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Edwin Lopez: Oswald never visited embassies in Mexico City

Gil Jesus

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Sandy, I am amazed at the sworn testimony that does exist and I get the impression that a lot people who comment do so off the too their head. Few do any reading beforehand. The research in many instances, has been done for them. I also get the impression that some have very fixed party political ideas which automatically rule out consideration of hard evidence that might undermine their own political beliefs.

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There is a ton of testimony in the Lopez Report.  And contrary to popular belief we had a section on Mexico CIty in the film.  It featured Eddie Lopez, Dan Hardway and Lisa Pease.

I thought it was pretty good, but it got cut out down the way. We pointed out the questions of why was there no picture, why was the speaker in poor Russian, and good Spanish, what happened to Contreras? What happened to Duran?

It was a pretty decent section that got cut I thought.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Fire ever post - long time reader - such a great source of information provided by all.

That’s a real shame Jim D that it was cut.  There are many (and we all know many) parts to this jigsaw, but with Mexico City so close to that day in Dallas, it’s a big part of it for me.  A hell of a riddle but deserves a lot of light on it.

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7 hours ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

Sandy, I am amazed at the sworn testimony that does exist and I get the impression that a lot people who comment do so off the too their head. Few do any reading beforehand. The research in many instances, has been done for them. I also get the impression that some have very fixed party political ideas which automatically rule out consideration of hard evidence that might undermine their own political beliefs.

I don't think party politics are the main problem. There are plenty of liberal Democrats who ardently defend the Warren Commission, and there are quite a few conservative Republicans who reject the lone-gunman theory. 

We should keep in mind that the three WC members who balked at the Commission's main conclusions were all conservatives (Russell, Boggs, and Cooper), whereas Warren was a devout liberal and Ford was a moderate whose centrist policies nearly cost him the 1976 GOP nomination.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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4 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

I don't think party politics are the main problem. There are plenty of liberal Democrats who ardently defend the Warren Commission, and there are quite a few conservative Republicans who reject the lone-gunman theory. 

We should keep in mind that the three WC members who balked at the Commission's main conclusions were all conservatives (Russell, Boggs, and Cooper), whereas Warren was a devout liberal and Ford was a moderate whose centrist policies nearly cost him the 1976 GOP nomination.

Russell doesn't really count though. He hated Warren and possibly would have taken the opposite view to whatever position Warren took.

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On 8/14/2023 at 8:39 PM, Sandy Larsen said:

J. Edgar Hoover assumed that the Mexico City trip really happened but ignored the Cuban/Russian plot. He also removed the automobile trip and Oswald's companions in order to avoid any talk of conspiracy. He and the Mexican authorities fabricated the bus trips to take the place of the automobile.

I've found this perplexing for ages Sandy.  I tend to lean toward believing Albert Osborne's statements that he wrote in '64 in a letter to his relatives in U.K. that he did not travel on the Flecha Roja bus sitting next to LHO.  On the other hand, we have the supposed fellow travellers Mr & Mrs McFarland from Liverpool and the two Aussie girls Mumford & Winston, who put the two together!

As someone described it, 'it's a swamp'.

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Hoover wrote, if you recall, that he could not trust the CIA anymore because of the snow job they gave him on Mexico City.

This was about six weeks after the assassination.

David Josephs and Greg Parker have raised some interesting questions about the Aussie girls and the McFarlands.

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21 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


In his Church Committee testimony, Agent Hosty first said that when he asked about Mexico City, in response Oswald became agitated and asked how he knew about that. After which the topic was dropped.

This contradicted Hosty's Warren Commission testimony. When confronted with that, Hosty changed his testimony. This time he said that, when asked about Mexico City, Oswald replied by saying he had never been there. The only city in Mexico he had been to was Tijuana. Which is what is reported in the extant interrogation reports we have.


Source:  https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1406#relPageId=29    pages 25 to 37


When I spoke with Hosty he said Lee's initial reaction was outrage that Hosty knew about Mexico City. 

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16 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

And on two occasions, once when Hosty spoke at a Lancer conference and later in my personal exchanges with him, he described that his FBI friends in Mexico City had spoken with him about Oswald being under surveillance when he was there.....

Not to usurp Stu.  But Hosty said Oswald was in MC?

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1 hour ago, Pamela Brown said:

When I spoke with Hosty he said Lee's initial reaction was outrage that Hosty knew about Mexico City. 

So Pamela.

Which story is true?

The one Hosty gave to the WC? Or the one he shared with you?

I lost all respect for Hosty when he admitted ( chuckling ) that he withheld the truth of his destruction of his FBI office's file on Oswald just one day after Jack Ruby whacked Oswald, in his Warren Commission testimony.

When asked why he didn't tell the WC the "full" truth and "nothing but the truth-so help me God " regarding his agency's destruction of their Oswald file ( mind blowing important evidence ) and violated his oath to do so,

Hosty smugly, blithely remarked ..."They didn't ask me." !!!

They didn't ask you? 

How could they even know what to ask you? The only person who could tell them about your destruction of your agency's Oswald file would be you! Or your boss who ordered it...James Gordon Shanklin.

If the Warren Commission had been told that your agency had purposely destroyed your Oswald file just days after the JFKA it would have blown the investigation into a full blown panic! The entire investigation would have been compromised.

The FBI destroying mind blowing important evidence like their Oswald file would have destroyed the FBI's credibility.

Hosty put his agency and his own standing and retirement position before his oath to tell the WC the "full" truth and "nothing but the truth."

And in so doing cheated the American people the chance to hear and know much more of the truth about Oswald than they were told.

The Warren Commission's mission of finding the full truth was way, WAY more important than the FBI's reasons for destroying their Oswald file...and keeping this truth from them.

Hosty blatantly l*** to the WC in purposely keeping the full truth from them.

And you would think Hosty would have fully honored his WC oath that included the words ... "so help me God" even more so being that he was a Catholic.

But even an oath of full truth telling "to God" took a second place to protecting his job and his employer.




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Thanks Scott.

Yes, I kind of liked the sequence we had on Mexico CIty.

But as I said before, once we got thrown out of the office due to CV 19, I was not in on the editing.



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