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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. I agree Chris, which is why I did it 2 ways on page 1... first aligned to the right ear, and below that aligned to the left eye, the 2 color one... the left eye overlay is almost impossible to differentiate front from back Oswald... but look at the rest of the overlay... mouth, nose and eyes do not align at all, and the size/shape of the head is different (and the body skeleton's are different as to how their shoulders fall...) Just for added backup, go to CE1961 and 1962... 1961 is where Oswald was throughout his military service, 1962 is ALLEN FELDE telling a much different story and why ELY found so many conflicts in his Military bio... And then the FBI goes out and finds the wrong FELDE (below) They go find ROBERT ALLEN FELDE when the man's name was ALLEN R FELDE... the NOTE in the report even admits they have the wrong FELDE... Good ole FBI . When they do finally find FELDE in JUNE 1964, we get CE1962 above.
  2. Me too for that matter... How would/could you confirm that was Westbrook in any case Bill? What would be a reasonable proof?
  3. Hope it was not "Passport to Assassination".... not a lot of truth offered in that book
  4. I didn't look at the name written on his underwear... . What kind of confirmation would you like ? Other than the obvious set of circumstances placing him in Vietnam at the time, the two images of the man look the same to me... and everywhere I have found reference to this image it has been understood and accepted THAT is Westbrook... best I can do right now . Slightly older version of him
  5. Yes Greg it is... this forum simply has no place for the work of Myers, Posner, Mack or Bugliosi... and for you to honestly support the work of dishonest men in an attempt to make factual points is just a shame. Myers kept the deception he fostered upon the community and whoever else reading his drek for as long as possible... he's been exposed for the charlatan he is. I have no doubt you have a photo of the man hanging on your wall next to Bugliosi... and Gary Mack. You want to accept 3rd hand stories as fact, fine... then don't bother challenging anything I post with 1st hand corroborated evidence K?
  6. If you missed it on the first page... this is indeed Jenner and Rankin discussing the wholesale alteration and/or omission of facts related to the biography of Oswald because there are so many men who were with Lee in different places and different settings that is became absurd for Ely to continue. Check out CE1961 and 1962... the list of places Oswald supposedly was in the marines, and Allen Felde reporting where he was with Oswald... They don't match... which leads us back to ELY and Jenner and Rankin.
  7. Pretty sure it's Lee, Mark. I have thousands of images of the man in my files, many are simply not available on the internet as they were never scanned from the archives ... Armstrong and Malcolm Blunt spent weeks there together every year for many, many years... thanks to Bart we have much more of Blunt's collection digitized.. And thanks to the old Baylor site and John himself, I was able to acquire many of them ... Also been thru the Weisberg directories... and I've still only scratched the surface... as well as thousands and thousands of files from the '17, '18 and '22 releases... Many repeat of course yet I still have over 62,000 lines in my spreadsheet of links to docs from these releases. Lance, all the early photos are of Lee except for the bottom left... and as I've mentioned... there is much much more than just photos to illustrate they were different men... Airplane mechanics do not suddenly become air traffic controllers on a CIA controlled base where the U2 was kept. btw - we also have the comparison of his marine dental records and the exhumation teeth which simply do not match at all... these are the top teeth, the marine records, the exhumation record and the bottom teeth.. Teeth 1, 16, 17 and 32 (wisdom teeth) were gone on LEE in the marines... they were there in 1981... Tooth #30 appears to be some sort of dental work... Sandy Larsen did a great write up here you can find... and below you can see how there also Lee's mother and the woman how was with Harvey.. Lee's mother never wore glasses and never was a nurse... The Marge with Harvey was a very strange bird indeed.... FWIW .
  8. I believe it came off an auction site... but I will dig a little and see if I can pinpoint where I found it Too many files and my naming convention is not helping me find it... More than likely it was scanned at the archives and was in one of Armstrong's notebook which are no longer easy to search at Baylor. When I talk to John again, I will ask... I'm usually very good at naming files so I can find them later as well as where they came from, usually in the file name... but no such luck yet... sorry DJ
  9. Agreed Jean... If it was just image comparison to present my case, it would be difficult... luckily there are many, many other aspects to the existence of these 2 men to call upon... and like most any area of this case, it take time and some dedication to work thru all the data. How does a trained Mechanic go overseas to a U2 airbase and become an air traffic controller? How is the man both in the Philippines on guard duty and on his ship getting medical treatment at the same moment? Why do we have Provo Marshal GORSKY claiming that his Oswald left the Marines in March 1959 and his records sent to DC? How do we have one Oswald on a boat to Europe while another one takes a plane? Again, tip of the iceberg stuff... I mentioned JOHN ELY, Jenner and Rankin earlier... Amazing what he found out, and more amazing what the lead lawyers wanted to do about it. This stuff has Angleton/Phillips/Hunt all over it as the CIA had a much better working situation with the military than the FBI. Same budget basically. All the FBI did was manufacture the evidentiary cover-up. at least how I see it after 25+ years at this. DJ
  10. Pic says this repeatedly when shown images from LIFE magazine... He gets it right each and every time... His testimony with the exhibits nearby helps alot... Robert on the other hand could almost pass for Harvey... and might have. Their writing is very similar as well
  11. You make a great point - being a runner will indeed change your physique. whether it changes your skeletal structure from sloped shoulders to not, I doubt it. Point blank Lance.... Do you see these as the same man side by side? Inset on left in uniform same as man in uniform on right? btw - the image at the bottom left of your collage is HARVEY at Beauregard Jr High 1954
  12. Where do you get all this stuff Gerry? The Russians claimed they drugged him? Never heard that before... please cite a source or 3... Thx
  13. That's the point Gerry... it is not the man Ruby killed... that is the natural born LEE H. OSWALD who hated being called Harvey, was tough as nails, never spoke or read Russian and was an aircraft mechanic in the Marines... not a radar operator as Harvey was in ATSUGI. A man with this designation is not qualified to be a radar operator, a completely different discipline... this is also why Harvey was such a terrible mechanic for any job he took... Harvey focused on photography, Russian, and being very secretive until he needed to create a scene and be remembered...
  14. I'm sure, yes.... looks to me this boy is even bigger and heavier than the 23 year old Oswald.. Also please notice how LEE's shoulders slope down while Harvey's doesn't.. the same in virtually every photo... the 1959 passport photo is the LAST IMAGE OF LEE we know of... Been over this for many years.... and this is just the tip of the evidentiary record showing 2 Oswald's... Look up John Ely and how Jenner and Rankin need to "correct or omit" much of the work he did on Oswald's bio... DJ
  15. No doubt a mountain of things you we never knew about Oswald, huh Gerry? Thanks for the pithy and insightful response... (kidding like you) Stick around or do a little searching on the site... you can spend weeks reading new things about Oswald and what was done to him by the lovely FBI/CIA/INS/DPD... etc... Any questions or comments about what was presented?
  16. Also.. looking closely... no badgeman, hatman, or arnold gordon But this guy behind the fence is still there.. obviously in front of the foliage and behind the fence and in the same spot Sam Holland went when asked where he say the smoke. .
  17. I knew it was in the later Altgens photo, but I just jumped out at me in Moorman... I did some darkening and contrast to bring it out.. FWIW DJ
  18. For those who do not have a few select posters on ignore this may be a difficult thread... I've gone thru more H&L evidence of their separate existences than most people have gone thru ALL JFK evidence... The vast majority of evidence proves there were 2 men which had been combined into one record... BTAIM, To those interested I offer this, to those not... there are many other threads for you to find which support your views... DVP has his own spot I believe First I colorized and cleared up the supposed "split" image... then I superimposed the passport photo and anchored it to the right ear of the "split"image since this was claimed to be LEE's side of the image... Nothing I can do will make the head sizes match, the facial features are not in the same places... I've included a number of comparisons and an image of a 15 year old LEE most have never seen this is Harvey and this is LEE... Harvey superimposed over Lee A number of people looking like Oswald The 5'4" 115 lbs October 1951 versus 22 months later 4'9" 90 lbs... August 1953 Do children get smaller as they become teenagers? An image of a younger LEE (about 15-16) most people have never seen.. this is the big, leader of boys the students from his schools described... I get the impression due to the hair parted on the wrong side that the B&W was produced reversed.. yet as I look closer the buttons on the B&W shirt are on the correct side of the shirt, so in reality this colorized version I did is reversed.. DJ
  19. So doesn't this prove that they are both in the same place? I'm sorry but I don't understand your point then... "Raised up in the seat" should show JFK much higher than the readjusted downward location of the reenactment head... When are you saying he ROSE UP? And doesn't this simply prove that the reenactment camera was not in the exact Zapruder filming location but slightly higher? one of your gifs on the last page shows it doesn't line up well... The sign is lower while the holes in the wall are higher.. the result of the camera being slightly too high.. near objects appear lower, far ones, higher... ??
  20. Amazing the lengths people will travel to try and discredit Armstrong's work on WESTBROOK and CROY and the crooked cops surrounding them... WESTBROOK (Capt of PERSONNEL): Jacket, HIDELL ID, Arrests Oswald, has a second revolver in his office, appears to be railroading Oswald straight to patsy-land. and CROY tells us he sees Ruby, recognizes him well before Oswald is brought out...and does nothing... Ruby is over by the railing at the bottom of the Main Str Ramp... CROY at Tippit scene: CROY at assigned position CROY AND RUBY (in the hat far right of screen). screen grabs from youtube video of Oswald murder... John and I prove that RUBY did not come down that ramp but instead went thru a side door our man WESTBROOK later say was never checked or even considered a possibility... until the HSCA which concludes that side entrace was the most likely place RUBY entered... FWIW WESTBROOK is a large key to understanding what happens to Oswald... he is then shipped off to Vietnam to work with the CIA after he leaves the DPD... Yes, that's David Morales with the hat. WESTBROOK at far right in dark Tshirt I'd urge curious readers to Google WESTBROOK and see all that we've written about him and discovered about him... The "Captain of Personnel" who fails to even call the Tippits to tell them about what happened... but instead inserts himself at every critical moment of the day... "aint gonna learn what you don't wanna know"
  21. First off... quoting DALE MYERS as a source for anything is simply folly at best.... the man substantially and materially lied about most every aspect of the case to support his own version.... HOLMES SAID TO MYERS? really? --- and it was not even HOLMES himself but his son talking to Myers... solid evidence greg I think you're both missing the point about the WALLETS... the only wallets(billfolds) in DPD evidence are the red one FROM IRVING and a brown one FROM IRVING with a Marine group photo that does not appear in the list of wallet s or their contents... There are no wallets or billfolds in evidence described as the wallet taken from Oswald when arrested. This is the photo which is not listed on any inventory of wallet contents, specifically CLEMMENTS or BOOKOUT CE1991/1990 and CE1986 This is the wallet from "Oswald's home" shown below... Where in evidence is THIS wallet Bill? Greg? The one supposedly containing 16 items including the 3 HIDELL related cards: FPCC New Orleans card signed by "A.J. Hidell" SSS card with his photo and obviously erased and retyped info & the Marines cert of service with wildly wrong dates of service Items taken from this wallet, described as "taken from wallet at Oswald's home" match all the items supposedly taken from the arrest wallet, see below https://texashistory.unt.edu/search/?q=wallet&t=fulltext&fq=untl_collection%3AJFKDP [Items from Wallet, Photograph #9] DESCRIPTION:Evidence photographs of items found in Oswald's home. The items were taken from a wallet. DATE: November 1963 CREATOR: Dallas (Tex.). Police Department. ITEM TYPE: Refine your search to onlyPhotograph PARTNER: Dallas Municipal Archives You will notice below the LEE OSWALD Service card with the correct dates of service... inventoried as found in the arrest wallet, the physical billfold Fritz gives to Hosty on the 27th with the 16 pieces of cards and IDs... CE2003. Which wallet this is is anyone's guess... The wallet in Irving seems to have been swapped for the arrest wallet... with the arrest wallet disappearing completely. Then we have the wallet at the Tippit scene which you claim was CALLOWAY's and that Barrett is a xxxx. No reports on HOLMES, no evidence he was actually there... just Dale Myers and Now let me add another into the mix: The DPD photographed it but never mentioned it as evidence: https://texashistory.unt.edu/search/?q=wallet&t=fulltext&fq=untl_collection%3AJFKDP - this links to the wallet, contents and this image. ALL placed in a wallet found at "Oswald's home"... And then there is the $170 in a wallet in Irving... supposedly left for MARINA.... so I assume they believed it was hers and did not take the cash but only the wallet?.. and then not mention a portion of the contents anywhere? DPD inventory lists shows $13 and 87 cents while the 2 FBI reports of CLEMENTS and BOOKOUT show conflicting content lists... So Greg's deciding what people saw and heard based on Myers 3rd hand account doesn't strike me as very solid, and the changing of the wallet lists, and the physical evidence given and then returned to FBI (same stuff or not we don't know) AND the incontrovertible fact that there is NEVER mention of the arrest wallet and it's contents after the initial reports that there was an arrest wallet Bentley takes out while in the back seat and claims the name is LEE OSWALD... no HIDELL ID was seen or mentioned in that car.
  22. So doesn't that changes how the two vehicles are compared... the limo will always be lower than the reenactment limo and therefore JFK will be lower... or am I missing something obvious here? shouldn't you Lower the re enactment car by 10" (within the frame that is of course) and see how it lines up with the extant limo?
  23. Motivated devil's advocate.... Isn't the reenactment car 10" higher than the limo?
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