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Tucker Carlson Gone

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Who is Carlson's huge audience?  A diverse, open minded, wide section of our society?  No.  It's maga. 

It was good to see programs devoted to a CIA plot to kill JFK get to a large audience but is it all just another drama point to them?  One more Q anon theory?  Same thing with the files?  The story still was not getting out on the msm to the masses.

It was also good to see RFK Jr get a chance to announce on a program somewhere since he also is ignored by the msm.  Selling Kennedy Democrat polices to maga, seems absurd to me.

That Carlson did at least temporarily loose his platform to push Dominion lies, a stolen election, J-6 was just a scrum not a Coup attempt and so much more from racism to misogyny makes me happy.

I do wonder if Stone scheduled for next week might have been the breaking point.  You and They know he would have mentioned Revisited: Through the Looking Glass and Destiny Betrayed.  A bridge too far, for even Murdoch?

For the moment, today, a Keith Richards song . . .


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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

"It’s a sad day for Tucker Carlson’s audience, old people whose adult children no longer speak to them and men who do not wash between their ass cheeks when they shower."

And if you lived here in the U.S. Ben, you'd know there's more truth to this statement than humor.

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The "ass cheeks" is over-the-top but definitely a generational thing just like when Boomers couldnt wait for the FDR generation to get out of the way so we could relax all the guardrails on the New Deal programs....

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Begin min. 5:15. Re. Tucker's former head of booking Abby Grossberg lawsuits   . . . attorney Filippatos has been contacted by more than one gov. agency related to a criminal investigation ... relevant to what the relationship was between the Trump campaign and what actually happened on air ...


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I think most neutral observers would agree that any mug on Fox is replaceable; the people that watch Fox aren't looking for actual journalism.

They're looking for someone that will lie to them in order to make them feel better about being bigoted, hateful people.

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Thanks for that Adam, I did not see the whole thing before.


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9 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks for that Adam, I did not see the whole thing before.


Because he was an anti vaccine shill? Are you serious?

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Here is another article. The conventional wisdom is that the sex discrimination lawsuit drove the firing. There was also no love lost between Tucker and the Murdochs.  He certainly was a big scalp. 


Different views by LA Times: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2023-04-24/tucker-carlson-is-out-at-fox-news  and WaPO: https://www.washingtonpost.com/media/2023/04/24/tucker-carlson-leaves-fox-news/

Edited by Lawrence Schnapf
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