he went to Vietnam to train police there.  A CIA promotion?

Next, I wonder about the local media.  The Dallas Morning News in particular.  Owner and editor Ted Dealy regularly wrote editorials denouncing JFK and his policies.  In Washington at the Whitehouse he told JFK America needed a man on horseback o lead it, not him on Caroline's tricycle.  The Dear Mr. President ad, the Wanted for Treason flyer.  Might Dealy have known anyone involved in Operation Mockingbird?  Sound logical?

Then there is the mob.  And the CIA.  The national mafia came to Dallas officially in 1946-47 from Chicago, including Jacob Rubenstein.  Who changed his name legally to Jack Leon Ruby upon arrival.  The mob was already there, Civello, Campisi and more in a more local sense, overseen from a distance by Marcello in New Orleans.  They worked things out.  They were established by 1963.   We know the CIA used the mafia, through John Roselli to try to assassinate Castro.  With an essential branch in RNB it is reasonable to wonder if they might have had mafia contacts in Dallas.  Useful in setting things up peripherally or if something went wrong.  Like Oswald alive in the DPD jail.  So, who might have been contacted by the CIA about getting rid of Oswald?  A nationally known fixer who could get approval on his end and act immediately through regional then local representatives. 

Aside.  Why was Jack Ruby in Las Vegas 11/18-19/1963 at the Tropicana, Roselli developed, his home in Vegas when there, a main source of income, $1,00,000 a year.  This is double documented.  Tipping Point, Larry Hancock, pg. 174.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Last here we have the head of the personnel department at the DPD.  Officer Paul Bently.  Walked to the TSBD to investigate after sending his men in his car.  At the Tippit murder scene.  Helped arrest Oswald.  More.  Pretty impressive day for the non operations personnel guy.  A couple of years later he went to Vietnam to train police there.  A CIA promotion?

That's Pinky Westbrook Ron.

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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I think I've read who owned or originated RNB but I can't remember who for sure at the moment.  But, regarding the lay of the land in this respect we now know there was an essential branch of the CIA in RNB, that the mayor of Dallas at the time Earle Cabell was a CIA informant, that his brother General Charles Cabell was Deputy Director of the CIA when fired by JFK after the Bay of Pigs.  Which brings us to another related aspect of the lay of the land.

The Dallas Police Department.  As a whole they did not like JFK.  I've read a majority of them were members of the KKK, thus they would not have been fond of JFK's civil rights policies.  Some maybe amenable to a quick conclusion of the investigation, and elimination of the suspect?  Then we have the famous DA Henry Wade.  Who fawned over his friend LBJ, letters from the LBJ library prove this.  Last here we have the head of the personnel department at the DPD.  Officer Paul Bently.  Walked to the TSBD to investigate after sending his men in his car.  At the Tippit murder scene.  Helped arrest Oswald.  More.  Pretty impressive day for the non operations personnel guy.  A couple of years later he went to Vietnam to train police there.  A CIA promotion?

Next, I wonder about the local media.  The Dallas Morning News in particular.  Owner and editor Ted Dealy regularly wrote editorials denouncing JFK and his policies.  In Washington at the Whitehouse he told JFK America needed a man on horseback o lead it, not him on Caroline's tricycle.  The Dear Mr. President ad, the Wanted for Treason flyer.  Might Dealy have known anyone involved in Operation Mockingbird?  Sound logical?

Then there is the mob.  And the CIA.  The national mafia came to Dallas officially in 1946-47 from Chicago, including Jacob Rubenstein.  Who changed his name legally to Jack Leon Ruby upon arrival.  The mob was already there, Civello, Campisi and more in a more local sense, overseen from a distance by Marcello in New Orleans.  They worked things out.  They were established by 1963.   We know the CIA used the mafia, through John Roselli to try to assassinate Castro.  With an essential branch in RNB it is reasonable to wonder if they might have had mafia contacts in Dallas.  Useful in setting things up peripherally or if something went wrong.  Like Oswald alive in the DPD jail.  So, who might have been contacted by the CIA about getting rid of Oswald?  A nationally known fixer who could get approval on his end and act immediately through regional then local representatives. 

Aside.  Why was Jack Ruby in Las Vegas 11/18-19/1963 at the Tropicana, Roselli developed, his home in Vegas when there, a main source of income, $1,00,000 a year.  This is double documented.  Tipping Point, Larry Hancock, pg. 174.


James Wilcott, who was a paymaster at the CIA for the "Oswald Project", told the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978 that the CIA was in , "as thick as thieves" with the Dallas Police.



In addition, he testified that several different firms in Dallas had been involved in trafficking weapons to the anti-Castro Cubans. Were any of those firms the TSBD or the businesses located in that building ? The FBI never checked.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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5 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

James Wilcott, who was a paymaster at the CIA for the "Oswald Project", told the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978 that the CIA was in , "as thick as thieves" with the Dallas Police.


Gil, Wilcott & his wife Elsie were indeed CIA employees stationed in Tokyo.  I do believe that there was much talk there, immediately at the time of the assassination of Oswald being 'sent to Russia' by the agency.  Elsie was just a secretary at the Tokyo station, but she heard similar talk.  James Douglass covers them in 'JFK & the Unspeakable'.

The section on Oswald being debriefed back in Japan is completely new to me and not sure what to make of that.  (Hearsay evidence.)  As is his statement 'CIA as thick as thieves with DPD'.  I don't put a great deal of weight on a paymaster's second hand talk information.  Pinch of salt required here I think.  Yet, I'm certain that James Wilcott & Elsie were sincere in their reporting.

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On 4/6/2023 at 2:33 PM, Leslie Sharp said:

"Ah, Dallas, the LAY OF THE LAND" . . . "Oil smooths the way for silent, and sometimes deadly, change" — Rene Lafitte

3707 Rawlins, Oak Lawn neighbors, Dallas [— two blocks from Lucas B&B, Ruby's Vegas Club, and a short walk to the Stoneleight Hotel]
Previews Inc., global real estate firm co-founded in the late '30s by Archbold van Beuren, OSS chief Wild Bill Donovan's future chief of security, employed Ilse Skorzeny —wife of Hitler's favorite Commando, the infamous Ott Skorzeny — throughout the Cold War and into 1963, allowing her unfettered global travel in pursuit of the couple's interests both business and political. Previews opened a Dallas office in the spring of that year in spite of having a regional office in Fort Worth. Among the tenants at 3707 Rawlins in the Oak Lawn neighborhood were several independent oilmen, among them Weslie Rogers demonstrates a network that "smoothed" the way, witting or not ...

Weslie G. Rogers Oil Companies Oklahoma oilman Weslie G. Rogers was the other primary tenant at 3707 Rawlins when the professional office building opened its doors. Rogers listed six oil and gas related businesses on the building marquis compared with Barron Kidd’s seven. Although Rogers maintained a large spread near Holdenville, OK, the family spent most of its time in an exclusive residential enclave in North Dallas. Their close neighbors included: Buck Wynne Jr., of the Wynne family dynasty, whose real estate investments involved Clint Murchison, TRAMMELL CROW [emphasis added], and Leo Corrigan among others; Jack Ruby’s banker, Michaux Nash, who did business with one of the principals in the Algur Meadows 1963 petrochemical scheme in Longview, TX, that caught Otto Skorzeny’s keen interest; and Jake Hamon, the notorious independent oilman involved with the Skorzeny-Meadows scheme since 1952, president of the American Petroleum Institute and a close friend of—among others in the industry both national and international—Paul Raigorodsky and Clint Murchison. . . . 


Robert G. “Bob” Storey, Jr.

Career highlights of Robert Gerald Storey, Jr., known to close friends as “Bob,” were achieved through the legal profession, but particularly significant to this saga was his role in the development of modern Dallas that included inspiration for an international merchandise mart, not unlike the New Orleans International Trade Mart envisioned by Clay LaVerne Shaw. Bob Storey’s concept came to fruition when developer Trammell Crow built the Dallas Trade Mart, Kennedy’s ultimate destination as the limo turned onto Elm. Crow is notorious as having been involved with Clint Murchison and attorney/ real estate developer Angus Wynne in their Great Southwest Corporation and the Six Flags project where, in another masterful move, Marina and Marguerite Oswald were secreted away and interrogated in the days following the assassination. 

Storey also established the Southwestern Legal Foundation on the campus of his beloved Southern Methodist University, where he served as the Dean of the Law School for many years. But it’s Storey’s position among the elite of the oil industry, both national and international that confirms Rene Lafitte’s astute observation that “oil soothes the way.” His idea for an International Oil & Gas Education Center under the aegis of his Southwest Legal Foundation housed on the Campus of Southern Methodist University, placed him in the cat bird’s seat of the petroleum industry . . . — Coup in Dallas ... by H. P. Albarelli Jr. with Sharp and Kent.


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My goodness.

It's all one big octopus of corruption!

Tentacles everywhere!

Don't forget Clint Murchison's Del Charro resort in La Jolla, Ca.

Where guests there included members of organized crime and from time to time, J. Edgar Hoover and his live in friend Clyde Tolson, Nixon, Joe McCarthy and on and on.

Texas was a virtual "corruption incorporated" state.

Where if you needed to, one could get trial verdict convicted murderers off scot-free ... LBJ and Malcolm Wallace!  Now THAT's "Texas Style" corruption.

And monsters like Skorzeny and his wife are resurrected, protected and used by Texas connection interests?

The connection mentioned regarding Ginny and Clarence Thomas "friend" Harlan Crow and JFK/Texas times Trammel Crow are valid and should not be cause for moving this thread off the main forum ...imo anyways.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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