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Bart Kamp & Malcolm Blunt discuss Dallas

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18 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

The source for the useful idiot quote is CIA officer William Kent’s daughter, who told Gaeton Fonzi that Kent said that at dinner one night. 

Malcolm Blunt has said that Kent was in New Orleans in the Summer of ‘63. Kent was officially stationed in Washington D.C. that Summer, but he was in New Orleans during the Garrison investigation under non-official cover with the “Christian Fellowship Fund”. 

The only source I could find placing Kent in New Orleans in ‘63 is the RockCOM testimony of William Sturbitts. However, Sturbitts does not say that explicitly, and the context of the interview suggests that he was actually talking about ‘67, IMO. Either way it’s a little suspicious, since there is no evidence, at least that I can find, that the RockCOM ever interviewed Kent. If you read Sturbitts’ testimony you’ll see what I mean. Here’s a thread I did on Kent at ROKC that contains the relevant snippet if anyone’s interested, plus a bunch of other interesting stuff: 


I know this is a bit off topic (though it is sort-of about Blunt) but if anyone is aware of any evidence placing Kent in New Orleans at any time in ‘63 please let me know. 

For those who want to follow along.

1.) RIF # 104-10105-10168.  Kent in New Orleans with a cover, the Christian Fellowship Fund. 

2.) IF # 178-10002-10091.  Deposition of William C Sturbitts 

The trouble is a lot of material is not online at MFF. ( Not that that's MFF's fault.  The entire JFK Records Collection is MASSIVE.)  And of the stuff that is online you often have to actually read each document, page by page.  The RIFs are good, but a vital bit of info could be in a doc and you'd never know if you're going only by the RIF. 

3.) 104-10291-10022 - Kent's CIA Personnel File.  291 pages

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7 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

Adam, taken some days to answer your question, but I have this comment from Bart Kamp:-

It is too open ended and loaded that question and I have tried this before and he will not step into that bear trap.

Good for Malcolm for not answering that insulting question.  Please Mr. Blunt, go broke and insane studying the JFK assassination for me and then tell me who did it and why, oh, and hurry up about it 'cause I got dinner in the microwave and the game's about to start.  

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1 hour ago, Joseph Backes said:

Good for Malcolm for not answering that insulting question.  Please Mr. Blunt, go broke and insane studying the JFK assassination for me and then tell me who did it and why, oh, and hurry up about it 'cause I got dinner in the microwave and the game's about to start.  

Joseph - nothing insulting about the question. In fact it’s your response that seems a bit insulting. For gosh sakes, it’s been almost 60 years. Is this just an intellectual exercise for you, or are you trying to ferret out the truth? And as Vince Salandria said over 50 years ago, we already know the truth, and endlessly looking for the smoking gun is a form of denial an avoidance. After all, once we figure out it was an act of State we are left wondering what the heck to do about it. Your work trying to organize Blunt’s files is admirable. Surely you have an opinion? What’s wrong with sharing it? What are you or anyone else waiting for? 

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On 5/10/2023 at 10:39 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Sorry to go so basic David.  But have I read Joannides was put in place by Richard Helms (???), to report directly to him?


I'll give you a better response tomorrow, but Joannides was working at JMWAVE as early as June 1962. I'm sure Helms was following JMWAVE's advice on replacing Crozier with Joannides. I believe Joannides reports were copied to Helms. Hence the coverup that continues today.

Edited by David Boylan
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17 minutes ago, David Boylan said:


I'll give you a better response tomorrow, but Joannides was working at JMWAVE as early as June 1962. I'm sure Helms was following JMWAVE's advice on replacing Crozier with Joannides. I believe Joannides reports were to copied to Helms. Hence the coverup that continues today.


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45 minutes ago, David Boylan said:


I'll give you a better response tomorrow, but Joannides was working at JMWAVE as early as June 1962. I'm sure Helms was following JMWAVE's advice on replacing Crozier with Joannides. I believe Joannides reports were to copied to Helms. Hence the coverup that continues today.

So there was a paper trail linking Joannides to Helms on an ongoing basis. Basically anything Joannides did Helms was informed about.

I bet that made Helms nervous after the JFK assassination.

Do you happen to have any links handy showing that Joannides reports were being copied to Helms?

Edited by Gerry Down
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21 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Joseph - nothing insulting about the question. In fact it’s your response that seems a bit insulting. For gosh sakes, it’s been almost 60 years. Is this just an intellectual exercise for you, or are you trying to ferret out the truth? And as Vince Salandria said over 50 years ago, we already know the truth, and endlessly looking for the smoking gun is a form of denial an avoidance. After all, once we figure out it was an act of State we are left wondering what the heck to do about it. Your work trying to organize Blunt’s files is admirable. Surely you have an opinion? What’s wrong with sharing it? What are you or anyone else waiting for? 

Your reference to Salandria, Paul, sent me scurrying to read again some of his stuff.

He was right about everything important, right from the beginning.

Kennedy's murder was organized and covered up by men in suits, who had worked closely with him in  his administration.  Who had been surprised and upset when JFK defeated Nixon in the '60 election. Whose anger grew when it became clear Kennedy, that wet behind the ears rich kid,  their putative boss, was not going to go along with their plans for the world.

There was no storming of the White House by troops to impose a military dictatorship, as, e.g.,  happened in Santiago ten years later.  The murder, we are told, was a "peaceful" transfer of power, a "peaceful" overturning of the '60 election.  Per Dylan's lyrics, they already had someone to take his place.

The rest of the decade the murderers and their allies went on a rampage to try to destroy the vestiges of an opposition to them on the Left in the US.  They intimidated politicians, and in fact the whole culture of Washington and the media that does its bidding--we're in charge now and there is nothing you can do about it, in Salandria's words-- that remains in place to this day. 

To get an idea of the change they wrought you need only watch JFK's commencement speech at A.U. in the Spring of '63, in which he laid out his plans for world peace--what kind of peace do we seek? a genuine peace, not a Pax Americana imposed by American weapons of war.  Precisely the opposite of what the murderers wanted. The speech was preceded by JFK's opening of back channel discussions with Krushchev and Castro, followed by the passage, against steep odds, of the  Nuclear Test Ban Treaty that Fall.  The  first steps toward his vision.  He was murdered shortly thereafter.

Compare that to what politicians do and say today about war and peace.

Nothing important is likely to change until this watershed turning point is clearly understood.  Salandria died in '19, but his insights live on. 

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On 5/11/2023 at 9:46 PM, Ron Bulman said:



According to the CIA, there were 5 DRE assets that they had contact with and around 30 other active members. The CIA and specifically Ross Crozier had problems "controlling" their actions. The problem really heated up before, during and after the Cuban Missile Crisis. This was a very tense time for the Kennedy Admin. Heck, this was a tense time for the whole world. DRE leadership was promoting the idea that the Russians still had missiles in Cuba. They were talking to NBC, The New York Times, The Today Show, etc. The Kennedy Admin got word to Helms to get these guys under control. 

The end for Crozier aka "the man in Miami" came when he asked Luis Fernandez-Rocha (AMHINT-53) Juan Salvat and three others to infiltrate Cuba on either Oct 23 or 24 during the Cuban Missile Crisis, ostensibly to report on military intelligence but told them they might have to direct artillery fire!
Their Today Show interview on Nov 12 and a newspaper article bought DRE members Fernandez-Rocha and Jose Lasa a face to face meeting with Richard Helms himself on Nov 13, 1962. Nestor Sanchez translated. Sanchez was at the time a special assistant to William Harvey. Sanchez would later be the case officer for Rolando Cubela aka AMLASH-1.
The end for Crozier aka "the man in Miami" came when he asked Luis Fernandez-Rocha (AMHINT-53) and Salvat and three others to infiltrate Cuba on either Oct 23-24 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Ostensibly to report on military intelligence but told they might have to direct artillery fire.
Their Today Show interview on Nov 12 and a newspaper article bought DRE members Fernandez-Rocha and Jose Lasa a face to face  meeting with Richard Helms himself on Nov 13, 1962. Nestor Sanchez translated.

Helms informed them at this meeting that there would be a change in their contact in Miami. (He would replace Crozier with George Joannides alias Walter Newby). He said that (Joannides) could come directly to him (Helms) if he needed any clarification.



Shackley to Fitzgerald. Originated by "Howard" aka George Joannides.

Edited by David Boylan
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Here is a CIA report 11/22/63. They knew that AMSPELL (the DRE) planned news release on Oswald circa 1300 hours on 11/22/63. Copy slotted at 1810, Nov 22 BP. (anyone know what BP stands for?) CIA chose not to notify FBI, SS or State at this time and did nothing to stop the report. Notice that AMSPELL files contained info that LHO turned his passport over the American Consulate in Moscow.


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Bruce Solie was Angleton's boss?

I was under the impression that under Dulles and Helms, no one was Angleton's boss.

This is why so many of his files never entered the central file system, plus he was allowed to have so many safes filled with stuff.  And this is also why he was nicknamed No Knock Angleton.

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Read John's book, "Uncovering Popov's Mole." 

Angleton was never in charge of the molehunt. Solie was. Solie got them to think the mole was in the CIA's Soviet Russia Division (SRD ). Solie convinced Angleton that the mole was in SRD for 9 years.

Everything Angleton did in his molehunt was directed by Solie and whatever Angleton did in that regard he had to report to Bruce Solie.  Angleton trusted Solie. Angleton's CI staff and Solie's OS staff were in close contact.  

Again, people are looking at the headlines and not reading the story, or in this case book.  There are a hell of a lot more people in CIA than Dulles, Helms and Angelton.

There's people like Sheffield Edwards, and Robert Bannermam, and Paul Gaynor, and many others play important roles in the story. 

John's book should be in everyone's library and is worth your time to read.


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13 hours ago, Joseph Backes said:

John's book should be in everyone's library and is worth your time to read.


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