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The Men Who Murdered President Kennedy...REDUX-REDUX!

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Another name on the list I was surprised at I mentioned in the original thread was Dr. William Joseph Bryan.  I still wonder how he might be connected to the JFKA but am not surprised that he could have been.

I'm familiar with him primarily from Lias Pease's "A Lie Too Big To Fail", about the RFKA as most know.  I think nine pages about or related to him in it.  A few samples from it.  

"someone could be hypnotized to do something against their will.  Two frequent media voices on this point included one person who has long been associated with the CIA' mind control programs:  Dr. Martin T. Orne.  The other was Dr. William J. Bryan, who told prostitutes he worked for the CIA.  

Bryan, then president of the American Institute of Hypnosis and living in Los Angeles was even more emphatic on this matter: "The instant a hypnotist suggests something contrary to your moral code, the rapport between you will be broken.  You'll snap out of the trance."

(reporter) Shaw added Bryan became infuriated at the notion that someone could be made to do something against their will under hypnosis:

"I'm the best hypnotist in the world," he shouts.  "Don't you think I'd hypnotize me a bank president and make him give me a couple of million dollars if I could?"

Beyond any possible CIA motive, Bryan 's comments were also provably self-serving.  Just three months later, Bryan was placed on probation by the California State Board of Medical Examiners "after having been found guilty of having sexual relations" with four women he had hypnotized."

That's rape folks, he should have went to prison.

He later told two of his regular hookers (per the FBI (?), I think) that he had hypnotized Sirhan.  He had no contact with Sirhan after the RFKA.  Even though he was the best in the world, they brought in a guy from San Fran Frisco.  A little fishy?

Again, I don't doubt the possibility, but any evidence of how he might be connected to the JFKA?

As an aside.  I don't remember the name of Dr. Jolyon West on the list.  He might warrant consideration.  CIA also, see OD'ing the elephant on LSD in OKC.  Drove or flew down to volunteer his services immediately regarding Ruby after he shot Oswald.  Judge Joe Brown refused the Dean of the OU Psychiatry Program (with no teaching experience himself).  After Ruby's trial he fired all but one, an attorney/psychiatrist for his appeal.  Who immediately brought in Jolyon West to see Ruby.  Who then had a mental breakdown, per West and others.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

I don't remember the name of Dr. Jolyon West on the list.


The devious Dr. West is on the list.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Another name on the list I was surprised at I mentioned in the original thread was Dr. William Joseph Bryan.  I still wonder how he might be connected to the JFKA but am not surprised that he could have been.


William Joseph Bryan was a Project ARTICHOKE torturer for the Department of Defense and was one of the original Project MKUltra officers for the CIA.


Remember, some of the names on this list represent persons who paved the way for the events of Dallas...

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3 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:


You hit the nail on the head, Mr. Varnell, bravo!


W. Averell Harriman was a brutal corporatist-fascist who not only profited off of slave labor in the Nazi concentration camp system (primarily thru his holdings in Nazi Party-linked companies (like Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., Harriman International Company, Union Banking Corporation, Holland-American Trading Corporation, Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation, & Silesian-American Corporation), but, as you pointed out, W. Averell Harriman was also in-charge of the all of the Economic Cooperation Administration "counterpart funds" that were covertly bankrolling CIA covert action programs in post-WWII Europe, code-named ZRCANDY.


It should be noted that W. Averell Harriman's deputy in the ZRCANDY program was future CIA officer Everette Howard Hunt Jr. 


Let that sink in for a moment...


Did someone mention E. Howard Hunt? The hard right CIA man who implicated LBJ in the JFK assassination and also SPIED FOR HIM on the Goldwater campaign in 1964?

Web links on CIA E. Howard Hunt spying on the Barry Goldwater campaign for LBJ:

 1) https://www.nytimes.com/1973/12/21/archives/hunt-said-to-tell-investigators-he-spied-on-goldwater-in-1964.html

 2) https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/04/opinion/sunday/trump-2016-investigation.html

 3) https://www.nytimes.com/1974/12/31/archives/hunt-tells-of-early-work-for-a-cia-domestic-unit-special-to-the-new.html

4) https://www.heritage.org/commentary/lyndon-johnsons-watergate


The three newly retired C.I.A. men—Raymond Rocca, Mr. Angleton' chief deputy; William J. Hood, executive officer of the counterintelligence division, and Newton S. Miller, chief of operations—are reliably known to believe that much more spying and other illegal activities were conducted by the Domestic Operations Division than by counterintelligence agents.

Precisely what role the Domestic Operations Division did play in the domestic spying could not be immediately learned.  

Mr. Hunt, in his Senate testimony, told of being ordered to arrange for the daily pickup of “any and all information” that might be available in 1964 at the Presidential campaign headquarters of Senator Barry Goldwater, Arizona Republican, then running against President Johnson. The Goldwater documents, Mr. Hunt said, were to be delivered to a White House aide, Chester L. Cooper, a former C.I.A. official.

“I was opposed to this as a Goldwater Republican,” Mr. Hunt testified. “I was told that it didn't make any difference, that President Johnson had that Cooper would be the recipient of the information.”

Asked by telephone today about that operation, Mr. Hunt had said he had been “shocked by this intrusion into Barry Goldwater' affairs.”

“But I did it,” he said, “and you must know my thinking on this. Since I'd done it once be, fore for the C.I.A. why wouldn't I do it again [inside Watergate in June, 1972] for the White House?”

The Domestic Operations Division has received little public attention, although its existence was revealed in 1967 by the Washington journalists, David Wise and Thomas B. toss, in their book, “The Espiotage Establishment.”

In the interview, Mr. Hunt arid that there was strenuous opposition to its establishment 1962, particularly from Richard Helms, who later became he C.I.A. director, and Thomas H. Karamessines, who later became the agency chief of clandestine operations.

Mr. Hunt, who retired in 1970 after serving more than 20 years with the C.I.A., told the Watergate committee that the domestic operations division had “established field stasions in Boston and Chicago and San Francisco, to name a few cities. These were parallel to the extant overt CIA. establishment [already set up in those cities] and a large variety of domestic based operations were conducted by this division.”

“My staff ran a media operation known as Continental Press out of the National Press Building in Washington,” Mr. Hunt added. “We funded much of the activities of the Frederick D. Praeger Publishing Corporation in New York City. We funded, to a large extent, the activities of Fodor's Travel Guide, distributed by the David McKay Corporation.”

No listing for Continental Press could be found in the current Washington telephone directory and Mr. Hunt recalled during today's telephone conversation that the news agency was used mostly to supply news articles—or propaganda —to foreign clients.


Edited by Robert Morrow
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On 3/5/2024 at 12:01 AM, Robert Montenegro said:


Please read the following Wikipedia article in its entirety, Mr. Morrow:




Then come back and tell me W. Averell Harriman was friend to President Kennedy...



Guess what. John F. Kennedy totally supported the coup to overthrow Diem: JFK merely was chagrined the Diem had been murdered rather than put on a plane to France. Kennedy's support of the Diem coup was a big reason Gen. Edward Lansdale put a bullet into JFK's head.

Read Luke Nicter's book on Henry Cabot Lodge: The Last Brahmin: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and the Making of the Cold War: Nichter, Luke A.: 9780300217803: Amazon.com: Books

So for WHAT MOTIVE would Averell Harriman murder JFK?

Lyndon Johnson's reasons were he was acutely aware that the Kennedys were in the processing of utterly destroying him in November, 1963 and not merely "removing" him from the 1964 Democratic ticket.



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1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

Did someone mention E. Howard Hunt?




I mentioned E. Howard Hunt.


And since you mentioned that President Kennedy was all for the murder of President Diệm, riddle me this:


If President Kennedy was such a driving force behind that murder, why would E. Howard Hunt (a former deputy to W. Averell Harriman) feel the need to forge documents linking President Kennedy to the murder of President Diệm?!


Read the following articles and be amongst the illuminated:







And in case you need to hear it from the horse's mouth:




Seems to me that E. Howard Hunt admitted to fabricating all of the cables that demonstrated President Kennedy had anything to do with the murder of President Diệm...


...you know, Mr. Morrow, that same E. Howard Hunt that worked as a covert action officer for W. Averell Harriman in the ZRCANDY program.


That same W. Averell Harriman, who was the actual author of DEPTEL 243.


Sure as Hell seems like E. Howard Hunt was covering his old boss' ass.



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36 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:

And since you mentioned that President Kennedy was all for the murder of President Diệm, riddle me this:



Robert Morrow doesn't believe that JFK was for the murder of Diem... only that he was for the coup.

Nevertheless, I appreciated the way you showed that JFK wasn't for the murder.


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4 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

So for WHAT MOTIVE would Averell Harriman murder JFK?

The elite cabal Harriman headed sought to wrest control of the world’s heroin market from the Corsican Mafia.  In 1963 opium poppies were grown in Turkey then shipped to Marseille where the heroin was processed.  For the enormous American market, the heroin was then sent to the Caribbean where the Sicilian-American Mafia and elite entities such as Zapata Off-Shore took over distribution into the United States.  

Harriman and his American Mafia allies wanted to replace the Turkish fields with poppy from the Golden Triangle.  Against the advice of the entire US foreign policy establishment, Harriman in 1962 negotiated the partition of Laos giving the Communists control of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in the east, and American allies control of the Golden Triangle in western Laos, Thailand and Burma.

This cabal required a militarized South Vietnam to insure the American foothold in South East Asia.  Diem was an unreliable nationalist rumored to be seeking rapprochement with the North.  Harriman’s hostility toward Diem led to the latter’s overthrow.

Kennedy was also unreliable.

Ideally, the best location for distribution of narcotics in the Western Hemisphere was Cuba.  Havana was the international hub for narcotics before Castro took over.  I speculate Castro received regular shipments of heroin from Red China — pound for pound, dollar for dollar, the most productive form of foreign aid.  

After the Diem overthrow, Kennedy was committed to withdrawal from Vietnam.  By killing JFK and blaming it on Castro the cabal could insure the American presence in SE Asia and, after bombing the hell out of Cuba, restore Havana as a narcotics hub.

If Oswald got shot 11/22/63 (I speculate) that’s exactly what would have happened.

As it was, Castro took the hint and started moving his Red Chinese donated dope thru Zapata Off-Shore.

I don’t call the above my Pet Theory — it’s my Favored Scenario.  I highly recommend The Great Heroin Coup by Henrik Kruger, and The Politics of Heroin by Alfred McCoy.

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5 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:




I mentioned E. Howard Hunt.


And since you mentioned that President Kennedy was all for the murder of President Diệm, riddle me this:


If President Kennedy was such a driving force behind that murder, why would E. Howard Hunt (a former deputy to W. Averell Harriman) feel the need to forge documents linking President Kennedy to the murder of President Diệm?!


Read the following articles and be amongst the illuminated:







And in case you need to hear it from the horse's mouth:




Seems to me that E. Howard Hunt admitted to fabricating all of the cables that demonstrated President Kennedy had anything to do with the murder of President Diệm...


...you know, Mr. Morrow, that same E. Howard Hunt that worked as a covert action officer for W. Averell Harriman in the ZRCANDY program.


That same W. Averell Harriman, who was the actual author of DEPTEL 243.


Sure as Hell seems like E. Howard Hunt was covering his old boss' ass.



Why would E. Howard Hunt forge a cabal stating that JFK was for the coup in Vietnam? Because in the early 1970s it was not publicly known that JOHN KENNEDY IN FACT SUPPORTED THE COUP OF DIEM. That is an extremely important point. Being for the COUP OF DIEM is not exactly the same thing as saying you want Diem murdered, but once you go down that path, unforeseen consequences can occur and they did. And key people in the United States military (Lansdale and others; LBJ opposed the coup) were extremely unhappy at the death of Diem. LBJ kept a portrait of Diem hanging in his home. LBJ called him the "Winston Churchill" of Vietnam. Lansdale wanted to make Diem the "George Washington" of Vietnam.

I have no doubt that Lansdale blamed the death of his friend Diem, who he had invested so much time and energy in, on President Kennedy. Lansdale was in a rage over this.

Thanks to JFK that never happened. (It was not going to happen anyhow Diem was so unpopular.)

Read Luke Nichter's book. He found an audio tape of JFK supporting the overthrow of Diem. That was not publicly known during the Kennedy Administration - The Last Brahmin: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. and the Making of the Cold War: Nichter, Luke A.: 9780300217803: Amazon.com: Books

Averell Harriman, Henry Cabot Lodge and JFK all had one thing in common: THEY SUPPORTED THE COUP AGAINST DIEM.

Now maybe after the fact JFK may have regretted this, but he kicked over the bowl of milk to begin with.

The Hunt forging of the cables reminds me of the Killian documents controversy. Before he ran for President, Texas Governor George W. Bush had an aide Dan Bartlett go over to the Texas National Guard and rip away a bunch of Texas National Guard documents on him that would have embarrassed him and hurt his campaign. Those documents were likely destroyed.

In response to that a disgusted Lt. Col. Bill Burkett tried to FORGE those documents, bring them back to life, so he could politically hurt Gov. George W. Bush in 2004. It blew up on Burkett's face when those documents, which he released to the media, were proven to be naked forgeries. But it is very likely that the information contained in them were actually what had been in the original, confiscated and now destroyed documents in Bush's Texas National Guard file. In other words, the forged Bush documents were very likely an accurate accounting of what was in the Bush files.

Web link Killian documents controversy - Wikipedia 





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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



Robert Morrow doesn't believe that JFK was for the murder of Diem... only that he was for the coup.

Nevertheless, I appreciated the way you showed that JFK wasn't for the murder.



President Kennedy wanted the Diệm brothers removed from office alive and placed in exile—not murdered.


Big difference.


So yes, I concede that President Kennedy supported a coup of sorts—not a bloodthirsty torture session-turned murder-assassination...


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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Q for RM:

Here's a reservation I have.

There are many "big picture" explanations of the JFKA, involving many moving parts and people, including the 1. LBJ circle, 2. the Nazi circle, 3. the CIA-globalist circle, and the 4. Carlos Marcello mob circle. There is even a 5. Mormon Mafia-JFKA book out there, with some compelling observations, if one believes Tosh Plumlee. 

But, in all of these explanations, there is always the possibility, or (IMHO) even a likelihood, that only a fragment of the big circle broke off and unilaterally perped the JFKA.

Thus the whole circle becomes "incriminated" by the actions of a few. 

That is to say, suppose the JFKA was perped by a CIA-Miami Station clique, involving a few mercs and exiles, and one senior CIA officer. Of course, the CIA would have to go to great pains to cover this up (LHO was a CIA asset also), and lay blame elsewhere. LBJ would be bamboozled by the LHO-met-Kostikov meeting, and off to the races we go. 

If it was entirely loathsome WWII Nazis, brought into the US by a CIA by the hundreds, who perped the JFKA, why not just a splinter group among the Nazis that independently planned and executed the deed?  

If the JFKA was perped by the Mormon Mafia, it was not the entire Mormon Church that perped the deed, but only a splinter group of a few powerful and prominent Mormons.

I have reservations about JFKA explanations that involve more than a handful of witting participants, pre-JFKA.

None of this makes Nazis, the LBJ'ers, the CIA-globalists (who rule DC to this day) or the mob into nice guys.   

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

why not just a splinter group...that independently planned and executed the deed? 


Every indicator is that a cataclysmic, tidal-shift in liberal social-politics took place, on a global scale, almost immediately after the murder of President Kennedy, that almost exclusively favored the extreme fascist elements of humanity.  


It was, in my opinion, a military coup, that involved domestic & international elements, state & non-state actors, with ranks of personnel in the hundreds, completely non-aligned from any structural organization, but instead were representational of personal social networks.


And it was highly compartmentalized.   


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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13 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:


Every indicator is that a cataclysmic, tidal-shift in liberal social-politics took place, on a global scale, almost immediately after the murder of President Kennedy, that almost exclusively favored the extreme fascist elements of humanity.  

RO:  This is the key to understanding the murder, which is too often ignored as it is considered in isolation.  Once the killers saw how easy it was to get away with--with their control of information and ability to sell a scenario blatantly contradicted by easily known facts--they unleashed a torrent of murders designed to decimate the left opposition.

You can draw a straight line between the Dulles brothers, Cheney and Rumsfeld, to the current neocon ignoramuses currently running the White House.  The good news is the "rules based order", where the US makes and enforces the rules, created by, and a prime object of, the murder, is disintegrating before our eyes.

This is why understanding the murder is so important today.





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