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Books number 60 ? Tips ?

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Below is a list of books I have, or have recently ordered.  That is, within the JFKA theme.   I have always been a book collector and I especially like reading bio's of witnesses, personnal accounts of agency personnel,  thngs like that.   I'm still going for the paper version, cover-type doesn't really matter to me (ofcourse a signed copy is always a nice touch).And if only a downloadeble version is available I'll print it.   Witness-books are often smaller books,  publisched in low numbers and as such hard to get.   Or essays, or a simple bundle of information handed out at conferences. But to find them, I have to know the title, author and if possible year of publication,  In case you know of considerably different editions of the same book, just let me know.  So if you know of some titles to add, feel free to suggest!  If you know websites where I can download long out of print books!  As you will see some are in Dutch, but I don't mind if they are in French or German (and English ofcourse)

And as you can see, the next book will be number 60 

PS : see any mistakes in the list below, please tell me




Edited by Jean Ceulemans
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David Liftons) Best Evidence

James Fetzer) Murder in Dealey Plaza

Mark Lane) Plausible Denial

James Douglass) JFK and the Unspeakable

John Davis) Mafia Kingfish

William Matson Law) In the Eye of History

Barr McClennan) Blood,Money & Power

Bill Sloan) The Last Dissenting Witness

Roger Stone) The Man Who Killed Kennedy

Mark Lane) Rush to Judgement

Douglas Horne) Inside the Assassin Records Review Board

Peter Dale Scott) Deep Politics and the Death of JFK

Dick Russell) The Man Who Knew Too Much

Charles Crewshaw) Conspiracy of Silence


Edited by Michael Crane
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49 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

David Liftons) Best Evidence

James Fetzer) Murder in Dealey Plaza

Mark Lane) Plausible Denial

James Douglass) JFK and the Unspeakable

John Davis) Mafia Kingfish

William Matson Law) In the Eye of History

Barr McClennan) Blood,Money & Power

Bill Sloan) The Last Dissenting Witness

Roger Stone) The Man Who Killed Kennedy

Mark Lane) Rush to Judgement

Douglas Horne) Inside the Assassin Records Review Board

Peter Dale Scott) Deep Politics and the Death of JFK

Dick Russell) The Man Who Knew Too Much

Charles Crewshaw) Conspiracy of Silence


Skip Roger Stone.  Add Seth Kantor, The Ruby Cover-Up.

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Michael has already suggested Doug Horne's 'Inside the Assassination Records Review Board'.  A five volume set well worth adding.

Mike Davis' 'The JFK Assassination Witness Index' & 'The JFK Assassination Evidence Handbook' (2018) are handy reference books.

Noel Twyman 'Bloody Treason'. (1997).

Jim D & Probe Mag. 'The Assassinations'. (JFK-RFK & MLK).

Ray Marcus 'The Bastard Bullet'. Monograph (1966).

William Davy 'Through the Looking Glass-The Mysterious World of Clay Shaw'. Monograph (1995).


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I'll second these:

  • Noel Twyman  -- Bloody Treason
  • Vincent Salandria — False Mystery
  • James Douglass -- JFK and the Unspeakable

and ask if I'm the only one who liked

  • Walt Brown's - Master Chronology (at least up to the point where he starts going off over and over again on Judith Baker's claims)



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Don't you have Oltmans' book, Jean?

You might also consider the Italian edition of Gun's book, Le Rose Rosse Del Texas. Unlike the rare and expensive US edition, this one is large format, loaded with photos, and very easy to find on ebay.it.

Bloomgarden's The Gun should also be right in your wheelhouse.

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14 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Not a book I’d recommend tho many do:

Josiah Thompson — Six Seconds in Dallas


I'm going through Thompson's sequel of sorts, Last Second in Dallas.   He takes another look at the acoustical evidence and matches it with the Zapruder film.  He concludes that there were 2 shots, one from the front and one from the back, less than a second apart, that crashed into Kennedy's head.

This comports with Dino Brugioni's explanation, in his Doug Horne interview, of what he saw when he worked on the original Zapruder film that Saturday night:  a bright colored spray of blood and tissue shooting feet in the air over several frames, not the simple flash in Z313 that now appears in the extant Zapruder. 

This adds to the holes in JFK's clothes story that you so doggedly bring up (thanks for that). eliminating the WR claim of a sole shooter.

Thompson, Gary Aguilar, Doug DeSales and Bill Simpich will be giving  a 1 1/2 hour talk on the two head shots (longest presentation at the conference, and maybe the most important).  I'll be there remotely. 



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6 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

and ask if I'm the only one who liked

  • Walt Brown's - Master Chronology

No you are not Bill.  I have every volume on Kindle.

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A good list, feel free to chuck in

Gerald McKnight - BREACH OF TRUST, on the Warren Commission.



James DiEugenio's THE JFK ASSASSINTION (2018 edition) and the JFK REVISITED volume from last year. They're two different books and you should probably grab them both, along with the Garrison bio that you've already listed.

Joan Mellen - THE GREAT GAME IN CUBA (paperback edition is expanded I think)

Warren Hinckle and William Turner's DEADLY SECRETS

Walt Brown's chronology is worth getting a few on Kindle, I'd suggest books 3 and 4 of his master chronology, then pick a couple of his side volumes. They're very long, and the problem with getting 1,2,3,4 of the chronology is you'll be wading through a thousand pages of backstory before you get to things that are specifically assassination related.

And have a scan through the various JFK books at the Trine Day site, skipping anything written by or involving Judyth Baker. A few of them have good reviews at Kennedys and King, and they have a few more on the way.

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