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Edwin Lopez: Oswald never visited embassies in Mexico City

Gil Jesus

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48 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, some of the things Ed told me when I interviewed him at his house in southern New York state were kind of funny.

I asked him, "It took the Kostikov cable 8 days to get to headquarters?"

He said, "You never heard of Pony Express?"

Then i asked, "Who was Anne Goodpasture?"

Without batting an eyelash, he said, "She's a lying, conniving b---h, and if there was any justice in this world she would be in jail."


I've long suspected that Goodpasture was lying in the hours after the assassination when she sent on the photo of the mystery man and later claimed she did so thinking it was Oswald. I suspect she knew full well it was not Oswald but thought it was an accomplice of Oswald.

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19 hours ago, David Josephs said:

Thanks Gil...  

I started out by seeing this from LOPEZ and immediately smelling a rat.


And subsequent doc releases added additional support.



@Gerry Down @Jonathan Cohen  You two really have nothing better to do than chime in on threads about which you have little to no knowledge at all, just to make uninformed comments about the work of others you can never seem to understand.  Do you EVER offer your own work that doesn't wind up looking remedial or are you both nothing more than LNer talking-point-parrots hoping someone with some knowledge and ability comes to your aid as you pollute yet another thread?

You do realize the two of you (and a handful of others) are seen as absurd little children with nothing EVER to offer, and for some reason you are allowed to infect these pages day after day with no recourse but to IGNORE all your posts, as I do.  Sadly when others quote your drek we have to see what you think passes for astute criticism - yet consistently amounts to nothing more than the 2 of you whining about that which you cannot comprehend.

With nothing to contribute and little understanding of what others say... why you both are even here remains a mystery - maybe just the comic relief and a reminder of how pathetic LNer arguments and rebuttals have become.  :pop

:up  :up


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9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

BTW, some of the things Ed told me when I interviewed him at his house in southern New York state were kind of funny.

I asked him, "It took the Kostikov cable 8 days to get to headquarters?"

He said, "You never heard of Pony Express?"

Then i asked, "Who was Anne Goodpasture?"

Without batting an eyelash, he said, "She's a lying, conniving b---h, and if there was any justice in this world she would be in jail."


Jim - your first hand accounting is so valuable.

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Thanks Paul.

That visit with Eddie was on a cold wintry day in December.

I drove about 160 miles in some really poor weather to meet with him.

I don't think he lives there anymore.  I think he lives and works at his alma mater, Cornell.

But it was really informative.  And as I recall, Ed did not dodge any question or try to slide around it.

Another point.  At the Chicago Conference Ed attended in 1993, Burt Griffin was there.  Tanenbaum and Griffin were at loggerheads.

Ed joined in and said, "David Belin gets on NIghtline, and he says, "I have seen every CIA document on the case?"  The sneering tone he used obviously implied that this was BS.  That one had even Griffin backpedaling a bit.  He said  something like well, some of us have a hard time with Belin occasionally.

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It is my understanding that Lee Oswald became outraged when Mr. Hosty asked him about Mexico City.  I don't think he denied being there. 

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On 8/11/2023 at 10:50 AM, Jonathan Cohen said:

You're making a big deal out of a made-for-TV fake trial. Who cares what Lopez said then? Gerry is correct that the Lopez report does NOT say Oswald never visited the Cuban consulate and Mexican embassy.

You clearly have not read the Lopez-Hardway report. Gerry's argument that "the HSCA" did not conclude that Oswald never visited the Soviet Embassy or the Cuban Consulate is a bit disingenuous. The HSCA's final report presented a number of conclusions that many of the HSCA's investigators rejected or doubted. Moreover, the Lopez-Hardway report was withheld from the HSCA's published volumes because it was among the materials that were sealed, so it was not used in the committee's final report. 

The Lopez-Hardway report notes, for example, that the "Oswald" who called the Soviet Embassy spoke terrible Russian but that Oswald himself spoke fluent Russian. 

And I must say that it is surprising to see you and Gerry casually dismiss the fact that one of the HSCA's two main researchers on the Mexico City episode said none of the CIA surveillance photos taken at the Cuban Consulate and the Soviet Embassy showed Oswald, and that he believes Oswald was set up by the CIA with an imposter in Mexico City. The other main Mexico City investigator, Dan Hardway, likewise believes there was an Oswald imposter in Mexico City.

If the HSCA researchers who investigated Jack Ruby said they believe that Ruby had no meaningful Mafia ties and that Ruby's shooting of Oswald was nothing but a spontaneous act of rage, you guys would be trumpeting this from the rooftops.  Yet, you yawn when the HSCA researchers who investigated Oswald's time in Mexico City say that the "Oswald" who called the Soviet Embassy was not the real Oswald. 

Now why oh why oh why would anyone be impersonating this supposedly obscure, friendless, unstable loner in Mexico City shortly before the assassination and trying to make it seem like he contacted the Soviet Embassy? 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

You clearly have not read the Lopez-Hardway report. Gerry's argument that "the HSCA" did not conclude that Oswald never visited the Soviet Embassy or the Cuban Consulate is a bit disingenuous. The HSCA's final report presented a number of conclusions that many of the HSCA's investigators rejected or doubted. Moreover, the Lopez-Hardway report was withheld from the HSCA's published volumes because it was among the materials that were sealed, so it was not used in the committee's final report. 

The Lopez-Hardway report notes, for example, that the "Oswald" who called the Soviet Embassy spoke terrible Russian but that Oswald himself spoke fluent Russian. 

And I must say that it is surprising to see you and Gerry casually dismiss the fact that one of the HSCA's two main researchers on the Mexico City episode said none of the CIA surveillance photos taken at the Cuban Consulate and the Soviet Embassy showed Oswald, and that he believes Oswald was set up by the CIA with an imposter in Mexico City. The other main Mexico City investigator, Dan Hardway, likewise believes there was an Oswald imposter in Mexico City.

If the HSCA researchers who investigated Jack Ruby said they believe that Ruby had no meaningful Mafia ties and that Ruby's shooting of Oswald was nothing but a spontaneous act of rage, you guys would be trumpeting this from the rooftops.  Yet, you yawn when the HSCA researchers who investigated Oswald's time in Mexico City say that the "Oswald" who called the Soviet Embassy was not the real Oswald. 

Now why oh why oh why would anyone be impersonating this supposedly obscure, friendless, unstable loner in Mexico City shortly before the assassination and trying to make it seem like he contacted the Soviet Embassy? 

Michael, clearly if LHO did not shoot and kill JFK as a loner, and Ruby did not kill LHO as part of a plot like falling dominos, then there is nothing to see and nothing to discuss.

The problem is that no matter where you look in what appears to be a simple story on the surface, beneath the surface it is anything but a clear cut story and that is why few believe the official explanation.

But if LHO was a convenient 'patsy' because he was working for a US agency undercover, and if, as I suspect the Mafia seized an opportunity in the making, then it is easier to understand how the USA became embroiled in an official cover-up so that that the more lies that were told to cover up other lies, all helped to create the atmosphere where no one believes anything at all about the actual instant act that took place on November 22. Therein is my answer to your question about the impersonation of a supposedly obscure, friendless, unstable loner in Mexico City. The deceit is layered and the longer this fiasco goes on, the more lies and deceit will be added to the existing pile.

It seems that the basic questions about who shot and killed JFK, and why did they shoot and kill him, are now buried under piles of nonsense which has been piled up by a multitude sources so that the original crime is buried beneath a mound of verbal and written fly-tipping.

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I agree with Mike.

This was one of the very few broadcast appearances that Ed Lopez made in the eighties.  In fact, I cannot recall another one from that decade.

Since the Lopez Report was still classified, he could not use it as an exhibit in the court.

But he did make some references to its conclusions.

The Report itself is very damaging to the official story because it contradicts what the Warren Report says.  It clearly indicates that 1.) Oswald was not at either embassy, and 2.) Some kind of subterfuge/masquerade was ongoing.  I mean what they say in that report about Anne Goodpasture is of the highest interest.  Because it sure does seem that she is trying to conceal her role in it all.

What makes this more interesting is that this is happening 7 weeks before the assassination.

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Regarding the Mexico City incident....

The totality of Mexico City evidence indicates that CIA plotters fabricated the Mexico City trip out of thin air to make it look like Oswald and his accomplices went by car to Mexico City in order to meet with Russians and Cubans to arrange the assassination of Kennedy. This fake story was meant to implicate Oswald as leader of the hit team in America, and KGB agents Valeriy Kostikov and Nikolai Leonov as his Russian contacts in Mexico City. (According to the CIA, Kostikov was supposedly the KGB's assassination's chief and Leonov was supposedly in charge of spreading communism to the western hemisphere.)

While there, Oswald collected $6500 down payment for the hit. But like almost everything else, this didn't really happen. An informant just said it did.

The only things that really happened were 1) some phone calls made to the Cuban and Russian consulates, and 2) a small, blond, Oswald imposter entered the Cuban Consulate a few times. The Cuban Consulate employees thought he was Oswald and was there trying to get a Russian Visa. But the CIA plotters intended for the FBI to think he was Nikolai Leonov and was involved in the assassination plot.

Sylvia Duran, a Cuban Consulate employee, was also a target of this CIA plot. Unfortunately for the plotters, the Mexican police interrogated her and word got back to the FBI that the guy they were supposed to believe was Nikolai Leonov was actually the Oswald impersonator.

The CIA plotter's purpose for the fake phone calls was to alert the FBI to Oswald's (supposed) connection to the (fake) Mexico City story, so they would investigate it. But that became irrelevant since the FBI had already learned of Oswald's imposter from Sylvia Duran's interrogation by the Mexican Police.

The coverup....

J. Edgar Hoover assumed that the Mexico City trip really happened but ignored the Cuban/Russian plot. He also removed the automobile trip and Oswald's companions in order to avoid any talk of conspiracy. He and the Mexican authorities fabricated the bus trips to take the place of the automobile.


Note that the CIA plotters didn't care if Oswald was seen watching the presidential parade. They had painted him is a ringleader, not a shooter.

One of his shooters in the TSBD used a Mauser. This was part of the plot. The Carcano was part of the coverup.


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No one denies LHO was impersonated on the phone. No one denies that because no one can prove it one way or the other. That's different though than him being impersonated in person at the embassies. Much more evidence to show that it was indeed him in person at the embassies. So Lopez was prob right about the phone part.

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13 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

No one denies LHO was impersonated on the phone. No one denies that because no one can prove it one way or the other. That's different though than him being impersonated in person at the embassies. Much more evidence to show that it was indeed him in person at the embassies. So Lopez was prob right about the phone part.


There was no evidence at all that the real Oswald was at the consulates.

Even J. Edgar Hoover knew that the Oswald at the Cuban Consulate was an imposter. As did Consul Azcue and Sylvia Duran, after they closely examined photos of the real Oswald. The imposter had blond hair, for heaven's sake! lol



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12 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



Oswald did deny the Mexico City trip in his interrogations.


That was not his response to Agent Hosty...

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1 hour ago, Pamela Brown said:
14 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Oswald did deny the Mexico City trip in his interrogations.

1 hour ago, Pamela Brown said:

That was not his response to Agent Hosty...


In his Church Committee testimony, Agent Hosty first said that when he asked about Mexico City, in response Oswald became agitated and asked how he knew about that. After which the topic was dropped.

This contradicted Hosty's Warren Commission testimony. When confronted with that, Hosty changed his testimony. This time he said that, when asked about Mexico City, Oswald replied by saying he had never been there. The only city in Mexico he had been to was Tijuana. Which is what is reported in the extant interrogation reports we have.


Source:  https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1406#relPageId=29    pages 25 to 37


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