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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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3 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

William, I stand corrected.

Olivia Nuzzi is an excellent journalist.  Joe's gotta go.

Harris-Shapiro '24.


     I would qualify this by opining that Biden would still be a better POTUS than Trump in 2025, even if he were a cryogenically frozen dead guy.


     Terrific version of Hey, Joe by Joscho Stephan.  It's like Django Reinhart meets Jimi Hendrix.


      Terrific self-portrait by your great grandfather.  Is your family related to former CIA Director Stansfield Turner?

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Posted (edited)
On 7/7/2024 at 4:54 PM, W. Niederhut said:

Terrific self-portrait by your great grandfather.  Is your family related to former CIA Director Stansfield Turner?


Likely not related given that Stansfield was my great grandfather's last name, but Stansfield Turner's first name.


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Likely not related given that Stansfield was my great grandfather's last name, but Stanfield Turner's first name.



    Stansfield Turner was a U.S. admiral and President of the U.S. Naval War College before Carter appointed him CIA Director.

    I wondered if he was given a family name as a first name.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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10 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


OMG Joe, those are incredible drawings! And with only high school art class... you definitely have a natural talent.

I think you may be just as good an artist as my great grandfather (John Heber Stansfield) was. He was famous in his day and actually made a living selling his art.


Self Portrait


Springville Museum of Art



Outstanding self portrait rendering.

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Posted (edited)
On 7/7/2024 at 12:47 PM, Cliff Varnell said:

William, I stand corrected.

Olivia Nuzzi is an excellent journalist.  Joe's gotta go.

Harris-Shapiro '24.

Biden himself keeps cluelessly bolstering the legitimacy of his "please leave"' detractors.

He jokingly admits that he isn't as sharp as he used to be. He says he needs more sleep.

He complains that his 10 day world travel agenda trip ending one week before the debate took so much out of him it negatively affected his energy levels...a week later?!

Okay...how about a President that can handle that typical high energy requirement task?

Biden dismisses his unprecedented feeble-minded looking and sounding disaster in the debate as simply..." a bad night."

A bad night? 

The most important massive national audience event in the campaign - blown?

You had one chance to show the already concerned American people your vigor viability...and instead you shook them with the opposite... and you can't get it back!

When asked by George Stephanopoulos ( again with a huge national audience ) if he has the stamina to handle another 4 year term...Biden skirted answering the question directly and instead went on and on about his accomplishments the last 4 years. Did he even understand the question?

The question was - could he assure America he is totally fit to perform the demanding duties of a President "for the entire next 4 years?"

Biden's admission that his 10 day foreign nation trek took too much out of him is a starkly sad revealing he is not up to par for all his duties ... even now!

Biden's family and most ardent loyalists came right out and said Biden's full cognitive energy time is between 10:AM to 4:PM...or 11: AM to 5:PM?

By 8:PM Biden's ready for bed?  Done for the day? Don't ask him questions after the late afternoon?

How could they be so clueless about the national consciousness impact of such a powerfully negative diminished capacity admission like that?

Is it too much to ask and expect a President to be sharp-minded for more than 6 hours a day?

When Biden ran in 2020 there were millions of Democratic party voters ( like me ) that felt he was too old for the office even back then. But, with a choice between a 78 year old Biden versus an only 3 year younger psychopath...the choice was easy.

Biden tried to present a youthful vigor image in 2020 by riding his bike a few times with lots of press coverage. Until he fell off of it and injured himself. Now, 4 years later there is no way they are going to put Biden on a two-wheeled bicycle. His physical decline is that progressed.  Heck, he can barely "walk" straight and steady for more than a short distance

Biden's facial, hand, arm and entire body movements are so slow now compared to 4 years ago ( even 1 year ago ) and they were slow then!

Love Biden. Voted for him. But it is screamingly obvious now he may not make it even another year at the decline rate he is exhibiting. He's even struggling making it through the last 6 months of his campaign!

Harris's people are so aggressively pushing her to be the candidate they are even making not so veiled threats to the Democratic party regards their party loyalty if a white person is chosen ahead of Harris.

I hate that position. I think the other 75 million people who align with the Democratic party deserve to have a much more inclusive say about who they think the "best winning chance" candidate should be.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Posted (edited)

Open convention, Newsome, Corey Booker or Hakeem Jeffries as VP?  Biden throws his delegates to them.  Too simple?  I think such a team would beat trump. 

Edited by Ron Bulman
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Biden himself keeps cluelessly bolstering the legitimacy of his "please leave"' detractors.

He jokingly admits that he isn't as sharp as he used to be. He says he needs more sleep. He complains that his 10 day world travel agenda trip ending one week before the debate took so much out of him it negatively affected his energy levels.

Okay...how about a President that can handle that typical high energy requirement task?

Biden dismisses his unprecedented feeble-minded looking and sounding disaster in the debate as simply..." a bad night."

A bad night? 

The most important massive national audience event in the campaign - blown? You had one chance to show the American people your vigor viability...and instead you shook them with the opposite... and you can't get it back!

When asked by George Stephanopoulos ( again with a huge national audience ) if he has the stamina to handle another 4 year term...Biden skirted answering the question directly and instead went on and on about his accomplishments that last 4 years. Did he even understand the question?

The question was - could he assure America he is totally fit to perform the demanding duties of a President "for the next 4 years?"

Biden's admission that his 10 day foreign nation trek took too much out of him is a starkly sad revealing he is not up to par for all his duties ... even now!

Biden's family and most ardent loyalists came right out and said Biden's full cognitive energy time is between 10 to 4:PM...or 11: AM to 5:PM?

By 8:PM Biden's ready for bed?  Done for the day? Don't ask him questions after the late afternoon?

How could they be so clueless about the national consciousness impact of such a powerfully negative diminished capacity admission like that?

Is it too much to ask and expect a President to be sharp-minded for more than 6 hours a day?

When Biden ran in 2020 there were millions of Democratic party voters ( like me ) that felt he was too old for the office even back then. But, with a choice between a 78 year old Biden versus a 3 year younger psychopath...the choice was easy.

Biden tried to present a youthful vigor in 2020 by riding his bike a few times with lots of press coverage. Until he fell off of it and injured himself. Now, 4 years later there is no way they are going to put Biden on a two-wheeled bicycle. His physical decline is that progressed.  Heck, he can barely "walk" straight and steady for more than a short distance

Biden's facial, hand, arm and entire body movements are so slow now compared to even 4 years ago. They were slow then!

Love Biden. Voted for him. But it is screamingly obvious he can't make it even another year at the decline rate he is exhibiting. He isn't making it through the last 6 months of his campaign!

Harris people are so aggressively pushing her to be the candidate they are even making not so veiled threats to the Democratic party regards their party loyalty if a white person is chosen ahead of Harris. I hate that position. I think the other 75 million people who align with the Democratic party should have a much more inclusive say about who they think the "best winning chance" candidate should be.

I'm with you Joe. This is my post on the water cooler, 11th post.


Bill , yeah that Hey Joe guy is smoking hot!

So in the French election, is that the way it finished? The right wing actually finished third? and the Leftist Green first?  How long has it been since they were in power?


I'm actually starting to get enthusiastic about the picking  a new candidate, (hopefully it's not just a rubber stamp Harris)and giving way to a new generation. Is it too much to hope that the Dems could get all the deadwood feelings out of the way and align in a sense of common purpose?

My experience is if they can screw it up they will. But could it be different this time?

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Posted (edited)
On 7/3/2024 at 2:37 AM, Mike Aitken said:

As attorney general of California, Harris opposed the appeal by Sirhan Sirhan for parole, so I wouldn’t imagine it would be any different with the JFKA records.




On February 1, 2012, California Attorney General Kamala Harris officially recommended that the latest appeal of Sirhan Sirhan, convicted in the 1968 murder of Senator Robert Kennedy, should be denied.”


Thanks for your collegial and on-topic comment.

One might wonder if any presidential candidate can get through the usual party filters and not be a Deep State apparatchik. 

Harris' Senate committee assignment included a seat on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Gee, how did freshman Senator Harris end up on that committee? 

Biden, of course, had a long record of cooperation with the intel state, and there may be a ton of compromising info on Biden to keep him on the intel-leash. Burisma, and $5 million from the CCP into the Biden family coffers, for starters. And that is only starters. 

What is clear is that as soon as Biden became President, and Harris the veep, then AG Merrick Garland began working on the expansive, detailed, epic, and utterly cynical legal chicanery to perp a permanent snuff job on the JFK Records. 

The Garland Justice Department must have spent thousands of lawyer-hours devising this disreputable scheme and legal fiction, including the Orwellian "Transparency Board"---an entirely new creation from whole cloth---all to thwart law and Congressional intent, and to keep the public from seeing the JFK Records. 

And not only that! Now the Biden-Garland Justice Department is spending more thousands of lawyer-hours (and, copiously, your tax dollars) to try to defeat earnest public-interest lawyers in court, including the Mary Ferrell Foundation legal team, who want the JFK Records Act laws to be complied with. 

It sure looks like Biden, Harris and Garland are deep-state apparatchiks. But, hey, each to his own.  

And as for the GOP? They have been mute all along too. 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Bill , yeah that Hey Joe guy is smoking hot!

So in the French election, is that the way it finished? The right wing actually finished third? and the Leftist Green first?  How long has it been since they were in power?

Kirk - Almost every video Joscho Stephan has on YouTube is amazing.  If you liked that check him out.  He plays a lot of Django, jazz and some pop covers - did a Beatles album project during Covid.  Personally,  I'm a huge Quintette of the  Hot Club of France fan - Django & Grappelli - and groups that play in that style.

France -  yes the left-green alliance won the most seats, centrists (Macron's party) finished second and the far right Le Pen's RN 3rd.  

François Hollande, a Socialist, was President of France from 2012 to 2017.  He won his race for a seat in the French Parliament yesterday.



Edited by Bill Fite
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18 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Love Biden. Voted for him. But it is screamingly obvious he can't make it even another year at the decline rate he is exhibiting. He isn't making it through the last 6 months of his campaign!


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On 7/7/2024 at 7:02 PM, W. Niederhut said:


    Stansfield Turner was a U.S. admiral and President of the U.S. Naval War College before Carter appointed him CIA Director.

    I wondered if he was given a family name as a first name.


Oh, I see your point now.

As a matter of fact, my dad went by the name Rey L. (not just Rey) and if you asked him what the L stood for he'd say that he'd been told it stood for Ludlow, which was his mother's maiden name!

So I shouldn't have been surprised by your question.

Anyway, it certainly is possible Stansfield Turner and I are related through a Stansfield ancestor. But if so, I am not aware of it.


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On 7/6/2024 at 8:20 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Hey Joe.  I remember you talking about abandoning the forum several years ago, I encouraged you to stay.  Glad I did, you have progressed tremendously as a member.

I hope your surgery goes well and you have a quick full recovery.  Drawings such as yours of JFK, Jackie and RFK would be a treat.  

I think I've posted this before in relation to your SF/Monterey location.  No way intended as about your apparently loving and dedicated wife.  Get well soon.


My own version of "Hey Joe."

Hey Joe
Where you going with that pencil in your hand?
Hey Joe
I said, where you going with that pencil in your hand?
I'm going down to sketch my old lady
You know, I caught her messin around with my left over Chinese take-out food
I'm going down to sketch my old lady
You know, I caught her messin around with my left over food.
And that ain't too good - kind of rude
Hey Joe
I heard you sketched your woman messin with your left over Chinese take out food
And that ain't cool dude.  now
Hey Joe
I heard you sketched your woman.
Messin with your left over food ... dude.
Yes I did, I sketched her
You know, I caught her messin around with my left over food.
Yes I did, I sketched her
You know, I caught my old lady messin around
And I sketched her!
Hey Joe (said now)
Where you going to run to now?
Where you going to run to?
Hey Joe (I said)
Where you going to run to now?
Where you, where you going to go?
Well, dig it
I'm going way down south
Way down to Mexican take out taco food land. 
And nobody messin with my left over food.
I'm going way down south
Way down where I can be free to eat and sketch ... anything I please
You better believe it right now
I got to go now
Hey Joe
You better run on down
Goodbye everybody, ow!
Hey Joe, uh
Run on down - sketch on down...dude.
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On 7/7/2024 at 12:47 PM, Cliff Varnell said:

Joe's gotta go.

Or not.  Bernie and AOC back Biden.  Joe ain't leaving.  We all best get used to it!

Wtf do I know.  I haven't handicapped a winner since the 2022 NBA Finals...

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