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On 4/24/24 at 3:01PM CST on MSNBC she referred to Lee Harvey Oswald as “JFK’s assassin” as she was referencing the Donald Trump hush money trial that was going on in NYC. Wallace was referring to the 2016 National Enquirer article that attempted to link Sen. Ted Cruz’s dad to Oswald in New Orleans.

Nicole Wallace Wiki - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolle_Wallace

Miramonte High School – 1990 – an elite high school Miramonte High School - Wikipedia

Univ. of California, Berkeley – BA in mass communications - 1994

Northwestern Medill School of Journalism – MA 1996

Edited by Robert Morrow
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No Ron, it does not look like him, as I have seen close up pictures of Cruz back then.

Trump really wanted to accent this phony story by the way, he actually mentioned it on TV.

Richard, can you provide a source for him being on the route working for IBM, and then running away to Canada.?

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21 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Well, I'm shocked, shocked to learn today that Ted Cruz's father didn't kill JFK!

What's next?  Finding out that Hillary isn't really dying of brain cancer? 


National Enquirer Made Up Story About Ted Cruz’s Father


April 23, 2024 at 4:26 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“David Pecker, the former publisher of the National Enquirer, testified at Donald Trump’s trial Tuesday that the tabloid completely manufactured a negative story in 2016 about the father of Sen. Ted Cruz, of Texas, who was then Trump’s rival for the GOP presidential nomination,” NBC News reports.

“The paper had published a photo allegedly showing Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, with Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets in New Orleans in 1963, not long before Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy.”

“Trump repeatedly referred to the story on the campaign trail and in interviews.”




Roger Stone, who I knew well from 2013 to 2017, was working hand in glove with editors of the National Enquirer to craft hit pieces on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's GOP opponents. I became a source, too, for the National Enquirer for anything related to Hillary and Bill Clinton. 

Roger Stone helped the National Enquirer craft an article on all of Ted Cruz's supposed mistresses.

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1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

Roger Stone, who I knew well from 2013 to 2017, was working hand in glove with editors of the National Enquirer to craft hit pieces on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's GOP opponents. I became a source, too, for the National Enquirer for anything related to Hillary and Bill Clinton. 

Roger Stone helped the National Enquirer craft an article on all of Ted Cruz's supposed mistresses.

So, Robert, let me get this straight.

Trump, Stone, Pecker, et.al., were crafting stories about Ted Cruz's alleged mistresses, in 2016, while simultaneously burying stories about Trump's mistresses?  🙄


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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

No Ron, it does not look like him, as I have seen close up pictures of Cruz back then.

Trump really wanted to accent this phony story by the way, he actually mentioned it on TV.

Richard, can you provide a source for him being on the route working for IBM, and then running away to Canada.?

Jim, you know me well enough by now to realize I can be a little bit sarcastic every now and then.  I think W probably understands I was kidding him.  I thought the whole Cruz's dad/JFK thing was a scam from the start created by team t to smear Cruz and distract from anything resembling policies, plans etc.

There must be another story in there somewhere.  Considering it's the Enquirer, with a publisher at the time named Pecker.  Then along comes a porn star and a Playboy centerfold star.  And, oop's, guess that belongs in the water cooler. 

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18 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

So, Robert, let me get this straight.

Trump, Stone, Pecker, et.al., were crafting stories about Ted Cruz's alleged mistresses, in 2016, while simultaneously burying stories about Trump's mistresses?  🙄


Yes, of course, I was conversing with Roger Stone while he was crafting/planting in/creating stories for the National Enquirer. The Enquirer was totally in the bag for the Trump campaign.

Roger Stone was also managing Danney Williams, the son of Bill Clinton and a black street hooker Bobbie Ann Williams. This story, which is 100%, about Bill Clinton's abandonment of his only child on Earth, was targeted to the black community in swing states and did much damage to the Hillary Clinton campaign. I believe the National Enquirer also did a story about Danney Williams.

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1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

Yes, of course, I was conversing with Roger Stone while he was crafting/planting in/creating stories for the National Enquirer. The Enquirer was totally in the bag for the Trump campaign.

Roger Stone was also managing Danney Williams, the son of Bill Clinton and a black street hooker Bobbie Ann Williams. This story, which is 100%, about Bill Clinton's abandonment of his only child on Earth, was targeted to the black community in swing states and did much damage to the Hillary Clinton campaign. I believe the National Enquirer also did a story about Danney Williams.


As I recall, Trump also brought some of Bill Clinton's former sex partners to one of his debates with Hillary-- while simultaneously paying hush money to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

Hypocrisy on steroids.

And, incidentally, Pecker testified today that he was in contact with Trump administration staffers-- Hope Hicks and Sarah Huckabee Sanders-- about the hush money ops.

David Pecker Spoke With Hope Hicks and Sarah Sanders About Hush Money (mediaite.com)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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49 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


As I recall, Trump also brought some of Bill Clinton's former sex partners to one of his debates with Hillary-- while simultaneously paying hush money to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

Hypocrisy on steroids.

And, incidentally, Pecker testified today that he was in contact with Trump administration staffers-- Hope Hicks and Sarah Huckabee Sanders-- about the hush money ops.

David Pecker Spoke With Hope Hicks and Sarah Sanders About Hush Money (mediaite.com)

"Sex partners:"

Juanita Broaddrick who Bill Clinton savagely raped in 1978 and almost bit off her lip. Then Bill told her "You ought to put some ice on that lip."

Paula Jones - who Bill Clinton flashed his erect penis at and said in a horny voice: "Kiss it." She refused.

Kathleen Willey - who Bill Clinton made a hard pass at in the Oval Office and who turned him and down and most definitely was not a "sex partner" of Bill Clinton. Hillary hired Jack Palladino later to run a terror campaign on Kathleen Willey when she was deposed in the Paula Jones case. They stole her cat Bullseye.

The 4th person who Trump brought to the case was Kathy Shelton who rapist was represented in a court case by Hillary Clinton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathy_Shelton 

Leslie Millwee was not brought by Trump, although you would probably refer to her as one "Bill Clinton's sex partners" if given the chance: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2016/10/19/exclusive-video-interview-new-bill-clinton-sexual-assault-accuser-goes-public-first-time/

I suggest reading my book The Clinton' War on Women: https://www.amazon.com/Clintons-War-Women-Roger-Stone/dp/1510713921/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3COW71W7G0PA9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QTJgc6eF12RfcibJmbUeT0nQX-gkXh8H__gSo1jUALERD2TYkcxo_tthAKX9dtTk1TARXgtbK-MbaNz6I-hVQTcAOWLmWK1xduNmEphsOsb9_cSf8Q_LDYH_h2jmfZPmcXDBaXdCqFySG1a1yqv0ZXsbEyIMaQ03U1MtHm_dJ9FEs8KcoMfU1A3RIISBTO2zHAaP1FezeQi4Sl3y-S4pqFR78-QSNrFZLEctJVvfxUk.PMhIk_voRG77_Is3HoV9k2n00whHHC9KIID3Wz605sQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+clintons+war+on+women&qid=1714082059&sprefix=the+clintons%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-1 

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15 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

"Sex partners:"

Juanita Broaddrick who Bill Clinton savagely raped in 1978 and almost bit off her lip. Then Bill told her "You ought to put some ice on that lip."

Paula Jones - who Bill Clinton flashed his erect penis at and said in a horny voice: "Kiss it." She refused.

Kathleen Willey - who Bill Clinton made a hard pass at in the Oval Office and who turned him and down and most definitely was not a "sex partner" of Bill Clinton. Hillary hired Jack Palladino later to run a terror campaign on Kathleen Willey when she was deposed in the Paula Jones case. They stole her cat Bullseye.

The 4th person who Trump brought to the case was Kathy Shelton who rapist was represented in a court case by Hillary Clinton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathy_Shelton 

Leslie Millwee was not brought by Trump, although you would probably refer to her as one "Bill Clinton's sex partners" if given the chance: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2016/10/19/exclusive-video-interview-new-bill-clinton-sexual-assault-accuser-goes-public-first-time/

I suggest reading my book The Clinton' War on Women: https://www.amazon.com/Clintons-War-Women-Roger-Stone/dp/1510713921/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3COW71W7G0PA9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QTJgc6eF12RfcibJmbUeT0nQX-gkXh8H__gSo1jUALERD2TYkcxo_tthAKX9dtTk1TARXgtbK-MbaNz6I-hVQTcAOWLmWK1xduNmEphsOsb9_cSf8Q_LDYH_h2jmfZPmcXDBaXdCqFySG1a1yqv0ZXsbEyIMaQ03U1MtHm_dJ9FEs8KcoMfU1A3RIISBTO2zHAaP1FezeQi4Sl3y-S4pqFR78-QSNrFZLEctJVvfxUk.PMhIk_voRG77_Is3HoV9k2n00whHHC9KIID3Wz605sQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+clintons+war+on+women&qid=1714082059&sprefix=the+clintons%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-1 


    My only hesitation about ordering your Clinton sex opus with Roger Stone is that the single WORST book I purchased during the 21st century -- bar none-- was Roger Stone's tome, Nixon's Secrets!

     Nixon's Secrets was so poorly edited, poorly written, and generally worthless that I gave it away at a Christmas Party as a comical white elephant gift.

     It may have come in handy during the COVID pandemic toilet paper shortage.

     BTW, were you, perchance, a co-author/ghost writer of Roger Stone's book about LBJ?

     After reading, Nixon's Secrets, I had no interest in reading Stone's LBJ manuscript.

P.S.  Stone claimed, in Nixon's Secrets, that LBJ and Nixon had a private three hour meeting in Dallas on 11/21/63, but I could never find any corroboration of that story.

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3 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


    My only hesitation about ordering your Clinton sex opus with Roger Stone is that the single WORST book I purchased during the 21st century -- bar none-- was Roger Stone's tome, Nixon's Secrets!

     Nixon's Secrets was so poorly edited, poorly written, and generally worthless that I gave it away at a Christmas Party as a comical white elephant gift.

     It may have come in handy during the COVID pandemic toilet paper shortage.

     BTW, were you, perchance, a co-author/ghost writer of Roger Stone's book about LBJ?

     After reading, Nixon's Secrets, I had no interest in reading Stone's LBJ manuscript.

P.S.  Stone claimed, in Nixon's Secrets, that LBJ and Nixon had a private three hour meeting in Dallas on 11/21/63, but I could never find any corroboration of that story.

Let's get first things straight: Roger Stone is a pathological liar and on top of that he is sloppy and lazy. Of course his books - that do not involve me - look like they have been shitted out of the ass of hyena.

In summer 2013 I met Roger Stone done in Miami. He had been impressed with my LBJ knowledge. I agreed to help with his LBJ book but by no means did I write most of that garbage - instead I turbo charged it with the absolute best information I had on Lyndon Johnson. I do not take responsibility for all the "mafia did it" stuff in that book. I was a huge help to Roger Stone and I was his sherpa through the JFK research community.

The Clintons' War on Women was my baby - I wrote 85% of it and picked the cover pic of Hillary and the name of the book. All genius stuff. I heavily footnoted the book and included a robust biography. Anything wrong in that book is because that moron Roger Stone inserted it at the last minute, especially the stuff absolving Donald Trump of any untoward dealings with Jeffrey Epstein.

In fact, once I became convinced the Trump behaved worse with Epstein than even Bill Clinton, I immediately told Roger Stone in June 2016 that Donald Trump needs to be in jail not running for president. My relationship with pathological liar and criminal psychopath Roger Stone pretty much ended at that point and he has not paid me royalties on the Clintons' War on Women since December, 2016. The man is a criminal.

Thanks to me Roger Stone's LBJ Did It book is pretty good, mainly because of the LBJ material I put in it.

The Clintons' War on Women is beloved by the Trump base and is a success.

I do recommend Stone's book on Jeb and the Bush Crime family particularly for the section on gay prostitute and fake reporter Jeff Gannon on the White House. He was probably servicing (as a top) for a key George W. Bush aide (a bottom). That section in Stone's Jeb! book is legit.

Roger Stone is 1) lazy 2) sloppy 3) careless 4) does not care about the truth and 5) actually enjoys lying and deceiving people.

Give me a call one day and I will be glad to go into detail over Stone's demented life as a sex weirdo.



Edited by Robert Morrow
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On 4/24/2024 at 9:16 PM, Ron Bulman said:

There must be another story in there somewhere.  Considering it's the Enquirer, with a publisher at the time named Pecker.  Then along comes a porn star and a Playboy centerfold star.  And, oop's, guess that belongs in the water cooler. 

Ok, did I lead this astray?  How did we get from Rafel Cruz and the JFKA to Bill Clinton and Roger Stone's sex lives.  It is tempting to boot this to the water cooler based on Robert's sensationalism.  Tell me, why not? 

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6 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Ok, did I lead this astray?  How did we get from Rafel Cruz and the JFKA to Bill Clinton and Roger Stone's sex lives.  It is tempting to boot this to the water cooler based on Robert's sensationalism.  Tell me, why not? 

I'm fine with booting it to the Water Cooler. And btw, I am not "sensational" about high level political sex perverts, I merely tell the truth about them.

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3 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Ok, did I lead this astray?  How did we get from Rafel Cruz and the JFKA to Bill Clinton and Roger Stone's sex lives.  It is tempting to boot this to the water cooler based on Robert's sensationalism.  Tell me, why not? 


     Robert Morrow's familiarity with Roger Stone is extremely interesting, IMO.

     I'm still curious about Roger Stone's claim (in Nixon's Secrets) that LBJ and Nixon had a three-hour private meeting in Dallas on November 21, 1963.

     Because of Robert Morrow's history with Roger Stone, I'm wondering if Robert has any information about the alleged LBJ/Nixon meeting-- which is, obviously relevant for the JFK assassination.

     That story aroused my curiosity, since LBJ and Nixon occupied the White House for the next ten years after 11/22/63.

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