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New JFK documents reveal assassin’s CIA monitor was Jewish spy Reuben Efron

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Getting back to which Mail this man read...   One of the more surprising things I discovered looking thru the evidence was the complete lack of mail TO LEE from his mother or Robert while he was in the Marines despite testimony stating he and Marge wrote quite often.

I've tried a few different sources for Efron but have yet to find out from which time period they are referring.  Anyone know?

Between 1956 and 1959 when Marge claims he and her were frequently, we do not have a single letter either TO or FROM Lee Oswald to his mother or anyone else.  From WCR evidence index of Letters from Lee



https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1133#relPageId=604 is a letter from Sept 1959 which MO refers to in her testimony where Lee talks about booking passage on a ship to Europe.

https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=234576#relPageId=160&search=reuben_efron img_234576_160_300.png


This description of Oswald comes up a lot as well...  Below this memo from EFRON is Oswald's discharge...  

ROBERT, on the other hand, was a Sergeant from Fort Worth...  fwiw.  One would think the CIA would know2 whose mail they were opening

Below is the Senate investigation cover page for a look into FBI/CIA Domestic Spying...





 41 letters in the WCR index of evidence are FROM LEE to either Robert or his Mother, with his mother claiming to have written to him quite often.
These are the letters TO LEE found in the WCR.

Letter from "Brick" to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated August 22, 1962.
Letter from Patrice Lmnumba University to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated May 3, 1961.
Letter from Prof. Hans Casparis, Albert Schweitzer College, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated March 22, 1960, with envelope.
Copy of letter from E. Weibel, Albert Schweitzer College, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated March 28, 1959.
Letter from B. Weibel, Albert Schweitzer College, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated July 10, 1959.
Letter from Joseish B. Norbury, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated December 14, 1961.
Letter from the American Embassy In Moscow to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated November 8, 1959.
Letter from the American Embassy in Moscow to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated February 28, 1961.
Copy of a letter from Pioneer Publishers to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated September 29, 1962; a receipt dated August 31, 1962; an order blank from Lee Harvey Oswald to Pioneer Publishers for a copy of "The Teachings of Leon Trotsky"; an envelope post- marked January 21, 1963, from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Pioneer Publishers.
Copy of a letter from Mrs. V. Halstead, Pioneer Publishers, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated April 26, 1963.
Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Socialist Workers Party, dated August 12, 1962; newspaper ad coupon from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Socialist Workers Party; copy of letter from Sherry Finer, Socialist Workers Party, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated August 23, 1962.
Letter from Farrell Dobbs to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated November 5, 1962.
Letter from Bob Chester to Lee Harvey Oswald dated December 9, 1962.
Letter from Joseph Task, Socialist Workers Party, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated March 27, 1963.
Letter from Arnold S. Johnson to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated July 31,1963
Letter from Arnold S. Johnson to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated September 19, 1963.
Letter from V. T. Lee, national director of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated May 29, 1963.
Letter from V. T. Lee, national director of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated May 22, 1963.
Copy of a letter from James J. Tormey to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated December 13, 1962.
Letter from Louis Weinstock, general manager of the Worker, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated December19, 1961
Copy of a letter dated March 24, 1961, from Richard E. Snyder, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk.
Copy of a letter dated July 24, 1961, from John A. MeVickar, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk.
Copy of a letter dated November 13, 1961, from Joseph B. Norbury, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk.
Copy of a letter dated January 5, 1962, from Samuel G. Wise, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk.
Copy of a letter dated January 15, 1962, from Samuel G. Wise, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk.
Letter dated February 28, 1961, from Richard E. Snyder, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk, with envelope.
Letter dated March 24, 1961, from Richard E. Snyder, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk, with envelope.
Copy of a letter dated January 11, 1963, from R. C. Reeley, Office of Finance, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Dallas, Tex.
Letter dated January 15, 1962, from Samuel G. Wise, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk, with envelope.
Letter dated February 28, 1962, from J. W. Holland, District Director, San Antonio Office, Immigration and Naturalization 55-57 Service, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk, enclosing "Instructions to the Applicant," with envelope (FBI item 246).
Letter dated January 5, 1962, from Samuel G. Wise, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk, enclosing document entitled "Evidence Which Can Be Presented To Meet the Public Charge Provision of the Law," with envelope.
Letter to Commission dated May 13, 1964, from Peter Megargee Brown, enclosing photostatic copies of all materials relating to Lee Harvey Oswald in possession or control of the Community Service Society or its counsel (CD 930).
Letters dated August 22 and July 6, 1963, from Eugene John Murret to Lee Harvey Oswald.
Letter dated February 23, 1962, from John Connally to Lee Harvey Oswald, notifying him his letter of January 30 has been referred to Navy Department (CD 1114, 11-30).
Letter from National Security Agency dated June 16, 1964, to Commission, concerning cryptologists' report on materials relating to Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1120).


"So if Hoover already had Oswald's letter the day after the assassination, then there was no need for Ruth to deliver her handwritten copy to the FBI the same day except of course, to protect the FBI's highly secret mail interception operation, Ruth may have simply been a concerned citizen doing her duty, unaware of the FBI's mail operation…"

APRIL 23 (under authority of the order of April 14), 1976

The CIA conducted four mail opening programs within the United States, the longest of which lasted for twenty years. These programs resulted in the opening and photographing of nearly a quarter of a million items of correspondence, the vast majority of which were to or from American residents. While the programs were ostensibly conducted for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, one former high-ranking CIA official characterized the Agency's use of this technique as a "shotgun" approach to intelligence collection; 2 neither Congressmen, journalists, nor businessmen were immune from mail interception. With cooperation from the FBI, domestic "dissidents" were directly targeted in one of the programs.
The major facts regarding CIA domestic mail opening may be summarized as follows:

a. The CIA conducted four mail opening programs in four cities within the United States for varying lengths of time between 1953 and 1973: New York (1953-1973) ; San Francisco (four separate occasions, each of one to three weeks duration, between 1969 and 1971) ; New Orleans (three weeks in 1957) ; and Hawaii (late 1954 -- late 1955). The mail of twelve individuals in the United States, some of whom were American citizens unconnected with the Agency, was also opened by the CIA in regard to particular cases.
b. The stated purpose of all of the mail opening programs was to obtain useful foreign intelligence and counterintelligence information. At least one of the programs produced no such information, however, and the continuing value of the major program in New York was discounted by many Agency officials.
c. Despite the stated purpose of the programs, numerous domestic dissidents, including peace and civil rights activists, were specifically targeted for mail opening.
d. The random selection of mail for opening, by CIA employees untrained in foreign intelligence objectives and without substantial guidance from their superiors, also resulted in the interception of communications to or from high-ranking United States government officials, as well as journalists, authors, educators, and businessmen.
e. All of the mail opening programs were initiated without the prior approval of any government official outside of the Agency.
f. Only five Cabinet level officials, and possibly one President, were briefed in varying degrees of detail about the New York program during the twenty years it continued, and there is no conclusive evidence that any of these officials ever authorized -- or knew of -- the mail opening aspect of the project. The evidence suggests that in the cases of some of these officials, their professed lack of knowledge about mail opening was due to a stated desire to remain ignorant of the details of the program.
g. No high-ranking government official was ever briefed about three of the four mail opening programs.
h. Postal officials whose cooperation was necessary to effect the programs were purposefully misled as to the purpose of the projects, the question of custody of the letters, and the fact of mail opening itself.
i. One President of the United States, whether through design or negligence, was given false and misleading information about the existence of CIA mail opening programs. In 1970, the Director of Central Intelligence signed a document for submission to the President which stated that all mail opening programs by federal agencies had been discontinued. This Director knew that at that time the most extensive CIA mail opening program continued to operate in New York.
j. Within the Agency itself, two former Directors of Central Intelligence did not authorize and apparently did not even know about any of the mail opening programs that were conducted during their tenure. Another former Director was unaware of at least one mail opening project during his term.
k. Some senior Agency officials whose approvals were sought in connection to one mail opening program were apparently deceived as to its true nature by middle-level officers. The senior officials were requested to authorize a mail cover operation only, but mail opening was both contemplated at the time of the requests and did in fact occur.
l. None of the programs was ever subjected to formal internal evaluation. Such review as did occur concluded that the largest of the programs were poorly administered and without substantial benefit to the CIA. These conclusions were ignored and the project continued.
m. Because of the extreme sensitivity of the projects and the internal pattern of compartmentation, many of those CIA components which could have derived the greatest foreign intelligence value from the product were not even aware of the mail opening programs.
n. Most of the major participants in the mail opening programs believed that the Agency's activities in this area were unlawful. No definitive legal opinion was ever sought from the CIA's General Counsel, and the evidence suggests that knowledge of the programs was purposefully withheld from him for security reasons.
o. The general reaction among Agency officials to the perceived illegality of mail opening was to fabricate "cover stories'' for public consumption and to agree on a public denial of CIA domestic mail opening activity in the event such activity were exposed.
p. During periods of active Congressional investigation into invasions of privacy by federal agencies, and when persons knowledgeable of CIA mail openings were in a position to be called to testify before Congress, security precautions for mail opening programs were tightened to reduce the risk of exposure.
q. In part because of his "secrecy agreement" with the Agency, a former CIA employee who was in a position at the Postal Service to force the termination of a mail opening program was inhibited from doing so for several years. His loyalty to the CIA, even after he left its service, prevented him from informing the Postmaster General of its existence.
r. The largest of the mail opening projects was not terminated until 1973, when, in the charged political climate of the times, it was considered too great a "political risk" to continue. It was not terminated because it was perceived to be illegal per se.


Edited by David Josephs
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20 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

As written, the headline could be construed as anti-Semitic, IMO.


Well in this case it was misconstrued as anti-Semitic. By multiple people.

IMO, the least people should have done before labeling the phrase "Jewish spy" anti-Semetic is to look for the "anti" part. What was said about this guy that was negative? Certainly nothing in the title.


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So what he was looking for within these letters ??  You really think this has to do with Israeli intelligence and not what he may communicate to Russia?  To imply this has anything to do with the assassination seems quite a stretch.  

I'd think it more telling that Admiral Tayler of ONI was interested in Oswald at the end of 1962 up thru and after 11/22.  Anyone?

“The memo shows that high-level CIA officers were interested in the smallest details of Oswald’s life 17 months before Kennedy was killed,” Jefferson Morley, an author of multiple books about the CIA, and about Kennedy, said on his blog, JFK Facts, after the revelation. “If Oswald was the ‘lone gunman,’ as a substantial minority of Americans believe, the clandestine service had much more access to his personal information than most know.”

17 months is June 1962 - the month the Oswald's return.

Does anyone remember seeing any reports about what Efron/CIA found or thought was contained in any of these letters?

And as a Jewish person reading the different takes from different papers - those that even quote this "Times of Israel" article - I am more concerned about this regurgitation from the Toronto Star: 

The 3,539 records include FBI and CIA reports on Soviet spies, the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and Lee Harvey Oswald’s trip to Mexico City a few weeks before he murdered Kennedy in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.

The way the original as written it sounds to me more "proud of the home town kid" - I'd dismiss any thoughts that the "Times of Israel" or the "Jerusalem Post" was writing anything anti-Semitic.  It is the Israeli's who are focused on the Judaism of the person and is only referenced in the story due to who was writing it and where it appears.




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8 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Well in this case it was misconstrued as anti-Semitic. By multiple people.

IMO, the least people should have done before labeling the phrase "Jewish spy" anti-Semetic is to look for the "anti" part. What was said about this guy that was negative? Certainly nothing in the title.



     I stand corrected on this one, and I agree with you, and with David Josephs' "proud of the home town kid" interpretation.

    The context that I overlooked is that this article was published in the Times of Israel, not in a U.S. newspaper.


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8 hours ago, David Josephs said:

So what he was looking for within these letters ??  You really think this has to do with Israeli intelligence and not what he may communicate to Russia?  To imply this has anything to do with the assassination seems quite a stretch.  

I'd think it more telling that Admiral Tayler of ONI was interested in Oswald at the end of 1962 up thru and after 11/22.  Anyone?

“The memo shows that high-level CIA officers were interested in the smallest details of Oswald’s life 17 months before Kennedy was killed,” Jefferson Morley, an author of multiple books about the CIA, and about Kennedy, said on his blog, JFK Facts, after the revelation. “If Oswald was the ‘lone gunman,’ as a substantial minority of Americans believe, the clandestine service had much more access to his personal information than most know.”

17 months is June 1962 - the month the Oswald's return.

Does anyone remember seeing any reports about what Efron/CIA found or thought was contained in any of these letters?

And as a Jewish person reading the different takes from different papers - those that even quote this "Times of Israel" article - I am more concerned about this regurgitation from the Toronto Star: 

The 3,539 records include FBI and CIA reports on Soviet spies, the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and Lee Harvey Oswald’s trip to Mexico City a few weeks before he murdered Kennedy in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.

The way the original as written it sounds to me more "proud of the home town kid" - I'd dismiss any thoughts that the "Times of Israel" or the "Jerusalem Post" was writing anything anti-Semitic.  It is the Israeli's who are focused on the Judaism of the person and is only referenced in the story due to who was writing it and where it appears.




Thanks David thanks for commenting on the thread as it was intended.

I did post the article with the title unchanged because I suspected that certain people would react the way they did, LOL. My first wonder is if Efron might be Mossad, because he's been dead for thirty years and so there isn't a reason other than Angleton as to why his name is redacted. I will add that I suspect Efron could be a dual agent because I suspect that alot of people in this case have dual affiliations because I think the CIA/Military did the same thing as in 911 and used "cut outs" as an outside inside job from foreign intelligence to prevent it coming back to the US Government.


Morley said there's one name that's been a mystery all these years, and was made public in the files: Reuben Efron, who worked for the CIA and was intercepting Lee Harvey Oswald's mail in the months before the assassination.

"Ruben Efron died 30 years ago. So they're not protecting the name of a living person. They're protecting the operational activity that he was engaged in, which was reading Lee Harvey Oswald mail," Morley said. "What it shows is that the CIA was running some kind of intelligence operation. We don't know exactly what, around Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin, while President Kennedy was still alive."

It will now be up to individual government agencies to determine if and when more documents from the investigation are released in the future.

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9 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Impressive article from Litwin. Does indeed seem Efrons appearance at Marinas testimony was due to Russell.

Litwin should consider doing a podcast of his own, and use his detailed articles as material for each show. He could do interviews with the various people listed at the bottom of that article who helped him research it.

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Anybody correct me if I am wrong, I am certainly no expert, but....

The only thing new that came out of a recent batch of documents, regarding the topic at hand, is that the mail interceptor's name is Ruben Efron. That's all. Warren Commission critics already knew -- long ago -- that the CIA was opening Oswald's mail and was engaged in some kind of intelligence operation involving him.

If what I just said is true, then what does it matter if we now know the name of the person who did the intercepting?

Well if Efron was merely a low-level CIA paper-pusher or something, it makes no difference.

On the other hand, if Efron was a high-level officer, having his name could make a big difference. Because the programs this guy was in might help explain what the CIA was up to in their operation involving Oswald.

That is the reason I said earlier that the article Koch posted could be very important. Important because the article is a piece of investigative reporting on Efron.

I think it would be good (and wouldn't hurt) if somebody passed that article on to Morely.


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4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

I did post the article with the title unchanged because I suspected that certain people would react the way they did, LOL.


Aah, I see Mr. Koch, I stand corrected—you are not anti-Jewish—you are just a destructive provocateur with a kindergarten sense of humor that likes tormenting people's social ethics and logic based on historical empirical fact.


My apologies, I owe you an ass. 


Well, have fun I guess—a word of advice: the girls on the playground really don't like it when you pull their hair, & boogers are for tissue paper, not the underside of the desk...




2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Anybody correct me if I am wrong, I am certainly no expert, but....

The only thing new that came out of a recent batch of documents, regarding the topic at hand, is that the mail interceptor's name is Ruben Efron. That's all. Warren Commission critics already knew -- long ago -- that the CIA was opening Oswald's mail and was engaged in some kind of intelligence operation involving him.

If what I just said is true, then what does it matter if we now know the name of the person who did the intercepting?


You're embryonic observations are correct, Mr. Larsen—the name of the officer specifically tasked with opening up Lee Harvey Oswald's mail while in the Soviet Union under the Central Intelligence Agency-controlled HTLINGUAL "cabinet noir" operation is the only thing that is new, as this operation was already known going back to the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the late 1970's.


However, the military intelligence background of CIA sheep-dipped, United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron (birth name Ruvelis Effronas) is a matter of supreme importance.


Unfortunately, there is very little on United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron, other than the fact that his family fled Nazi Germany in 1939, he served in the United States Army Air Forces during WWII as an interpreter, was later a military attaché to rabidly pro-segregationist Democratic senator Richard Brevard Russell Jr. during the senator's 1955 trip to the Soveit Union (where the two men witnessed a "flying saucer"), and in 1971, then retired Lt. Col. Efron urged then US President Richard Milhous Nixon not to secure a détente with the Soveit Union concerning the Egyptian-Israeli border crisis. 


Considering that Lt. Col. Reuben Efron was military attaché to rabidly pro-segregationist Democratic senator Richard Russell and he urged then US President Richard Nixon not to secure a détente with the Soveit Union concerning the Egyptian-Israeli border crisis, I personally think that gives us a glimpse into Lt. Col. Efron's political spectrum—Lt. Col. Efron had no problem with serving directly under a man promoting racist segregationist domestic policies and took a destructive, anti-communist, pro-Zionist stance when it came to the 1971 Egyptian-Israeli border conflict.


A man after Allen Welsh Dulles' own dark heart, to be sure...



2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

On the other hand, if Efron was a high-lever officer, having his name could make a big difference. Because the programs this guy was in might help explain what the CIA was up to in their operation involving Oswald.



It appears, Mr. Larsen, that United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron was no low-level paper-pusher—according to the above linked document, Lt. Col. Efron had operational knowledge of four very important things:


1. Lt. Col. Efron knew the real name of the Central Intelligence Agency-controlled HTLINGUAL "cabinet noir" operation's Counterintelligence code-name for looking at Lee Harvey Oswald's mail, "6lGlOAK." 


2. Lt. Col. Efron knew the real name of CIA Directorate of Plans (DDP) Action Officer Ann Egerter of the CIA Counterintelligence Special Investigations Group (CI/SIG) and that CI/SIG officer Egerter was concerned about Lee Harvey Oswald in a Counterintelligence capacity.


3. Lt. Col. Efron had the operational wherewithal to not only recognize Lee Harvey Oswald by name, but Lt. Col. Efron was debriefed that Lee Harvey Oswald was important to the Deputy Chief of Counterintelligence, United States Army Lt. Col. Raymond George Rocca


4. Lt. Col. Efron had the operational knowledge to relay the report the Oswald-bound letter directly to Deputy Chief of Counterintelligence, United States Army Lt. Col. Raymond George Rocca—tells me that he was directly debriefed that there was a special access program (we now know the code-name, "6lGlOAK,") specifically targeting Lee Harvey Oswald.


No, Mr. Larsen, it appears that United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron was not some low-level card-puncher—he had very target specific knowledge of sensitive CIA Counterintelligence programs, the identity of the targeted individual (Oswald), code-name of program ("6lGlOAK"), and the superior officers involved (CI/SIG officer Ann Egerter & DC/CI Lt. Col. Raymond Rocca).


Now, does any of this information indicate that United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron had anything to do with murdering President Kennedy?


No, it does not.



Edited by Robert Montenegro
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On 8/3/2023 at 5:08 PM, Robert Montenegro said:

Is this where the research community is heading— "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"-esque, Nazi-inspired Judeo–Bolshevism rants?!



Since you brought it up.. 

That the Protocols was very popular with Adolf and Joesph Gobbles..

If Allen Welsh Dulles is a Nazi why do you think he's cited as the person who debunked "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"? 

How does that fit into your "theory" that he's a Nazi like Hitler and Co..? 


The Times exposes a forgery, 1921

In 1920–1921, the history of the concepts found in the Protocols was traced back to the works of Goedsche and Jacques Crétineau-Joly by Lucien Wolf(an English Jewish journalist), and published in London in August 1921. But a dramatic exposé occurred in the series of articles in The Times by its Constantinople reporter, Philip Graves, who discovered the plagiarism from the work of Maurice Joly.[20]

According to writer Peter Grose, Allen Dulles, who was in Constantinople developing relationships in post-Ottoman political structures, discovered "the source" of the documentation and ultimately provided him to The Times. Grose writes that The Times extended a loan to the source, a Russian émigré who refused to be identified, with the understanding the loan would not be repaid.[67] Colin Holmes, a lecturer in economic history at Sheffield University, identified the émigré as Mikhail Raslovlev, a self-identified antisemite, who gave the information to Graves so as not to "give a weapon of any kind to the Jews, whose friend I have never been."[68]

In the first article of Graves' series, titled "A Literary Forgery", the editors of The Times wrote, "our Constantinople Correspondent presents for the first time conclusive proof that the document is in the main a clumsy plagiarism. He has forwarded us a copy of the French book from which the plagiarism is made."[20] In the same year, an entire book[69] documenting the hoax was published in the United States by Herman Bernstein. Despite this widespread and extensive debunking, the Protocols continued to be regarded as important factual evidence by antisemites. Dulles, a successful lawyer and career diplomat, attempted to persuade the US State Department to publicly denounce the forgery, but without success.[70]


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Just now, Matthew Koch said:

How does that fit into your "theory" that he's a Nazi like Hitler and Co..? 


I have never once said that Allen Welsh Dulles was a member of the Nazi Party—EVER!


As for Dulles' debunking of the viciously anti-Jewish propaganda document "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" well, you'll have to bring that up with the psychopath himself—of course he has been rotting in Hell since 1969, so your options with bringing up the matter with CIA Director Dulles are a bit finite, Mr. Koch—may I suggest standing on your head in a toilet bowl filled with excrement?


Debunking an anti-Jewish document or not, still doesn't get rid of the historical facts (not theory, mind you, Mr. Koch), that Allen Welsh Dulles oversaw the escape, protection and hiring of several-hundred-thousand fascist functionaries of the Holocaust after World War II, in covert action programs like Operation BLOODSTONE and Operation PAPERCLIP.


But hey, I know you like your roundabout Orwellian double-speech, Mr. Koch, trying to absolve fascists of their crimes and what not... 


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14 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:


I have never once said that Allen Welsh Dulles was a member of the Nazi Party—EVER!


As for Dulles' debunking of the viciously anti-Jewish propaganda document "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" well, you'll have to bring that up with the psychopath himself—of course he has been rotting in Hell since 1969, so your options with bringing up the matter with CIA Director Dulles are a bit finite, Mr. Koch—may I suggest standing on your head in a toilet bowl filled with excrement?


Debunking an anti-Jewish document or not, still doesn't get rid of the historical facts (not theory, mind you, Mr. Koch), that Allen Welsh Dulles oversaw the escape, protection and hiring of several-hundred-thousand fascist functionaries of the Holocaust after World War II, in covert action programs like Operation BLOODSTONE and Operation PAPERCLIP.


But hey, I know you like your roundabout Orwellian double-speech, Mr. Koch, trying to absolve fascists of their crimes and what not... 


David Talbot, who probably knows as much about Allen Dulles as anyone, calls him a "Nazi Collaborator." 


Harsh perhaps, but warranted.

Dulles and McCloy were both highly intelligent, well-placed and informed individuals. They both chose their paths pre-WWII, during, and after WWII, knowing who and what were Nazis--real Nazis, too. 

And both were appointed by LBJ to the WC. 

You can't make this stuff up. 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Thanks BC - this is a great interview with Talbot, who wrote one of the books mr. Koch should read, the Devil's Chessboard. 

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2 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:

You're embryonic observations are correct, Mr. Larsen—the name of the officer specifically tasked with opening up Lee Harvey Oswald's mail while in the Soviet Union under the Central Intelligence Agency-controlled HTLINGUAL "cabinet noir" operation is the only thing that is new, as this operation was already known going back to the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the late 1970's.


However, the military intelligence background of CIA sheep-dipped, United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron (birth name Ruvelis Effronas) is a matter of supreme importance.


Unfortunately, there is very little on United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron, other than the fact that his family fled Nazi Germany in 1939, he served in the United States Army Air Forces during WWII as an interpreter, was later a military attaché to rabidly pro-segregationist Democratic senator Richard Brevard Russell Jr. during the senator's 1955 trip to the Soveit Union (where the two men witnessed a "flying saucer"), and in 1971, then retired Lt. Col. Efron urged then US President Richard Milhous Nixon not to secure a détente with the Soveit Union concerning the Egyptian-Israeli border crisis. 


Considering that Lt. Col. Reuben Efron was military attaché to rabidly pro-segregationist Democratic senator Richard Russell and he urged then US President Richard Nixon not to secure a détente with the Soveit Union concerning the Egyptian-Israeli border crisis, I personally think that gives us a glimpse into Lt. Col. Efron's political spectrum—Lt. Col. Efron had no problem with serving directly under a man promoting racist segregationist domestic policies and took a destructive, anti-communist, pro-Zionist stance when it came to the 1971 Egyptian-Israeli border conflict.


A man after Allen Welsh Dulles' own dark heart, to be sure...





It appears, Mr. Larsen, that United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron was no low-level paper-pusher—according to the above linked document, Lt. Col. Efron had operational knowledge of four very important things:


1. Lt. Col. Efron knew the real name of the Central Intelligence Agency-controlled HTLINGUAL "cabinet noir" operation's Counterintelligence code-name for looking at Lee Harvey Oswald's mail, "6lGlOAK." 


2. Lt. Col. Efron knew the real name of CIA Directorate of Plans (DDP) Action Officer Ann Egerter of the CIA Counterintelligence Special Investigations Group (CI/SIG) and that CI/SIG officer Egerter was concerned about Lee Harvey Oswald in a Counterintelligence capacity.


3. Lt. Col. Efron had the operational wherewithal to not only recognize Lee Harvey Oswald by name, but Lt. Col. Efron was debriefed that Lee Harvey Oswald was important to the Deputy Chief of Counterintelligence, United States Army Lt. Col. Raymond George Rocca


4. Lt. Col. Efron had the operational knowledge to relay the report the Oswald-bound letter directly to Deputy Chief of Counterintelligence, United States Army Lt. Col. Raymond George Rocca—tells me that he was directly debriefed that there was a special access program (we now know the code-name, "6lGlOAK,") specifically targeting Lee Harvey Oswald.


No, Mr. Larsen, it appears that United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron was not some low-level card-puncher—he had very target specific knowledge of sensitive CIA Counterintelligence programs, the identity of the targeted individual (Oswald), code-name of program ("6lGlOAK"), and the superior officers involved (CI/SIG officer Ann Egerter & DC/CI Lt. Col. Raymond Rocca).


Now, does any of this information indicate that United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron had anything to do with murdering President Kennedy?


No, it does not.


Thanks for explaining that, Robert.


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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Thanks for explaining that, Robert.


No problem, Mr. Larsenunfortunately, until we can access more documents on United States Army Lt. Col. Reuben Efron, we, as researchers, are pretty much in the dark.


Still, what little we do have is a fascinating, yet disturbing, glimpse into the world of CIA Counterintelligence during the hottest moments of the "Cold War"...


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