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David Ferrie's voice for the first time!

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VP, is this someone besides Ferry reading a Ferry transcript?

I have read that Ferry's voice was higher pitched and even a little screechy?

Very surprisingly interesting if this actually was Ferry speaking.

Whoever this was speaking, I am impressed at the almost news journalist trained tone, pacing, resonance and intelligently communicated manner.

Again, like a TV journalist of top caliber.

I could see so-called theater trained Kings English speaking manner Clay Shaw enjoying conversing with the person on the tape you posted.

I always figured Ferry was more "Joe Pesci" hyper frantic, manic and squeaky fast talking in his real life as he was portrayed in Stone's film "JFK."


Edited by Joe Bauer
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10 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

VP, is this someone besides Ferry reading a Ferry transcript?

I have read that Ferry's voice was higher pitched and even a little screechy?

Very surprisingly interesting if this actually was Ferry speaking.

Whoever this was speaking, I am impressed at the almost news journalist trained tone, pacing, resonance and intelligently communicated manner.

Again, like a TV journalist of top caliber.

I could see so-called theater trained Kings English speaking manner Clay Shaw enjoying conversing with the person on the tape you posted.

I always figured Ferry was more "Joe Pesci" hyper frantic, manic and squeaky fast talking in his real life as he was portrayed in Stones film "JFK."


This was uploaded by that wunderkind youngster Alex Harris/ The JFK Theorist. Now that you mention it, I am now wondering IF this IS a journalist 'acting' as Ferrie...Hmmm.

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Has anyone fully informed of the Jim Garrison case ever read any description of Ferry's manner of speaking by Garrison or many others that dealt with Ferry personally?

Garrison was very descriptive of the speaking mannerisms of many of his key players in his book "On the Trail Of The Assassins."

Dean Andrew's ( cool daddy-oh ) exaggerated beatnik talk. Jack Martin's burned out tired hesitancy. Perry Russo's matter of fact openness.

Don't recall his describing David Ferry's speaking mannerisms.



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5 hours ago, Nick Bartetzko said:

Can't be Ferrie as he doesn't sound like Joe Pesci .... Another interesting find, Vince

NB...have you ever read anything about Ferry's speaking voice?

Everyone always described Ferry as very intelligent and extremely knowledgeable about many things even though many areas of his study were not ones most people would ever be drawn to.

Rat cancer research? Hypnotism? 

I didn't take Joe Pesci's frantic, chain smoking, higher pitched Brooklyn accent Ferry that seriously. But I never expected the real David Ferry to sound like a seasoned well-toned TV news broadcaster either.

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I think this is someone reading from Ferrie's handwriting.

I don't think there is any recording of Ferrie, at least that I know of.

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What a find!

Amazing audio tape. Even mind blowing.

Is there any major publication book on Ferrie and/or the Jim Garrison investigation that cites this interview/press statement?

How could it not be?

Bombshell revelations.

In 60 years I've never read anything about this Ferrie statement.

Just a few incredible points.

Ferrie's mother lived with him in New Orleans? Really?

From what date to what date?

Ferrie's father taught law?

Ferrie's brother was a nuclear physicist?

Ferrie reached out to Guy Bannister for help with these "crimes against nature" charges? Obviously proving his close association with Bannister.

Bannister side kick Jack Martin as well? Even Joe Newbreau?

And who the heck was "Lawrence Taylor?"

Ferrie gets N.O. attorney G. Wray Gill to take his case?

Powerful Mafia mob boss Carlos Marcello's attorney?

Everybody was milking Ferrie for thousands of dollars ( today's dollars 10X the value versus that time ) to "fix" his case? All of it kept without helping.

Sergio Arcacha-Smith in the mix? 

Ferrie said he was giving anti-Castro talks 4 times a week?

Ferrie kept rifles at his home ( 4 ) to use in teaching his Civil Air patrol cadets how to shoot these?

There is so much more in the tape. 

Charges of hypnotizing young men? The fellow on this tape had a voice and tone and speaking manner that I could see being a good one for that kind of act.

And I now believe this was Ferrie's real voice and manner of speaking.

A far cry from Joe Pesci's frantic high pitched bad New Orleans accent ( couldn't totally hide his native New Jersey one ) Ferrie performance in the Oliver Stone film "JFK."

Again, I find it surprising that Jim Garrison didn't go into a more thorough descriptive mention of Ferrie's speaking elocution and manner. It was quite impressive in it's own right.

He did do so regards Clay Shaw, Jack Martin, Dean Andrews, Perry Russo, even his own deputies.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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18 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

NB...have you ever read anything about Ferry's speaking voice?

Everyone always described Ferry as very intelligent and extremely knowledgeable about many things even though many areas of his study were not ones most people would ever be drawn to.

Rat cancer research? Hypnotism? 

I didn't take Joe Pesci's frantic, chain smoking, higher pitched Brooklyn accent Ferry that seriously. But I never expected the real David Ferry to sound like a seasoned well-toned TV news broadcaster either.


Just a bit of tongue in cheek in a forum wherein things sometimes get a bit heated. Been studying the JFKA since 1968 and am very familiar with David Ferrie. My impression of Ferrie has been that he was very intelligent.

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1 hour ago, Nick Bartetzko said:


Just a bit of tongue in cheek in a forum wherein things sometimes get a bit heated. Been studying the JFKA since 1968 and am very familiar with David Ferrie. My impression of Ferrie has been that he was very intelligent.

NB...did you click on the Denis Morrisette provided link above regards the David Ferrie interview?

Did you know about this interview years ago?

You must admit, that in Ferrie's summary of his time fighting the sex charges against him he brings in every New Orleans character that Jim Garrison mentions in his book "On The Trail Of The Assassins."  As well as many others.

Ferrie is connected to them all!

Don't you find this interview a block buster of a Ferrie connection reveal.

The only other main characters Ferrie doesn't mention are Clay Shaw and the head of the N.O. FBI.


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Does this sound like an interview to you Joe?

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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Does this sound like an interview to you Joe?

Now that you mention it JD it is clearly a prepared statement by Ferrie.

Thanks for clarifying this.

Even so, you can hear occasional questions proposed to Ferrie during it. Hard to hear but there is definitely someone else present in the background.

Maybe this Ferrie statement is well known in the Ferrie research community.

If so, my poor overall David Ferrie research knowledge is exposed.

Still, hearing this for the first time, I find it fascinating in many ways.

It seems a template for Jim Garrison's "On The Trail Of The Assassins" book.

The amount of illegality and corruption in the New Orleans police and attorney world at that early 1960's time is a mind blower.

What a surreally crazy place New Orleans was back then.

Mafia, crooked cops and lawyers, weird spy vs spy covert operations central ( operation Mongoose?) hot headed Cuban expats running around, Oswald running around passing street fight inflaming leaflets, David Ferrie doing his extreme political and rat study things, obsessed commie hunter, extreme segregationist Guy Bannister and secret associations Clay Shaw doing their thing.

NO was a smorgasbord of anything goes sexual activity - strip joints, prostitution, gay sex, jazz music and clubs.

African roots black culture, voodoo, shrimp gumbo and jambalaya food obsession.

Hot, humid, steamy, spooky pirates lair DNA roots.

America's Marseille?

What a circus.


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