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For me it is truly ‘both and ‘. He made very useful observations about power, while making sure not to go so far as to violate any particular non disclosure agreements, which he surely had. There is, as Ben points out, a very similar dynamic being used against RFK2. Does going on Fox repeatedly, or doing multiple interviews with Tucker Carlson, or participating in events with fringe elements that he surely disagrees with, imply an endorsement of their ideas? 
I wish Robert would stay here, but I understand his frustration. He will continue his penetrating research, and I will continue to converse with him about it. I’ve learned a lot from doing so. 

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10 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

Just my opinion, but peak “fringe” rests in the promotion of the concepts and deceitful rhetorical techniques of the likes of McAdams and Litwin.

Indeed.  And here we go again, for the umpteenth time, with Michael Griffith's repeatedly debunked McAdams propaganda tropes-- falsely claiming that Prouty was an "anti-Semite" and a "Holocaust denier."

On review, Prouty had praised Noontide Press for having the courage to publish The Secret Team (which promptly disappeared from public circulation.)

His praise of Noontide's editors had nothing to do with Holocaust denial or Israel.  It was about their willingness to publish his book about CIA Special Ops.

I also previously posted Prouty's letter to the Washington Post, explaining his observations about an oil pipeline to Haifa-- debunking Griffith's repeated false trope about Prouty's alleged anti-Semitism.

And, since Griffith is repeating the old McAdams lies, let's repeat Prouty's comments debunking his alleged "anti-Semitism."

Col. L. Fletcher Prouty Responds to Accusations of Involvement in Right Wing Extremist Groups

Interview Date: April 3, 1996

"Esquire magazine published an article, in which they just made up these things, I've never written for Liberty Lobby. I've spoken as a commercial speaker, they paid me to speak and then I left. They print a paragraph or two of my speech same as they would of anybody else, but I've never joined them. I don't subscribe to their newspaper, I never go to their own meetings, but they had a national convention at which asked me to speak and they paid me very, very well. I took my money and went home and that's it". I go to the meeting, I go home, I don't join.

That sole speech was years ago and was no different than the speech I gave at the Holocaust Memorial Conference. I spoke my own words and ideas. I do admit to having been a rather active public speaker for all types of audiences, on a commercial except for Rotary, They're gratuitous from my point of view.

"The funny thing was two months earlier I had spoken at the Holocaust Conference for the second annual meeting of the Holocaust Group which I learned later the Liberty Lobby is completely opposed to. Dr. Littel, of the Holocaust Memorial organization invited me to attend and make a few comments,as others were requested.

Col. Prouty has been asked to attend at the Holocaust Conference again later this year !

Well, they put all this in this Esquire magazine but did it all backwards, as though I was a member, writing with these people or joining them. The only club I've joined is the Rotary Club !".

The attempt of character assassination is a sign you have become a small threat. Others, at the levels I know of, have played up that as though I had been converted to something. It is just their "gentlemanly" tactic of dealing with people they can't handle otherwise.. In fact it is a CIA characteristic trait...as I well know. When they can't handle you, they attack your character.

This classic was found on the internet; " An essay written from a leftist perspective by Chip Berlet, deals with the ties, and Mark Lane, and the extreme right-wing paranoid Liberty Lobby. Nothing here shows Prouty to be a National Socialist or an anti-Semite, but shouldn't he show better judgment in whom he associates with?"

This implies I associate with National Socialists, or why else write it!

The writings of Furhmann, Perry, Berlet, Posner, etc. are slick, cleverly written, but not based in the true facts. I wonder what they do for a living? where they work? Who pays them to write? My credentials are laid out for all to see.

L.Fletcher Prouty

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Hey Robert, Looks like Laura Loomer has found more research to corroborate some info I shared on the Allen thread about Ukrainian Nazis at the Capital on J6..


Since you love hunting Nazis, I think you should maybe try to help her


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Matthew - first, I’d like to say that this post doesn’t belong here. It looks to me like you are taunting Robert. 
I spent some time looking at these videos by Ms Loomer, and then more time looking at her history. Do you think she is a trusted news source? 
The videos are interesting, but there is a lack of continuity and depth here. Who is ‘Boneface’?
Why don’t you take a moment and in your own words say what you think is significant about this revelation? Are you trying to say that you believe that the Jan 6th event was staged by Biden supporters, including neo-Nazis who Biden is knowingly sending to Ukraine to join with the Azov battalion? I prefer a little straight talk on subjects like this which are so inflammatory. What exactly is your belief?

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On 9/4/2023 at 2:41 PM, Matthew Koch said:

Hey Robert, Looks like Laura Loomer has found more research to corroborate some info I shared on the Allen thread about Ukrainian Nazis at the Capital on J6..


Since you love hunting Nazis, I think you should maybe try to help her


Matthew - rather than pile on you on another post where you are taking some heat, I’m coming back to this one in hopes that you respond. I’ve read deeply, way beyond the clips you posted. I haven’t seen anything Boneface McLellan has said that leads me to believe he was at Jan 6, much less working for the CIA or FBI if he was. However, there was another Ukrainian Nazi, pictured in your post, who was at Jan 6th.  Did you mean to imply that he was one and the same with McLellan, or just that by conflating a brief clip of McLellan saying the CIA sent him to Azov with the more recent photo from Jan 6th you proved your point? If I’m reading this correctly it was the latter. Well, the way I read it is that McLellan claimed around 2014 during the Maidan coup that he was sent by CIA. He also went to Ukraine in 2022, but I don’t think this clip refers to his recent sojourn, rather his first one. What do you think? 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Matthew - rather than pile on you on another post where you are taking some heat, I’m coming back to this one in hopes that you respond. I’ve read deeply, way beyond the clips you posted. I haven’t seen anything Boneface McLellan has said that leads me to believe he was at Jan 6, much less working for the CIA or FBI if he was. However, there was another Ukrainian Nazi, pictured in your post, who was at Jan 6th.  Did you mean to imply that he was one and the same with McLellan, or just that by conflating a brief clip of McLellan saying the CIA sent him to Azov with the more recent photo from Jan 6th you proved your point? If I’m reading this correctly it was the latter. Well, the way I read it is that McLellan claimed around 2014 during the Maidan coup that he was sent by CIA. He also went to Ukraine in 2022, but I don’t think this clip refers to his recent sojourn, rather his first one. What do you think? 

Sergai Dybynyn is the person who is supposed to be at the J6 Fedsurrection. Laura Loomer asked Jacob Chansley the guy Ben Calls "Mr. Buffalo Horns" about it and he confirmed he was asked that name but that he didn't know who that was at the time. Loomer also claims to have corroboration from another J6'er that they were asked that name. Laura Loomer then connects Bone Face guy with either going to Ukraine or lying about it to recruit American Neo Nazis. The boneface guy was in the Florida Nazi march and people believing those guys were Feds or had protection from the Feds is what kicked off this. I mostly brought it up because I learned about that Ukraine connection from a 4chan thread from around the time I posted in the Allen thread.

I posted this mostly for my own amusement to watch You, Leslie, or Robert fight the fact that there might me CIA Nazis at J6 because you guys bend over backwards to justify very obscure connections that show that Nazis Killed JFK and manipulated history so that Donald Trump could become the President. Sorry, but the Overton Window is shifting Left not Right. I've watched this war recruit people via reddit so it doesn't seem that unbelievable that the CIA would try to recruit expendable people like Mr Bone face to go and fight in Ukraine. Just like it doesn't seem that unbelievable that foreign assets maybe have been used in addition to Ray Epps and his merry men to disrupt the challenge to the election in the Fortified states that all have the F curve 4am vote drop. 

She says in the Twitter post above what she thinks she found but that it will take a couple months for it all to come out. 







I guess we'll have to wait and see how this plays out and which direction it goes. Supposedly that guy was part of a crew that included a camera man, people said that they were speaking Russian but Russian and Ukrainian are very similar. J6 is obviously a Deep Politics event the FBI lost the cellular data for the pipe bomber (for the first time ever) There are people from the US who are Neo Nazis and have gone over to fight in Ukraine just like how a third of the country or more identifies with the SS Nazis because they are the enemy of the Slavic Russians. 


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Loomer has an extremely florid history of stirring up trouble and occasionally acting like a tr*ll. Every so often, she's found the best way to tr*ll government or political figures that she dislikes is to confront them with facts or stories that are highly awkward, but accurate. The question as to whether Loomer is a trusted news source might come second as to whether the info she's presenting is accurate or not. If it is, her past stories don't have a lot of bearing. If it isn't, a past history as a trusted news source wouldn't be hugely relevant.

I do think the discussion is probably going off topic like Paul said. Without belabouring the point, anyone wondering what a Ukrainian guy would be doing attempting to help J6 protestors come across even worse than they did, should ask which future administration was more or less likely to take the Ukraine's side against Putin in a future conflict, or to stonewall Putin's pre-invasion requests until the invasion eventually happened - Biden's or Trump's? That should suggest why they might have had an interest.

Back on topic, I can't say I've read every posting that Robert has made here, but I'd prefer it if he stayed rather than left.

Edited by Anthony Thorne
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1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Okay guys, that's enough talk about J6 and Ukrainian neo-Nazis. Don't make me move this thread elsewhere.


I don't understand why you don't move it to the Forum Communications since the thread is about the Mods.. but I've already shown that the mods have a bias toward conservatives so I guess since it's not reposting Jefferson Morley's substack it doesn't matter that this doesn't have anything to do the the JFK case. 

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7 hours ago, Anthony Thorne said:

Loomer has an extremely florid history of stirring up trouble and occasionally acting like a tr*ll. Every so often, she's found the best way to tr*ll government or political figures that she dislikes is to confront them with facts or stories that are highly awkward, but accurate. The question as to whether Loomer is a trusted news source might come second as to whether the info she's presenting is accurate or not. If it is, her past stories don't have a lot of bearing. If it isn't, a past history as a trusted news source wouldn't be hugely relevant.

I do think the discussion is probably going off topic like Paul said. Without belabouring the point, anyone wondering what a Ukrainian guy would be doing attempting to help J6 protestors come across even worse than they did, should ask which future administration was more or less likely to take the Ukraine's side against Putin in a future conflict, or to stonewall Putin's pre-invasion requests until the invasion eventually happened - Biden's or Trump's? That should suggest why they might have had an interest.

Back on topic, I can't say I've read every posting that Robert has made here, but I'd prefer it if he stayed rather than left.

The reason I brought this up is because Nazi have been brought up on this forum and Robert is not being censored for talking about Fascism or Nazism. Whenever attempts have been shown by me (who Robert accused of having Fascist sympathies) to show that that CIA Ukranian network is still going. I get accused of being a Fascist Putin Pawn etc so even though I'm a critic of Ukraine and Azov battalion by Lefty reasoning I'm still part of the right wing fascist ecosystem because I support Trump and have posted Tucker Carlson or Jack Posobiec interviews and twitter links. 

But doing things like accusing Fletcher Prouty of reputation ruining accusations with very limited evidence isn't going to endure people who have been doing this for a while and have respect for whistle blowers like Prouty. So then when people are resistant to those ideas you pull a Eric Cartman from South Park and say "Screw you guys I'm going home" in my opinion you kinda deserve to get ridiculed like the memes on here show. 

I am capable of doing research and so if Robert leaves it isn't going to effect me because I already know that what he found isn't Nazis it's Gladio/Paper Clip/Ghelan Org there are cut out networks being used just like what happened in 911 with ISI, GID, and Mossad. The same people who worked with Gladio worked with the Muslim Brotherhood and later spawned Osama Bin Laden and Alqueda which is basically an Arab Gladio network.. 

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21 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:
1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Okay guys, that's enough talk about J6 and Ukrainian neo-Nazis. Don't make me move this thread elsewhere.

I don't understand why you don't move it to the Forum Communications since the thread is about the Mods.


This thread is not about the mods. It's about Robert Montenegro leaving the forum and his reasons why.


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4 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


This thread is not about the mods. It's about Robert Montenegro leaving the forum and his reasons why.


"Anyplace that tolerates fascist rhetoric over hard research and bans someone for calling out said hate speech is no place for me" 

How else am I supposed to interpret this sentence? 

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