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Today is Monday, August 14, 2023, and on Monday, August 14, 1967, the UK enforced a law created by the Kingdom of England under King Charles II and his brand new monarchy (England and Scotland became a united republic between 1649 and 1660.) In 1660 an Act of Oblivion made it a criminal offence to talk about the republic and so the term 'Interregnum' was introduced to imply that the year 1649 was followed by the year 1660.

That new 1967 law resulted from the powers given to its General Post Office back in 1660 in order to censor the hand written mail, then the telegraph, the wireless telegraph, the telephone and the wireless telephone known as telephony or broadcasting. Even the electric lighting cables were censored and could not be used for transmitting encoded messages.

So on Monday, August 14, 1967 after midnight, it became a criminal offence to play records, deliver a sermon, sell advertising, or even to feed broadcasters or supply the technical means of transmission if they operated from outside the three miles territorial limit of UK waters.


To protect the censored political and religious message regulations used by the BBC, because their rivals outside of British waters had gained audiences into the millions of listeners by transmitting from anchored ships and maritime structures.

This is how BBC Radio 1 was born after its controllers went to PAMS jingles in Dallas, Texas and had the jingles of the Texas-created 50,000 watts 'Wonderful Radio London', re-sung to proclaim 'Wonderful Radio 1 on the BBC."

Remember, in 2023 the United Kingdom still lacks a written constitution, and since the King still represents the law in the UK in 2023, who can dispute the power of the Crown which is the political seat of power that King Charles III represents as its monarch.

So, tell local djs (if there any left) get out their golden oldies from post August 14, 1967, and then you should turn up the volume and celebrate your freedom in the USA thanks to the written constitution of 1789.

By the way Ron, the Mexican border blasters pre-WWII began in Fort Worth when the man who put WBAP on the air went south, and in Eastland, Texas, its mayor created 'Wonderful Radio London'; 'Swinging Radio England' and 'Hallmark of Quality Britain Radio' on board two ships that were financed in Texas and sailed for the coastline of south east England. The inspiration for 'Wonderful Radio London' was KLIF in Dallas!

Edited by Mervyn Hagger
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12 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

This turned up for the 13'th of August, 1963.

Chicago policemen arrest Bernie Sanders at a school segregation protest ...

That's Bernie Sanders.  

The Story Behind Bernie Sanders’s 1963 Arrest – Chicago Magazine

Gotta love Bernie.

His heart was always in the right place, which is why I voted for him in our last two local Presidential primaries.

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Sunday, August 18, 1963.  JFK might have rightfully taken a little pride for his part in this news.  While it made Walker, Wallace and many others hate him even more.

  • James Meredith became the first African-American to graduate from the University of Mississippi in its 115 years of existence. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree, having majored in political science and minored in French. The cost of Meredith's protection by federal marshals was more than $5,000,000.[63] His graduation day was without incident; Meredith would later earn a law degree from Columbia University.[64]
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Missed this on the 27th.

  • Less than six hours before the railroads of the United States were scheduled to be shut down by a walkout of railway employees, President Kennedy signed anti-strike legislation that had been passed minutes earlier by the U.S. House of Representatives. The vote in the House, finished at 4:42 pm, was 286–66 on a bill that had passed the U.S. Senate on August 22. President Kennedy signed the bill into law at 6:14 pm, ending the strike that had been scheduled for one minute after midnight.[97]
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Running a day behind it seems.  While I mentioned the March two or three days ago, the speech, I Have A Dream was 60 years ago yesterday.  August 28, 1963.  

Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'I Have a Dream' Speech in Its Entirety (historynet.com)

Somewhere I've read JFK listened to the noise from the mall through open window's in the oval office, though he couldn't understand the orations.

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Sixty years ago, yesterday 8/29/63

  • Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., the U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam, sent a top secret cable to the White House, reporting that "We are launched on a course from which there is no turning back: the overthrow of the [Ngo Dinh] Diem government."[103] At noon in Washington, DC, President Kennedy held a conference with his Secretaries of State, Defense and the Treasury, as well as with the CIA Director, after which Kennedy authorized a reply to Lodge, which included the statement that "The USG [United States Government] will support a coup which has good chance of succeeding but plans no direct involvement of U.S. Armed Forces."[104]  

And sixty years ago today, 8/30/63.

  • The Moscow–Washington hotline began operations, as the U.S. Department of Defense made a one-sentence announcement to the world press: "The direct communication link between Washington and Moscow is now operational." [106] Because the spoken word could be misunderstood, the hot line was actually a link of teletype machines rather than the red telephone commonly depicted in television and film.[107]

100px-Compactcassette.jpg The standard for cassette tapes [108]

They skipped right over 8-tracks.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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Monday September 2nd, 1963, the world changed forever.  From 15 minutes on the way to 24/7.

  • At 6:30 pm New York time, Walter Cronkite introduced the CBS Evening News with the statement, "Good evening from our CBS newsroom in New York, on this, the first broadcast of network television's first half-hour news program." The first show included a prerecorded segment of Cronkite's interview with U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Previously, the three networks ran their daily national news for fifteen minutes.[4] NBC would inaugurate its half-hour news program a week later, although ABC would not follow suit until 1967.[5]  


Then on Tuesday the 3rd.

  • The United States federal minimum wage was increased to $1.25 an hour ($11.95 in 2022 dollars).[6] Fifty years later, the minimum wage would be $7.25 an hour.  

I remember starting work at 14 for $1 an hour in 1969 working 40 hours a week in the summer, getting raises up to $2, thinking what am I going to do with all this money?  Saved most of it towards my first car.  2022, $12 hr.  Try living on that after taxes, health insurance.  JFK backed this, he tried to help.  But it never has been a "living wage".

Edited by Ron Bulman
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  • For the first time ever, black students registered at white schools in the segregated U.S. state of Alabama;[10] in some places, they faced state troopers deployed by Governor George Wallace to prevent integration.[11][12] That night, the bombing of a black household in Birmingham triggered a riot, and a black 20-year-old was shot to death by police.[13]
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The reason Kennedy was not at the I Have a Dream event is they did not want him there.

He was more than willing to be there since he had already made his great speech on the subject. But they thought his presence would overshadow what was supposed to be Randolph and Rustin's day.  See, that is often thought to be an SCLC event.  It was not. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin organized it and managed it.

Kennedy was in favor of the event. But not the Rustin/Randolph first proposal.  That one planned for a protest at the Capitol including a sit down strike.  Kennedy thought this would be counter productive, since he knew what congressmen were like.  So the White House steered it through to the Lincoln Memorial and without civil disobedience.

When that was decided, Kennedy became the first white politician to back it in public.  He then called in his brother and told him that he was placing him in charge from the White House.  And this had to come off perfectly or it would sink them both.  It did come off perfectly.  And many today think it was the high point of post FDR liberalism.  Ralph Abernathy called it the greatest day of his life.

I don't know why JFK would listen to the speeches through his windows since they were televised.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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  • The White House confirmed in a press release that U.S. President Kennedy would be making a trip to Dallas, Texas later in the year, though the specific itinerary was not complete. The Dallas Times-Herald reported that Kennedy would have "a breakfast in Dallas, luncheon in Fort Worth, coffee in San Antonio and dinner in Houston."[33][34]
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