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Rob Reiner And Soledad O'Brien Aim To Reveal JFK's Real Killers

John Deignan

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1 hour ago, Nick Bartetzko said:

Huh? Not one shred of evidence? Ok, then cumulatively, I’ll list what I feel is “suspicious “…..

The Tague curb strike and his injury, the reports by a motorcyclist and 5-6 witnesses of a bullet striking the street, witnesses reporting a puff of smoke and movement behind the picket fence, Malcolm Summers encounter with trench coat man at the picket fence, a witness report of a bullet(s) striking the grass, the smell of gun powder at street level, the Harper fragment in the street and a bone fragment in the follow up secret service car, blood splatter on the motorcycle cops to the rear of the limo, Doug Horne’s work on NPIC and Hawkeyeworks and the two different briefing boards, no nitrate residue on Oswald’s cheek, the crimped bullet casing on the 6th floor, the huge discrepancies between the wounds as described at Parkland vs Bethesda, missing X-rays and photographs from the autopsy, the burnt original autopsy, a Bethesda eyewitness describing a right temple wound…. I think I’ll stop as I’m sure you have plausible explanations for everything that I’ve listed…

All of those things have, indeed, been explained in non-conspiratorial ways over the last 60 years. Most of those items (if not all) were covered in a pretty decent amount of depth, of course, in Vincent Bugliosi's 2007 tome. And many other Lone Assassin advocates, including myself, have tackled most of those things as well.

A very reasonable possibility for Tague's injury, as a matter of fact, is provided right there in the Warren Report itself (on my all-time favorite WCR page, which nearly every CTer continues to ignore on a daily basis --- Page 117). So the Warren Commission itself had, in effect, started debunking some of the pro-conspiracy nonsense before their final report ever went to press.


Edited by David Von Pein
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5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Oh, I entirely agree with you that more than three shots were fired on 11/22. 

In fact, I think it obvious Connally is struck about Z-295 and JFK at Z-313. At 18 frames a second, do the math.

I conclude that the JFKA was not perped by a lone gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle. 

Naming names after that...well, I suspect the Miami Station of the CIA and that milieu...but proof is hard to. come by. 

Interesting to ponder: The fact that many shots not only missed...but missed the entire limo, often widely off the mark...suggests one or two shooters were shooting intending to miss

That is, the JFKA was originally planned as a false flag op, a deliberately unsuccessful JFKA, to provoke an invasion or serious take down of Cuba.

But somewhere along the line, the false flag op was piggy-backed on by real assassins. 

That is my speculation. Note that I call it speculation, rather than a fact. 


i absolutely agree with you that if indeed a false flag op existed and the perpetrators piggybacked onto it to kill JFK, then there had to be one or two locations where shots were intended to miss….and pin the attempt onto Castro/Cuba. I believe that would explain deliberate misses from the fence and 6th floor. I don’t believe the angle, injuries to JFK, debris, blood splatter can logically point to a shot(s) from the corner of the fence and very likely to the Depository as well….

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5 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

All of those things have, indeed, been explained in non-conspiratorial ways over the last 60 years. Most of those items (if not all) were covered in a pretty decent amount of depth, of course, in Vincent Bugliosi's 2007 tome. And many other Lone Assassin advocates, including myself, have tackled most of those things as well.

A very reasonable possibility for Tague's injury, as a matter of fact, is provided right there in the Warren Report itself (on my all-time favorite WCR page, which nearly every CTer continues to ignore on a daily basis --- Page 117). So the Warren Commission itself had, in effect, started debunking some of the pro-conspiracy nonsense before their final report ever went to press.


I very much respect all the work you’ve done on the JFKA over the years and your different conclusions. But in order to do so, you and fellow WC supporters have had to ignore/dismiss so very many credible witness statements, ignore very important missing evidence, claim that many individuals were mistaken etc etc. I truly wonder if part of your support of the WC and anything considered anti conspiratorial is based at least in part that your faith in the government and our system would be crushed if a conspiracy were ever proven to your satisfaction …. 

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Does anyone know what the ratings have been like for this series?


Or the number of downloads?

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3 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Top rated for pod casts or so I’ve been told.  

And that’s a good thing in my opinion. He deserves a lot of credit for sticking his neck out.

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Thanks for that info Cory.

Well, between that, Landis, and What the Doctors Saw, we did not get blown out this anniversary.

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

And that’s a good thing in my opinion. He deserves a lot of credit for sticking his neck out.

Paul, I'm curious if you were satisfied with the Reiner-O'Brien caveats, particularly related to the shooters identified in their podcast? I wonder if the 'build up' was overstated and perhaps a disservice to their efforts. On Melber's MSNBC segment Reiner promoted the podcast (paraphrasing) "and we will name the shooters."  I didn't hear any caveats during the interview.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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23 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

All of those things have, indeed, been explained in non-conspiratorial ways over the last 60 years. Most of those items (if not all) were covered in a pretty decent amount of depth, of course, in Vincent Bugliosi's 2007 tome. And many other Lone Assassin advocates, including myself, have tackled most of those things as well.

A very reasonable possibility for Tague's injury, as a matter of fact, is provided right there in the Warren Report itself (on my all-time favorite WCR page, which nearly every CTer continues to ignore on a daily basis --- Page 117). So the Warren Commission itself had, in effect, started debunking some of the pro-conspiracy nonsense before their final report ever went to press.


Did the Warren report expressly tell the reader that the curb mark could not have been made by a direct hit because a direct hit would've taken out too much concrete? Also, the report acknowledges a possibility that the curb mark could've been made by one of the shots that wounded the torsos of Kennedy and Connally - strange that the Warren report feigned ignorance of the official story's need for the SBT (Specter would reportedly later admit to Josiah Thompson that he always thought the SBT was necessary). Again, I have always wondered that if the day comes the SBT is scientifically disproven, the government will just try making a cover story for the masses about Oswald tampering with his ammunition to make one low-velocity 6.5 slug enter Kennedy's back and barely exit the throat, perhaps at Zapruder frame 180, then perhaps followed by a separate Oswald shot into Connally's torso at z223 (2.38888888889 seconds at 18 frames per second).

Edited by Micah Mileto
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1 hour ago, Micah Mileto said:

Did the Warren report expressly tell the reader that the curb mark could not have been made by a direct hit because a direct hit would've taken out too much concrete?

Yes. On Page 116 and in Lyndal Shaneyfelt's testimony (at 15 H 700) [Note---There's a printing error on Page 700 of WC Vol. 15, with some of Shaneyfelt's testimony being mistakenly repeated a second time, beginning with "The absence of copper precludes..." ]....




Edited by David Von Pein
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On 1/11/2024 at 2:59 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Thanks for that info Cory.

Well, between that, Landis, and What the Doctors Saw, we did not get blown out this anniversary.

Not even close plus to being blown out like in past years.  Plus, do not forget the evolved focus of the interviews, which you and others like Morley participated, which drew attention to the facts and away from the Warren omission nonsense.   Also RFK, Jr.  making comments certainly has changed the landscape also.   Podcasts have truly evolved the debate and interested younger people.  I think that if there is an actual presidential debate this year, which might be doubtful and wishful thinking co side ring how things seem to be going with the DNC, and if RFK is included in the debates, let’s see if anyone asks the million dollar question.  

Edited by Cory Santos
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On 1/11/2024 at 6:42 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Does anyone know what the ratings have been like for this series?


Or the number of downloads?

I don't believe Spotify gives that info unless you're the podcaster but it's on the iHeart media network which as far as I understand is the #1 in the US. Chartable has some very basic ratings.


Not sure about other platforms though like Apple or whatnot. 

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Celebrity truth seeking escapades will go nowhere. Dead ends. Do any 'celebrities' have the balls and artistic freedom to opine the names they discover that are balls-deep in this crime? NO. It's just wasted time.

After 60 years of never-ending cover up it's fairly obvious the assassination of JFK will remain unsolved. It will be pieced together as best it can be by 'the people'.


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' . . . The familiarity with which [Allen] Dulles addresses [Ret. Gen. Charles A.] Willoughby in the March 18 note dispels any claim that his association with the general had always been at arm’s length. Willoughby responds with equal effusiveness on July 15, 1963. By this time, Lafitte, who was embroiled in tracking the progress of what appears to be preliminary plans to assassinate Kennedy, had already mentioned Willoughby in his datebook on six dates. In the letter to Dulles, Willoughby apologizes for the delay in responding, and suggests to Dulles a “thorough review in his own diminutive paper, the Foreign Intel Digest.” He further recommends that “a preface to Dulles’s book be authored by an outsider and vet of the intelligence fraternity…” followed by, “In general terms, I speculate on the possibility of collaboration in some related fields.” Willoughby closes with emphasis on his language skills and history of having lived and worked “in these countries for years.”

Willoughby’s travel itinerary indicates that on or about October 10, 1963, he departed the US for specific destinations in Europe before attending the annual meeting of the International Committee for the Defense of Christian Culture (ICDCC) in Lucerne, Switzerland on the 14th and 15th. In April of the previous year, the general had secured a membership in the ICDCC’s international directorate, as well as a membership for his friend and founder of the Crusade for Freedom, Tulsa-based Billy James Hargis. The ICDCC was described by Willoughby as “Pan European”—transcending national boundaries. It has strong affiliates in Scandinavia... Spain, Austria, the Netherlands and Italy. It recently moved into Latin America negotiating for a branch in Montevideo and seeking similar cooperation in Argentina as well as consideration for an African potential.’ Assassination researchers will recall that it was Hargis who organized “Operation Midnight Ride,” a six-week cross tour designed to warn America that its Christian ideals were under immediate threat of Communist forces on American soil. Joining Harris in the operation, launched in February 1963, was (Ret.) General Edwin A. Walker.   

Although he was not a scheduled speaker, it is clear from Willoughby’s notes about his trip to Lucerne that he used the annual congress as an occasion to advance whatever was on his mind. Present in Lucerne was Theodor Oberlander who featured prominently on the list of ICDCC speakers. Oberlander, coordinator of the Ukrainian Waffen SS units during the war and directly responsible for crimes committed by the Nachtigall Unit (also known as the Ukrainian Nightingale Battalion Group), working in support of Stetzko’s OUN execution “squads.” Despite being an avowed Nazi, Oberlander had the support of Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, who said of him, “he never did anything dishournable [sic].” In later years, Willoughby would speak fondly of his frequent visits with Oberlander.

According to Prof Scott: “Fifteen days before he was shot down, President Kennedy was warned directly that assassins were being trained in Russia to commit murders in the U.S. and England…” The notice originated with conservative Charles Kersten of Wisconsin. Critical to the success of the assassination plot was infecting the country with wild speculation about an immediate Communist threat, driven home even within the administration weeks before Dallas, ensuring that many within the D.C. establishment would immediately conclude that the president had been taken out by “some silly little Communist.”

Scott concludes this area of study with, “Three or four days after the Kennedy assassination, a Munich right-wing newspaper linked to the ABN—the Deutsche National-Zeitung und Soldaten-Zeitung—was able to publish the hitherto unrevealed story that Oswald shot at General Walker…” The legend of LHO was complete.



In 1976, April 22 to be exact, at the behest of the Inspector General, the CIA committed to file a Memorandum For The Record, “Subject: Assassination of Stefan [sic] Bandera.” This memo for the record was under the aegis of IG John Waller. That year was Bush’s initial access to agency documents, including the assassination of President Kennedy. As referenced previously, during his tenure, Director Bush also asked for the files on Jack Ruby’s 1959 visit with Santo Trafficante in Trecornia Prison in Cuba.

The four-page memo to file regarding the assassination of the head of the ABN, Stepan Bandera, requisitioned by Waller goes to extreme lengths speculating about the circumstances of the murder of Bandera. Reads the memorandum: [this] has been written in an attempt to determine whether there is sufficient information to support the KGB agent… claim that he assassinated Ukrainian emigre leader Stefan [sic] Bandera in Munich in October 1959…’ One observation states, “Results of the autopsy on Bandera’s body showed traces of potassium cyanide positioning, but it was never established that the cyanide was the cause of death.” The delivery system of the cyanide was a custom-built spray gun.

As is so often the case in the intelligence community, a close relative of John Waller, Martha Waller Moore had coauthored Cypher and Code with former spy and relative by marriage, Dan Moore. The reader is reminded that Dan Moore accompanied J. H. Rand to Moscow to ensure that Robert Webster—the chemist behind the industrial use “spray gun”—was returned to the US

In September/October 1963, a notice was floated in D.C. news outlets that the OUN was planning to relocate their headquarters from Munich, Germany to the US capital. There is no indication that the move actually transpired. . . . '

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Courtesy of intrepid researcher @Robert Montenegro . . . One of the first places in military history you see a "L-Shaped" ambush taught to infantrymen, in a standardized field manual, is the Nazi German guerilla warfare manual titled "Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Nr. 03268/44, Merkblatt 69/2, "Bandenbekämpfung," 6.5.1944"

SS-Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny was the author of that field manual and SS-Sturmbannführer Arthur Ehrhardt oversaw the training described in it (both men were CIA assets and luminaries of the post-WWII "Kameradenwerk der Bruderschaft" organization).

Here is a photograph of the original illustration of an "L-Shaped" ambush from the Nazi German guerilla warfare manual:




The Skorzeny-Ehrhardt approved guerilla warfare manual also states that the rifle commandos need to get jobs that employ them in and around the kill zone, in advance of an assassination plot, so they can best plan how to attack their target and calm suspicion from locals (who may become worried if they see unfamiliar faces in their town). 


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