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16 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     The Beatles first trip to the U.S. was on February 7, 1964.

     Your November 18, 1963 news clip (above) was, apparently, the first time the Beatles were mentioned on U.S. television, after returning to Heathrow from a Swedish tour.

You're right. I was thinking/hoping they had made a low-key trip to NYC for the interview.

Just the same, the coincidence in timing of this broadcast just a few days before the JFK assassination is eery...

(In other odd coincidences, my daughter's birthday happens to be February 7th, my younger son's around the same day as the last luncheon show at the Cavern Club, my older son's a few days prior to the day John Lennon was assassinated, and their father's birthday was December 7.)

Edited by Pamela Brown
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July 28, 1963.  Laffite's datebook.  George/OS talk . . . to Stockdale about P. Graham . . .  There is more to this but I can't find the full quote at the moment.  George is George Hunter White, he says something about the ? way.

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20 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

July 28, 1963.  Laffite's datebook.  George/OS talk . . . to Stockdale about P. Graham . . .  There is more to this but I can't find the full quote at the moment.  George is George Hunter White, he says something about the ? way.

BTW, Phil Grahm ate a shotgun about a week later, then Stockdale jumped out the window shortly after the JFKA.

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July 30, 1963.  

I wonder what Angleton thought of the official announcement.  

Edited by Ron Bulman
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I missed this one yesterday on the 29th.  Photographs supplied by the FBI . . . a "hoax", perpetrated by Hoover?

  • The Los Angeles Herald-Examiner published its copyrighted story, "Black Muslim Founder Exposed as a White", that W. D. Fard, who had started the black nationalist organization in 1930, had actually been a white man named Wallace Dodd. The Herald-Examiner story included photographs supplied by the FBI, but Fard's successors at the Nation of Islam denied the story as a hoax.[98]
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Yesterday, we missed this, 60 years ago.

And this.

Phil Graham, 48, publisher of the The Washington Post newspaper and Newsweek magazine, shot himself.[11

Tomorrow is important in JFK history.

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On 8/5/2023 at 10:53 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Sixty years ago today was one of the greatest accomplishments of JFK's Presidency, in his opinion, as reported to others.

Test Ban Treaty (1963) | National Archives

Sixty years ago today was one of the most tragic of his Presidency and his life.  Loosing a (young) son, any son I guess is traumatic. As I well know.  Does three years, almost four make it worse than three days.  IDK.

On the morning of Wednesday, August 7, Jackie took Caroline and John Jr. for a pony ride in Osterville, Massachusetts. While the children were riding, Kennedy felt labor pains. Walsh was summoned, and they were taken by helicopter to Otis Air Force Base.[3]

President Kennedy was at the White House at the time. August 7 was the 20th anniversary of the day that the US Navy had rescued him in World War II after he had spent five days marooned on an island in the Pacific. Kennedy had been in command of Motor Torpedo Boat PT-109 when it was rammed by a Japanese destroyer, killing two of his crew. His heroics had helped launch his political career. PT-109 and August 7 were never far from his mind, and he kept a scale model of the boat on a shelf in the Oval Office and each day used a metal tie clasp shaped like a torpedo boat, with PT 109 stamped across its bow.[2]

All of which may explain why Kennedy's friend and fellow World War II naval veteran Ben Bradlee is certain that when the president's secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, hurried into the Oval Office at 11:43 a.m. on August 7, a Wednesday, to report that Jackie had gone into premature labor on Cape Cod, there was "no way in God's earth" that he did not think, My child is being born 20 years to the day when I was rescued, a coincidence providing an additional emotional dimension to a day that would be among the most traumatic of his life.


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For the UK observers out there among others, the Aussies and others.  Today's news sixty years ago.

The Great Train Robbery Of 1963, History’s Biggest Railway Heist (allthatsinteresting.com)

I feel sure as an avid newspaper reader and personally familiar with England JFK would have noticed this.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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On 8/10/2023 at 2:40 AM, Ron Bulman said:

Ron, I think you missed an event on this day 60 years ago = "August 9, 1963: Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in New Orleans while distributing leaflets for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee after getting into a scuffle. He spent the night in jail."

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On 8/5/2023 at 4:44 AM, Ron Bulman said:

Yesterday, we missed this, 60 years ago.

And this.

Phil Graham, 48, publisher of the The Washington Post newspaper and Newsweek magazine, shot himself.[11

Tomorrow is important in JFK history.

You also missed this one for August 3, 1963 = "Stephen Ward, 50, English osteopath and  central figure in the Profumo Affair (via Christine Keeler), committed suicide." Ward also linked to the British spy scandals that reached into Washington DC with a double agent who worked for the UK MI6 and the USSR KGB.

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