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Hit List-- The Systematic Murders of JFK Witnesses

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Dave Perry Essay.

Nothing to see here folks. ???

In 1991 I interviewed Charles Good. Good was not only a friend of Bowers but "a member of the Texas Highway Patrol." He claims to have investigated the accident. Good suggested Bowers was returning to Dallas from Mansfield, Texas where Lee had been showing some real estate. Good arrived at the scene hours later:

"I spoke with an old boy who was repairing fences at the time of the accident. He said he saw two cars coming down the road one behind the other. He turned away for a moment, heard a crash and looked back. One car had hit a bridge abutment and the other kept going."

From his interview with the witness Good formed the opinion that another car forced the Bowers' vehicle off the road.

Midlothian is a small town. After some research there, I concluded R.V. Edwards was one, if not the only witness. Roy Virgil Edwards died on January 26, 1986. Dr. Bohl verified that Edwards witnessed the accident. Bohl's medical office is in Midlothian. Edwards was one of his patients. Additional corroboration came from Mrs. Coward (both she and her husband knew him) and Barham Alderdice, publisher of The Midlothian Mirror. Bohl and Alderdice acknowledge Edwards maintained he was driving a tractor in a nearby field at the time of the accident.

Dr. Bohl claims Edwards said, "The car simply drove into the abutment." Mrs. Coward only knew Edwards was a witness. Mr. Alderdice related Edwards told him the car hit the abutment so hard it was ". . . like it was pulled into it (the abutment)." Good is the only one I can find who mentions a second car.


They assert Lee lost only the tip of a finger, if that. Bowers injured the finger at a swimming pool party sponsored by the Green Clinic of Oak Cliff. He had his hand draped over the edge of the pool. Someone jumped into the water feet first crushing the finger against the side of the pool.

At the time of the injury Lee was the Green Clinic's bookkeeper. Family members gather Lee had his finger treated at the clinic by Doctor Tim Richard Green. Green graduated from the University of Texas, Baylor College of Medicine. He practiced general surgery and treated this type of injury previously. The damage appears minor as no one including Rishel remembers which finger Lee injured.

>>>So, here we have strong circumstantial evidence Lee "did" lose at least part of a finger. <<<

All the conflicting stories confused me. I decided to contact Charles Good again and telephoned him on the evening of June 17, 1992. I will paraphrase our conversation.

Perry: When we spoke the last time you said you investigated the accident, is that correct?

Good: Yes

Perry: Were you acting officially as a member of the Texas Highway Patrol?

Good: No, in fact I don't think I went to the scene until the next day.

Perry: Did you interview anyone?

Good: Yes, there was a man working in a field near the scene.

Perry: Do you know the man's name?

Good: No, but he was either repairing fences or working on a fence in a field near the scene.

Perry: Was he riding a tractor? Good: No, but this was the next day, he may have been driving a tractor when the accident happened.

Perry: Can you tell me what the man said?

Good: He said he, "Saw two cars coming down the road. Then he turned away, heard a crash and looked back. One car had run into a concrete abutment and the other kept on going."

Perry: Did the man interpret this as suspicious?

Good: No

Perry: Did the man describe the color of either car to you?

Good: No, I never asked about the color of either car.

Perry: Did you ever hear of Roy Edwards?

Good: No

Perry: I believe that was the man you spoke to.

Good: Ok, but I don't remember his name.

Perry: Did you ever hear of Walter Rishel?

Good: No

Perry: Do you remember if Lee ever lost a finger?

Good: I don't remember Lee losing a finger but I think he cut a finger on a table saw. He came into the Lockwood Pharmacy one time with a finger bandaged. I don't think Dr. Cinnamon was there at the time. Doris Burns and I asked him about it.

Perry: Just before Lee injured his finger, did he disappear for a couple of days?

Good: Absolutely not.

Perry: Do you recall how long before Lee's death he injured his finger?

Good: I can't remember exactly.

Back to the program. Since the reporter had discovered in Rishel a friend of both Lee and Monty, why not get an "expert" opinion on Lee's death? Rishel quickly obliged.

>>> "He contends that shortly after Lee died he was in Monty's office. He (Monty) was very upset because the insurance company had refused to pay the claim. I can't recall too vividly but I believe that Monty felt that the insurance company did not believe that the death was accidental." <<<

Walter Rishel is correct on this point.

>>>The insurance company did not want to make good on the claim immediately. <<<

Monty Bower's widow tells me Monty had to deal with >>>the insurance adjuster's belief that it was no accident.<<< The company thought it was a suicide. !!!


Lee obtained an accident/health/life policy within a year of his death. The insurance company was investigating under the "suicide clause" contained in the policy.

"Permissible provisions. State laws permit insurers to include policy restrictions for suicide, aviation and war. A suicide restriction is included in nearly every ordinary life policy. An aviation exclusion seldom is found and the war clause is contained in policies issued during war or threat of war."

"Suicide. If the insured commits suicide within two years (one year, in some policies) from the inception of the policy, the liability of the insurer is limited to a return of premiums. Insurers, in the absence of this clause, would be subject to severe adverse selection."

At this point, Geraldo's brother Craig declares, "Bowers also told his minister that he had seen more than he told publicly." To learn the name of this individual, I checked the Bowers' obituary. The item appeared in the Dallas Times Herald, August 10, 1966 on page 12C.

"Funeral services . . . were to be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Casa View Methodist Church. The Rev. Willfred Bailey was to officiate at the services."

>>>Funeral services the very next day AFTER Lee Bower's death?<<< 

Anyone here ever see such a rushed service? Less that 24 hours after a death? A suspicious death at that?

Local researcher Dr. David Murph interviewed Reverend Will Bailey. Coincidentally, David Murph is a minister who has known Rev. Bailey for several years. The two talked June 11, 1992.

Rev. Bailey commented, "Lee did discuss that day with me. He said he saw movement behind the fence. He believed something was going on, but he never got more specific than that. He did not share with me any more than he shared with the Warren Commission."

We return to the studio where Geraldo is questioning Craig. Geraldo asks, "If Lee Bowers' death was not accidental what was it? Joining me now . . . Craig Rivera. What was it?"

Craig Rivera responds, "We don't really know because the death certificate is missing!"

Craig is guilty of inaccurate reporting. The death certificate is not missing. Anyone can obtain a copy as I did by visiting Dallas City Hall, filling out an application and paying a fee of nine dollars.

Geraldo continues, "What about the official autopsy?"

Craig answers, "There is no autopsy either!"

No autopsy? Again, here is the life insurance company trying to get out of paying Bowers widow any death benefits by saying his death was a suicide? Wouldn't an autopsy be required in such a claim dispute?

A local justice Of The Peace just simply said an autopsy on Bowers "wasn't needed" despite state law that required such if the death was a violent one?


Wouldn't Bowers life insured benefit assignees demand an autopsy to counter Bower's life insurance company denying his claim because of a ridiculous suicide finding?

Hello!   Huge red flag there.

He managed to get that right but for the wrong reason. If he read the death certificate he would discover an autopsy never took place. "Multiple head and internal injuries" caused Lee's death. The statute requires an autopsy for deaths by violent or unnatural means (i.e. gunshot). The Justice of the Peace reviewed the evidence and felt an autopsy was unnecessary.

Remember how Rishel claimed Bowers said he noticed two men shooting at Kennedy? There is yet another version of this story! In 1967 another friend and fellow employee of Bowers, James R. Sterling gave a statement to Gary Sanders of Jim Garrison's staff. Sterling said Bowers ". . . observed two men running from behind the fence. They ran up to a car parked behind the Pergola, opened the trunk and placed something in it and then closed the trunk. The two men then drove the car away in somewhat of a peculiar method." In this rendition, no mention is made that Bowers witnessed the actual shooting.

Mark Lane asserted Warren Commission counsel Joseph Ball interrupted Bowers ". . . as he was about to give that (additional) information" about what he saw. Many individuals forget Mark Lane interviewed Lee Bowers on March 31, 1966. What additional important detail did Lane get from Lee that the Commission did not?

"He was not sure as to what it was (that caught his attention), but he believed it was ...a puff of smoke or flash of light."...

That's exactly what Bowers told Mark Lane in the interview.

And if you read Bowers Warren Commission testimony you can clearly see that his questioner did indeed cut off Bowers from saying anything more than just seeing a commotion. So obvious Bowers was purposely cut off.


In the end, Monty Bowers concluded Lee's allergies contributed to his death. Both Monty and Lee had severe allergies and were prone to fits of sneezing. They took antihistamines that provided little relief. Monty told representatives of the insurance company his allergies bothered him that day. He assumed Lee experienced similar symptoms. Could it be, Lee took antihistamines, dozed off and struck the abutment? Is it possible a sneezing fit caused him to loose control of the vehicle?

In my view the answer is YES.

HA! What a RIDICULOUS hypothesis!

I will modify my opinion when someone comes forward with verifiable facts to the contrary.


Allergy reaction? Bowers sneezing so hard he simply lost control of his car and didn't even pull back on the accelerator even a little from 50 miles per hour speed while having the sneezing fit of his life?




Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Denny Zartman said:

Maybe he wasn't "suicided", but if he wasn't, wouldn't you agree this seems to be one hell of a coincidence?


Charles Nicoletti was a leading figure in the Mafia in Chicago. He worked under Tony Accardo and Sam Giancana and got the reputation as an effective contract killer. He was also involved in the CIA plots to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba.

According to James Files, Nicoletti was one of the gunmen who took part in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

On 29th March, 1977, Charles Nicoletti was murdered in Chicago. He had been shot three times in the back of the head. George De Mohrenschildt died the same day. Both men were due to appear before the Select House Committee on Assassinations where they were to be asked about their involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.



That makes what? About 20+ highly known and nefarious JFKA characters all dying in 1976/1977. So many connected to the Subcommittee hearings?

How about the actuary violent death odds on this group alone?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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3 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

That makes what? About 20+ highly known and nefarious JFKA characters all dying in 1966/1967. So many connected to the Subcommittee hearings?

How about the actuary violent death odds on this group alone?


Wrong decade.


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47 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


Wrong decade.


Stand corrected. 1976/77.

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1 hour ago, Bill Brown said:


Have you ever seen the film version of Rush To Judgement?

If so, then you should know that Bowers is filmed sitting at a table with Mark Lane.  In the filmed interview, Lane asks Bowers how many shots he heard.  Bowers says he heard three shots.  Lane then asks Bowers to replicate the spacing of the shots.  Bowers, with one hand clearly visible resting atop the table (all five fingers intact) knocks on the tabletop with his other hand (also with all five fingers intact).

I'm sorry but some of you guys just aren't using your head.


So, Bowers couldn't possibly have suffered a finger injury after this Mark Lane interview, Bill?

Also, why are you referencing a debunked JFKA source like Posner-- a man whose work has no credibility?

Can you, at least, acknowledge that Bowers was threatened prior to his untimely death?

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Lee Bowers was an important JFKA credible witness. And the guy was clearly living under a cloud of constraint because he testified to witnessing suspicious events on the day of the assassination. How the hell is this possible if ONLY Oswald was involved? 

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8 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

I'm not sure what this has to do with the JFK assassination.  But I do have Charnin's book Reclaiming Science: the JFK Conspiracy.  It's been a while, but I remember finding it interesting and informative, for me not being much of a math/science guy.

I think this quote from the first review on amazon of the book you mention tells me I don't need to waste my time reading it.

 He has come up with his own model of projection which he calls True Vote and which for the 10 years he's been doing it has tracked closely to exit poll results, so he argues for consistent tabulation [and other] fraud in favor of republicans. In this book, however, though again in the 2016 election exit polls were again much higher Dem than official counts, such that if accurate Clinton won handily, Mr. Charnin suddenly renounces the likely accuracy of exit polls he's been touting for years, apparently because he's become a Trump supporter in distaste at H CLinton's unfair treatment of bernie sanders, and suddenly switches to a claim the vote count was several % skewed toward the democrats! In doing so he makes a number of false claims, including that millions of illegal aliens were allowed to vote for Dems 

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Where I read this at the moment I don't remember.  Therefore, I guess it's unreliable.  But I did read it somewhere some years ago, not making it up, nor did I dream it.

Bowers reportedly told his preacher at the church he attended he did not tell the police, FBI, or Warren Commission everything he saw.

In 1963 in the South, a preacher was the ultimate trusted confidante for those attending church (many more than now).

The preacher never commented that I know of.

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Lee Edward Bowers Jr. was a witness to the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on ...



Reviewing Lee Bowers 11/22/1963 recollection statements in the Mark Lane documentary "Rush To Judgement" I don't see how anyone could "not" see Bower's credibility.

The man is intelligent, well spoken, calm, extremely detail orientated and sincere sounding. 

He is telling everyone this direct observation:

That he saw a commotion near the picket fence area and that something occurred during this commotion that was unusual enough for him to remember it being noticeably memorable such as a "flash of light or puff of smoke."  His words. 

Bowers also says with unambiguous clarity the time sequence of the shots he heard.

3 shots... knock...knock-knock.

One shot followed by two more shots almost on top of each other. Leading him ( Bowers ) to conclude that the last two shots could not have been fired by the same gun.

The FBI told him he was no expert in this area of physical science and he said he had to agree with them.

Wonder if the Warren Commission put any time investigating Bower's recollections of 3 cars coming into his lot just minutes before the shooting. One driven by a man talking into a hand held mike.

Were these Dallas PD, Dallas Sheriff, FBI, Army intelligence.

And don't forget another of Lane's interview subjects in Rush To Judgement.

The maintenance man who watched the whole shooing from on top of the Building Annex just South of Elm and Houston.

He described seeing a heavier set suited man running full speed along the backside of the picket fence area toward the Texas School Book Depository building within "seconds" of the shooting. Before anyone had run to the grassy knoll and parking lot beyond to flood that area.





Edited by Joe Bauer
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So we all know that David Ferrie and Eladio del Valle died (were murdered) on the same day. But there was another 'two deaths in one day event'. I know Charles Nicoletti was a part of the James Files story, HOWEVER, he was a hitman under Giancana for the Chicago mob. Unless someone can correct me here if I'm mistaken, Nicoletti was subpoenaed for the HSCA. But then he was murdered before he could give testimony. On the same day as George de Mohrenschildt's "suicide". Just throwing that out there if we're gonna talk about coincidences or fake ones thereof... 

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On 7/27/2024 at 6:37 AM, Ron Bulman said:

top FBI officials from 1963 dying in 1977-78 when they were coming up for HSCA testimony.

I really found that data suspicious the first time I read it, too.

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