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The Discoveries of Jim Garrison

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Its always good to step back and try and cast an unjaundiced eye at the evidence.  

Especially after people who don't have knowledge or perspective on the JFK case--but do have a full out agenda--try and apply it to areas they know little or nothing about.

Since I was one of the few, if only, people who ever had Garrison's extant files in his possession, and actually catalogued them, let us take a look at some of the important points that the critical community owes to him.  To do so, we must recall where we were is 1966-67 when Garrison began.  The destruction of the Warren Report was in order, but no one had as yet put together evidence about how the crime actually took place.  Garrison was the first public official who actually investigated the crime.  And contrary to some who know little or nothing about him, he did send investigators to Dallas and he himself went there.


1. JIm Garrison was the first person to discover that Oswald was in the CAP with David Ferrie, and this leads to an exposure of who Ferrie was and how influential he was over Oswald.  This was a key discovery in rolling back the false portrait of Oswald in the Warren Report.

2. Jim Garrison discovered Ferrie's odd trip to Texas, where he said he was going goose hunting and ice skating--exposed later as pure BS.  And this was the evening of the assassination.

3. Jim Garrison was the first to understand that Ferrie was in a panic for a week after the assassination since he was very worried that someone would discover either his library card among Oswald's belongings, or a photo of him in the CAP with Oswald.  Ferrie actually called former CAP members to monitor this information. This is called "consciousness of guilt". But  the photo did not surface until 30 years later.

4.  JIm Garrison was the first to discover that Clay Shaw, David Ferrie and Oswald had visited the two villages of Jackson and Clinton to the north of New Orleans in the late summer of 1963 after Oswald had done his anti FPCC campaign in New Orleans.  This was an extraordinary piece of information for too many reasons to be mentioned here.

5. JIm Garrison was the first to discover that someone was laying a trail of an Oswald impostor going through north Louisiana in the fall of 1963 doing unforgettable things like walking out of saloons without paying a bill and arguing with other patrons before he had.

6. JIm Garrison was the first person to discover the mysterious life and death of Rose Cheramie and how it fit together Jack Ruby, Lee Oswald, Sergio Arcacha Smith and Emilio Santana.

7. Jim Garrison was the first person who discovered that Ferrie had a map of Dealey Plaza in his office drawer.

8. Jim Garrison was the first person who discovered that Lee Oswald was not a communist but was most likely a CIA agent provocateur. One of the keys to exploding the Warren Report.

9.  Jim Garrison was the first person who understood that one reason Kennedy was killed was because of his impending plan to withdraw from Vietnam. This was 23 years before the film JFK.

10. Jim Garrison was the first person who understood that not only Rose Cheramie had predicted the assassination in advance, but that Gary Underhill also knew what happened right afterwards.

11. In court, Jim Garrison was the first person to expose that the autopsy in the JFK case as deliberately fraudulent, and that the doctors could not do an autopsy because they were interfered with by the surfeit of military brass in the room.

12.  In court, Jim Garrison was the first person to show the Zapruder film in public and then make dupe copies for any interested parties.  This was six years before Geraldo Rivera.

13.  It was Jim Garrison who first exposed just how bad the media was on the JFK case, therefore giving us a hint of what MOCKINGBIRD was all about.

14. It was Jim Garrison who first showed just how suspicious the relationship between Oswald and DeMohrenschidlt was, which would later be exposed by the Baron as his meeting Oswald on the orders of J Walton Moore of the CIA in Dallas.  He would have never done it on his own volition.

15.  It was Jim Garrison who first exposed the role of the Cuban exiles in the JFK case e.g. Sergio Arcacha Smith and Carlos Bringuier.  And how these men knew Oswald for who he really was and were covertly working with him.

16.  It was Jim Garrison who first discovered and talked to the extraordinary witness Richard Case Nagell, who was hired by the Soviets to stop the  assassination of JFK.


I could go on and on and on.  But please note:  not one word about Banister and 544 Camp Street.  Because that was just one pearl on a very long string.  No single  person on this case ever unearthed as much key evidence as Jim Garrison.  No matter how much latter day revisionists want us to forget  about it.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Well, he pointed that out, not really discovered it.


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But he did discover in a legal setting that Marina Oswald had been advised by the Secret Service to break her relations with Ruth Paine since it would look too much like she was in link with the CIA.  When asked if she got the impression that the SS thought Ruth was associated with the CIA, Marina said yes.

And when Garrison got Ruth before the grand jury, he asked her about the employment of her sister Sylvia Hyde Hoke since he could get no info about her employment from any government sources.  Although he knew she worked for the government.  Ruth denied knowing who her sister worked for even though she spent a week with her at her home in 1963 before picking up Marina in New Orleans.  Not only that, but Ruth mislead Garrison about where her sister actually lived, not just the city, but the state.   In other words, when she visited her, she did not know what state she was in.

This was the first chink in the Paine armor.  Which would not be thoroughly pelted until three decades later, with Barbara LaMonica, Steve Jones and Carol Hewett in Probe.

That is how far ahead of the times he was.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Jim - about point 11 in your first post, what do you make of military brass controlling the autopsy?

on point 7 and earlier. - why would Ferrie have a map of Dealey Plaza, and why did he fly to Texas?

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1.)  In my view, the military brass controlled the autopsy because if a real autopsy would have been done, it would have showed that the back bullet did not penetrate the body and therefore would not connect with the slit in the throat.  Which was demonstrated by the fact they could not get the malleable probes to pass through the body.

And that relates to the reason the brain was not weighed that night, since it would have shown much too much brain damage for one perforating bullet.  And that is the same reason that the brain was not sectioned.  And its the same reason that under oath, Stringer said he did not take the pictures of the brain.  And he explained very carefully why: he never used Ansco film, and he never used press pack technique.  These techniques were easily detectable on the pics that Jeremy Gunn showed him.

2.) in my opinion, Ferrie had a diagram of Dealey Plaza for the same reason that Sergio Arcacha Smith had a schematic of the sewer system under Dealey Plaza in his apartment in Dallas.  They were planning an assassination attempt on Kennedy.  Whether that attempt actually went through is something we will never know of course.  For the simple reason that the FBI deliberately covered up for Ferrie after Garrison had him turned over to the Bureau.  Ferrie should have been arrested by the FBI for both perjury and obstruction of justice. Because he lied his head off to the Bureau in his affidavit.  Nothing shows how little Hoover was interested in the JFK case than that.

 Well, maybe going to the race track that Saturday does.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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1.)  This is why the Secret Service physically prevented an autopsy from happening in Dallas (emphasis on the physical, with at least a gun drawn if I remember right).

2.)  I've read quite a bit of incriminating stuff on Ferrie over the years but not about the diagram of Dealy Plaza.  Measuring the distance of shells ejected from a rifle, so a spotter would know where to look to pick them up.  He's such a deep subject.  The diagram is a big nail in the coffin regarding his involvement in preparations whether for the actual assassination or in providing the patsy.

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See pages 215-16 of Destiny Betrayed, Second Edition for the diagram of Dealey Plaza..

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He probably felt that the FBI would be effective in protecting him.

And they tried, boy they tried.


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16 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

...Since I was one of the few, if only, people who ever had Garrison's extant files in his possession, and actually catalogued them, let us take a look at some of the important points that the critical community owes to him...

 No single  person on this case ever unearthed as much key evidence as Jim Garrison.  No matter how much latter day revisionists want us to forget  about it.


Jeff Caufield also claims to have had full access to all of Garrison's files.

And while Jim Garrison surely discovered far more data on New Orleans than anybody else -- he did discovered little about Dallas -- the actual site of the JFK murder.  We're still waiting on that data after more than a half-century.

To get New Orleans DA Jim Garrison's bird's eye view of New Orleans translated to Dallas, we would need a book by Dallas DA Henry Wade -- or the equivalent. 

--Paul Trejo

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13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

1.)  In my view, the military brass controlled the autopsy because if a real autopsy would have been done, it would have showed that the back bullet did not penetrate the body and therefore would not connect with the slit in the throat.  Which was demonstrated by the fact they could not get the malleable probes to pass through the body.

And that relates to the reason the brain was not weighed that night, since it would have shown much too much brain damage for one perforating bullet.  And that is the same reason that the brain was not sectioned.  And its the same reason that under oath, Stringer said he did not take the pictures of the brain.  And he explained very carefully why: he never used Ansco film, and he never used press pack technique.  These techniques were easily detectable on the pics that Jeremy Gunn showed him.

2.) in my opinion, Ferrie had a diagram of Dealey Plaza for the same reason that Sergio Arcacha Smith had a schematic of the sewer system under Dealey Plaza in his apartment in Dallas.  They were planning an assassination attempt on Kennedy.  Whether that attempt actually went through is something we will never know of course.  For the simple reason that the FBI deliberately covered up for Ferrie after Garrison had him turned over to the Bureau.  Ferrie should have been arrested by the FBI for both perjury and obstruction of justice. Because he lied his head off to the Bureau in his affidavit.  Nothing shows how little Hoover was interested in the JFK case than that.

 Well, maybe going to the race track that Saturday does.



I went back through Destiny Betrayed on the Houston trip. We have Ferries lies about why the trip was made, but I have not seen a theory as to the real reason for the trip.

Do either yourself or any other member offer a theory as to why the trip was made?

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Jim - Thanks for this thread and your expertise.

my question about the generals controlling the autopsy was really meant to open up the conversation as to how many people were involved in an extreme coverup so quickly after the assassination, and how the military became part of that. I understand that the assassination and the coverup are two different things, but I'm not of the opinion that they are entirely separate. I think they overlap. I think at this point that the military intelligence units in Dallas and the DPD, especially the intelligence department of the DPD, have so many members in common they should be looked at together. It is my understanding that they shared the COG bunker. It also seems likely to me that the source for the false height and weight description of Oswald put out on DPD wires originates from this group(s). I find it astounding how quickly the coverup coalesced.

I am also curious as to your opinion about Ferrie's flight.

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3 hours ago, Ty Carpenter said:


I went back through Destiny Betrayed on the Houston trip. We have Ferries lies about why the trip was made, but I have not seen a theory as to the real reason for the trip.

Do either yourself or any other member offer a theory as to why the trip was made?

To pilot a planeload of conspirators to Mexico or Central America has been a popular supposition.

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