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MAINSTREAM vs MAGA COOLER - For those who want to challenge the other side.

Sandy Larsen

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6 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

I haven't listened to this.  Does he discuss releasing the files?  If not, how does it relate to the JFKA itself?

Thanks for your comments. 

For me, a lot that happens around RFK Jr. is "stalking horses." 

We all know the security-state, the intel-state, the Deep State---whatever short-hand you want to use---will fire all torpedoes at RFK Jr., in large part because he would open up the JFK Records, and has discussed closing down the 800 military bases globally, and would likely reduce the scope and scale of the intel-state. 

But the Deep State cannot say out loud, "Oh, we are against RFK Jr. as he would restrict the Deep State." 

They will raise every other issue possible, and portray RFK Jr. as an extremist or nut. 

It may be also that Big Pharma has it in for RFK Jr., also. It is kind of creepy that Big Pharma has become a major advertiser, and also the major client group of the FDA, and a major source of campaign funds.

Believe it or not, there was a time when Americans were largely un-drugged. 

Anybody remember "soma" from Brave New World? 

I continue to take a deep interest in the RFK Jr. campaign, and look forward to civil discussions regarding that campaign and the Deep State. 


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  • Sandy Larsen changed the title to MAINSTREAM vs MAGA COOLER - For those who want to challenge the other side.
On 6/5/2023 at 6:37 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

Robert Kennedy Jr., With Musk, Pushes Right-Wing Ideas and Misinformation---NYT 6/6/23

Mr. Kennedy, a long-shot Democratic presidential candidate with surprisingly high polling numbers, said he wanted to close the Mexican border and attributed the rise of mass shootings to pharmaceutical drugs.


This is BS. Why don’t ‘you’ actually go to the source and listen to the Elon Musk RFK Jr event? I’m so sick and tired of reading commentary. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wonder how much Donk-state media coverage this will get. 

In section 3 of an executive order, President Biden states: “I hereby certify, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 5(g)(2)(D) of the Act, that continued postponement of public disclosure of that information is necessary to protect against identifiable harms to the military defense, intelligence operations, law  enforcement, and the conduct of foreign relations that are of such gravity that they outweigh the public interest in disclosure. All information within these records that has been proposed for continued postponement under section 5(g)(2)(D) of the Act shall accordingly be withheld from public disclosure. Future release of the information in these records shall occur in a manner consistent with the Transparency Plans described in section 5 of this memorandum.”

And the 'Phants are mute too. 

Yes, our elected reps say that 60 years after the JFKA, there are records you citizens cannot see. 

You can't make this stuff up. 

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These Presidents are shown the Zapruder film in slow motion & then ask afterwards if there are any questions.

I was able to locate some footage of President Biden after the viewing.





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1 minute ago, Michael Crane said:

These Presidents are shown the Zapruder film in slow motion & then ask afterwards if there are any questions.

I was able to locate some footage of President Biden after the viewing.





Operation Mockingbird, on steroids, in is effect to make sure Biden, not RFK Jr., occupies the White House.

Why is that? 

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I'm afraid that I am far from a political person.

I basically don't follow what's going on in politics.

I'm very aware of Operation Mockingbird though.

RFK probably won't "play ball" with the "Establishment"

You can't just murder like you use to,you have to assassinate their character.

MSM gonna Main Stream.

Edited by Michael Crane
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I agree with you, we are seeing wholesale character assassination against anyone who opposes the Deep State. 

Now RFK Jr. 

Not everyone who opposes Deep State imperatives is a saint. Ponder Trump. 

But anyone with half a brain who reviews the Russiagate Hoax can see Operation Mockingbird coupled with politicized state prosecution. The 1/6 event looks manipulated, and of course the 1/6 hearings were a TV show. 

I lived in DC during the Carter presidency. Man, the town went after Carter, and inserted Reagan.  

The key to remember is the intel state will work with one party or the other to torpedo who they want.  

Useful idiots in both parties are deployed. 

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I echo Larry Schnapf's sentiments. At least send an e-mail to a representative or Senator, or the WH, and express your concerns regarding the Biden snuff job on the JFK records act. 

You might suggest you are a D-Party member now planning to vote for RFK Jr. or Trump. 

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RFK Jr.: ‘It’s Very Disturbing’ That Biden Refused to Release More JFK Assassination Docs

Biden agreed to make public a majority of assassination records, but thousands remain secret six decades later

Published 07/04/23 06:51 PM ET|Updated 07/04/23 07:19 PM ET
Marc Caputo

President Joe Biden is keeping thousands of JFK assassination secret as part of a “Transparency Plan,” drawing fire from historians, researchers as well as his Democratic primary opponent – a nephew of the president murdered nearly 60 years ago today.

“It's very disturbing,” Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., told The Messenger in an interview. “They’re pouring the concrete on 60-year-old secrets so that they're permanently interred. Why?”


When did legacy media become propaganda? CNN trumpeted Biden's JFK Records snuff job as transparency. 

Now, US citizens have to rely on non-legacy media for news. 

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Hey look, folks...

It's MAGA Ben Cole's redundant, daily anti-Biden spam thread about the records.

MAGA Ben actually started two threads here yesterday about the exact same topic.

Most days, Ben starts only one new thread on the exact same topic.

Meanwhile, the only two forum threads about Trump's suppression of the JFK records-- from September of 2020, and this week-- have been moved to the Political Discussion board.

Makes a lot of sense.

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Joe Biden has only been President since January 20, 2021. So spare me the "six decades later" reference to Biden. It doesn't wash. Until 2-1/2 years ago, he wasn't in a position to deal with the JFK records.

That doesn't excuse what he just did. But to say, "Biden agreed to make public a majority of assassination records, but thousands remain secret six decades later" sounds like an attempt to place the responsibility for 60 years of secrecy on Biden.

"...six decades later" from when "Biden agreed to make public a majority of assassination records"? A quite disingenuous phrasing there.

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