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Confiscated film of the assassination

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I've watched a few videos by researcher Michael Brownlow. Gotta say, there's just something I like about that guy. Perhaps because he seems so genuine and honest. Example: In a short video I watched last evening, filmed with Michael standing in Dealy Plaza, he talked a bit about the so-called "Babushka Lady." He said that when he interviewed Charles Brehm, he showed Mr. Brehm the image that included himself and the Babushka lady. Brownlow reported that he asked Mr. Brehm if he got a good look at the woman in question, to which the witness stated, essentially, that he'd seen her well enough to be absolutely certain that she was in her 40s, maybe even 50 years old.

Beverly Oliver's claim to have been an assassination witness (she was 17 at the time, so this would rule her out) has always struck me as false. Nice lady, and I'm glad she found Christ (I believe she's passed away now), but she seems like an archetypical publicity hound. 

But Brownlow was honest enough to state that he just doesn't know whether Oliver was the Babushka lady. He did make the point that she was definitely involved with some of the players in the events of the day (ie, Jack Ruby), so she's not totally irrelevant, either. Then he talked about her claim to have taken a film, and that the film was confiscated.

Brownlow is of the opinion that the Babushka Lady figure, whoever she might be, is seen holding a video camera in some photos. He then made a rather astounding claim that I've never heard anywhere else. He said that at some point in the past (and I don't recall how long ago this was; I'm sure I could go back and find a link to the YT video in question if anyone's interested), he interviewed a retired FBI agent who was working out of the Dallas field office on the day of the assassination. The agent, whom Brownlow did not name, was about 80 at the time of the interview. Brownlow says that the agent told him there was indeed a film confiscated by his agency "at a nightclub" within a few days of the assassination, and that he (the agent) had an opportunity to view this film after it was developed. The agent, says Brownlow, said that the film showed a shooter behind the picket fence quite clearly

I wouldn't believe such a claim if it came from certain researchers, but I believe Brownlow. I'm of the opinion that rock-solid, 100% indisputable proof of conspiracy surely existed shortly after the event, but that evidence that hot would have been not only confiscated but destroyed at some point. 

Has anyone ever heard more details on this? What are the odds that this film, if it ever existed, is sitting in a vault somewhere?

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There was a 2 part video on Youtube of Brownlow and another guy discussing the assassination.

IF I remember correctly:

  • Brownlow states that he met the B lady and saw the film
  • and that he knows the who the African American woman was who was on the knoll with her boyfriend and what she saw after the shots behind the fence
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37 minutes ago, Bill Fite said:

IF I remember correctly:

  • Brownlow states that he met the B lady and saw the film
  • and that he knows the who the African American woman was who was on the knoll with her boyfriend and what she saw after the shots behind the fence

Well isn't that nifty for Brownlow. He's somehow privy to evidence nobody else on earth has seen in 61 years.

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Posted (edited)

@Bill Fite I don't think I've seen the particular video(s) you're referring to, so I haven't heard those claims. I'd be interested, but he has numerous videos that tend to be long. 

Here's the link to the video I'm referring to.

Edited by Aaron Sharpe
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I wonder if there’s any way of identifying the Dallas FBI agent, who at the time of this video apparently was still living, and who allegedly saw the film made from the location of the babushka lady.

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15 hours ago, Aaron Sharpe said:

@Bill Fite I don't think I've seen the particular video(s) you're referring to, so I haven't heard those claims. I'd be interested, but he has numerous videos that tend to be long. 

Here's the link to the video I'm referring to.

I don't think it's worth time spent looking for it.  I thought at the time he was hard to believe.  And the video was not only long but a 2 parter.

If you look for it & memory serves - there's a second guy he talks with on his right your left.


Edited by Bill Fite
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I recall Mark Lane early on (1964) that he had interviewed DP witnesses who’d had their films taken and never returned. 

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On 6/25/2024 at 2:47 PM, Aaron Sharpe said:

Beverly Oliver's claim to have been an assassination witness (she was 17 at the time, so this would rule her out) has always struck me as false. Nice lady, and I'm glad she found Christ (I believe she's passed away now), but she seems like an archetypical publicity hound. 

Can anyone confirm this?

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On 6/27/2024 at 4:25 AM, Pete Mellor said:

Can anyone confirm this?

Beverly Oliver Massagee, as far as I know, is alive on 6/28/2024. I don't think she has posted on Facebook in a while. Beverly was born in 1946. I know her and she is a good gal and I believe she was the Babushka Lady although I don't believe everything Beverly has said over the years such as Oswald was with Jack Ruby at the Carousel Club.

Overall, Beverly is telling the truth.

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Beverly Oliver clearly liked attention.

She dropped out of high school and at the young age of just 17 is hanging out at strip clubs into the wee hours of the night and occasionally being allowed to sing in them?

She loved the action, the energy, she liked hanging with the older stripper ladies.

Most girls her age ( back in 1963 Dallas ) were probably at home doing their homework and considered going to a movie or burger joint with their boyfriends the height of excitement. 

But not Beverly Oliver. That wasn't fast enough for her. Little boys stuff.

Beverly was a big boned girl who looked older than her age. Texas blond and with a very attractive face. I think she was not short, if anything a little taller than average.

I've seen the most well known picture of the back of the Babushka lady next to Charles Brehm. She is wearing a light colored scarf over her head.

She definitely has the wider body and thicker legs of a big boned woman. 

So, physically ( from the back ) the build fits Beverly.

And for sure we see her holding a camera up to her upper facial area. Still photo camera? Video camera? The experts could tell. And she certainly did get a shot of JFK's limo just as it passed in front of her if in this photo she snaps the shutter.

I just took another look at the famous pics ( 2 different pics) of the women who some say is the same "Babushka" woman.

One is of a lady crossing Elm toward the grassy knoll area from across the street with a crowd of other people around  doing the same thing.

The other one is of a light colored scarf adorned, gray colored coat wearing, big boned woman standing in front of Charles Brehm right during the shooting. This camera holding woman is positioned closer to JFK's limo than Brehm!

She probably did get a great shot of JFK's limo right as he was being shot. That photo would be just as sought after as a video imo.

Comparing the two different big coat wearing women.

The light colored scarf wearing woman in front of Brehm appears to have a large bag hanging down on her left side.

She is holding a camera, everyone can see it. 

The woman rushing across Elm to the grassy knoll in the crowd has no camera. She has darker brown hair. She is not wearing a head scarf at all. An older woman. Smaller in build than the Brehm location woman.

The color of the two women's coats is different.

The Brehm woman's coat is a shade of medium grey imo. The Elm Street crossing woman's coat is light tan colored.

The color of the Brehm woman's coat is correct. You can tell by seeing the colors of the coats being worn by Mary Moorman and Jean Hill ( Hill's coat is bright red, Moorman's black ) just a few steps from her and even Jackie's pink dress.

The Elm street rushing woman is NOT the woman taking a picture of JFK's limo right in front of Charles Brehm. So easy to see.

I've watched a couple of Brownlow's interview videos.

He isn't a pro at this but his passion in pursuing this kind of research and the time, cost and effort it took to try is admirable imo. I also think he is a sincere person who simply wanted to know the truth like the rest of us. I surely can't believe he made even a small amount of money in his endeavors.

I really liked his interview of the woman who was a waitress at the diner where J.D. Tippit worked at part time and frequented with other Dallas PD officers. This waitress knew well the lady ( a co-worker waitress ) Tippit was having an affair with. Her name was Maxie Witherspoon. She was married to someone else like Tippit.

This waitress claimed she saw Jack Ruby come into the diner at least a couple times. And actually sitting with Tippit. She also claimed the fellow waitress who was J.D. Tippit's girlfriend lived very close to where Tippit was shot and killed. Maybe even the same street.

I always liked seeing Beverly Oliver interviewed. She loved to sing. Did so a lot in her later life as a Christian church goer. A real Texan gal. Big boned, big blond hair, big busted, maybe kind of loud and brassy, a real wild side as a young woman. The kind of woman that probably loved rough riding cowboys.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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Beverly was an admitted gold digger.She can't sing worth a darn,but she did have yellow paint on her shoes where the plotters painted the curb as a possible kill zone.

Edited by Michael Crane
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32 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

Beverly was an admitted gold digger. She can't sing worth a darn,but she did have yellow paint on her shoes where the plotters painted the curb as a possible kill zone.

MC, I thought Beverly was pretty good myself. I loved her rendition of "Amazing Grace" played in a documentary featuring her.

And who wasn't a "gold digger" back in Dallas in those days?

Everybody was trying to make a buck.

Beverly always wanted the limelight. So did all of Ruby's stripper girls.

The biggest gold digger of all in the huge cast of JFKA event characters  was Lee Oswald's mother...Margeurite. 

Edited by Joe Bauer
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There is a video out there on Youtube where she sings.There isn't any music to help her sound good and it is just awful.

Should I see if I can locate it?

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I having trouble remembering which conference she was at.

She sang and then introduced the next guest IIRC.

Anyways,she sang and then the conference began.I think it was with Jim Marrs,but there is a very good chance that is wrong.

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