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On the Trail of the Assassins: One Man's Quest to Solve the Murder of President Kennedy

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If you are referring to Jim Garrison's book, its the wrong subtitle.

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Jim - It looks correct to me.

in any case a great place to start in my opinion. 

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I have the hard cover, the subtitle is "My Investigation and Prosecution of the Murder of President Kennedy."

And Paul is correct its  a nice place to start. 

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16 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I have the hard cover, the subtitle is "My Investigation and Prosecution of the Murder of President Kennedy."

Mine too.

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Is it not a miracle of serendipity that the publisher of the book met Oliver at a Havana film festival and handed him this book.

She said, "Do I have a book for you!."

And that was the beginning of a level 9 earthquake that went on throughout the country in every institution of our society for over a year.

The likes of which had never been seen in the history of cinema. Attacking a film seven months before anyone saw it.

And then David Belin writing Variety magazine in an anonymous letter on the eve of the Oscars, pleading with the academy not to give JFK the Best Picture honor. 

It was almost like a spasm of mass hysteria out of Aldous Huxley's The Devils of Loudon.

Except on a national scale not local.

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Posted (edited)

I copied and pasted the title of the book directly from Amazon.  Maybe the new edition has a different subtitle.


On the Trail of the Assassins: One Man's Quest to Solve the Murder of President Kennedy Paperback – October 16, 2012 

by  Jim Garrison  (Author)
4.1 on Goodreads 
1,992 ratings 



Edited by Jeff Royle
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JFK: The Book of the Film contains not only the annotated film script, but also a selection of journalism pieces on the film. The reader can see such paragons of the First Amendment as The New York Times and the Washington Post attack a film, that never claimed to be a documentary, before its release with plenty of hand-wringing that Americans might be tempted to question the conclusions of the Warren Commission.

Gerald Ford and David Belin in the Washington Post: "When will Hollywood produce a movie that tells the truth?"

Tom Wicker in The New York Times: "You have to be paranoid indeed to believe that the Chief Justice and his colleagues deliberately framed Oswald for a crime he didn't commit."

Newsweek: "JFK is not just an entertainment, it's a work of propaganda."

Daniel Patrick Moynihan in The New York Times: "The Paranoid Style" in which he compares believers in a JFK assassination conspiracy with 18th century Americans who worried about the Illuminati and 19th century American Nativists. 

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Robin is correct, The Book of the Film  is invaluable as a chronicle of just how schizoid our so called democracy is on the JFK case.

It includes the two earliest attacks on the film by Jon Margolis and George Lardner. This was over a half year before the film was released.

It was like watching a national nervous breakdown take place, centered in the MSM and spreading outward.  

Suddenly, Oscar winning director and writer Oliver Stone was evil incarnate. 

And David Belin and Jerry Ford were allowed to take their bows and trash his film.  Tom Wicker was especially sickening.  

The Ny TImes published something like 33 stories up until the premiere of the film.  Incredible.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Jeff, I read on the Trail of Assassins and found it a good read, especially if you realize how close Garrison was to the conspiracy in New Orleans right after the Big Event.  He had a good feel for what went down in Dallas on 11/22/63. Reading it and seeing Oliver Stone's "JFK" back to back is interesting also.

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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Robin is correct, The Book of the Film  is invaluable as a chronicle of just how schizoid out so called democracy is on the JFK case.

It includes the two earliest attacked on the film by Jon Margolis and George Lardner. This was over a half year before the film was released.

It was like watching a national nervous breakdown take place, centered in the MSM and spreading outward.  

Suddenly, Oscar winning director and writer Oliver Stone was evil incarnate. 

And David Belin and Jerry Ford were allowed to take their bows and trash his film.  Tom Wicker was especially sickening.  

The Ny TImes published something like 33 stories up until the premiere of the film.  Incredible.

The single biggest reason - there are many others of course - that I view the NYT and all the others major newspapers with much skepticism. The agenda is not even well hidden. Sometimes it’s placed so far in front it’s like Poe’s Purloined Letter. You don’t even see it because it’s assumed from the get go. Biggest example - pardon me if others disagree - is the automatic assumption that China and Russia are our enemies. That for sure makes us their enemies, Endlessly. 

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Picking up on that Paul.

In Pittsburgh I talked about how Truman had altered FDR's foreign policy in more than one place.  But the USSR was certainly one area.

Anthony Eden gave an interview to a Roosevelt biographer.  When Eden saw it, he would not let the guy print it.

Because he was very angry about how Truman and Churchill had changed the relationship with the USSR in a disastrous way.  It would not have happened if FDR had lived.

I then explained how Kennedy started off as a Truman Democrat, but clearly by 1957 and the great Algeria speech, had become a Roosevelt Democrat.

The Stone/Kuznick book Untold History does a nice job spelling this out.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 3/12/2024 at 7:39 AM, Jeff Royle said:

Hello folks.  I hope you are all having a great week so far.  Has anyone read this book and if so, would you be willing to give me your opinion before I purchase it?


Thanks in advance.

Great book for its time. Garrison stood alone against the state-media assault not seen since, except perhaps for what happened to Oliver Stone in the release of his films, or against a current presidential aspirant who cannot be mentioned. 

But a lot has been learned since Garrison's time, many records released, so read some of the recent works of James DiEugenio or others also. 

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