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URGENT BULLETIN 🚨: Armed Gunman Arrested at RFK Jr. Event in Los Angeles

Lori Spencer

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20 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Jonathan is correct,  unless you folks live in an open carry state  you don't know how common its become...I see open carry pistols in the grocery store, restaurants, McDonalds etc.  And at political events where is is very common for MAGA types to show up with hand guns and rifles to assert their rights. Especially at the few events where Democrats are having open meetings.

Not saying that is the case here but seeing weapons in public is quite common, when I was growing up rifles and shotguns were common in hunting seasons but that was just a way of life, this is all political, with statements being made. 

But this incident took place in non-open carry California right?

Squeaky Fromme country?

And ominously right in the Ambassador Hotel city.

I could see RFK Jr. feeling a little more creeped out paranoid thinking since his father was killed there.

The profile given to suggest a possible nut case scenario though ( bankruptcy and Alien conspiracy buff ) could apply to millions.

Heck, I wouldn't doubt one or two on this forum might even fit that profile bill.


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Joe, my comment was intended to convey how gun focused politics has become all over the country, I didn't say it made sense or was legal but it certainly reflects a level of paranoia over rights and a level of anti-government phobia that I've never seen in some 70 years of living even in deeply conservative regions where I heard conversations about burying guns to keep them away fromt he government when Eisenhower was president for heavens sake.

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40 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Joe, my comment was intended to convey how gun focused politics has become all over the country, I didn't say it made sense or was legal but it certainly reflects a level of paranoia over rights and a level of anti-government phobia that I've never seen in some 70 years of living even in deeply conservative regions where I heard conversations about burying guns to keep them away fromt he government when Eisenhower was president for heavens sake.

Yes, but Joe is right. As Jim D said the other night, no one shows up in California armed.

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8 hours ago, Lori Spencer said:

Lisa Pease and I spent the weekend researching the suspect, Adrian Paul Aispuro. 

Here’s what we know so far. 

He’s a weird one! 



So did this guy actually have a fake U.S. Marshall's badge and lanyard, plus a federal ID belt clip, or not?

If he did have a U.S. Marshall's badge and lanyard, were they authentic? If counterfeit, were they professionally done? 

We need to see this guy's entire employment history and his recent spending habits, plus his travel history since RFK, Jr. announced his candidacy. 

Is this guy some kind of asset for some federal agency?

This is so reminiscent of Mark Lane's assertion that the CIA was responsible for printing Secret Service identification badges in 1963 (and of course, the infamous "Secret Service agent" on the grassy knoll immediately after the shots were fired.)

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3 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


So did this guy actually have a fake U.S. Marshall's badge and lanyard, plus a federal ID belt clip, or not?

If he did have a U.S. Marshall's badge and lanyard, were they authentic? If counterfeit, were they professionally done? 

We need to see this guy's entire employment history and his recent spending habits, plus his travel history since RFK, Jr. announced his candidacy. 

Is this guy some kind of asset for some federal agency?

This is so reminiscent of Mark Lane's assertion that the CIA was responsible for printing Secret Service identification badges in 1963 (and of course, the infamous "Secret Service agent" on the grassy knoll immediately after the shots were fired.)

I have the same question, Paul. How the heck did he get his hands on a federal ID? Or is it a fake ID? 

LAPD gave me a “no comment,” on that one. Citing “ongoing investigation.” I presume they will not present their evidence until trial. 

He has not been charged with a federal crime yet, which seems strange. Impersonating a federal officer is a federal offense. As of now he’s only facing local firearms violations, a felony. 

While I live in a state with open carry laws where what Adrian did was legal, that is not the case in Los Angeles, as Jim and Lisa pointed out on the show Saturday night. Very strict gun control laws in L.A. Anyone walking down the street in L.A. — much less barge in to an RFK event demanding to be taken to Mr. Kennedy immediately — while displaying two pistols is ASKING to get arrested. 

And he was, thank heavens. 

As of tonight, Aispuro is still in jail, hasn’t seen a judge yet, hasn’t posted bail. 

Edited by Lori Spencer
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On 9/18/2023 at 9:18 PM, Paul Jolliffe said:


So did this guy actually have a fake U.S. Marshall's badge and lanyard, plus a federal ID belt clip, or not?

If he did have a U.S. Marshall's badge and lanyard, were they authentic? If counterfeit, were they professionally done? 

We need to see this guy's entire employment history and his recent spending habits, plus his travel history since RFK, Jr. announced his candidacy. 

Is this guy some kind of asset for some federal agency?

This is so reminiscent of Mark Lane's assertion that the CIA was responsible for printing Secret Service identification badges in 1963 (and of course, the infamous "Secret Service agent" on the grassy knoll immediately after the shots were fired.)

Most  people wouldn´t know how to tell a real from a fake ID.  How often do we take a good look at one ?  Oswald´s fakes were terrible (the "brush in can" cap he used on the vacc card was a  nice improvisation):

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A serious non-partisan question:

The legacy media has demonized RFK2 in every way possible: He is white nationalist, shares stages with Nazis, a lurid sexist, an anti-Semite, a conspiracy nut and a "threat to your health and our democracy." 

(Lest I get accused of exaggeration, see: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/column-robert-f-kennedy-jr-213515065.html). 

He is also the only candidate who will open up the JFK Records. 

Is this media treatment of RFK2, and his stance on the JFK Records just a coincidence? 

And, will this media treatment of RFK2 lead to violence--and is that one intent of such scaremongering? 

We have already seen one heavily armed evidently imbalanced man show up at an RFK2 rally. 

Has Op Mock Become a Fleet of B52s?

Seems like it. 


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38 minutes ago, Karl Kinaski said:

Sandy Larsen is now running around destroying content without notifying the forum members. 


I reminded everybody more than once not to talk about contemporary political issues. You have been the worst offender and you're getting close to being penalized for it. (I specifically told you to think before you post or you risk your post being remove. After which you did it again.)

If you want to talk about Jan. 6, fine. But you need to do so in a relevant EF forum. I suggest you post it in the MAGA vs Mainstream Cooler. I'm pretty sure you'll get a following and responses there.


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It’s rather an interesting coincidence (?) that the night before a heavily armed man was arrested at RFK’s Los Angeles speech, Kennedy gave a major TV interview about the Paul Landis revelations, called for a real investigation of the JFK Assassination and the release of all JFK Records Act files. 


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23 minutes ago, Lori Spencer said:

It’s rather an interesting coincidence (?) that the night before a heavily armed man was arrested at RFK’s Los Angeles speech, Kennedy gave a major TV interview about the Paul Landis revelations, called for a real investigation of the JFK Assassination and the release of all JFK Records Act files. 

Are you seriously suggesting that “they” sent an assassin the next day to kill Kennedy because of this “major TV interview?” Give me a break.

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@Sandy Larsen said, quote: 


I reminded everybody more than once not to talk about contemporary political issues.


Isn't this whole thread  about an contemporary political issue? 🙂  

You removed a post of mine where  I suggested the possibility  that US politics is a prisoner of the Intelligence community and the mess started with 22.11. 1963. I said that Oswald did the work of an agent provocateur in NOLA when handing out pro Castro flyers and that type IC work is still a tool used by the Intelligence Community and that Ray Ebbs could be an agent provocateur like Oswald. But we have to wait until his trial to find out more ..  It's all about IC work in the past and the present time.  

Can you tell me what prompted you to put out you moderator scissors to cut out such a post? 

Again: This whole thread is about contemporary politics unless you say  Kennedy assassinations and assassination attempts have nothing to do with politics. Know what? The Warren Commission said that.  

Since history is obviously  repeating itself everybody here should be allowed to draw parallels between the past and the present time, shouldn't they? 

Edited by Karl Kinaski
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