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The relevance of JFK's peace speech to the JFKA and to where we are today

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39 minutes ago, Roger Odisio said:
Interesting take.  When you say capital, I assume you mean US or Western capital.  But the original 5 BRICS countries currently make up roughly 40% of world GDP.  And I've seen reports that more than 20 more countries want to join, including some heavy hitters.  The latest, gulp, may be France.  Macron has asked for an invite to the BRICS meeting in August.  Soon the West is likely to be a distinct minority, economically.
BRICS and the movement against US control is more about a new system of trade, not creating a stronger single reserve currency.  A multipolar system where no one makes the rules for everyone else.

It's an argument that is rarely heard but obvious to me on its face. It's one of the reasons why the dollar is the currency of choice and will remain so far into the future as long as we don't turn into some banana republic anytime soon.

That doesn't mean other economic powers won't develop new trade strategies. But they'll be trading in dollars.

Interesting to note: I'm not certain the percentage now but at one time well over half of the printed currency in dollars physically existed outside the borders of the US (75% ?). If we ever decided to change to say Yellow dollars and terminate the debt on the green ones, the value of the new dollars would skyrocket as drug and arms dealers etc had to figure out what to do with the worthless ones they have on pallets laying around. It would wipe them out overnight. And completely destabilize the market.

Theory I've always wondered about. Is the war on drugs enough of a war to do that? I guess it's really not a war then, is it?

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23 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

From Jim Garrison to Richard Sprague, to Oliver Stone to RFK Jr.

I detect a pattern. 


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7 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

Oh, P.U. 

RFK Jr. is a MAGA white supremacist, didn't you know? 

A threat to democracy.

A nut. 


The truth?

The Donkstate has lost its marbles, and is a confederacy of avaricious dunces. 

The 'Phants are not much better. 

RFK Jr. is the best option by far. 

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Just watch the whole speech, all 27 minutes.  What a giant.  Will we ever hear such noble and uplifting words from governmental leaders again?  Makes me cry…..  They gunned him down and look what we’ve devolved into: Twitter and Biden and Trump and war everywhere, all the time.

The magnitude of what JFK was trying to do….  And he just might have been able to pull it off.  His intellect and vision and charisma and common sense at maybe the right time.  But he trusted the Secret Service…..

In great likelihood, IMO, JFK saved the world from nuclear war.  We are all lucky he was in the driver’s seat at the time when the MIC still hadn’t figured out it had to transition away from the nuke Laos and Cuba, first strike doctrine of LeMay and the WWII generals.  

it would be great if we could upgrade the level of discourse on this forum. 

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16 hours ago, Al Fordiani said:

Just watch the whole speech, all 27 minutes.  What a giant.  Will we ever hear such noble and uplifting words from governmental leaders again?  Makes me cry…..  They gunned him down and look what we’ve devolved into: Twitter and Biden and Trump and war everywhere, all the time.

The magnitude of what JFK was trying to do….  And he just might have been able to pull it off.  His intellect and vision and charisma and common sense at maybe the right time.  But he trusted the Secret Service…..

In great likelihood, IMO, JFK saved the world from nuclear war.  We are all lucky he was in the driver’s seat at the time when the MIC still hadn’t figured out it had to transition away from the nuke Laos and Cuba, first strike doctrine of LeMay and the WWII generals.  

it would be great if we could upgrade the level of discourse on this forum. 

amen to your last sentence. I literally cry when I read it, and when I try to read it out loud to a friend, none of whom know the speech, I completely choke up. 

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On 6/28/2023 at 8:21 AM, Pamela Brown said:

You know, surely, that the author himself says things that aren’t true, that it’s a hit piece. Conspiracy theory as a term might date back, but weaponizing it was clearly the intention of the CIA in the memo we have all seen. What are your thoughts on RFK Jr?

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On 7/5/2023 at 3:34 PM, Paul Brancato said:

You know, surely, that the author himself says things that aren’t true, that it’s a hit piece. Conspiracy theory as a term might date back, but weaponizing it was clearly the intention of the CIA in the memo we have all seen. What are your thoughts on RFK Jr?

Politically speaking, I see RFK Jr. as a breath of fresh air in a sea of bleeding-heart liberals...


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2 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

Politically speaking, I see RFK Jr. as a breath of fresh air in a sea of bleeding-heart liberals...


Now that is interesting, and supports something I’ve said to many friends with deaf ears and closed minds. He refuses to play partisan politics, seeking to unite in common cause a divided populace. I am a far left progressive who is now out of touch and fed up with the Democratic Party. I’m even more upset with today’s Republican Party, So I guess I’ve become an Independent with libertarian leanings, while still desiring a multicultural society and global peaceful coexistence. My friends have two problems with my admiration of RFK Jr, both based on propaganda not facts - his purported anti-vax views and his desire to negotiate peace between Ukraine and Russia. They are so primed to believe the media portrayal that they won’t even watch or listen to him. Gotta punish Putin at any cost, and stifle freedom of speech for those that disagree with their positions. Anyone that voted for Trump is deplorable. Good luck with all that. 

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Bobby is the only guy invoking his uncle and JFK's attempt to forge detente with Russia. and to end the forever wars.  I mean Afghanistan was what, only 20 years.  Iraq was utterly nuts, it was a war of choice.  Timber Sycamore, one of the biggest CIA deployments ever.


I especially like how he brought this up walking in the worst areas of a rich city, namely San Francisco.

And he is the only candidate complaining about the so called Transparency Plan.  Which has only been really addressed in the conservative media. By people like Dick Morris.

There will be a press conference on Wednesday morning at 11 am PCT at the federal court house in Frisco: Talbot, Morley and SImpich. I hope they address the black out on this major development.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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To follow up on my first post to Roger, about the threat of the BRIC nations establishing their own currency to the dollar. All I can say is that's going to be a long time coming.  The reason, I hate to sound so cynical is because Money talks, Bullsh-t walks! A good indication of how effective something is, is how many people are willing to put their own money behind it.

Along that line, some of the most savvy odds makers are in Las Vegas. These are the Vegas odds at this time for the winner of  the 2024 Presidential election. Interesting stuff.

JOE BIDEN              44



RON DeSANTIS        15


I know I'm asking, first Newsome isn't even running but is probably one of Biden's most vocal supporters. I assume because if something should happen to Biden's health and he chooses not to run, I think Newsome is trying to get Biden to declare an open field rather  than just do the customary choice of picking his VP running mate.

Also where's RK? You'd think he would have scored a higher probability than Kamala Harris, but then they're probably taking in account that Biden could win and then become incapacitated or die while he was President elect.

As for the odds on who will get the Democratic nomination.

BIDEN           68


KENNEDY      12 

Barring some exogenous event, I'd be surprised if RFK gets above his previous high in the  low 20's, if he ever got there.

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12 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Bobby is the only guy invoking his uncle and JFK's attempt to forge detente with Russia. and to end the forever wars.  I mean Afghanistan was what, only 20 years.  Iraq was utterly nuts, it was a war of choice.  Timber Sycamore, one of the biggest CIA deployments ever.


I especially like how he brought this up walking in the worst areas of a rich city, namely San Francisco.

And he is the only candidate complaining about the so called Transparency Plan.  Which has only been really address in the conservative media. By people like Dick Morris.

There will be a press conference on Wednesday morning at 11 am PCT at the federal curt house in Frisco: Talbot, Morley and SImpich. I hope they address the black out on this major development.

Dick *I got my Lady of the Evening right here in bed with me, whilst I speak to (and showoff for the damsel) to the President of the USofA on the phone, and advise* Morris? That bastion of conservative media: That Dick Morris?

North America "LIBS" can do better; fascism has a horrible history; simply ignore the GOP and let the electorate chose their poison... 


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I hate to say it Dave, yes it was that Dick Morris. 

On Newsmax.

I mean has it made the Ny TImes or W Post, or Time Magazine?  Or NBC?  If so I have not seen it.

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