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The black blob in the Zapruder film.

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Greer was braking when he should have been hauling ass.

The flurry of bullets that Kellerman mentioned coming into the limo had him spooked.

Edited by Michael Crane
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Look, Regis Blahut was a CIA agent assigned to the HSCA.

Blahut lied about every aspect of subterfuge he performed.  He opened the safe, he took out the photos, and one was removed from its sleeve.  He reportedly fled when he heard someone coming.  

Through three interviews, he lied.  Blakey and Cornwell got a meeting at Langley with Stansfield Turner and Robert Gambino, chief of security.  When Blakey asked for Blahut's security  file, Gambino gave him the personnel file.  As we will see, this was a revealing move.

Blakey asked for an investigation to see if Blahut was part of an operation by the CIA against the committee, and if he had a control agent at Langley. The Agency offered him 4 options to perform the inquiry: the FBI,  the HSCA itself, the DC Police, or the CIA.  Blakey chose the CIA. Even though the CIA encouraged him not to choose them.  When he made that choice, a CIA officer wrote, "My interpretation of what Mr. Blakey said was that he wishes CIA to go ahead with the investigation of Blahut and that he expects us to come up with a clean  bill of health for the CIA."

The Agency did three polygraphs on Blahut, he failed to pass any of them. Blakey later said the affair was not a high priority for him.

The Blahut affair was not revealed to the public for almost a year. When it eventually broke, even Richardson Preyer, who ran the JFK side, was not aware of it.

When it was leaked to George Lardner it created a  small flurry of media attention. So much that the House conducted an inquiry. It confirmed the worst.  Blahut was a part of a CIA program codenamed MH/Child. It was later discovered that Blahut actually left the room with one photo and then returned. The CIA later admitted, that it was not the IG who did the Blahut inquiry.  It was Gambino.  And when Blahut was caught, he was waiting for a call from the Office of Security. (The Assassinations, edited by James DiEugenio and Lisa Pease, pp. 86-88)




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Thanks Mike.

No one can just shove the Blahut affair under the rug.

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You're definately welcome Jim.

There are just tons of things that I would like to mention,but I just don't have a very smart,or very educated way of saying/typing it as others.

Edited by Michael Crane
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In the bottom gif......any chance thats the Harper fragment being ejected from JFK's skull?  What im talking about is the small dark mass that flies upwards at roughly a 60 degree angle into the air right after the mist of the head shot striking can be seen.



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5 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

A sequel to "The Blob", coming to a theater near you.


Sorry, im referring to the lower gif in this post by Chris.

On bottom of page 3 of this thread.

Edited by Adam Johnson
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28 minutes ago, Adam Johnson said:

In the bottom gif......any chance thats the Harper fragment being ejected from JFK's skull?  What im talking about is the small dark mass that flies upwards at roughly a 60 degree angle into the air right after the mist of the head shot striking can be seen.



While it appears to be flying at about the right time,height & speed,I highly doubt it.There are also other dark blobs flying around.The real fragment itself is pretty close to white.


Edited by Michael Crane
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14 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Look, Regis Blahut was a CIA agent assigned to the HSCA.

Blahut lied about every aspect of subterfuge he performed.  He opened the safe, he took out the photos, and one was removed from its sleeve.  He reportedly fled when he heard someone coming.  

Through three interviews, he lied.  Blakey and Cornwell got a meeting at Langley with Stansfield Turner and Robert Gambino, chief of security.  When Blakey asked for Blahut's security  file, Gambino gave him the personnel file.  As we will see, this was a revealing move.

Blakey asked for an investigation to see if Blahut was part of an operation by the CIA against the committee, and if he had a control agent at Langley. The Agency offered him 4 options to perform the inquiry: the FBI,  the HSCA itself, the DC Police, or the CIA.  Blakey chose the CIA. Even though the CIA encouraged him not to choose them.  When he made that choice, a CIA officer wrote, "My interpretation of what Mr. Blakey said was that he wishes CIA to go ahead with the investigation of Blahut and that he expects us to come up with a clean  bill of health for the CIA."

The Agency did three polygraphs on Blahut, he failed to pass any of them. Blakey later said the affair was not a high priority for him.

The Blahut affair was not revealed to the public for almost a year. When it eventually broke, even Richardson Preyer, who ran the JFK side, was not aware of it.

When it was leaked to George Lardner it created a  small flurry of media attention. So much that the House conducted an inquiry. It confirmed the worst.  Blahut was a part of a CIA program codenamed MH/Child. It was later discovered that Blahut actually left the room with one photo and then returned. The CIA later admitted, that it was not the IG who did the Blahut inquiry.  It was Gambino.  And when Blahut was caught, he was waiting for a call from the Office of Security. (The Assassinations, edited by James DiEugenio and Lisa Pease, pp. 86-88)

Jim, I take it your statements are based on released files and/or other documents. Can you briefly outline the sources for your statements? 

If what you say is true, the Blahut incident was no innocent affair.


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On 7/9/2023 at 11:10 PM, Joseph Backes said:

So, the thing you want us to look at is not in the image you've posted.  🤔

Reminds me of the highly valued Marvel Comics No Prize.

Who is "Nuff" and what, exactly, did he say?

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On 7/10/2023 at 10:34 AM, Joseph Backes said:

It's the tail light of the limo.  Why he posted an image with an arrow pointing to it is anyone's guess.

To show that the limo had stopped while he was shot at this point...  why do you come here so woefully unprepared?  He even follows up with a gif showing this... and if you ever took the time to analyze how Hill can possibly get from one vehicle to the other when both are supposedly moving at 10mph, and make it in 2-3 steps - it's not possible.

Look at NIX please and count his steps between the vehicles... now determine the distance both vehicles moved IF they did not stop and how far Hill needs to run... he jumps off the bumper and within 3 steps has run down a vehicle supposedly moving away from him at 7 to 11.2 mph.

Mr. SPECTER. At that time you looked back and saw Special Agent Hill across the trunk of the car, had your automobile accelerated by that time?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Tremendously so; yes
Mr. SPECTER. Now, to the best of your ability to recollect, exactly when did your automobile first accelerate?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Our car accelerated immediately on the time-at the time--this flurry of shots came into it.
Mr. SPECTER. Would you say the acceleration--
Mr. KELLERMAN. Between the second and third shot.



No matter how you slice it, this has been described by all those who saw it at the archives as a black blob floating over the image.  When one crushes out Jackies black hair at the top left, which is the same color as the back of his head, we can see even more plainly the "cover-up" of the right rear of his head.


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Well, I don't come here to lie.

The tail lights on the limo were blinking. and if you showed the Z film as a film you could see that. And if you showed the limo in other films you see that.  But, no some people love to lie by omission and post a still frame, and only one still frame as if the red tail light was an indication of the brakes being applied.  That is a fiction.


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3 hours ago, Joseph Backes said:

Well, I don't come here to lie.

The tail lights on the limo were blinking. and if you showed the Z film as a film you could see that. And if you showed the limo in other films you see that.  But, no some people love to lie by omission and post a still frame, and only one still frame as if the red tail light was an indication of the brakes being applied.  That is a fiction.


No Joe, the front red lights were blinking, not the rear brake lights...

just look at the Muchmore frames prior to Hill
Or BELL as they approach and go thru the overpass (no blinking lights - see below)

Are you that incapable of supporting your own assertions with anything resembling proof thinking that you posting a paragraph is what, evidence of anything beyond your own convoluted imagination?

Show the blinking lights Joe... refer us to a link ...  Here is Bell 


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